Imagine Us

By tttrippyangel

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✅ ||| Alexandria Delavine is a shy, quiet and reserved young girl who lives a life of complacency and solitud... More

Welcome Introduction
Chapter 1: A Blank Space
Chapter 2: Heaven's Angel
Chapter 3: Million Dollar Baby
Chapter 5: A Whole New World
Chapter 6: Livin' Lavish
Chapter 7: My Lucky Unlucky Day
Chapter 8: Bottoms Up
Chapter 9: A Hundred To Zero
Chapter 10: Bloody Hell
Chapter 11: Someone Up There Hates Me
Chapter 12: Bite Me
Chapter 13: Where's The Grim Reaper?
Chapter 14: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 15: Snakes Call Me Sweet Names
Chapter 16: Blood-Lust
Chapter 17: Fake Blood
Chapter 18: Spontaneous Confessions
Chapter 19: Lights Out
Chapter 20: Level Up
Chapter 21: My Peace
Chapter 22: My Sunshine
Chapter 23: True Colours?
Chapter 24: Eye For An Eye
Chapter 25: The Moon And The Stars Is All I Ask For
Chapter 26: Our First Night
Chapter 27: Mean
Chapter 28: The Boy With The Dragon Tattoo
Chapter 29: Rover's Bakery At Summit 3
Chapter 30: Cheap Thrills
Chapter 31: Say It Like You Mean It, Do It Like You Want It
Chapter 32: Playing Dirty
Chapter 33: Living Life A Quarter-Mile At A Time
Chapter 34: Sleeping Beauty and The Beast
Chapter 35: Bitch Is Karma
Chapter 36: Claustrophobia, Round 2
Chapter 37: 21 Questions
Chapter 38: Skin On Skin Sleepover
Chapter 39: Do What Your Heart Tells You, They Say
Chapter 40: Truth Or Lie?
Chapter 41: Stay With Me
Chapter 42: The Corleone Crew
Author's Note
Chapter 43: Girls Just Wanna Have Booze
Chapter 44: You Can't Fight The Booze, Baby Sister
Chapter 45: About Last Night...
Chapter 46: High Off You
Chapter 47: I've Made Up My Mind
Chapter 48: Parting Ways
Chapter 49: Here's To A New Beginning
Chapter 50: Bonnie And Clyde Without The Clyde
Author's Note
Chapter 51: A Sucker For The Dark
Author's Note

Chapter 4: Your Honour

129 15 3
By tttrippyangel

I sat upright on my bed, extremely startled.

"I sent in a very detailed proposal as soon as you left and they responded almost immediately. They pretty much pushed you to be first in line now!"

I was very confused. I was so certain this was going to take weeks to be processed but no. How am I even going to get ready in time? What the hell am I even supposed to do?

"Why would they do that?" I stood up and started pacing back and forth.

"Well, Alexa, you're pretty famous around here - more than ever." He began to whisper. "So it could've been out of pity."

My head was spinning. I took a deep breath. "So what time is it going to be?"

"Eight AM sharp."

"I am nowhere near prepared. What do I even say at court tomorrow?" I could feel my heart fighting to jump out my skin.

"You just need to relax. I'll be there beside you every second. I just need you to remain calm at all times and answer whatever questions the judge may have, truthfully. It's that easy. *Pffft* It's not like you have anything to hide." He has a point??? "The entire point of this court hearing is only to prove to the judge that you are stable in all dimensions of health. They may ask what your plans are for the future and that sort of stuff. But I will wholeheartedly respect your decision if you want me to postpone."

"No, I can do it." I sighed.

"This is good. The sooner, the better. I'll catch an uber to your place and I'll be there around eight-thirty. That good?"

"Yeah, alright."

"Well, you better sleep now to catch as much Z's as you can."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Oh my.



I jumped to the upright position and winced my eyes open. The bright sun rays shot right at me. I covered my face to shield it.

I looked at the alarm clock and shut it off.

I felt like a corpse.

Seven-fifty AM. I don't think I've ever seen those set of numbers in my life.

I flopped back into bed and pulled the covers back onto me. 

I closed my eyes...



I jumped up again.

I looked at the alarm clock. 

Eight-twenty AM, it read. 

You have got to be kidding me. I swear I just shut my eyes for five seconds.

I bolted out of bed and ran straight to the ensuite bathroom. I hastily brushed my teeth and cleansed my face. Thank God for dead straight hair hardly ever needing a hairbrush. I was out of the bathroom and at my wardrobe in a flash.

I glanced at the clock. Eight-twenty-four AM it read.

I need to dress smart and presentable. I yanked on a black pencil skirt and a white,  long-sleeve which I tucked in. I threw on a pair of black pumps and clipped on a pair of diamond studs. I grabbed my phone and white, Chanel handbag and I flew out my door and down the stairs. I had to have something to eat otherwise I'll faint. But that's fine. I'll eat it in the car. I chucked in two small yoghurt tubs, a banana and a bottle of water in my bag. I ran to the full body mirror near the front door. I shoved my hair in a low messy bun and straightened myself out.

Not bad for ten minutes.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. I look at the clock. Eight-thirty AM. No way. 

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened the door to greet Ian. 

"Wow, you look ready as ever!" We entered the car and were on our way to the courthouse. Ian's eyes were fixed on his phone. "It's not that far from here. But in the time that we have, just breathe. This is going to go perfectly fine." 

He sounded so calm. Goals. Is he playing subway surfers?

Dear God. I looked out the window and just tried to meditate.


