The Villain born from Shatter...

By KainXander

381K 11.8K 4.2K

Months after being rejected by his hero Midoriya was in the depths of depression, but Shigaraki's question wo... More

A Fateful Encounter
The New Midoriya
The Hero Killer
A Villain, a Hero, and a Killer
Everything is Connected
Planned Encounter
Midoriya vs Bakugo
Can't Be Friends
Bakugo's Reflection
Deku's Starting Line
Deeper into Shadows
For a Friend
The Girl in Bandages
To Use and be Used
The Note
Reaching for Midoriya
Those Who Care
Deku's Gamble
What's Yours is Mine
Eri and the League
A Mother's Feelings
Awkward Similarities
The Gentle and The Cruel
A Diary of Villains
The Beast
Not a Tool
Metahuman Liberation Army
The Power of Love
What I Want to Protect
Tag In
The Villainous Victors
Paranormal Liberation Front
A Game of Cards
Hero for a Day
Looking Back
Quirk Secrets
A Deal with Deku
A Moments Peace
Hero strike
Through Her Eyes
Desperate Kids

Stain and the League of Villains

13.4K 378 108
By KainXander

Midoriya was back at the warehouse fighting against another Nomu. The fight against this one had been going on for ten minutes with Midoriya having not been hit once. This Nomu had didn't have eyes, instead, it had black skin and its bottom jaw sticking out. The top half of its head was still nothing but brains.  Each time it attacked, Midoriya would easily dodge and strike his fist into the Nomu. Each strike was hard enough that bones could be heard breaking, but with the Nomus regenerative quirk, it would immediately attack again. Midoriya having just figured out how to beat a regenerative quirk, struck the Nomu's shoulder popping it out.

"The regeneration quirk you have only heals broken or destroyed parts of your body. Your quirk can't replace a shoulder you still have" Midoriya took a few steps back knowing it couldn't understand him. Expecting the Nomu to attack again, Midoriya prepared himself to strike the other shoulder but the Nomu stopped dead in its tracks.

From behind Midoriya, a portal was created with Shigaraki stepping out of it "You're getting better aren't you, come on sensei wants us for something," Shigaraki extends his hand out holding a shopping bag "this is for you, can't have you always wearing your school uniform around here"

 Midoriya steps through the portal with Shigaraki, both appearing in the bar in front of the TV "you're both here, good. I am sending Kurogiri to go receive a guest and I would like you two to meet him" 

"Who is this person?" Midoriya asks curiously. 

"You actually know him, he is the Hero Killer Stain" 

"Sensei, I don't like the idea of someone who has attacked my party member being here" Shigaraki had a slight look of annoyance while Midoriya was a bit surprised, he never actually expected to meet Stain again.

Kurogiri began to appear through another portal while everyone else was distracted and behind him was the Hero Killer. Walking through Stain's eyes fell onto two people, Shigaraki the leader of the Villain's League, and Midoriya who he knew as Deku. 

"So you're the League of Villains' leader, and you're the one who Deku is working with. So what is it you want with me?" Stain's cold eyes glancing between the three people in the room but his gaze mostly focused on Shigaraki.

"The plan is to see if you want to join," Midoriya said, seeing that Shigaraki was still a bit stubborn about asking the Hero Killer to join. Midoriya didn't really want him to join either, but All For One wanted him here, Midoriya would at least try to play the part. 

"That's right" Shigaraki began to speak after hearing Midroiya "You have much more experience as a villain." 

"What are you after?" Stain asked bluntly 

"For now, I just want to kill All Might. I want to break everything I don't like, everything."

"Foolish, I don't understand how anyone would want to follow you. You're acting like a child, throwing a tantrum at something you don't like," The hero Killer began to slowly draw his weapons. His eyes narrowed, focusing on Shigarkai but able to react if Midoriya or Kurogiri attacked. 

"Master is this allowed to continue?" Kurogiri turned to the TV panicking a bit. 

"It's fine, there is no point if we tell him the answer. He should think about where he still needs to mature. Spur on his growth! That is what it means to educate." 

