Imagine Us

By tttrippyangel

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✅ ||| Alexandria Delavine is a shy, quiet and reserved young girl who lives a life of complacency and solitud... More

Welcome Introduction
Chapter 1: A Blank Space
Chapter 2: Heaven's Angel
Chapter 3: Million Dollar Baby
Chapter 4: Your Honour
Chapter 6: Livin' Lavish
Chapter 7: My Lucky Unlucky Day
Chapter 8: Bottoms Up
Chapter 9: A Hundred To Zero
Chapter 10: Bloody Hell
Chapter 11: Someone Up There Hates Me
Chapter 12: Bite Me
Chapter 13: Where's The Grim Reaper?
Chapter 14: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 15: Snakes Call Me Sweet Names
Chapter 16: Blood-Lust
Chapter 17: Fake Blood
Chapter 18: Spontaneous Confessions
Chapter 19: Lights Out
Chapter 20: Level Up
Chapter 21: My Peace
Chapter 22: My Sunshine
Chapter 23: True Colours?
Chapter 24: Eye For An Eye
Chapter 25: The Moon And The Stars Is All I Ask For
Chapter 26: Our First Night
Chapter 27: Mean
Chapter 28: The Boy With The Dragon Tattoo
Chapter 29: Rover's Bakery At Summit 3
Chapter 30: Cheap Thrills
Chapter 31: Say It Like You Mean It, Do It Like You Want It
Chapter 32: Playing Dirty
Chapter 33: Living Life A Quarter-Mile At A Time
Chapter 34: Sleeping Beauty and The Beast
Chapter 35: Bitch Is Karma
Chapter 36: Claustrophobia, Round 2
Chapter 37: 21 Questions
Chapter 38: Skin On Skin Sleepover
Chapter 39: Do What Your Heart Tells You, They Say
Chapter 40: Truth Or Lie?
Chapter 41: Stay With Me
Chapter 42: The Corleone Crew
Author's Note
Chapter 43: Girls Just Wanna Have Booze
Chapter 44: You Can't Fight The Booze, Baby Sister
Chapter 45: About Last Night...
Chapter 46: High Off You
Chapter 47: I've Made Up My Mind
Chapter 48: Parting Ways
Chapter 49: Here's To A New Beginning
Chapter 50: Bonnie And Clyde Without The Clyde
Author's Note
Chapter 51: A Sucker For The Dark
Author's Note

Chapter 5: A Whole New World

96 14 5
By tttrippyangel

"Let me just get that folder up the top there." He reached for a large, black folder which sat at the top of a shelf. He was clearly struggling to retrieve it. His short, stubbiness was proving to be of no benefit at this very moment. 

Just then, Martha walks in with a steaming cup of coffee. She places it on Ian's desk and she just stares at him in amusement - prancing about to retrieve the folder. She walks up beside him and picks it up effortlessly. Ian is startled by this act.

Girl power.

Ian thanks her as she leaves.

He adjusts his crooked glasses and wipes the sweat off his face with a handkerchief.

"This baby right here, contains documents of monthly updates of all Marcus' properties in regards to their market value and all that. As I've said before, they're all doing quite well as he always had an eye for the good market trends and hotspots for investing. Now I'm talking penthouses in New York City, Shanghai, Tokyo, London, Sydney, Los Angeles, Chicago, you name it!"

He emphasised on the last bit, slamming on the table and startling me. 

"So how many exactly?"

"Twenty, worth thirty-five million dollars in total. Your father was the playboy of the market,       the shark of estates, the aristocrat of the decade." He scoffed. "He knew exactly what was his money's worth." Half was news to me. Half was not. I was never close to Marcus even though he's been married to my mother for four years and they dated for three before that. He'd always be away for months at a time for business trips and vacations. Most of the time he brought my mother along with him. Even though my parents would give me any materialistic thing I wanted they'd rarely ask me to accompany them. Sometimes, they'd ask me but I'd turn down. I'm devoted to my homeschooling. I wasn't even spoilt. I always just did my own things at home and would be happy with whatever latest Chanel handbag my mother brought me from Paris or the most expensive custom Gucci shoes Marcus gifted me and what not. I've never even been to another country. Ian was flicking through the folder which contained gorgeous pictures of my stepfather's estates. "Unfortunately, Alexa, as soon as the statement from your grandmother was A-Okay, I tried to see if any of the tenants renting out these penthouses would be willing to let you live in it but that's where we have limited flexibility. You see, they're on contracts. They've pretty much payed years worth of rent in advance and it would be an absolute mission to get them their money back."

