By The Rules

By 400_SoKold

44.7K 2.2K 335

Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... More



1.7K 100 11
By 400_SoKold

some days later


"Damn." Dijon swears as the bowling ball rolls into the gutter. I sip my drink while silently laughing and shaking my head. He smacks his lips and chuckles while traveling over to our table. He takes his shot of liquor and sits down blowing a breath. His bowling skills aren't as good as he claimed, but he seems to be having fun.

"My turn." I smile, standing to my feet. I grab my bowling ball and place my fingers where they belong. I roll the ball down the lane and watch it roll straight down the middle and hit all the pins. Smirking, I turn around making three of my fingers into a gun and blow the imaginary smoke. Dijon scoffs amused as I laugh and join him back at the table.

"That's bullshit." He chuckles.

"No honey that's game." I tell him, waving my fingers for him to pay up. He passes me a check and I snatch it, popping it as if it's a belt.

"You up for another game?" He questions.

"I am but our pizza should be done in-"

"Half pepperoni half veggie and a side order of buffalo wings."

"Now." I say as the waiter sits our extra large pizza in front of us. Dijon rubs his hands together as I turn the veggie half his way. I'm not a fan of broccoli, carrots, hot and dell peppers on a pizza. However, his half was definitely making my mouth water. Then again I'm probably hungry because I haven't had anything to eat all day. First dates give me anxiety for some reason. I don't know what it is, but I won't eat or drink anything until it's time for the date. Once I get to the know the person and we have a good night, that's when I relax. I'm not as tense anymore. Dijon wanted to spend a whole day together, but I felt that was too much for a first date. Instead I made reservations here at King's Bowling Alley out in Inwood. The food is a grade a plus and it's a clean place. It's upscale of course but we're some upscale type of people. Dijon seemed to be enjoying himself as am I. The night started two hours ago with playing basketball at the arcade. Once our table was clean and ready, we began bowling. We made our bowling game interesting with shots and a bet that neither one of us could turn down. I grab my hand sanitizer out my bag and squirt some in palms. After rubbing it in, Dijon and I both grab a slice of pizza. I get ready to bite until I notice Dijon bite his and the pizza is flat. I sit my slice down and shake my head while waving my arms.

He covers his mouth while chewing asking,"what?"

"You're in New York, you gotta eat pizza like a true New Yorker." I tell him, showing him how to fold the pizza. He takes his slice and folds it, looking between mine and his.

"Like this?" He questions.

"Yep just like that." We both take a bite and a napkin, wiping any crumbs or grease. Dijon nods with an impressed expression as I smile with closed lips. I take another bite and chew my food throughly. The sounds of our peers conversing, music and bowling balls hitting into pins surround us. Dijon and I sat in a peaceful silence as we ate and drank. When our eyes connect we both smile while grabbing a few wings. I don't know what it was, but it was as if we were thinking alike tonight. I kind of like it. I grab a napkin and wipe around my mouth, stopping when I notice Kaseem and his friends enter the place. As if he felt my presence, he turns his attention towards me and his smiles slowly drops. We haven't seen or talked to one another in over a week. As he stands in the middle of the floor, he looks at me. Dijon's back is turned. He's too focused on his plate to even notice what's happening right now.

"This is really good. You want a slice?" Dijon questions after swallowing his food. I narrow my eyebrows and tilt my head a bit.

"Yea hell why not. There's nothing wrong with trying out something new right?" Kaseem breaks our stare while turning on his heel after one of his friends approach him. I put my attention back on Dijon as he brings the food to my lips. I take a bite and catch any food that decides to fall. I tried to keep it cute, but eating pizza isn't really the type of food to do so. Dijon and I both laugh as I grab a napkin and hold it over my mouth.

"You good?" I nod while narrowing my eyebrows and swallow my food.

"It's actually not that bad." I tell him after I'm through eating.

"Right? You definitely put me on to something new when I come out here." Biting into a wing, I lick the sauce off my lips and shrug a shoulder.

"That's true, but if you really want some good pizza I can take you to the best spot."

"Well why didn't we go there tonight?"

"Well I figured we could go some where to eat and have fun. Are you enjoying yourself?" Dijon nods while chewing, grabbing his water.

"Yes I am. You?" He questions, lifting the cup to his lips. I dip my crust in the buffalo sauce while smiling.

"I am actually. I especially enjoy kicking your ass in bowling." I tease and laugh when Dijon smacks his lips.

