Oh, Just Typical HighSchool W...

By AnnaSaur

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Oh, Just Typical HighSchool WitchCraft♥
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

6 0 0
By AnnaSaur

I was up in my room getting dressed for the party. I only had an hour, so I had to find something good to wear. This was my first high school party, and I was kind of nervous, seeing as how I'm going to be a freshman this year (You know how freshmen are treated.) I decided on some jeans and a thin sweater, with some flats. I did my makeup the usual way: eyeliner and mascara with some lip gloss. I'm the kind of girl that (most) guys don't really like. You know, the kind with respect for her self, and smart (Actually, kind of a nerd.) Most guys, that I know of, are into the skanky cheerleader type. I'm just plain, and I don't really stand out much.

My inner thoughts were interrupted by Jake knocking on the door. He peeked his head in.

"Hey. Party's starting, can you help me with the drinks?"

"Sure," I said, "Just gimme a sec."

I checked myself over in the mirror one last time, and started downstairs to help Jake with drinks. Once we were in the kitchen, Jake turned to me.

"Okay, so I already have the drinks ready, I just needed to chat with you a minute." He said, "There are cheerleaders out there, and they love picking on people who are prettier than them. Pay them no mind."

"I've been paying people no mind my whole life, Jake. It's not a problem." I said.

"It's harder than you think it is, trust me. But, I have a feeling you can handle it. Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone." He said.

I followed him to the back yard where about 5 people were hanging out. Jake wasn't the kind of jock to have a lot of people over at a time, because once before he had a huge party and things got out of hand. Ever since, it's been no more than 15 people maximum.

"Everyone, this is my little sister, Amber." He said.

A cheerleader ran over to us and grabbed Jake around the waist, "Awww, Jakey, your little sister is sooo ca-yooot!" She squealed. She kissed him on the cheek and left lipgloss marks. I already don't like this girl, I thought to myself. She bent over and pinched my cheeks with her really long acryllic nails.

"Whatta cutie you are!" She squealed in my face. I smacked her hand away, and looked up at Jake. "I think I'll go ahead and hang out with Maria and Dakota, now." I said.

"Alright, you want me to drive you?" he asked.

"Nah, I can walk. Great party though." I said as I turned and walked away. No freaking way was I staying and putting up with some little spray tanned cheerleader pinching my cheeks. I'm not a baby!

I walked into the house, where I see Jake's friend Zach peeking through the glass at the front door. I let him in. "Hey, party's in the back yard.", I said.

"Alright, thanks chick." He said, as he found the back door and went through it.

Zach has called me "chick" ever since we were little. He's Jake's long time best friend, since forever.

I walked up to my room and grabbed my bag that had all my beach stuff in it. Dakota, Maria and I were going to the beach before our sleepover. I locked my bedroom door behind me, opened up the window and made my way down the side of the house. I wasn't sneaking out, this was just my strange way of doing things. It added a little excitement to the things that I did.

I met up with Maria and Dakota in the park, along with our gay friend, Chris. My friends are very unique, and I find it weird that all of us can hang out together, and not fight, because of our differences. Maria is the kind of girl that flirts, and she's had a few boyfriends. She's very pretty, and she's student council president. Dakota is more of the rocker type. She's in a band, and she's kind of a rebel. Not too bad of a rebel, but the typical rebel who gets a lot of detention. Chris is actually Dakota's ex boyfriend, but an experience at camp once in third grade converted him. He kind of dates whoever he wants. He doesn't really have a preference. He's the quiet type, like me, who doesn't really socialize. He loves art, and artistic things.

How we all get along, the world may never know...

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