"Can't I just buy a smaller house here in California? I don't see why we have to be looking at my father's estates."

"But you can't just be living in a normal house in a quiet, little neighbourhood."

Okay, that was shocking. 

"Why not?"

Ian sat down on his chair and held his hands together as if to drop the biggest secret ever. "I really hate to break it to you but your stepfather has enemies. Many of them. I don't want to come off as harsh but ever since news got out about his death, guess who's on the hit list now?"

My mouth dropped and my eyes widened beyond their sockets. "People are going to try to kill me?"

"Well that's a bit of a stretch but you know, yeah he did have enemies and he has had a few bumpy encounters in the past, nothing too drastic but we do need to take extra precaution. I hope that's alright with you. You don't only have a lot of money to lose - for goodness sake, in the moments that matter the most - money just won't matter,  no matter how much you have - but I know that you have a whole future ahead of you. You'll go on to do great things. You just need to be prepared."

I sighed. "Yeah, I understand."

"The contract of the tenants living in a penthouse in New York City will end in around eight months so I'll put that place on hold for you. For now, I have a suggestion on where to temporarily reside."

"Which is?"

"Newark, New Jersey so that once you're ready to move to New York, it's just a matter of a long drive. No hassle of moving drastically interstate. "

"I don't remember you saying Marcus had an estate in New Jersey."

"Here's another story for ya. One about his childhood."

I slumped in my seat. "Yeah, I wouldn't know."

"New Jersey is actually his hometown. He was born and raised there. He even got married there for the first time and had his only child there.

"Yeah, I was aware of that but not that it was in New Jersey."

"He'd hate for anyone to know. He has an estate there that he swore to his late mother he'd never give up. It was his very first estate after renting for many years with his wife and a few years with his kid. Newark is a place of such low market value due to high crime rates but don't worry, it's all petty stuff like robbing little stores and gang rivalry in certain parts. You'll be all the way up in a penthouse so there's absolutely nothing to worry about. 

"Where even is this estranged son of his? I don't even know his age or his name. Apparently he was a really bad kid so he ran away when he was young and loathed Marcus thereafter."

"Yes, I heard about that. Also heard the kid is a deadbeat drug addict whose life now revolves around crime like a moth attracted to a nightlight. Oh well. That's not our problem. So no one actually resides in that penthouse but Marcus had cleaners come every few weeks to keep the place clean and decaying from dust. It will be easy peasy for you to move in as soon as possible. It's a stunning place with an amazing view."

"Alright. I'm pretty much entrusting my entire life to you."

Ian scoffs. "*Pffft* Not even. I'm just putting a roof over your head."

"Yep, no biggie." I said in the most sarcastic tone. "So when is moving day?"

"Why don't I give you three days to pack all your essential belongings and you'll be off from there."

"Sounds good, I guess."

"And don't pack your entire mansion. I get that I'll be putting you on business class which pretty much lends you a quarter of the plane worths of baggage but you'll be buying new furniture and belongings there anyway."


Nine o'clock AM.

Friday and moving day had come.

With the help of Sofia and Greta, I filled four large luggages with clothing til they looked like they were going to explode. I also packed a handbag with all my valuables such as my devices, passport and wallet. Why not make the most of all the bags that I had. What's funny is that the entire set is Louis Vuitton, thanks to mother. It has come in handy at last.

As I wheeled my luggages out, I took one more glance at my room in which I spent ninety-nine percent of my days for the past four years. "Thank you for providing refuge, you plain old thing." I sighed.

Luckily, Sofia and Greta were able to find a job elsewhere and they said they were very pleased with it.

