Wishful (*Doctor Who*)

By buttercupmaisie

26.6K 1.2K 47

"Rule number one Marcie tells the truth to everyone. Except the Doctor. And rule number two. The Doctor lies... More

Planet Of The Ood Pt1
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The Doctor's Daughter Pt1
The Doctor's Daughter Pt2
The Unicorn And The Wasp Pt1
The Unicorn And The Wasp Pt2
Silence In The Library Pt1
Silence In The Library Pt2
Forest Of The Dead Pt1
Forest Of The Dead Pt2
The Girl In The Fireplace Pt1
The Girl In The Fireplace Pt2
School Reunion Pt1
School Reunion Pt2
Army Of Ghosts
Marcie (Short)
Marcie (Short)
Donna (Short)
Turn Left Pt1
Turn Left Pt2
The Stolen Earth Pt1
The Stolen Earth Pt2
Journey's End Pt1
Journey's End Pt2
Planet Of The Dead Pt1
Planet Of The Dead Pt2
The End Of Time Pt1
The End Of Time Pt2
The Christmas Invasion Pt1
The Christmas Invasion Pt2
The Time Of The Angels Pt1
The Time Of The Angels Pt2
Flesh And Stone Pt1
Flesh And Stone Pt2
Vampires In Venice Pt1
Vampires In Venice Pt2
Amy's Choice Pt1
Amy's Choice Pt2
The Impossible Astronaut Pt1
The Impossible Astronaut Pt2
Day Of The Moon Pt2
The Doctor's Wife Pt1
The Doctor's Wife Pt2
Let's Kill Hitler
The Big Bang Pt1
The Big Bang pt2
The God Complex
The Angels Take Manhattan
42 Pt1
42 Pt2

Day Of The Moon Pt1

124 12 0
By buttercupmaisie

(*New York*)

I was rushing through a skyscraper that was in the process of being built trying my hardest to get away from Canton because I was covered in tally marks on my arms. I was wearing a long black, flowing evening dress whilst running through a skyscraper under construction.
"I see you. I see you." I mumble as I tally two more Silence on my arm.

"Marcie? Marcie? Go! Go! Go!" I heard Canton drag out my name in a sing song approach. They catch up with me at an open wall.
"Don't move! It's over." He snaps

"They're here, Canton. They're everywhere." I tell him

"I know. America's being invaded."

"You were invaded a long time ago. America is occupied." I say

"You're coming with us, Marcie. There's no way out this time."

"There's always a way out." I smirk as I gently fall backwards out of the skyscraper. I turned my body into a dive motion and plummets through the Tardis' open door where it is parked on the side of the skyscraper. I quickly dried myself off and changed out of the long black dress.

'So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force, and they 'have been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, because no one can remember them.' I heard the Doctor say to everyone else who was already in the room with him.

"So what are they up to?" Canton asked him curiously,

"No idea. But the good news is, we've got a secret weapon." The Doctor smiles as I join River and Amy by the side of the Tardis, the Doctor had injected something into Canton's palm.

"Ow!" He groans

"Ha. So, three months. What have we found out?" The Doctor asked

"Well, they are everywhere. Every state in America. Ahh." Rory got his injection.

"Not just America, the entire world." The Doctor corrects him

"There's a greater concentration here, though." River says as the Doctor injectors her but she doesn't even flinch.

"Ow!" Amy squeals

"Are you okay?" The Doctor asked

"All better." She tells him

"Better?" He questions her

"Turns out I was wrong. I'm not pregnant." She whispers not wanting Rory to hear her conversation.

"What's up?" Rory asked her

"Nothing. Really, nothing. Seriously." Amy shrugs him off.

"So you've seen them, but you don't remember them." Canton says,

"You've seen them too. That night at the warehouse, remember? While you were pretending to hunt us down, we saw hundreds of those things. We still don't know what they look like." I explained

"It's like they edit themselves out of your memory as soon as you look away. The exact second you're not looking at them, you can't remember anything." Rory continues.

"Sometimes you feel a bit sick, though, but not always."

"So that's why you marked your skin."

"Only way we'd know if we'd had an encounter." I told him

"How long have they been here?"

"That's what we've spent the last three months trying to find out." Amy told Canton.

"Not easy, if you can't remember anything you discover." Rory says

"How long do you think?"

"As long as there's been something in the corner of your eye, or creaking in your house, or breathing under your bed, or voices through a wall. They've been running your lives for a very long time now, so keep this straight in your head. We are not fighting an alien invasion, we're leading a revolution. And today, the battle begins." The Doctor finally speaks up as he stops doing something with the Tardis.

"How?" Canton asked him

"Like this." The Doctor quickly injects me.

"Ow!" I frown as I look at my hand,

"(laughs) Nanorecorder. Fuses with the cartilage in your hand. (injects himself) Ow. And it tunes itself directly to the speech centres in your brain. It'll pick up your voice, no matter what. Telepathic connection. So, the moment you see one of the creatures, you activate it, and describe aloud exactly what you're seeing." The Doctor says as I rub my hand in pain,
"Because the moment you break contact, you're going to forget it happened. The light will flash if you've left yourself a message. You keep checking your hand if you've had an encounter. That's the first you'll know about it."

