Broken Pieces (Loki Laufeyso...

Por Padfoot_76Backup

4K 119 17

Cover by @thecatgurl (Y/n) pov~ Growing up in the palace was a blessing in many ways. Such as getting to... Más

Chapter One-
Chapter Two-
Chapter Three-
Chapter Four-
Chapter Six-
Hey Fam

Chapter Five-

455 17 6
Por Padfoot_76Backup


    The sky was painted a variety of oranges and purples and pinks as the day turned to night on Asgard.
The palace was growing less and less busy as the maids and guards readied for nighttime. All was calm, all except the handful of maids that were chasing down the two princes and a girl with them.
"(Y/n) this way!" Young Loki shouts, tugging my arm around the corner. "Hurry or they'll catch you!"
"Loki you're going too fast! I can't catch up!" I say as I attempt to keep up with him. He faces me while running and smiles, only to turn back around.
    "Under here!" He says ducking under a table and pulling me down with him. I glance over at him, who is smiling mischievously. He looks over at me and brings a finger to his lips. As if to tell me to keep quiet.
     "Where's Thor?" I whisper as quietly as I could. He just smirks.

     "Probably tattling on us since he couldn't keep up with us." He laughs.

     "Loki, don't you think what you did this time was a bit...I don't know, too far?" I ask.

     "Too far? Why would you say such things?" He asks while looking out from under the table.

    I pull him back under and force him to look at me. He smirks once again,"what?"
    "Loki you stabbed Thor! That's not a normal thing brothers do to each other!"
     He lets out a loud laugh that was good enough as to give us away. "That's normal, for us anyways."

    "No Loki! That's normal for you! You can't keep harassing him like this! It's not fair towards him." I say placing my hand on his cheek.
    He flicks my hand away and scoots away from me, "'Twas a jest (y/n). Why can't you understand that it was funny?"
    I couldn't find the words to use. I didn't want to offend him but I didn't want him to continue to bother Thor like he does. Sure siblings fight. But they take fighting to the next level.
    "Hey I found them! Under that table!" Said a maid down the corridor from where we were. "Come here!" She shouts before running after us.
    "Ugh! (Y/n) get up quick!" He grumbles before crawling out and sprinting away again. I follow as fast as I can, but not being able to match his speed.
    "Loki please slow down!" I say picking up my skirt and chasing after him. He doesn't slow down. Not a little. Not even when he met the staircase.
    Instead he got atop the rail side and slid down. He jumped off and continued to run.  I myself attempt to do the same but when I reach the rail I fall over the side, and try to catch myself but instead I land on my ankle.
    I yelp in both surprise and pain as I topple over onto the ground. I look up to see Loki turns around and notice me lying on the ground.
    "(Y/n)?" He asks. He then makes his way back over to me. "(Y/n) are you okay?" He says bending over so that we are at the same height.
    "Yeah yeah I'm fine. I just hurt my leg." I say. Just then the maids had caught up with us and left us cornered.
    "You two have no idea how much trouble you're in--" the oldest one says as she goes to grab Loki by the arm.
    "Stop! Don't touch me. Can't you see (Y/n) is hurt?" He says rudely. The maid looks down at me and her face softens just a little bit.
    "Fine, take her to the infirmary. Then we will let your parents deal with you." She nods her head towards me signaling the other maids to pick me up and take me to the healers.

"Sorry I got you in trouble. And hurt..." Loki says looking at his feet. He sat next to my bed on a bench.
"It's okay Loki. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not mad?" I say. He shakes his head, and fiddled with his hands in his lap.
"I know you're not mad. But how many times are you going to get hurt because of me?" He asks looking back up at me.
"We're kids. We are bound to be foolish from time to time. And it is only normal for one to get hurt!"

"But even so, I don't want you getting hurt because of me." He says hanging his head again. "I promise I'll be there when you do though."
I roll my eyes than lift his chin so that he looks at me again. "I only twisted my ankle weirdly. It will be fine in a couple of days. Lighten up you dunce."
He stops avoiding eye contact, and his face hardens. "What did you call me?" He asks.
I let out a giggle and give him a playful push on the shoulder. "Come on Loki. Stop being so hard on yourself."
He rolls his eyes and looks away. "I hate you." He mumbles. But instead I just laugh and shake my head.
"Love you too moron."

*End of Flashback*

My eyes flutter open as I wake up from my dejavú of a dream. I try to sit up but my arm begins to sting as I move it.
Just then my memories of our sudden trip to Jotunheim and our little battle began to flood back. My burn, my arm, my head all ache. I lay back down to hear someone say my name.
"(Y/n)?" I look back up to see Loki sitting over me.

"Loki!" I attempt to sit again but that was a bad idea once again. "Ugh! Bad idea!" I grunt. Loki stands and helps me back down.
"Don't do that. You need to stay down. You're hurt. And I promised I'd be here for you when you're hurt remember?"
I give him a weak smile before responding, "Promised? Loki that's a strong word, even for you." I joke.
"Even in your worst you still cannot be serious." He sighs.

"Just trying to see that smile of yours." I admit.
He shakes his head and sits back down in his seat. Something seems off...
"Loki are you—"

"Alright? Yes I am quite alright physically. But what about you? You are the one in the hospital wing."
    Wait did he say physically? Why so specific? Is there something wrong mentally?
    "Well I am glad you are fine. But what did you mean by—"

    "(Y/n)." He stops me. "You. How are you doing, now be honest."