My driver helped us stow the luggages and bags in the boot. After that, I exchanged embraces and goodbyes with Greta and Sofia. I thanked them for all they had done. Ian opened my door for me and he ushered me in. The car backed out of the driveway and I was able to take one last glance at the most gorgeous dwelling. No matter how lonely I've always felt in that home, it will always hold a large piece of my heart. After all, it served as a cave, a refuge.

The long car ride to the airport was quiet. Ian was busy replying to emails and answering calls but it gave me a chance to just reflect on what was about to happen and on what the hell I was doing. Apparently, finding new tutors won't be too hard. Apparently, nothing will be too hard. I'll actually have to start learning how to wash my dishes and do my laundry. It shouldn't be too bad, hopefully.

An hour later, we finally arrived at the airport's domestic terminal. Ian and I loaded our baggages onto trolleys and wheeled them all the way to our gate.

We boarded the plane. Riding first class for six hours will be fun. I've only done it a few times.

The plane was preparing for take-off. 

When it took off, I looked through my window and down at the beautiful Los Angeles. However, no matter how beautiful, it was just a mere goodbye. I hadn't made any significant memories that I would wholeheartedly cherish.

Once we were steady in the air, I looked to Ian beside me who was already snoring his lungs out. I never understood how people fall asleep during take-off. It's pretty scary, the way it shakes like an earthquake and all.


Once we came clear of the clouds, I saw a dull city below me. You'd think golden hour makes everything glow golden but Newark was just plain grey in the last rays of daylight that shone upon it. It's my first time here in New Jersey at all so I should probably give it a chance before judging from a couple miles up in the air.

I was actually excited to see my apartment. A lot of furnishing will need to be done but if everything needs to be assembled by helpers, a bed and a couch will suffice for the first day.

"Cheers to a new beginning." Ian had a glass of sparkling wine in one hand and another in the other. 

I scoffed. "If I accepted that, you'd totally send me back to court."

"If I did that, I'd be going down with you." His chubby cheeks expanded side-to-side.

After a brief pause but little to no contemplation or hesitation whatsoever, I took the glass and we cheered silently then we both skulled it.

Bittersweet. Wow. I actually liked it.

We got off the plane and - crap. I just realised. Jersey is ahead of Cali by three hours. Yep. I'm definitely just getting a bed for today. It was now eight PM when I thought it was still five. 

The apartment is still around forty minutes away from the airport. 

After retrieving all our luggages from the conveyor belt, we wasted no time in calling a large taxi van to take us to our destination. 

After much anticipation, the taxi pulled up to an extremely tall building called Isla Vista. It was modern and classy in stature. It had a humongous hemisphere-shaped driveway which took us all the way to the entrance. Right in front was a tall, marble fountain which had spotlights surrounding it to enhance its boldly classic beauty. This has got to be the prettiest building in Newark that I've seen so far. 

"Ian, why does this place feel like a hotel?" I said while confusingly eyeing the guys in uniform who just helped me with my luggages and put them on those trolleys that I've only seen at hotels.

"Oh, yes." Ian was puffed out just by getting out the car. "I forgot to mention. It is a hotel. It only has like five apartments in which your penthouse is one of them."

"Soooo...we're the only ones living here?"

"Eh, you can say that. But many people stay here for up to a year so you can also legitimately say you have lots of neighbours." Ian shot me a cheeky smile.

"But I'm a guaranteed a full kitchen and laundry right?"

"Oh yes, absolutely. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a laundry, lounge room, dining room, full kitchen and balcony. You'll see what I mean in a sec."

After Ian sorted everything out at the front desk, a lady who worked here smiled and handed me a bouquet of flowers as she welcomed me. That was weird but nice. 

"Do all their guests receive this kind of treatment upon check-in?"

Ian scoffed. "Of course not. You're Marcus Smith's stepdaughter. Of course you're important." 

I really wasn't used to fame.

We were escorted by three men to the very top fourteenth floor with three trolleys because of how many bags I had. We walked down a large hallway with very few doors. These must be the penthouses. At the very end of the hallway was my door. 

Ian handed me the honour of opening the large, double door. I opened it wide and stumbled in a little.

Little did I know I had just stumbled into something so beautiful. 

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