Shaylivia -- One Shots

By PepperoniPlayboi

41.7K 819 208

One shots based on Shayne and Olivia. More

Pain Pong
Eyes (Smut)
The Baker
Movie Night
Pizza Night
Under The Blanket (Slight Smut)
Sleep Talk
Summer Camp
Spin The Bottle
Tables Turned
Wedding V2
Tutor Pt. 2
Tutor Pt. 3
Flying Snow
Pina Colada
Jealous? *Smut*
Eight Months
Spring Break
The Market
The Dog
Busy Day
Night Off
Break Up
Agents Pt. 1
First Day
Set Up
Snowed In
Holiday Spirit
Holiday Spirit (Pt 2)
The Jacket
The Sister
Valentines Day
Tik Tok
Changes Over Time

Tutor Pt. 1

430 9 1
By PepperoniPlayboi

Shayne is failing Spanish class and is in need of help

3rd Person:

"Ay dios mío!" Ms. Alvarez said.

Shayne is scribbling down a few ideas that had just popped into his head when Ms. Alvarez startles him. He has the decency to look apologetic when he notices the disapproving look on her face.

"Lo siento?" Shayne shrugs sheepishly.

The teacher just raises a brow and hands him his graded quiz.

"It seems as though that's the only phrase you know in Spanish Mr. Topp" She says.

Ms. Alvarez takes a peek at the barely legible scrawls in his notebook and Shayne's fingers twitch to close it. With that she walks away, her heels clicking loudly against the floor. Shayne slumps down in his chair as he sees yet another big red F stamped onto his paper, mocking him. And it's not for lack of effort either. He's spent day and night trying to study so he could pass this test. It just wasn't registering with him. He always got the pronunciation, spelling, and accent marks wrong. Also, informal and formal way of saying things always threw him off too. His dad was going to ground him or worse, kill him. Not a minute later the bell rings and Shayne is making his way towards Ms. Alvarez's desk when he bumps into someone causing papers to go flying.

"Oh shh- I'm sorry!" He said hastily trying to pick up the papers.

"It's okay" Says the person he ran into.

Shayne looks up and the first thing he sees is big round glasses. The next thing he sees is a really beautiful girl behind the glasses. She has straight black hair and her eyes were a dark brown like freshly brewed coffee.

"Wow," He blurts out. 

He can't stop staring at her even though he's already handed back her papers.

"Thank you.. um excuse me" She says shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Shit- sorry I'm in your way aren't I? Yeah go ahead! Sorry about dropping your papers and yeah." Shayne rambles on.

He steps aside so the poor girl can leave. Shayne stands there watching her leave and wonders why he's never noticed her before and the fact that he never even got her name. There are more pressing matters  though than pursuing the most gorgeous girl he's ever laid eyes on.

"Ms. Alvarez I need-" He began

"What you need to do is get to your next class Mr. Topp" Ms. Alvarez said.

"Yes but also I need to know how to not fail your class" Shayne said.

"Estudiar"She said.

"I'm going to assume that means study" He guessed.

"Shayne, I've done everything I can to help you. If you'd pay attention in class I'm sure that'd help a lot" Ms. Alvarez said sighing.

It's not that Shayne purposely doesn't pay attention in class it's just that inspiration conveniently strikes whenever he's in Spanish class. He's the type of person that needs to write down his ideas as soon as they come to mind or it'll bug him like something itching at the back of his brain. By the time he's gotten everything out and tunes back into the lesson he's completely lost and left to fend for himself.

"Please, Miss, I need to pass this class." Shayne pleads.

She gives him an unimpressed look and scribbles something down onto a piece of paper. 

"Here, she's a tutor and I'm pretty sure she can even help you." She says handing him the paper with a name written on it.

Olivia Sui, it reads.

"Does she even go to this school?" Shayne asks. 

He's pretty sure he's never even heard of this girl.

"Ay chico, you just ran into her."  Ms. Alvarez says chuckling.

Suddenly Shayne doesn't feel any impending doom for the upcoming Spanish test.

"Thanks!" He says over his shoulder with a big smile as he runs off to class.

Time Skip...

"I need your help."Shayne says.

Damien takes a big bite of his sandwich before he pays Shayne any mind. He holds up his index finger as he chews. Takes a sip of his soda before folding his hands in front of him and giving Shayne his full attention. All Shayne does is stare at him, unimpressed with his antics.

"Yes?" He finally asks.

"Do you know a girl by the name Olivia Sui?" Shayne asks.

"I know her" Damien said.

Shayne looks up to see Courtney setting down her tray and taking off her backpack.

"How?" Shayne asks.

Courtney makes a face at his eagerness. 

"Why do you want to know?" She asks.

"Wait, is she new?" Shayne asks.

He tries to rack his brain for any memory of her before today. He's pretty sure he would never forget a face like hers.

"Well if you count transferring here two years ago new then yeah she's new, why the sudden interest?" Courtney snarks.

"It's for Spanish, my teacher says she can tutor me." Shayne says.

"Uh huh, now tell us the real reason." Damien said staring at Shayne.

