
By WinterFantasies

1.1M 41.6K 23K

[COMPLETED] [Warning: Strong language used throughout the book.] He put his hand over my notebook and the oth... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
The End
Thank you!
My New Book and Final Goodbye


37.9K 1.6K 531
By WinterFantasies

Even when I knew Ryan was coming over, I couldn't find it in me to wake up before noon. Whatever, if it was noon, at least I had an hour to get ready. I yawned and sat up. As usual, I stretched my arms over my head and groaned.

"So I came half an hour late, and you just woke up?" My head snapped to look up to see Ryan standing by my door frame, arms crossed with a complacent smirk. I rubbed my eyes. Okay, it obviously wasn't noon.

"Go away, I'm tired," I told him. Ryan gave a short, half-suppressed laugh and shook his head.

"Yeah, no, it's one-thirty. Time to get up, buddy." I rolled off my bed and stood up. I knew Ryan was staring at me, probably because I looked like complete trash, and walked towards my bathroom.

"I'm not your buddy," I mumbled. "Go away and just give me, like, five minutes, okay?" I turned to look at Ryan and saw him nod and walk away. I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. Then, I walked back into my room and put on some clean pants and a shirt. I walked out and went into the living room. Ryan and Chelsea were talking, and I sat on the edge by Ryan.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," Chelsea sarcastically greeted me.

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"Don't get an attitude with me. You're the one who slept 'til one-thirty." I scrunched up my face and stuck my tongue out at her, and she threw a pillow at me. I picked it up and moved my hands toward her like I was going to throw it, but I tightly held on to it. She put her hands up and looked away. I laughed and dropped the pillow on the floor.

Suddenly, Ryan jabbed his fingers into my side. I let out a high pitched yelp and fell on the floor. My face turned a full shade of Embarrassment Red, and I glared at Ryan while he and Chelsea laughed at my misery.

"I didn't know you're ticklish, oh my God," Ryan commented as he laughed hysterically. I couldn't help the smile on my face. It felt like the edges of my lips were magnets being attracted to opposite magnets located by my ears.

"I hate you. I'm not," I insisted.

"Oh, of course not," he responded, the sarcasm basically dripping out of his mouth. He stood up and held his hand towards me. I skeptically looked at it then at him, and he scoffed. I grabbed his hands and was a little surprised at how strong he was. He pulled me up with enough force that I actually moved. I hopped to my feet and heard Chelsea sigh. I looked over at her and dropped Ryan's hand.

"I'm glad you two are friends now," she commented. Her tone was bland and slightly off-putting.

"Don't push it," I found myself defensively replying. Ryan shook his head and sat down, so I sat in the only available space next to him.

"Anyway, let's get this movie started," Ryan said.

"What movie?" Chelsea asked.

"Bucket List," Ryan and I said at the same time. We looked at each other, and I rolled my eyes while he laughed before looking back at Chelsea. She smiled.

"Oh my God, I love that movie," she gushed. Ryan turned back to me.

"How come she's seen it and you haven't?"

"Because he's a stick in the mud," Chelsea chimed before I could speak. The corners of Ryan's lips moved out and upwards, and his lips stretched into a smile, revealing his straight, white teeth. I realized he smiled a lot. Then, I realized I was staring and quickly looked away.

"At least you're seeing it now," Ryan said. I nodded. He opened Netflix on the TV and turned the movie on. Chelsea stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Make popcorn," she said simply and went into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Alex, can I ask you something?" Ryan asked.

"You just did," I said with a smile. He gently nudged my shoulder. "I'm kidding, go ahead."

"Why isn't your dad in any of these pictures?" I tensed up completely and felt my heart crush. I never talked about my dad. "Sorry, was that a bad question? I didn't know." I sighed and shook my head.

"No, it's fine. He, uh, he's dead, and my mom didn't deal with it well, so she hid the pictures of him," I explained, barely even whispering. I didn't want to Chelsea to overhear. Neither of them dealt with his death well at all, and I simply hadn't at all. Part of me still thought he was just deployed overseas, and he'd come soon home. I looked down. I picked at my nails, a habit I had mostly dropped.

"I'm really sorry about that." I shrugged.

"I'm over it." I wasn't.

"When did it happen? Were you little?"

"Over the summer before freshman year." Ryan whistled, and I looked at him. He seemed stunned.

"That's fucking tough, dude." I smiled slightly for just a second and shrugged yet again.

"I guess." I looked down. I never really talked about it, and I definitely hadn't cried over him. I sure as hell wouldn't start.

"Can I ask how?" I was silent. I wasn't sure I could keep myself together and retell the story. My chest and eyes hurt, begging me to break down and tell him all the details. I shook my head and sighed, rubbing my eyes with my hands. There were no tears, just a weird pressure in my eyes like they wanted to produce tears, but I refused to allow it. 

"Course not, sorry," he said wrapped one arm around me and pulled me against him. I felt comforted and warm against Ryan. I felt at ease. I considered telling him. Those thoughts made their leave when I heard the microwave ding as it finished and jumped away from Ryan. I was lucky to have such quick responses because Chelsea walked in a moment later.

 When she came back, Ryan hit play on a new movie. That was how the three of us ended up watching movie after movie all afternoon. We re-watched some we'd already seen before and talked through them or cracked jokes. As it got later, I started to feel tired and yawned.  

"Let's do a horror one this time," Chelsea suggested as she picked the next movie. I leaned on Ryan a little the more tired I felt. He didn't seem to notice, but if he did, he didn't act on it and simply stayed relaxed and watched Chelsea put on a horror movie.

Less than halfway into it, I was bored out of my mind and really, really tired. I hardly slept during the week, so on the weekends, I practically hibernated. My eyelids turned to stone and fell shut. For some reason, I wasn't at all stressed about falling asleep on Ryan. I probably should have been, but when he put his arm around me, I felt calm and content for the first time in a long time.

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