Untouched wife(on Hold)

By Simply_Haha

416K 12.8K 1K

Minela got married to a stranger. Mr. Ariven Watson , a young, billionaire was forced to marry Minela by his... More

A Letter Before The Wedding
Meeting the Watsons
The wedding
Three years later
A new beginning
Don't go.
Unexpected happenings
Cries and Comforts
Details about characters
Yet another troublesome guest.
A letter before the wedding 2
She won't know
Let's start slow, how about we have sex every night?
Discovering perfidy
Discovering perfidy 2
Discovering perfidy 3
You're beautiful
Love making
Feeling numb
You make me happy
Pretty little arguments
Doubting you
You know nothing about love.
I promise
New thoughts
New prospects
Plans and more
Discovering perfidy 4
Everything is fine.
I'm not, you are.
News and more
Just a little pinch
When rapture turns into mishanter
Diving deeper into the incognizance
Winding off
The past never leaves


9.1K 306 27
By Simply_Haha


"Ariven is not how I assumed he was, so I don't want to carry our plans."

"Excuse me? What do you mean not carry on! After everything we planned, you have the guts to back out on me because of your stupid husband! "

Minela paused, wondering what to do. Yes, they did have everything planned but for some reason, it felt wrong. She started question her decision.

"Okay, we'll not cancel it. Just please don't execute it yet. Give me some time, I have to think about it."

"Think about what? Form the alliance, wait for three years and then break it on 23 April. That was the deal. Are you backing out right now, Minela?"

"I'm not, please let's just wait. I haven't-"

"Shut it dammit! After all I did for you, this is how you fucking repay me! You know what, just do whatever you want! " He shouted as he angrily slammed his phone against the wall. Minela sighed as she tiptoed to Ariven's room. She froze when she felt him stir. She held her breath until she realized he was still in a deep slumber. She felt a large amount of guilt overwhelm her as she tried to sleep, without completely understanding what she felt guilty for.


In the morning, Minela felt a hot breath on her neck as she jolted awake. Her breathing quickened as she realised it was just Ariven. He had her wrapped in his strong muscular arms and his face was buried in her neck. Their position could've easily fooled anyone, giving the impression that they were closer than they actually were. Minela forcefully segregated herself from him, causing him to groan. She quickly pulled the curtains, allowing the bright morning sunlight to hit Ariven's face.

"Who the fuck-?" He asked and suddenly stopped as he remembered that Minela was sleeping with him.

"Minela, what is wrong with you!"

"As far as I know, you have to get ready for work, don't you? So, why are you complaining? "

"Well, I'm not going." He muttered, as he turned on the other side, his eyes still closed.

"What? Why? Are you going to stay at home?"

"When did you start thinking that you had the right to question me?" He retorted.

"Well, fine. Whatever. As if I care." She muttered as she went into the bathroom.


It was 5:00pm. Minela was alone. She was in a bad mood. She had just cancel a very profitable deal with a very reputed company and this could've an adverse effect on her company. The owner wanted to share the profits equally but Minela disagreed. I need to show him that he needs me and I don't need him not the other way round. Everyone wanted to have a partnership with the Gillions and Minela would take advantage of the fact, being in partnership with the Gillion meant prosperity and popularity for just any normal business, hence, just to improve their reputation, most companies tried to put up with the unjust policies of the Gillions, like contributing more and receiving less. Minela had learnt this strategy from her dad. Ariven, however, had a completely different approach, he usually tried to set a win win situation where both parties benefit. Both of their strategies were correct and both of them were able to run their business using their respective strategies.

Koshi and Ariven had gone somewhere. For some reason, Minela felt empty. The house felt like before, again; dull and empty.

A maid, tentatively knocked, taking Minela out of her reverie.


She gave Minela a shy smile as she entered the room.

"Hello, ma'am. I have already prepared dinner and cleaned the living room. May I leave please?"

"Yes, you may. Have you done the laundry as well? "

"No ma'am but I was in a hurry so-"

"Well do it before you go."

