Krisei Oneshots

By fluffykitten231

34.1K 750 996

just look at the title. you'll get an idea of what this book has to offer. Cover by: a fluffykitten231. IT SU... More

Wrong Target
Promise Me
Bomb Clarification
Don't Forget
Rigged Elevator
Long ass Fluff and Headcanon Compilation
I Couldn't Forget
Hit or Miss
Light: Lightners' Domain
I've Goat You
The Fault in Our Dark Candies
??????? a long one tho. get ready.
The Manual
The Dark Prince and His Knight In Shining Armor
Light: Home
Krismas is coming :D
Krismas Special Day 1
Krismas Special Day 2
Krismas Special Day 3
Krismas Special Day 4
Krismas Special Day 5
Krismas Special Day 5
Krismas Special Secret Ending
Light: Changes
Do Not Read If You Don't Want To Be Disappointed
L--!(&ig!&ht: 👍🏳☀️☀️U🚩❄🖐🏳☠💧

True End

2.1K 39 58
By fluffykitten231

It appears you have reached
An end.

Will you try again?

Yes ♡ No

One death after another.. Kris was getting frustrated. This little joker is really getting on his nerves. No matter how many times he tries to beat him, nothing seems to be working. ACT-ing? Nope. He kept clobbering them first. FIGHT-ing? Heh. Even he can do that better than Susie can.


Those same words kept being repeated over and over again. He's gotten really annoyed at his maniacal laughing. Everytime they lost the fight, his sinister smile stayed in his face.

Javil defeated them multiple times. He crushed Susie, pummeled Ralsei.


Ralsei... the one who never intended to hurt anyone. All he wants to do was for the world to be in peace. All he wanted to do was save the world from eternal darkness caused by the second fountain. He wanted the best for everyone in the dark world and the world outside.

It hurts him to see the dark prince cry in pain as he kept getting hit with Javil's attacks, he does not deserve to experience this. It's his fault for opening Javil's door really... he felt like he just took Ralsei for granted just to satisfy his own curiosity.... Great not only Javil's hurting him physically but he managed to do the same mentally. God he can't wait for the time he can either let Ralsei cast a pacify spell on him or let Susie or himself chop him down to little pieces.


Yet another end he approached. The same question brought upon him.

Try Again?

Yes  ♡  No

It seems like the hundreth times he answered that question. But he always choose yes. Now he wondered, what would happen... if he had choosen 'No' instead?

So, he decided to take his chances and said 'No'.



Then the world
was covered
in darkness


The darkness swallowed him. He couldn't see a thing. For a while it was just dark. Darker.. yet.... darker...

But. There he saw a glimpse of light.
He reached out, grabbing the dim light surrounded by the darkness around him. Then he was transported back to the door in the mysterious prison. He turned back, sighing in relief. He was able to see his friends again. And... Ralsei... this time he was ready to take on Javil. He promised to himself that this would be the last battle, this time he was... Determined. Before he stepped in the prison, he turned back and hugged Ralsei.

"K.. Kris? Wh.. are you ok?"

Ralsei stuttered nervously. His cheeks glowing brightly. Though Kris should've enjoyed this, he seems to have a bad feeling towards something.

"No.. im sorry let's--"

"Come on! Let's get going. I REALLY want to chop that piece of shit to pieces."

Susie recklessly goes in by herself, Kris gets a really bad feeling about something, and immediately grabs Ralsei's hand to proceed inside the room to catch up with Susie.

Inside, the battle already started. Since Kris usually does all the dodging, Susie's hp already dropped to 20.

As soon as Ralsei sees this, he uses his turn to heal Susie. The battle continues. Spades, diamonds, hearts, clubs, everything was thrown at them. As time goes on, their healing supply are slowly beginning to run short.

The special chaos. They're getting closer. But sadly, Susie got hit. Her HP goes down to zero.



Susie fell to the ground, weak. Her body torn by the devil's knife. A huge gash appeared from her chest to her stomach. Within seconds, she disappeared. Her body turing into dust.