    I sigh. He's not going to answer my question. That is if he even lets me ask it.  "I'm fine. I really am. There's no need to worry."
    He nods in acceptance while painting an unsatisfied look upon his face.
"What about the others? How are they? How is Thor?" I ask trying to break the awkward tension that has just occurred.
"About that..." he starts but stops leaving the comment hanging. "The others are fine. But—"

"But what? What happened?" I ask getting anxious.

"Thor has been banished..." he uttered out quietly. He looks over at me to see my facial expression. But the problem is I didn't have one. My mouth was frozen in a straight line.
"Banished?" I mutter quietly. "To where?"
Loki looks at his hands when he answers. An unreadable look plastered across his facial features. "Midgard."

"Midgard? Like, home of the mortals? That Midgard?" I ask, baffled as to why.

"Yes that Midgard. What other is there?" He asks getting upset with my dim-wittedness.
    "I'm sorry— I just, Why? What? Everything was fine this morning!" I exclaim, throwing my arms up.
    I cried out as I stretched my injured arm. Loki reaches out and places a hand on my wrist.
    "Careful." I look up at him to have
our eyes meet. In this brief second of eye contact it feels different. It's feels, caring.
It's been few seconds we continues to sit in an awkward silence. My breathing hitches every once and a while causing my side to ache.
I look down and realize that his hand is still on mine. He must've noticed as well because soon after I looked he pulled away.
    He cleared his throat before speaking up again. "Would you be more comfortable in your own room rather than this disparate one?" He asks as he runs his hand along the sheets.
"I am not bad here, but yes I feel I'd be more comfortable in my own bed." I admit. He nods, signaling for one of the nurses to come over.
    "Anything I can help with my prince?" She curtsies.

     "Yes, now would it be possible to move her to her own room? Or would that be a bad idea?" He questions.

      "Um I am sure we could do that, but it is not up to me I will have to get back to you on that." She said quickly.

"Alright thank you." He say turning back to me. She courtesies once again before turning and leaving us alone once more.
"Thanks Loki."

"Oh it's no trouble. Anything for the one person who truly understands me." He says slightly smiling at me.
I give him a week smile in return. I have always loved that smile of his. Something about the way his sensitive is fit into one facial expression.
We just stay there frozen, as if all else was still for just one moment. I feel the heat begin to rise in my cheeks as I gaze into his glittering blue eyes.
"Alright miss. You are alright to go back to your own room as long as you have someone to escort you, and to watch over you." Said the nurse from before as she stepped up to my bedside.
"I believe we have that covered." Loki assured her. She smiled then walked off once more.
"You know, you really are magnificent,Loki." I stated smiling at him.
       "Magnificent is not the word I would use..." his voice trails as he stops and stares at his feet.

       "Loki don't you dare try to put yourself down in front of me." I argue.

      "I'm sorry." He sighs looking back up at me again. "I really am. But I will be honest, sometimes I feel like I am of no importance to anyone." He huffs.
      I give him a sarcastic look, but he ignores it before continuing again.
     "I mean, look at what happened today. If it wasn't for me be my maniacal ideas you wouldn't have gotten hurt today!" He yells gesturing towards my bandages up cuts and burns.
     "Loki it's only a broken arm and some burns—"

     "No that's exactly it!" He argued. "If I hadn't had let you go you would be perfectly fine. And we would go and--" I raise my un-injured arm and place a finger to his lips in order to quiet him.
"Do not blame yourself. I am responsible for me. And there's nothing you could've done to stop me. If you went I would have followed either way." I state.
      "And that is one of the things I admire about you,(y/n)." He tells me quietly. "You always do what you want to. Not what you're told."
"Yeah well that often gets me into a lot of trouble..." I mumble.

"But it's better than being told what to do all the time. To be controlled." He said, making a small glance at me before looking out the window by the bed.
        We sat there in silence, exploring our own thoughts as if deciding if either of us wanted to speak up next. For what felt like a couple of minutes later, Loki cleared his throat.
       "I should probably go talk to the nurses now." He says standing up. "About you know, moving your rooms. But until then I think you should get some rest." He leaves me to dwell on my thoughts while he visits with the maids in the back.
"Oh Loki..." I laugh as I watch him try to explain his plan of getting me to my room. I roll my eyes. He does know that I can still walk right? "Hey uh! Loki--" I whisper shout at him as I give him a little wave.
     He holds up a single finger to them before walking back to me. "Do you need something?" He asked kindly as he leaned over the side of my bed.
     "Well no actually." I say considering what it was I called him over for. "But you do know that my legs are fine right?" I ask.

      "Your point being?" He questions, not fully grasping the concept.

      "I can walk myself to my room. In case I have brain damage, I recall that it is just my arm that is broken. Not my legs." I tell him.
A light shade of red feathers his cheeks as he grins at me, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Yes-- But in case you didn't want to--"
I cut him off by making a zzzzip sound and wagging my finger in front of his face. "I can take myself. I just wanted to make sure it was all cleared with them first." I say.

     "Plus it looks like you have other things on your mind." I state as I notice the flickers of distraction in his eyes.
      His eyes land back on mine as he gives me a tight lipped expression. "I'm sorry, I only just remembered something that I have to go do." He tells me.
"That's alright. I will come see you afterwards?"

"If that works for you yes."

     "It works." I confirm.

      With that he nods before muttering a 'goodbye' before leaving. I watch as he leaves before trying to push myself out of bed with a single arm.
After a painful amount of rocking myself I finally get myself up. I check the maids in the room to make sure none of them see me slip out. I'm sure is fine if I do, but even so I want to be safe.
No one is looking so I am able to leave the room without anyone noticing.
     Now the real task is to make it to my room without anyone noticing. . .

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