Midoriya glances towards the TV quickly, but when his eyes turn back the Hero Killer already sprung into action. Avoiding Shigarki and striking the distracted Kurogiri, giving his arm a light cut with a knife. A few drops of blood rest on the blade as the Hero Killer licks it, paralyzing Kurogiri. 

"Do not interfere!" Midoriya suddenly froze as he heard All For One shout. He was about to go and back up Shigarki, but with All For One's words, Midoriya slowly sunk back down into the seat and watched.

Shigaraki tried to reach for Stain but was easily dodged, a knife was stabbed into his shoulder, and was tackled to the ground. Stain was atop Shigaraki, a knife in his shoulder with another knife close to his neck. 

"No matter what you want to accomplish you need to have conviction and desire. Those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. That's why it turns out like this," As Stain spoke Midoriya began to feel irritated again. Every time they met, Stain's words kept reminding him of All Might and Bakugo. The memories of being called weak caused him to clench his fist as all Midoriya could do was watch. 

Stain's eyes kept glancing at Midoriya, the murderous gaze he gave off couldn't be ignored. Glancing back down to Shigaraki, Stain continued his rant. "This society has become overgrown with fakes. These fakes are destroying what a Hero should be, and they shall be purged. Villains who wave their power without purpose shall also be purged" Stain's knife closed in on Shigarki's neck, but when it almost touched the hand Shigaraki has on his face, Shigaraki quickly grabbed the knife preventing it from touching the hand.

"Wait a minute, not this hand. I'll kill you." The blade begins to crumble from Shigaraki's quirk "You talk too much, Conviction? I don't have anything as grand as that. If I had to say, yes it would be All Might. I want to destroy this society for worshipping trash like him," Shigaraki started to give Stain a bad feeling, noticing a strong will and untapped potential inside the man-child.

The focus in Shigaraki eyes caused Stain to tense up, he quickly let go of the knife and jumped back as Shigaraki tried to grab him again. The feeling Shigaraki had given off evaporated as the villain acted as he did before, allowing Stain to relax a bit. 

"I just finished healing my last injury, and now I have another one. We don't have a healer in our party, you know," Shigaraki was becoming increasingly irritated with Stain as his hand kept scratching at his neck. 

"So that's who you are?"

"Huh?" Shigaraki stopped scratching his neck, confused by Stain's rhetorical question. 

"It seems our goals oppose each other. However, we agree on one thing, to destroy the present."

"You're irritating me, go home, die. I'm the type of person you hate most right?"

"I was testing your true motives. People show their true colors on the verge of death. There is something similar to a desire inside you, but more importantly, I have a better understanding of why he is with you." Putting away the knife as Stain points to Midoriya who has been glaring at him this entire time, like a dog eager to be let off a leash. "Let me give you some advice, nurture that desire inside you, or you may end up swallowed by his. I am curious to see what becomes of you two, so I won't dispose of you here."

"Kurogiri, I don't want this person as a party member" 

"He could be a great asset if he joins Shigaraki" as he finished speaking Kurogiri suddenly realizes he can move his body again

"He would be toxic to the party instead" Shigaraki complained

"You don't have to worry about it" everyone in the room turns to Midoriya who's still glaring at Stain. "He won't be able to become a party member" 

Stain's eyes narrow, that was a threat and one Stain knew Midoriya would keep. "Take me back to Hosu, there are things I still have to do there." 

"Do it," Shigaraki orders as Kurogiri opens up a portal, Stain quickly goes through, heading back to Hosu. Upon Stain's departure, Shigaraki turns to face the TV. 

"Master how many Nomu have you made?" Upon hearing the question Midoriya turns around paying attention to the conversation.

"I have just finished the sixth, the one that Midoriya used is also repaired." 

"Give them to me." 

"Why?" All For One asked, not for his sake but for Shigaraki's sake.

"Because I don't like the Hero Killer. I can destroy things I don't like, right Sensei?" This wasn't the answer All For One wanted but knew that Shigarkai was still mentally growing.