In no time at all, we were pulling up to a very grand-looking building. Four, white humungous pillars held up the roof of the structure making it look very Greece-inspired.

Ian and I stepped out of the car overlooking that building. Why do I feel as if this is a big deal? I'm just here to declare that I wish to live alone like usual. Just in the eyes of the law this time. But I can't help but wonder what's going to be different this time. Probably nothing, honestly. The most I'll do is move somewhere else then I'll resume my homeschooling studies. 

Ian and I enter the building where we are greeted by security guards who scan us and our belongings. Once we passed, we proceeded to the front desk. 

Ian explained what we were here for and the young, blonde lady who was accomodating us jumped up from her seat and held her hand out to mine. "Welcome, Miss Delavine. It's a pleasure to be able to accomodate you and your lawyer today." I shook her hand. "Right this way, please."

Ian leaned in to me and whispered. "I learned that your step-father actually funded a major repair project for this place a couple of months ago which is probably why everyone will be so nice to you."

I nodded my head slowly and pursed my lips. That's reassuring, I guess?

We entered a spacious room that predominantly consisted of wooden furniture. We were ushered to sit at a table right in front of where I assumed the judge would sit. I then saw two security guards stand on either side of the entrances then the judge walks in with a pile of papers in his hands. Ian and I stood up immediately.

"Please, please, take your seats. This shall be no more than the ordinary formal proceedings." He smiled.

The judge was a tall and skinny old man who's glasses sat under his droopy eyes.

I took one, very deep breath - one for the road.

"I am most pleased to meet you, Alexandria Delavine, and your lawyer, Ian Benson. My name is Cornelius. It has come to my immediate attention that you are petitioning for emancipation from your current legal guardian, your grandmother who currently resides in Colorado. Is that correct?"

"Yes." I was shaking and I didn't know why. I loathed talking to strangers; especially when I have to.

"You have never actually lived with your grandmother. Is that correct?"


"Have you ever made any actual and direct contact with her? You know, like a normal granddaughter-grandmother relationship."

"I have only met her once just last year and she is a nice woman but I did get the idea that she enjoyed her own company very much. I'm honestly not even sure if she was aware that she was made my automatic legal guardian."

The judge's chin rested on his hand and he listened very attentively to me. "Could you please describe your grandmother to me in detail?"

"Well, she's been widowed for a few decades now. She lives in a little house in a very quiet neighbourhood. She enjoys playing bingo almost every single night. When I visited her, she owned four cats that were free to do whatever they wanted. She also visited her friends during the day on a daily basis. As you can see, she's barely ever home." 

"Yes, that is very understandable." The judge began to write something down. 

I looked to Ian who shot me a big smile. He whispered to me, "You're doing extremely well. Just chill."

I pursed my lips.

"Please also explain to me in detail, why you would prefer to live independently, asides from your recent spike in financial grants and your grandmother who just seemingly prefers to not be one with her own home." 

"I feel as if my whole life has been quite lonely and it's something that I'm very used to. I've never really been under anyone's care. I've always just stuck to my routine of being homeschooled among other home-life hobbies. If I went out, my parents always preferred I have a driver with me but other than that, I just wander off to places on my own." I swallowed. "Um, in conclusion, like my grandmother, I too find my own company enough and it's not just that. I wholeheartedly feel I can really look after myself now - this time, in the eyes of the law."

I did that.

The judge nodded his head and continued to write. "So while your parents would be out there making headlines all over the world, you always preferred to stay out of such a limelight?"


"I see, I see. Now if you would just give me a minute..."

I whispered to Ian, "I didn't know I was supposed to do all the talking!"

"You're doing amazing!"

"Mr. Benson?"

"Yes, your Honour?"

"Do you support all that Miss, Delavine has said during her court hearing today?"

"Yes, your honour. I strongly believe that emancipation is in her best interests. If this legal process proves to be successful for her, I will have the pleasure of being entrusted to all further legal bearings such as looking after her finances and helping her find a new dwelling. Putting aside all legal seriousness, I will also provide moral support for her. Her mother was a great friend of mine."

I sighed.

"Miss Delavine, could you please stand beside your lawyer?"

"Uh, yes, your Honour."

I stood up and my knees were shaking like crazy. I wanted to faint. *Tsk* I totally forgot I had breakfast in my bag. 

Oh God. What's going to happen next? I was sweating all over the place.

"Miss Alexandria Marie-Anne Delavine-Johnson..." Ugh not that last part please. "...I hereby certify that you are now legally emancipated and are granted the full responsibility of your own wellbeing."

My heart stopped. That was it? Oh my. 

I cupped my mouth and released a very inner deep breath that felt like I had been holding it in since I woke up.

That was probably still the scariest thing I've ever gone through but nonetheless, it was successful in the end. 

"Thank you, your Honour." Ian had a huge smile on his face. He then turned to me and shook my hand.

"Yes, thank you."

"My pleasure." The judge exited the room and we followed. We went to the front desk and Ian collected all the necessary files that have now just been made legal.

I didn't know why but, somehow I felt... free? But why just now? Hasn't it always been this way. There's just too many things I can't quite put my finger on. So many things to still figure out.

Ian and I stood on the top step of the building. We both breathed in the fresh air and fresh scent of success. I closed my eyes. I smiled to myself the first genuine smile in a very long time. 

Ian turned to me. "Time to rent out a certain mansion."

I tilted my head. "And where exactly will I go?" Despite knowing that I could not stay in that house. I just couldn't.

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