"You talking a whole lotta shit. I'm sobering up now so watch me win that check back." He assures.

"We'll see." I challenge, grabbing another slice of pizza. I was quickly filling up so I knew I'd be taking my other two slices home. After Dijon and I finish our food, we ask for take out trays from our waiter who approaches us. I wipe around my mouth as he stands to his feet.

"I'm going to the men's room. You want to go and pay for another game?" Dijon sits the money on the table while standing.

"I'll just wait until you come back. I don't want to leave our things unattended." I inform him. Once he walks off, I witness Kaseem and his friends leaving. We lock eyes briefly and look away as I shake my head. Out of all nights, why tonight? Why would he show his face when I'm trying to forget about him and move on. I wasn't going to let this ruin my night though. I'm really having a good time with Dijon and he's making me forget about a lot. I feel like I do the same for him and that's good. We can keep one another leveled if things go further from this. Once Dijon returns, I grab my purse and pay for another game. Entering the restroom, I take care of my breath and rinse with some mouth wash. When done, I join Dijon back on the floor and see that it's eight thirty. I see he has the game set up and that I'm first. I grab the ball and get ready to bowl. I roll the ball down the lane and watch all ten pins fall. I turn to Dijon and wink as he chuckles and rubs his hands together. I guess he's ready for another round.

Floyd pulls over to the side at Central Park, Dijon and I get out. Our guards follow not too far behind just incase some shit wants to pop off. It's clear that we are hitting it off well. After bowling, Dijon and I were ready to go but I wanted to spend a little more time with him. I told Floyd to pull over and to meet me around in front of The Hilton. That's where Dijon is staying and I didn't want to end our night so soon. It's only eleven thirty and I wanted to end the night on a fun note. I thought we'd continue to get to know one another with less of a crowd. Although Floyd is never in my business, I felt Dijon would be more open if it was only us. We began playing this game that sort of like truth or dare, but it's called question or fact. I'll ask Dijon if I can ask a question or if he wants to share a fact and vice versa. It's something I'd always do on my first date to get to know the person. It also gives them a chance to get to know me.

"Okay, so it's your turn." Dijon says as we walk the trail.

"Hmm. Question or fact?" Dijon squints his eyes a bit and hunches his shoulders bit.

"Question." He chooses.

"If you could be anything in the world, what you be and why?" I smile. Dijon scoffs while laughing a little, shaking his head.

"Damn, that's a good one. I never really grew up wanting to be anyone important you know? I always dreamt of being a billionaire bachelor." We both laugh as I playfully roll my eyes.


"I mean of course the bachelor part is void, because I've been married  before. So scratch that out. I always wanted to be a billionaire though. Coming from the projects, I had dreams of buying the hood and upgrading it. Build jobs for the homies that felt they could never be anything. You know. Give back."

"You can do that now." I tell him.

"Yea, but I'm not a billionaire. I'm working on that. You're turn, question or fact?" I twist my lips around as we continue to walk the path. Since we started the game, I've picked question but I think I'll switch it up to make it more interesting.

"Fact." I choose.

"Ok, I'm listening." He says. Looking around the park, I bite my bottom lip trying to think on what to share. I don't know if I want to share something deep or fun.

"I rejected my ex's proposal." Dijon stops in his tracks causing me to do the same and turn to him.

"What?" He questions in shock.

"What's wrong?" I laugh. Dijon steps up to me while lifting his eyebrows.

"You rejected your ex's proposal, why?" Shrugging my shoulders, I began our journey again quite amused.

"We were young and I wasn't ready. Also I don't believe that marriage will make someone change or become loyal." Dijon blows a breath as we cross the Bow Bridge.

"Damn, so you never want to get married?" I nod with pursed lips.

"I do but when I get my life together. Start fresh in a sense." My parents  generation were use to getting married in their mid and late twenty's. This day in age, getting married in your thirty's sounds like the best bet. There's a lot that you have to learn these days before you can settle down. At least that's how I feel. We continue to converse and laugh as we continue our journey through the park. After about fifteen minutes, we get to the end of the trail. Floyd and a few of our guards are parked in front of the hotel. Dijon and I cross the street and stop in front of The Hilton. He takes my hand and turns to me, exhaling deeply while smiling with a small chuckle.

"Well, I guess this it." He says.

"Yep." I assure while nodding.

"I really enjoyed you tonight. Hopefully we can do this again." Smiling, I nod while shrugging a shoulder.