"Why didn't you tell me this before we started?" Canton asked him

"I did, but even information about these creatures erases itself over time. I couldn't refresh it because I couldn't talk to you." Canton looks away then turns back and adjusts the Doctor's bow tie.

"What? What are you staring at?" Canton asked him,

"Look at your hand." River tells him a little dot is flashing.

"Why is it doing that?"

"What does it mean if the light's flashing? What did I just tell you?"

"I haven't-"

"Play it."

'My God, how did it get in here

'Keep eye contact with the creature and, when I say, turn back, and when you do, straighten my bow tie.'

'What? What are you staring at?'

'Look at your hand.' One of the aliens is standing there.

"It's a hologram, extrapolated from the photo on Marcie's phone. Take a good, long look." The Doctor turns off the image.
"You just saw an image of one of the creatures we're fighting. Describe it to me."

"I can't."

"No. Neither can I. You straightened my bow tie because I planted the idea in your head while you were looking at the creature."

"So they could do that to people. You could be doing stuff and not really knowing why you're doing it." Amy asked the Doctor

"Like posthypnotic suggestion." Rory said

"Ruling the world with posthypnotic suggestion?"

"Now then, a little girl in a spacesuit. They got the suit from NASA, but where did they get the girl?" The Doctor asked us all,

"It could be anywhere." River said

"Except they'd probably stay close to that warehouse, because why bother doing anything else? And they'd take her from somewhere that would cause the least amount of attention. But you'll have to find her. I'm off to NASA." The Doctor said as he headed for the Tardis doors.

"Find her? Where do we look?" Canton asked

"Children's homes." The Doctor replied.

(*Greystark Hall Orphanage*)

We made our drive to the only local children's home that we could find, Canton drove Amy and I there to scope the place out. We got out of the car in the pouring rain to see an old and tall building standing in front of us, so we knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Hello?" A man with a thick accent asked us all.

"FBI. You must be Doctor Renfrew. Can we come in?" Canton asked as he flashed his ID

"The children are asleep." Doctor Renfrew said to us all

"We'll be very quiet." I said with a small smile,

"Is there a problem?" He asked

"It's about a missing child." Canton Said

"What are you. Yes, come in, please. This way. Please excuse the writing. It keeps happening. I try to clean it up." Renfrew told us as he opened the door wider for the three of us to enter. On the wall up the staircase are the words Get Out Leave Now in large red letters.

"It's the kids, yeah? They did that." Amy asked as she looked,

"Yes, the children. It must be, yes. Anyway, my office is this way." The man said and frowned a little because he didn't sound so sure about who did the graffiti.

"We nearly didn't come to this place. I understood Graystark Hall was closed in sixty seven." Canton said

"That's the plan, yes." The man said

"The plan?" I asked him

"Not long now."

"It's nineteen sixty nine." I told him

"No, no. We close in sixty seven. That's the plan, yes."

"You misunderstood me, sir. It's nineteen sixty nine now." I said seriously

"Why are you saying that? Of course it isn't." Renfrew laughed nervously

"July." Canton said to him,

"My office is this way. This way."

"We'll check upstairs." Amy said

"Be careful." Canton said to us both. The first dormitory is derelict and deserted, with the walls graffitied with Leave Me Alone and Get Out Now.

While Amy and I were looking around my phone started to ring and I saw Rory's name pop up so I answered.
'Marcie.' I heard the Doctor say,

"I think we've found the place she was taken from." I tell him as I continued to look around

'How do you know?' The Doctor asked me

"Because those things have been here. But the whole place is deserted."  I tell him
"There's just one guy here and I think he's lost it." I continue to say as I look in all the different rooms.

'Repeated memory wipes fry your head eventually. Find out what you can, but don't hang around.' He tells me.

"Where are you?" I asked the Doctor

'Got to go. Got company.' The Doctor says and suddenly the line goes dead and I sigh heavily before putting my phone away. I followed Amy into a room after she called out my room and as soon as I took two steps in the door slams shut behind me. I tried to open it then I see the blinking light in my palm.

'I can see them, but I think they're asleep. Get out. Just get out!' I panic. I rush to the window with Amy and as soon as we try the windows I see in the reflection of ourselves then we see the tally marks in our hands. Then the lightning shows our reflection in the glass. There are tally marks on our faces, too. The aliens are hanging from the ceiling in a cluster, like bats. Amy bumps into a bucket and they start to wake. Then the door opens and when we step out we forget it all. 


Amy and I go further into the bedroom and as I scan the area I see Amy walk over to a chest of draws.
"How? How can that be me?" Amy asked,

"Amy what is it?" I asked her as I turn around, Amy doesn't say anything but she shows me a picture from where she is pictured holding a baby. The astronaut enters.

"Who are you? I don't understand, so just tell me who you are." Amy demands the astronaut raises its gold visor. It is the little girl. There is a crack in the helmet.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shoot you. I'm glad I missed. But you killed the Doctor. Or you're going to kill him. But who are you? Just please tell me, because I don't understand."

"Please help me. Help me. Please." The girl begs just as two aliens enter. Both Amy and I scream loudly as they grab us both.

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