The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

181K 7.8K 341

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



2.8K 119 6
By wraithprincess

Two days later Morgan, Mason , Sammy and Myself left we were the last to leave the Cabin the rest of the family left earlier In the day .
The plan was to get back to Charleston later than the family. Once back home I was going to move out of my parents home into their old home at the Jasper they kept it for when any family came in to visit that included the Blackbourne families and The Williams families .

It has been remodeled again updating everything from the electrical to painting and the security systems had been updated again too . Now keep in mind this place has like 8 bedrooms , two huge balconies one in the front of the apartment one in the back that has the hot tub , grill , and table with chairs to eat at its off the Kitchen so easy access and it has access to one of the bathrooms to one of the bedrooms so that you can come in with out getting everything wet.

The drive back was uneventful until we stopped for dinner about an 2 hours out from Charleston .
We had sat down at the table , I had to use the restroom but I wanted to wait for the Waiter to take our drink order first once that was done I left for the bathroom.

I took care of my business and when I was walking back a Guy about 5'8 he was sort of nice looking , Not as good looking as my guys . He grabbed my arm tightly I squealed for one it surprised me and another it hurt
" Hey Let Me go " I said
" Why you are a feisty one " he sneered
" Look I don't know who you are but if you don't let me go in two seconds it's not gonna end well for you " I say as I jerk my arm again trying to get it away
His grip tightened
" Do you think you can do it " he asked stepping closer
" I would do as the Lady Said "
"Yes it would be in your best interests "

The guy turned around to face the voices as I looked past him
A hand was placed on top of his hand it peeled his fingers back off my arm I looked to see who that was
" Papa Raven "
" You should have listened to them when they said to let her go" Papa Raven Growled out as he bent the guys fingers more you heard the snap of the bones
He screamed out in pain
All that did was make Papa smile more
Morgan grabbed the guy by his collar and pulled him gently well not really out the door of the restaurant.

"Papa what are you doing here" I asked
" Getting dinner just like you "
" You followed us didn't you " I asked
" Yes Little Warrior ,  Corey and I stayed behind and waited for you and  the boys to leave we wanted to make sure you had plenty of protection "

" Papa "
" No Papa me Little Warrior  your safety is my greatest concern I will not let anyone hurt you again if I can help it " Papa Said
" I know Papa I know but you have to trust the guys " I said back to him
" I do Little Warrior " he said with a soft smile " But when it comes to my children I will do anything and everything to keep them safe " he added
" I will too Little Warrior" Daddy Corey said as he joined Sammy, Mason and Myself.

" Daddy Corey " I said as I gave him a hug and kiss .
" Little Warrior , you are always causing some type of mischief " He said with a laugh
" That's the Truth " Sammy responded
" I will agree with that " Mason added

" Umph Thanks a lots" I say pouting
" Oh no you don't stick that lip back in " Mason said as he pokes my lip
" No "
" What do you say Jellybean "
" No "
Mason stepped closer to me placing his hands on my hips leaning in
" Don't you defy me Jellybean or you will be punished " he whispered in my ear then kissed my neck
" Hmmm maybe I want to be punished " I replied
He reached around and popped me on the ass then said " I'll be bending you over my knee later"
" Promise " I said back to him against his neck to which it earned me another smack on the ass " Oh you bet I will " Mason said

" Come lets get some food in our belly's " Sammy said while shaking his head that had a smile on it .

As we walked back over to the Table Morgan came back in and We all sat back down at the table , Papa and Daddy sat with us we just pushed another table to ours .
The rest of dinner went well with no interruptions.

We finally arrived at my home first I was already told my clothes were packed and ready for me all I need to do was grab them . I did go in and see my siblings which to be honest I missed them and the chaos they cause . I was only there for about thirty minutes then head to The Guys house to get their stuff then off the Jasper to our temporary home .

Once we arrived there Uncle Kota and Daddy Corey were there to go over the new security system . A half hour later they finished the instructions and the tour of the place .

This place is huge it covers the whole top floor of the apartment building .The Media Room was great it had a projector that dropped from the ceiling when in use for movies the TV would drop down in the cabinet it was siting in when the Projector is in use . The Surround system was awesome . Now the Hot Tub out on the balcony was a eight person one it was a mini pool I swear .

Papa and Daddy left and it was just us five in the apartment now every one was in the room they chose to put away there stuff this was the first time Morgan and Mason were in separate rooms they tend to stay in the same room from What Daddy Corey said it's a twin thing .

