Government Experiment: Soulma...

By Setta_The_Writer

1.5K 85 16

Have you ever imagined your future? Finding the person who will be your first, date, breakup, find a new pers... More

Full Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

113 8 2
By Setta_The_Writer

Connor POV

Dad was on the phone for a good ten minutes, canceling on Uncle Carl then explaining my situation to Stephon, before he put his phone down on the table, and sat in his chair. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his face.

"I think our little conversation will have to wait Champ. We have a sudden change in our plans." Dad told me attempting to smile. "We gotta drive to the lab today. Stephon wants to take a blood sample, and check your vitals. It will take us about an hour to get there, so is there anything you need before we head out?" I shifted in my seat.

"C-can we cut my hair before we leave?" I mumbled as I played with my fingers.

"What was that bud?" Dad questioned and I spoke up.

"I asked if I could, maybe, cut my hair before we go." He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah of course. Do you have a style in mind?" He didn't wait for an answer as he walked into the bathroom to grab hair clippers and a pair of scissors.

"I was thinking that I could try an undercut. Could you do that for me?" I suggested when he walked back into the room. "And can it be long enough on the top so that I can part it to the right?" He nodded and started to cut and slice away the majority of my hair.

When it was finished, Dad told me to pack at least a months' worth of clothes and shower. Sadly, packing was the easier of the two, all I had to do was grab random clothes from out of my closet, but showering was more than a little embarrassing. Technically, it was my first time seeing a naked male body, and even though it was my own, I had a hard time willing myself to reach down and clean my southern regions. Eventually I told myself I was being stupid, it wasn't like I would be cleaning another man's body.

About fifteen minutes later, we were in the car on our way to a government facility. Dad had explained that ever sense him and Mom broke apart, he moved closer to the Blacks home and it would only take about 30 minutes to get to their place, and 45 minutes to get to their laboratory.

To be honest, I was so fucking nervous. Why wouldn't I be; I was being taken to a Government laboratory, isn't the Government like, always the bad people in movies and stuff? What if my dad had been wrong, what if the Blacks were actually evil and wanted to put me into a cage or strap me to a metal table? What if Adam Black was a psychopath and traps me in his house because I'm his soulmate?

"Dad?" I called.

"Yes Connor?" He responded without looking away from the road.

"A-are you sure that we can trust these people?" He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Stop, being paranoid Cee," he said, "They really are good people. I promise they are." With that said, I felt more relaxed, leaned back, and closed my eyes to enjoy the ride. I must have dosed off because the next time I opened my eyes, we were slowly trying to make our way through a crowd of people with signs. All of the signs were saying things like; The government lies, You are NOT helping humanity, and Stop inhumane human experiments. There were so many people just standing there protesting, and they seemed so angry.

As we made our way forward, protesters turned their actions on us, and me being the curious person I am, decided to crack my window just a smidge to see what they were shouting.

"Shame on you! Ya'll are killing people in there!" One person shouted.

"The government doesn't do shit for us, so what are you really doing in there?" Another person screamed.

"You are killing people's husbands and wives and we know it." A man's voice rang through the crowd, "You are taking away chances of happy couples existing." I couldn't help but feel the irony. If anything my dad had told me was true, then they are doing the exact opposite. The Government is literally making people who have a perfect other half, well I guess in my case it would be a perfect two thirds.

I rolled my window up, and Dad drove us out of the protesters and to a giant closed gate.

"Well this is new." He stated, rolling down his window. "They must have added it when these weirdos started showing up." He pointed to the crowd behind us, who had gone back to thrusting their signs and yelling. A small speaker that was attached to a pole in front the of the gate let out a feminine static voice.

"Is there something I could do for you men?" the voice crackled.

"Yes, my name is Milo Laudicina," Dad told the woman, "I am here for an appointment with Doctor Black." There was a sound of paper being scuffled around.

"Normal check-up or special case?" The lady asked. Dad reached over to my side of the car, and opened the glovebox. He pushed a pile of paper to the side and grabbed a black and dark purple badge that had his picture, name, and age on it. Then he turned and showed the camera the badge, the gate slowly opened and let Dad and I through.

"Go right on through sir." The speaker woman said to us as my father drove forward. Dad was right when he said the labs were beautiful, there was a big building sitting at the end of the driveway-like road, which opened into a parking lot; the building looked like it could have been a two-story mansion made up in light grey stone bricks. White bordered, strategically placed windows filled the walls and attic area, and two chimneys sprout from the left side of the building. People were walking around the land and communicating with each other.

As we parked in the parking lot, I looked towards the stone arch of the doorway, and there in front of the dark double doors, stood three people. A man who looked to be about my dad's age with short black hair and a small beard. He wore jeans and a button up shirt that sat underneath a white lab coat. The next person was a woman, who was the same age as the man. She had long brown hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing jeans, but instead of a button up shirt, she wore a floral medical scrub shirt. The last person, bless my pansexual ass, was the hottest dude I have ever seen. He had black hair like the first man, and just the right amount of muscles. His hair was styled as a quiff and he was wearing a simple tee shirt and jeans.