"Alright, but you may only have three. You should use this as a learning experience."

"Make a portal to Hosu," Shigaraki ordered, turning his attention over to Kurogiri. 

"I'm going with you," Midoriya stated as he quickly threw away the uniform he had been wearing.  Changing into a nice green dress shirt with a black vest, inside the bag was a black tie and black gloves to match. 

"I've already granted Shigaraki the use of three Nomus, there is no need for you to go," All For One originally let Midoriya do as he pleased, allowing the boy to make up his mind of where he belongs. He couldn't stop Midoriya from doing what he wanted because he wouldn't stop Shigaraki, but allowing Midoriya to continue acting on his own could have drastic consequences. 

"I am going," Midoriya announced again he pulled on his gloves. He didn't care what All For One wanted. He listened to All For One when Stain was here, but this time he didn't care. Stain already pissed off Midoriya too much for him to care.

As Kurogiri opened a portal Midoriya and Shigaraki stepped through and appeared behind the Hero Killer. He was on top of a building, slouched over, and overlooking the city.

"Hosu city looks nicer than expected," Shigaraki spoke once he exited the portal.

"Well, what were you expecting?" Midoriya asked sarcastically, unable to hide his disdain for the Hero Killer, unlike Shigaraki.

"Shut up," Turning his attention away from Midoriya and back to Stain "So what are you gonna do?"

"I will reform this city, and in order to do so, I require more victims"

"He kills a set amount of heroes in each city, and since you wanted to come back you haven't killed enough," Midoriya said, enlightening both Shigaraki and Kurogiri. 

"One of you understands, but you're both just kids." 

"Who do you think you're calling a kid?" Shigaraki asks, beginning to scratch his neck again.

"Hero is a title only given to those who have accomplished great deeds!" Stain yelled announcing his grand plan "There are too many, too many fake heroes who only think about themselves! Until the world understands this, I will continue to appear!" Grabbing his sword Stain lept from the rooftop. Midoriya watched as Stain lept away making a mental note of the direction he was headed.

"He talks all high and mighty, but he is basically trying to start a grassroots movement," Shigaraki moved his hand and clenched the wound Stain gave him "He is so noble I could cry" Shigaraki's words were dripping with sarcasm as he spoke.

"It's pointless, even the noblest of heroes could never understand the people they supposedly save. There is no such thing as a true hero," Midoriya announced. He could never forget the day All Might, the greatest hero ever, told Midoriya he was too weak to be a hero.

"You can't make fun of him too much. In reality, all the cities where Stain appeared, the crime rate has fallen. Some people attribute it to the Hero Killer's actions," Kurogiri explained.  Hearing of the Hero Killer's success made the two more irritated as they both wanted nothing more than to be rid of him.

"That's wonderful. The Hero Killer's actions are breeding better heroes!" The sarcasm quickly died out as Shigaraki's irritated voice broke through as he glared at the city "It's too roundabout, we just can't agree on a basic level, and he annoys me. Kurogiri, bring out the Nomu," Kurogiri opens a portal behind them as three Nomu walkout. Midoriya looks at each one, recognizing them as the ones he used as training. 

"You think you can get away with stabbing me? If I want to kill you I will, that's all," Shigaraki couldn't help but laugh and feel proud of himself "It'll be a wild contest. I will crush both your honor and pride," 

"So your plan is to just try to take away attention from the Hero Killer by causing a bigger commotion?" Midoriya asked, feeling this plan was utterly pointless.

"Is that a problem?" Shigaraki shot back, both of them were too irritated to listen to each other. 

"Your the one being roundabout," Midoriya stated before leaping away chasing after the Hero Killer. 

"Midoriya wait!" Kurogiri tried to call out to him but Shigaraki stopped Kurogiri.

"Let him go, this competition just got even more interesting. Let's see which one of us will win!"


"Nomu - Quirk: Multiple"

The obedient tools of the League of Villains. Given quirks by All For One, they obey any command that is given. They have no emotions and attempt to fulfill their orders no matter what. When not given orders they are no different than dolls. 

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