"I enjoyed you too and of course. I'll let you choose the spot." Dijon licks his lips and raises his eyebrows.

"Dinner maybe?" Taking our hands, he intertwines our fingers and kisses the back of my hand.

"I'd love to." Staring in a daze, my thoughts are interrupted by the horn honking. Turning around, I notice Floyd waving for me to come on. I hold up a finger and narrow my brows.

"Everything cool?" Dijon questions.

"Yea. I gotta go." Taking my hand out of his, I get ready to turn around but Djion gently tugs my wrist. I turn to him as he slowly pulls me into a hug. We then pull back and he tucks my hair behind my ear.

"I'll call you." He assures. I nod as our fingers are the last to let go while I walk off. Tonight was definitely a natural high, but I could already feel that coming to an end. Reaching Floyd's vehicle, I get in and close the door while sighing in satisfaction of the heat. I didn't even realize the temperature difference until I got back in the car. Does Dijon have that much of a good affect on me?

"What's wrong Floyd?" He takes off and glances at me through the rearview mirror every so often.

"Your phone was ringing off the hook. It was Cass calling, he's back from vacation." Floyd informs.

"Great." I mumble. Rolling my eyes, I dig through my purse for my phone. When I retrieve it, the screen shows the numerous missed calls from Cass. I really don't care to hear his mouth but I knew I had to hear it. After a forty-five minute drive, we arrive to Brooklyn. Entering the warehouse, I hear Cass going off from afar. Traveling to the middle of the corridor, I narrow my brows to my father's office. It's where everyone is gathered which we never do. When I'm not here the door is always locked, so who the hell could of opened it?

"Bout time you got here." Cass says, causing everyone to turn to me.

"How the hell did y'all get in here?" I question while scanning all of their faces.

"That's not important. What's important was that a whole bunch of shit was going down, and you didn't call me." Cass argues. Scratching my forehead, I let out a short breath and sit my purse on the desk. While standing behind it, I witness the nosey workers all standing around. What the hell were they staring at?

"Um...y'all can leave." I rudely order. Moss nods his head to the door, watching them all leave out. He then follows them out and closes the door behind him. I have a seat as I rest my back against the white leather seat, staring at Cass who angrily paces the floor.

"Adela gets jumped and y'all find the niggas, but him and his friends are still breathing. We were robbed and those mafuckas are out there, and you're not doing a damn thing. You didn't call me or say anything to our connects about their money! Instead of handling your business you out here skipping to my Lou with competition." He scoffs, shaking his head. I roll my eyes annoyed in his direction.

"He's not competition." I mumble.

"You don't know that. He could be possibly trying to take our position." Cass argues.

"Are you done?" Cass runs his hands down his face and stops in the middle of the floor.

"No I'm not. Moss told me that you haven't been here doing your job." So, Moss is telling him all this? Hmm, noted.

"Well you were on vacation, I felt I needed one too." I shrug. Cass sighs while shaking his head.

"I'm too old for this shit." He complains, caressing the back of his neck while hanging his head.

"That's one thing we can agree on." I mumble, raising my brows then relaxing them. Cass snatches his head in my direction.

"Excuse me?" He questions for me to repeat.

"You heard me." We both raise a eyebrow to one another as I fold my hands in my lap.

"I never had to go through this shit with Kyree." He mutters under his breath.

"Look, I know that when you and my father worked together, you were always informed on what's going on. However, he's not here anymore and you're not twenty-five any more my dude. You got a family that you need  to be with, instead of worrying about what's going on at a warehouse that you don't even own. When my father was on vacation with his family, he left this shit here in Brooklyn and put his focus on us. He had you to look after everything because he knew you could handle it. Just like I can handle it." I assure, standing to my feet.

"You haven't really handled anything as far as I'm concerned." He argues.

"Oh yea, because offing someone is key right? Wrong. I got the niggas that jumped Adela, the only one on the run is the nigga that put out the hit. As for the niggas that robbed this warehouse, we'll get them eventually. As for Ramon and other connects, they'll get their money." I assure.

"This is not how your father did things." Chuckling to myself, I shake my head.