I had finished putting things away and headed back into the kitchen to see if it was stocked with food and essentials
Well it was stocked with plates, utensils, glasses , cookware , bakeware pots and pans but little to no food. I texted the guys

Hey you Handsome Men , There is no food in here so I'm going to make a run to the all night grocery store to get some food I'll be back in about an hour

I grabbed my keys and left the apartment.
Taking the elevator down to the parking garage I made a mental check list of food needed along with cleaning supplies.

15 minutes later I was walking through the doors of the grocery store grabbing a cart and off I went .
Grabbing the cleaning supplies first then on to the food .
As I rounded the isle I felt like someone was following me so stopped and acted like I was looking for something on the shelves
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man standing there he had a scowl on his face from what I could tell

" Bambino "
I turned my head fully to see Morgan he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts that were hanging dangerously off his hips and a Tank Top that look too small for him it showed off his toned chest and abs
"Morgan "
" Do you realize you left with out one of us " he asked with that same tone Uncle Owen uses

" Yes "

" Do you think it would have been a good idea to ask one of us to go with you " he asked as he closed the distance between us

" Maybe "

" Harper Jane " He said getting a little more angry

" Yes Morgan Lee "

"  Damn look at that Fine Specimen of a Man " a shrilly voice said from behind Morgan
The voice came closer and I saw the Tall Blonde with a dress that was too tight and boobs that were spilling out of the dress and don't get me started on the makeup she wore it was caked on

" What's Up Morgan Blackbourne " the woman said as she tried to wrap her arm in his
Morgan pulled his arm away from her and gave her an evil look

She just batted her eyes at him

" Carla what do you want " Morgan Asked

Oh Carla , the woman that had been trying to land Morgan , Mason , Sammy , Grey and Jacks for two years now . Yes she has tried to get all of them multiple times

" Oh Morrrgan you know I want you all of you" She said as she ran her fingers down his chest to his shorts

" As much as I am enjoying this , Carla I think you need to take your Slutty Ass self on out the door , Morgan doesn't want any thing to do with you so "

She turned and looked at me giving me a evil look
"Oh It's you Harper Toma , the Little Mouse of Sister of Grey and Jacks Toma , Now why don't you run along while I talk to my man " Carla said with a sneer in her voice and scowl on her face

" Well if it isn't the Charleston Whore Carla" I responded stepping closer to her I grabbed her arm off Morgan twisted and pushed her into the shelves

" I'm only going to say this once Stay the Fuck away from my Boyfriend you understand me or your pretty ugly face will be eating your meals through a fucking straw " I growled at her

" Let me go you little bitch " Carla squirmed and squealed

" Not until you get the fucking point , Morgan , Mason and Sammy are mine all mine as for my brothers they want nothing to do with your whoring ass self so hit the fucking road " I yelled this time gaining the attention of some of the customers

" Let her go Harper " Morgan said with a very angry voice

For a moment I didn't want to listen to him but I then let go and stepped back away from Carla
When Carla turned around

I felt it across my cheek the sting of the palm of her hand

Before I could react to a set of arms came around me I squealed
" Easy Mi Amor Bello "
" Sammy "
" Yes It's me I got you, turn around so I can see your face "

I did turn he lifted up my face to meet his running his finger lightly over where she slapped me inspecting it

While Sammy was inspection the slap I heard
The meanest growl I have ever heard I thought it was Papa Raven but when I looked up it Mason he had ahold of Carla with a death grip

" You ever raise your hand to hit Harper again I will end you " Mason growls " Now take yourself on out of here while you are in one piece " he added

She had the deer in the headlights look and quickly left the isle .

" Harper you have ten minutes to finish every thing then you are to go home with Sammy and be prepared for your punishment for leaving the apartment with out anyone with you " Mason said his eyes held anger in them

" Look I am not use to having a detail following me everywhere I go so excuse me for not checking in with you " I said with a small pout

Grabbing the cart I pushed it away from them I could feel all of their eyes on me I pushed it to the end of the isle and decided that what I had was what I was going to buy I didn't feel like doing this anymore.
I picked a line and stood in it placed my items up on the counter , The Cashier scanned the items once that was done I paid for them and left the store and headed to the apartment

My phone went off with several texts from the guys I didn't even read them I needed time to myself to think .

Arriving back at the apartment I took the groceries up and went in put the items that need to go in the fridge away and the ones in pantry away after that I went to my room and locked the door .

Hearing footsteps come down the hallway then a knock on the door and the handle was jiggled

" Harper "
" Open the door "
" Harper Jane "
" Just go away I don't want to talk to any of you " I tell them

" Harper Jane Toma Open the Damn Door "
" Why should I"
" Because we need to talk "

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