Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff th...

By thickerthandeath

167K 5.4K 3K

You live alone. You have one friend. You were an outcast. According to the rest of the world, anyways. You w... More

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
***Christmas Special***
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important A/N
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Quick A/N
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Prepare for Extreme Awkwardness in 3...2...1...
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 **Jeff's Birthday Part One**
Chapter 44 **Jeff's Birthday Part Two**

Chapter 14

4.1K 145 127
By thickerthandeath


Thanks for reading this story, guys. Means a lot, really. And this is pretty much where the fun begins, so enjoy! It's a longer chapter, with a lot of Jeff. So maybe it'll be good. Sorry for any mistakes. I mess up a lot, soo... Expect the worse hah. Anyways, stay rad :8


The old wooden door flew open, hitting the wall with a loud thud.

Jeff looked at the lone figure standing in the doorway. The bloody knife he gripped in his hand was positioned right above your neck, as his attention was stolen by none other than Austin himself.

"Get the fuck off of her."

That single phrase exploded out of Austin's mouth right before he made his next move.

Jeff's body flew off of your own, taking the knife along with him.

You rolled onto your side, breathing hard. You looked over at Austin, a small smile growing on your lips.

Austin was wrestling with Jeff for the knife. He brought his knee down on Jeff's hand, causing Jeff's grip on the knife to ease up. Just as Austin tried to rip the knife out of Jeff's hand, Jeff moved his hand, using just enough force to send the knife sliding across the floor. The knife came to a stop right beside you.

Jeff's eyes widened, if possible, and he forced Austin off of him.

You reached your hand out, picking the knife up. Your knife.

Jeff jumped up, sending a hard kick into Austin's side. He then made a move towards you, his eyes on the knife.

You watched Jeff, pressing your free hand against the wound Jeff had painfully reopened, on your hip. You held the knife out in front of you.

"Jeff, it's two against one. Just give up now." Austin spoke, standing behind Jeff.

"Me? Give up? Are you fucking stupid? I never give up. I get what I want. I do what I want. And what I want is to make the two of you go to damn sleep."

Jeff's raspy voice lowered before he finished the sentence, as he lunged at you.

You, staying where you were, simply held the knife out in front of you protectively, ready to plunge the blade into Jeff.

Austin grabbed Jeff's shoulders from behind, and yanked him back.

Jeff turned, sending a strong fist into Austin's face.

Austin grunted, stepping back as he shook his head in effort to get himself refocused again.

You took this chance to slam into Jeff's back.

Jeff stumbled forward, falling onto the floor hard. His face smacked against the wood, and a muffled "shit" slipped out of his mouth.

Jeff rolled to the side, just as you threw the knife down, into the spot his head was in a moment earlier.

You were getting tired of this, and your energy was being sapped by your useless actions. Jeff, however, was not fazed at all, and seemed as if he would never get tired or be weakened.

"I'm not even trying my best right now, and you can't even get a single stab in? Pathetic. I never should've taken my time with such a weak human." Jeff growled, looking at you after he stood back up.

A sly smirk flashed across his face. He reached into his hoodie's pocket and pulled out a knife of his own.

You watched Jeff, dumbfounded. He had a knife this whole time, but decided to wear you and Austin down before using it? Well, Austin wasn't really worn down at all. But you knew you were.

Austin ran towards Jeff, scowling.

Jeff turned and decided to meet Austin head on. With his knife.

You heard the sickening sound of Jeff's knife tearing through Austin's skin, and puncturing his muscle.

Adrenaline ran through your veins as you put on your game face.

"Jeff!" You shouted, getting his attention.

Jeff turned towards you, pushing Austin away from him. His full attention was on you now, and your attention was only on him.

"You're dead!"

Just as your knife was about to enter Jeff's chest, Jeff darted to the right. He moved just in time. Your knife went into the old wall, creating a gap.

Jeff grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked you away from the wall, and away from your knife.

He slammed you next to the window, into the opposing wall. He pressed his right arm against your neck, using the other one to pin you against the wall. He steadily added pressure to your neck, starting to cut off your air supply.

"Finally," Jeff said. "You can finally go... To... Sleep..."

Just as he was going to finish you off, he was pulled off of you by a staggering Austin.

You dropped weakly to your knees, coughing and taking in air rapidly. Your lungs longed for more oxygen, and you would have relaxed and took your time, if Jeff hadn't been there.

Instead, you shakily rose to your feet, prepared to get in the fight.