"There's four exits, use one." We weren't going to have this discussion for the millionth time. Usually, I'd let him talk me into wanting to do this shit but I can't. I can't sit here and pretend like this is what I want to do because it's not. Not to mention, I don't think my father wanted me to do it either. I'm still lost on what this all means, but I'm going to find out. Cass leaves and slams the door behind him, causing me to sigh. This was a long and dragging process on its own, and Cass wasn't making it any better. Laying my head back in the chair, I stare up at the ceiling while twisting side to side in my chair. I have to pull this shit together. Maybe I should look into what Adela and my mother told me. Something just isn't right about this whole situation. Damn I miss talking to my parents when I'm confused. They always knew what to say when I was exhausted or curious about something. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I scroll through my messages and hover over Kaseem's thread. After selecting it, I read our last conversation and exhale deeply. As much as I want to contact him, I can't. I need to do some work to clear my head. It always helps.

the next day

The shots I took at the target, rang in the air from the rifle. We were on vacation, and of course my father always had a training session for me. No matter where we went. I would rather be out shopping with my mother and sister, but instead I was being trained to shoot and aim. We were in California in the desert. He already had a set up with a table full of different guns and a field scattered with targets.

"You missed the target." My father said through chews. I rolled my eyes and sat down the shot gun, grabbing the nine millimeter. I load the magazine and chamber, screwing on the silencer. Aligning the target and the barrel, I pull the trigger repeatedly and hit all six targets.

"Happy?" I questioned. When I looked over my shoulder I witnessed my father who applauded.

"Good job, although I shouldn't have to say anything to make you do right." He stated. I nodded and placed the gun back on the table. My father took it and loaded again. He pulled the trigger without any hesitation and lowered the weapon.

"I know what to do. I just get tired of you critiquing what I'm doing." He turned his attention towards me concerned.

"In life, you'll always be criticized. The world is full of critics. It's up to you on how handle it." My father said.

"Well how do you handle them?" I questioned. My father grabbed the sniper rifle and glanced through the scope. He pulled the the trigger and I watched as the watermelon burst.

"I eliminate them." He responded.

"Noted." I mumbled then sighed.

I lift my hot tea to my lips as I stare into space. Ever since the conversation I had with Cass last night, I've had second thoughts about him. A flashback of a conversation I had with my father had me thinking. Cass could be a problem and that I needed to do something about it. Taking a glance at my watch, I see the time of eight in the morning. The doorbell rings and my security system turns on through the television. It's Moss whom I called to come here. Pushing my chair back, I hop down off the stool and head to the door. Entering the small corridor, I take off the latches of the main entrance and open it.

"Wassup." He greets, blowing his breath in his hands. Feeling the bitter cold, I quickly close the door after he steps in.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it." I tell him, putting the locks back on the door.

"It's no problem. You know when you call I'm right there. What's good though?" Leading the way to the kitchen, I fumble with my thumbs and exhale deeply. I might as well get straight to the point.

"I need to know where your loyalty lies Moss." Turning around toward him, I lean on the counter. Moss narrows his brows confused.

"What? What kind of question is that Kris?" He sighs, having a seat.

"Talking to Cass last night, he's said that you told him that I wasn't at the warehouse doing my job. He also knew about Adela being jumped, the robbery and the guy that I'm talking too." I inform. Moss narrows his eyebrows and frowns.

"I told him you weren't there, but that I had everything taken care of. I didn't tell him you weren't doing your job, what happened to Adela and the niggas that robbed us, and I definitely didn't tell him about someone you were talking too. You're personal life is none of my business." Moss assures while throwing his hands up.

"Than how did he know about my date last night?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask him."

"No, I got someone to ask. How are things going at the warehouse?" Taking a seat, I lift my drink to my lips and take a sip. Moss informed me that the new security is working rather well. Adela had informed me about having trouble with Dame, but that's what we need. Someone to check people when they know they have no business there. Although, we need to let him know that Adela is cool. He didn't know but we'll get things together. Cypher still hasn't found the guy who paid for Adela to get jumped. Although, Adela said to let it go which we will. As for them those niggas who robbed us they're long gone but I'll have the money to pay my connects. It's like starting all over again but I'll do anything to keep my family and myself safe. Moss and I end our meeting as I walk him to the door. Once I close it, I remove my phone out of my pocket and call Adela. I needed someone to help me out to get my mind off of things and Adela can do that. It's been a minute since we hung out anyway. She'll be glad to get out the house. It's needed.


Kris and her date with Dijon. Kaseem possibly coming back into the picture. What are your thoughts on Kris and Dijon? Should Kris talk to Kaseem?

Kris and Cass have a small dispute about how she runs the warehouse. Cass feels that Kris isn't fit to finish her father's job. Was Kris right to tell him to leave and should she stay alert of Cass and how he moves?

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