Not Your Kind Of College

By wobble

252 2 0

try me. youll like what you read:) More

chapter 2 A New Friend
chapter 4 Thursday night
chapter 5 Flashbacks

chapter 3 first day of classes

45 0 0
By wobble

Darren flipped through her history book as she walk in the hallways. i cant believe im going through with this. im so done with highschool. she thought. then she stopped at the door room 216. its probably here. she opened the door and let her surroundings sink in. different people. the classroom seemed so new, unlike her old classrooms, these one has complete facility with new chairs and a glass board.  she saw oliver in front and approached him. "uhm, hi. i.. im.." nothing came out of her mouth. oliver looked at her "yes, the girl from the coffee shop. hello. im oliver." he smiled and offered his hands. "im Darren. well im glad i know someone in history." she finally smiled. Oliver smiled and got back to his book. this boy is really tight. Darren thought. She found a chair beside the windows. not so long, a professor came. "well good morning everyone. im prof. Flour and i will be your history teacher. now according to my records, you are all irregular students from different courses. well ive sorted you out for your very first activity. get to your partners!" darren was paired with a girl, which she was slightly disappointed because she was expecting oliver. "hi! im Jeq Anderson. you are?" the cheerful girl asked her taking away her thoughts. "oh, im Darren Gener." she smiled back. "well this sucks. were most or us are music major but were taking up history. It doesnt make sense!" she exclaimed. "you bet." darren sat beside her. "oh well, lets get started with this stupid activity." jeq suggested.

Meanwhile, Faith is sitting in the field and watching her videos when suddenly a soccer ball went flying and had hit her and caused her to fall down. "oh my, im so sorry! my bad!" a boy started running towards her. cant this day get any worse? she didnt even mind standing up. then she saw a pair of feet beside her and look up."are you okay?" the guy asked. she kept staring. the guy has a buff body and a handsome face. what a hot athlete. wait, why am i thinking bout this? i have a boyfriend! she thought. "so you gonna stay there all day?" the guy asked now smiling. He offered his hand. Faith took it and got up. "well i think i ruined your videocam, im really sorry." he sincerely said. "uh, luckily, nope." faith said while examining her cam. "well i gotta keep going." said faith and started walking away. the guy stopped her. "hey wait! im Alejandro. but call me Al." he smiled and offered his hand. faith smiled, "well that was a nice pick up. im faith." she took his hands. Al scratched his head,"well maybe i can make it up to you. lets have dinner? my treat."  faith doubt for a second but thought, what could possibly happen? but dinner is a big deal. "well, i will but if youll ask me i would be more on coffee." she answered. "oh, yeah, thats great. meet you there at 8." Al grinned. Faith walked away.

"WHATT??? seriously? FAITH YOUR WITH ERWIN!" darren shouted. "hey dont shout for god's sake. you might be heard from the lobby. and its just a coffee. a payback for knocking me down." she answered dead panned and scanned her closet for something to wear. "yeah, well he was hitting on you!" darren answered. "and your ditching me out! were supposed to go out tonight." she continued. Faith eyes widened. "oh well, ill make it up to you hun, okay? this is just a rare chance." she smiled and gave darren a kiss in her forehead before running in the bathroom. darren sighed. "well, maybe ill just spend the night with my noisy roomate."

Darren went back to her room and found hysa practicing her lines. "oh, im sorry, ill just get my things and ill be out of here." she excused herself. After getting out with her Ipod she went outside for a walk in the park. first day sucks. i dont have any nice experience. and that Oliver was a real snob. i wonder what he really is. Suddenly she was taken back from her thoughts when she saw Oliver sitting in a bench. Oliver saw her too. "hey, are you stalking me?" oliver asked her. "what? hell no! im going in the park! youve just happened to be here!" darren answered defensively and coontinued to walk. when she felt tired, she sat in the swing and started to lisened to her iPod. 

Knew the signs

Wasn't right

I was stupid for a while

Swept away by you

And now I feel like a fool

So confused,

My heart's bruised

Was I ever loved by you?

darren sighed. yes, he was out of reach. she looked at oliver in the bench

Out of reach, so far

I never had your heart

Oliver looked back, stand and walk towards her.

Out of reach,

Couldn't see

We were never

Meant to be 

her heart beats faster and faster till oliver was in her front. Oliver stared at her and darren felt her heart exploding. her eyes went to his lips who looks so kissable and had the urge to do it. oliver bent down and touched her face. darren cant move. their face grew closer and closer. "hey im straight so i wont kiss you." darren was shocked and saw faith in front of her., "what the hell! you appear in nowhere! youre scaring me!" she screeched. Faith laughed so hard. "you were about to kiss me!" she exclaimed. "what are you doing here by the way? how bout your coffee date?" darren asked still recovering. "well it went great. and im here because i saw you sitting alone here and went to see you, guess i have a very sensitive radius." faith said sitting beside her. "its RADAR faith. not RADIUS." and she stood up and walk away faith following her. 

this cant be happening. im falling for a stranger!


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