Jeff suddenly moved away from Austin and grabbed his knife. He slipped his knife into his pocket and ran to the window. Just as he was about to slide off the windowsill, he turned, looking directly at you.

"This isn't over. I'll come back. And when I do, you'll be taking your final breaths, begging for mercy. Mercy that doesn't exist."

With that, Jeff jumped down, leaving you and Austin alone in the room, bleeding and worried.

***time skip***

Austin hadn't left your side once. Not even after he was stabbed by Jeff. He wouldn't allow you to take him to the hospital and get the wound checked out. Instead, Austin simply stitched it up, and went on as he normally would.

However, Austin did insist that you lived at his house for the time being, rather than your own. You agreed, and had brought several of your things with you.

That didn't stop Jeff, though.

Jeff visited several times in the past week. He had found out about you moving to Austin's, and decided to continue coming after you anyways. Sometimes, he would stay outside and taunt you, scare you. Other times, he would come inside and try to kill you. The only thing that kept him from doing so was Austin, Wolff, and your determination to live.

"(Y/n), what gives? You've looked out the window every three minutes since you woke up this morning."

Austin looked at you from behind his matted brown hair, his grassy green orbs locking with your (e/c) ones.

"It's just... Jeff might come back again. No, he WILL come back again. I just want to be ready for when he does."

"Don't worry, as long as Wolff and I are here, he won't get a chance to even get inside."

You sighed.

"Just cheer up, (y/n). We can watch your favorite movie. Will that help put you at ease? At least a little bit?"

You looked at Austin and shrugged. "It might... You don't mind doing that for me? I know you're not the biggest fan of (f/m)..."

"I don't mind at all. I'll go make some popcorn or something."

"No, I will. It might help take my mind off Jeff. Plus, you need a shower."

Austin chuckled, pretending to sniff himself. "I don't smell that bad."

"Uh, yeah, you do."

You cracked a smile.

"Finally you smiled. I've been waiting for that. You have a smile that just lights up the whole world, you know that?" Austin murmured as he got up.

"Just go take a shower." You giggled as you went to the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen, opening a few cupboards. You could hear the sound of running water overhead- Austin was in the shower.

You continued looking through the cupboards, finding what you needed. Popcorn, and (favorite snack). All you needed for tonight. Other than the movie and Austin, of course.

You suddenly heard a tapping sound and looked up, directly at the window. There was nothing.

The tapping continued.

You looked around cautiously, thinking it was Jeff.

You slowly walked towards the back door. You stopped in your tracks, and mentally face palmed. Wolff was pawing the door, watching squirrels run around in the back yard.

You opened the door for him, letting Wolff dart outside after the tiny animals.

You sighed and shut the door. As soon as you turned around, you opened your mouth to shout. A pale hand covered your mouth, muffling your shout as you were pushed against the wall roughly.

"If you scream, I will not hesitate to kill you. And then, I will kill your little protector, and his damn mutt, too. So I suggest you keep quiet when I take my hand off of your mouth."

Jeff's voice cut through the air, stern and rough. He took his hand off of your mouth, but kept you pressed against the wall.

"What the hell?!? Aust-"

Jeff's leathery hand covered your mouth again.

"I said shut up! I'm serious!" He hissed, glaring at you.

You quieted yourself, not saying anything as Jeff took his hand away once more.

"What the hell do you want, Jeff?" Your hushed voice made Jeff relax a bit, seeing that you weren't gonna yell.

"I WANT to kill you. But... I can't."

"And why is that? Have you suddenly gone soft, paste face?" You taunted him as you looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon.

"Careful now, I'm the one holding the knife. Don't make me use it right now."


You saw a gleaming knife in Jeff's hand, and looked at it.

"When did you-"

"Now listen here, (y/n), I have something important to tell ya, and I'm not gonna wait until your friend gets out of the shower. So shut up, and let me talk." Jeff growled.

You silently nodded, looking at him.

"You're a very lucky person. I've been told not to kill you. In fact, the guy who told me not to take your life wants you to come join our household. He wants you to be one of us," Jeff paused, scowling. "Tonight, meet me in the backyard. You're going to go with me to the house. You're going to decline Slendy, and then... Well, I'm going to kill you. Got that? Oh, and if you refuse to go, Slendy himself will come and bring you to the house. Or he may just kill you. Either way, you don't want him to come over here. And you don't want to make me angry. So meet me at midnight. Or else-"

Jeff was interrupted. He turned to the staircase, his eyes glaring at your close friend. Austin.

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