Her dust scattered along the floor. Confusion all around the room. How? How did she die? Why? Why did she die? No one has died in the dark world before. What happened?

"S... Susie... b.. but how..? She isn't supposed to--"


"It's true. She isn't supposed to die."

Javil stopped his attacks. Giving the two last standing men a sinister look. Especially at Kris.

"Didn't you learn human?"

Kris kept silent, still trying to process everything. What did he do..? He thought. Ralsei gave Kris a confused look but then Javil started firing his attacks once more.

"Wh.. what do you mean? Kris? What's going on?"

"I.. i don't know.."

Kris wasn't lying. He truly didn't know what happened. Is it because he said he wouldn't try again? But then how did he end up back here instead of being stuck in the dark void?

They kept dodging every attack expertly. But as we all know, they can't dodge forever. Without Susie, there's pretty much nothing that can be done to end this peacefully. There's no other choice than to fight. How ironic.

"Im sorry Ralsei, we have to fight, we don't have any other choice."

"No! There has to be another way to end this fight peacefully even without ..... Susie...."

"But Ralsei, it's impossible. We HAVE to fight back, or else we might lose."

"No, i refuse.




Javil's blade, cut through his chest. Crimson liquid flows out of his chest like a gentle stream. The look of horror shows on Kris' face, as Ralsei fall to the ground.

"No.. no.. no.. Ralsei... no.. don't leave me.."

Kris cupped Ralsei's cheeck, while Ralsei smiled gently at him.

"Haah... haha.... how ironic..."

Ralsei weakly said,

"Ralsei.. no... don't leave me."

Tears flows down from Kris' eyes. He grabbed Ralsei's hand and grabbed it tightly but gently.

"I.. it was f.. foolish of me to persist on not fighting back... i... i swore to myself that .. i.. i would protect the two heores of light i've been waiting for my whole life... and look at me now.. just because of my own wish to not hurt anybody.. i.. i've failed you. I've failed myself.. i--"

"Shhhh.... stop.. you did nothing wrong Ralsei.. it's my fault. Im the one who opened Javil's door... and... now you're dying because of me.. im.. so sorry Ralsei.."

"It doesn't matter to me Kris, what matters to me is you.... im sorry for leaving you Kris... Don't forget me.. ok?"

As soon as Ralsei spoke his last few words, he slowly disappeared into thin air.



Javil's laugh filled the intire room, laughing at Kris who still have tears in his eyes.

"Humans ARE complete idiots."

"What did you do to them!?"

Kris' scream earns an innocent look on Javil's face.

"Oh????? What was that?"

Javil's sinister smile came back. Amused at the emotional garbage in front of him, Kris' face full of rage and hatred for him. What a miserable creature he thought.


Silence filled the air. Javil's face shows a fake look of concern. Which soon fades out, replace by his sinister smile once more.

"Me? Oh me oh my. I didn't do anything. Despite being able to do anything, i didn't kill your friends, YOU did."

"Wh.. what do you mean?"

"You see human, curiosity kills. Your curiousity brought pain and unfortune upon your friends. You opened my door. Oh but did i make you to? No i didn't. I OFFERED you to. Your selfishness to satisfy your curiousity needs a sacrifice. And that sacrifice was your friends."

"That doesn't make you intirely innocent. All i do was open the door. You clobbered us hundred times, yet we never die. YOU must've done this."

"Oh really? Reeeaally??? Hahahaha... wanna hear the second time you let your curiousity took control over you?

Let's see.. ah.. right.


Try again?

Yes    ♡      No

Yes           ♡No


You see human? You wondered what would've happened if you have choosen "no" instead didn't you? Ha hahah oh.. hahahha. If you really are a "legendary hero" why would they bother finding our about something stupid rather than doing something for the greater good?

And to think that goat boy put so much trust to you. HAHAHAHHA. HILARIOUS . He couldn't even save himself from demise because of wanting to spare people "for the greater good"

You kids are just pathetic and hopeless.

The world have chosen wrong. You were not fit to become  a "hero"

Now scram."

And with that, Javil slashed Kris in half. Taking his life.


~~~~Fluffy Away!!~~~~

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