"I'm serious!" Shayne said.

Damien and Courtney give each other a knowing look.

"I- okay that's not the only reason but it's seriously why I need to get in contact with her." Shayne says.

"She's in my AP Us history class." Courtney relents. 

"But Shayne you have to be careful with her. She's really shy and quiet." She says.

"What's that supposed to mean? I just need her to help me with Spanish" Shayne asked.

"Yeah and you probably wanna help her with some extracurricular activities" Damien says chuckling.

"I just mean you can't be so excited to offer your friendship..." Courtney says.

"Guys c'mon! I'm not that bad!" Shayne says.

"Promise me you'll go easy on her? She's not the most social butterfly" Courtney asks.

"I'll keep my cool" Shayne says.

He knows she means well but it's not like he's gonna ask Olivia out the second she looks his way. It bothers him that his friends think so little of him. Either way something tells him this girl is going to become very important to him. Whether it be because she saves his ass in Spanish or another reason. Anything could happen.

"She spends most of her time in the library" Courtney says smiling.

"You're the best!" Shayne exclaims.

He starts gathering up his stuff, shoving things into his backpack carelessly. He later finds her tucked into a corner looking very immersed into whatever book she's reading. He pauses before approaching her, wanting to watch her just for a second. He notices the way her face scrunches up like she can't believe she just read that. Every time she flips a page she has to throw her hair over her shoulder. She likes to make little notes in the book and gets this satisfied little smile. It all makes his heart beat a little faster and his stomach flutter. Oh wow. Shayne should not be this enamored by someone he's only spoke a couple words to. Deciding that he should stop being a creep and actually talk to her, he makes his way towards Olivia. Not wanting to startle the girl he gently speaks. 

"Hey" Shayne said.

Her head snaps up and her eyes go wide. Her eyes look around the room before they lock on his. Shayne swears he loses his breath right then and there.

"Can I help you?" She says quietly.

"Uh- we have Spanish together" He blurts out.

He hands her the paper that their teacher gave him. She cautiously takes the paper from his hand and stares at it in confusion. It's just a piece of paper with her name on it. It doesn't give any kind of indication as to why he's standing if front of her right now. Frankly, she seems a little annoyed at being interrupted.

"What's this?" She asks.

"Oh! Fuck- shit, I should probably explain myself" He stutters.

He realizes he must look like a complete idiot right now. Her eyes squint in irritation at his loud voice and most likely his excessive use of profanity as well. It causes a blush to spread across his face. He smiles at her apologetically. 

"Sorry, but um we have Spanish together and I'm in desperate need of help, Ms. Alvarez said you were the best person to ask for help" Shayne says.

Olivia sits up straighter now, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Probably a nervous tick of hers, he notes.

"You want me to help you with Spanish?" She asks unsure.

"Please! I'll do anything." Shayne begs sitting down on the chair across from her. 

He watches as she closes her book and starts gathering up her materials. For a second he thinks she might actually just get up and walk away. Shayne sits there helplessly as she gently packs up her stuff. Her side profile is so beautiful he's not even offended that she's going to ignore him just sad that she doesn't seem to want to give him the time of day. But then she's folding her hands on the table and finally looks at him but not in his eyes. 

"I'll help you" She says.

Shayne feels relief flooding through him. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He says excitedly.

He tries his best to keep his voice down but he's so excited It's taking everything in him not to get up and hug her right now. Before he can do anything dumb like touch her hand, she's reaching into her bag and pulling out a piece of paper. She sets it down on the table and slides it over to him. It's his quiz he got back earlier back in class. Shayne feels his face go hot with embarrassment. He wasn't lying when he said he needed help but he also doesn't want her to think he's a complete idiot. For some reason Shayne cares a lot about her opinion of him, which is a little concerning considering he doesn't know anything about the girl.

"I think you accidentally gave this to me when we bumped into each other in class" Olivia says. 

"I can help you. I just need to know you'll take this seriously." She explains pushing up her glasses with her index finger. 

"Oh yeah, of course I will! My dad will ground me for life if I don't get this grade up" Shayne says nodding.

"What's your schedule like?" Olivia says smiling.

"Hmm" He ponders.

"Well, I have football practice most days and weekends I sometimes work with my dad so-" He says.

"I hope you don't think I'm just going to do the work for you, I can assure you right now that won't happen, Shayne, you have to put in the work." She frowns.

"No! That's not- I wasn't- I'm free on Sunday, the whole day dedicated to you" He smiles charmingly.

He hopes she won't actually change her mind because he can't seem to get himself together. 

"That's if you can on Sunday's" He adds quickly.

"Sunday works, where should we meet? Library?" Olivia says blushing.

"Is my house okay?" He asks.

He hopes he's not pushing it. Olivia seems hesitant at first as she chews on her bottom lip. She tucks another strand of hair behind her ear.

"I think we've figured out I can't be quiet" He jokes.

"I'll be over at noon." She  says quickly gathering her things. 

"See you Sunday," Olivia says politely.

She walks away with her books held tightly against her chest and her head down. For Shayne, Sunday can't come soon enough.

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