"Dad who are they?" I pointed at the family; I had to know who the he was.

"Huh?" He asked, and then looked to when I was pointing. "Oh, that is the Black's. The Older man is Stephon, the woman is Cleo, and the young man is their son; Adam."

Well fuck me in the ass.

Adam POV

After I finished the call with the Clarke boy, I sent over the chauffer and went to lounge in my room. That did not last long of course because my Mom decided to call me an hour onto my relaxation.

"Adam, sweetie!" Mom said. I could feel the question coming up, "Would you mind coming in today. We want you to meet Milo's little g- oops I mean son."

"Of Course Momma when do you need me to come in?" I asked. "Oh, you should head out now, but come around the back, those protester are causing problems again." She sounded distressed. "I feel like they are getting more aggressive."

"Its fine Momma, I'll be on my way soon." I told her and stood to go look for my shoes.

"Ok baby, love you" She gushed. I sighed. "Mom stop, I'm a grown man." I heard her clear her throat.

"I said I love you, Adam Black" I stiffened, "love you too, Ma."

Damn I am such a Mama's boy.

When I found my shoes and car keys, I headed out to my car. When I got there, I pulled into the back garage, got out of my car, and walked into the back door to go find my parents. I walked through the light tan halls and went to my father's office door, but before I could knock, dad swung opened the door.

"Oh Adam you're here! Good!" He said grabbing my arm as he walks past me. "We have to get to the front entrance; Milo and Connor are here. Diana from the front gate messaged me." I nodded and we made our way to the door where my mother was waiting for us. A car had been pulling into the front lot and we stood in the doorway, waiting for the people that were in the front two seats.

They seemed to have been talking about something before stepping out of the car. The first person to step out of the car was Mr. Laudicina he, of course, waved at my father who waved back. The other person stepped out of the car, and wow. He was very handsome, and could defiantly rival any of my exes with those looks. He had a somewhat feminine body, but I guess that could be expected, if my suspicion was correct and this person is Milo's tans son.

He and Milo walked across the parking lot to us. Father and Milo gave each other a "bro hug", Milo turned to mother and gave her a small hug. After he was done greeting my parents, he nodded and said a small hello, and then turned to the teen next to him.

"Stephon, Cleo, Adam, this is my son, Connor" He told us smiling as he nudged his son forward to greet us. My father immediately patted his back as my mother hugged him. When he reached me, he stuck his hand out.

"I'm Connor" His voice was so light for a man, "And you are?" I looked down at his hand, and before I reached out to take it, I prepared myself for an empty and sad feeling to appear in my gut, but when my skin made contact with his, it wasn't an empty feeling that showed up.

My skin felt like it was lit on fire and I felt warmth all over, but the heat wasn't as intense as I thought it would be, it felt as if something was missing. Though at that time it didn't matter, Connor was my soulmate. Had found my soulmate and I'm sure my father will love the fact that him and his best friend will be father in laws to each other's kids.

"I'm Adam." I said with a kind smile. "It nice to finally meet you."

Nathaniel POV

An hour after the call from the man in my dream, there was a knock on the door. I went and stood at the door and looked through the peaky hole, and on the other side was a kind looking man in a black tuxedo.

"W-who is it?" I called out, and in response, he called back.

"It's your chauffer, sir; I'm here to take you to the Black lab." He sounded real enough, so I opened the door. What could he have done to me that Ma and Pa hadn't already. "Do you have all of your things sir?" He asked me.

"Y-yes, but y-you don't need to call me sir." I told him. "You a-are older than me s-sir." The man chuckled and patted my head.

"Yes, sir, but you are of higher ranking then I am." He said as if that would explain a single fluffing thing. "Now, let's get you to your destination." He walked me over to a black SUV an opened the back door for me. I thanked him then sat back to enjoy the seemingly endless car ride. As the tux guy continued to drive, my mind drifted to the men from my dream. Would I get to meet them? Would they like me? Why did they call me pet names? Was I their pet?

I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud sound of a car door shutting. I looked up to see that tux guy wasn't in the driver's seat, he was walking across the front of the car and made his way to my door. When he opened it, I noticed that we were in some kind of garage. He led me through a door and down a light tan hallway, and he didn't stop until we reached a small waiting room.

"I was told to have you stay here until Mr. or Mrs. Black comes to get you." Tux dude said with a smile. "It's a nice room so you should feel comfortable. There is a bathroom on your right and the T.V. remote should be on the entertainment center." And with that he left.

So I just sat there and waited.

Words: 2,225

Hey guys sorry I didn't update over the weekend. I think that I will mostly be posting Monday-Thursday, and have the weekend to spend time with friends and family.

I really hope you enjoy this story and thank you to The-Lonely-Hunter

You have literally been showing support sense the beginning, and it is people like you that inspire me to keep writing. Thank you so, so, so much!


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