"Well, it's late and today is my wedding anniversary so-"

"Just do.it.before.you.go. okay?" She asked sternly.

"Yes ma'am. " she lowered her gaze, wondering what was wrong with her.

"Good." She said, dismissing her.


Minela wandered in her house and was shocked to see that Gargoisse, the only maid that Minela got along with, was still here. Gargoisse was in her mid sixties, letting off a motherly and caring vibe. She adored Minela and often pitied her. She was the only one in the house who knew and cared about Minela and Ariven's marital life.

"Hey, Gargoisse. "

"Yes ma'am? " she asked politely.

"You're still here? I haven't seen you when I came, I thought you already left! "

"Oh no, I was sweeping the balcony. One of the maids may have spilled something there. "

"Do you have any idea who did it? Because it's so unfair that you should be cleaning up their mess every day when at this age, you should be the one doing the least amount of work!"

"Are you calling me old, ma'am? " She jokingly asked.

"Oh, not at all...I was just-"

"It's okay, ma'am. I was joking." She paused. "May I ask you a question? "

She continued when Minela nodded.

"I have seen the way this new girl, what's her name....yeah....Koshi....why do you let her enter your private life so much ma'am? I've noticed how Sir Ariven stopped bringing girls home after her arrival. Is it because she is the new mistress or something? "

Minela rolled her eyes.

"She is no mistress, Gargoisse. She's just his childhood friend and haven't I told you before that I don't care whoever he brings in this house. We only share this house-"

"Exactly! You share the house. It's not as if you bring men around the house! If he wants to have sex, let him but tell him to do it outside the house!" She said.

"Besides, I'm the one who has to clean their cum and shits..." she muttered in an inaudible voice. Fortunately Minela didn't hear her.

"You are right. I have to talk to him about it." She paused looking at Gargoisse.

"And, I also think you should attempt to tame him."

"Tame him?" She innocently asked.

"Yeah, don't mind it ma'am but I think you should also be held accountable for the way he treats you."

"Excuse me?" She asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, you not only let him do whatever he wants but you also never try to make him realise what he's missing. You walk around all day in your suit and at home, can you explain what you're wearing? "

"What's wrong with it?" She was annoyed now.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with it if you're eighty years old! But a young girl like you? For someone as pretty and young, you should be able to have anyone begging for you! But here you are, only viewed as a stern boss by everyone and a doormat by her husband !"

"Well, if you're telling me that I should change the way I dress just for him, keep your advice for yourself! I'm neither interested in Ariven nor in any possibility for our relationship." Minela had no intention of seducing that jerk. She never even cared about what he thought of her and she was used to him treating her like she didn't exist. So for her to suddenly change the way she dresses for him was absurd.

"I'm not telling you that, I'm just saying that you should show him what he's missing. " Gargoisse said.

"I don't think I should-" Minela said but Gargoisse interrupted her.

"But this will benefit you a lot!" She exclaimed and Minela was slightly annoyed at being interrupted by a maid but decided to let it slide.

"How will this benefit me?"

"You can get him to do anything you want by seducing him." She said, grinning mischievously.

"I can?"

"Yes of course ma'am. Imagine! He will soon be at your mercy once you put him in his place." This made Minela wonder. Could she actually do that?

"But...can I really seduce him?"

"Of course ma'am you're such a beauty. It's a shame you're always hiding in your room and not trying to show Sir what he is missing."

"Ummm okay I will try something. Thank you Gargoisse. "

"It's all right ma'am. I'm always here if you need some advice. " She smiled.


When Ariven and Koshi came home, it was already 10:00 pm. Minela was getting ready to sleep. She was dressed in a sexy red lingerie. She was not used to wear lingerie. She would usually dress up in comfortable usually childish pyjamas. This was the nightgown that she had bought before her wedding, hoping she'd wear it on her wedding night but she never felt the necessity to wear it. Tonight, however, she wanted to wear it. She didn't plan anything, she just wanted to see Ariven's reaction. Was Gargoisse right? Was she to be blamed for the way she allowed herself to be treated? Perhaps. But no more. It was time to set boundaries in this relationship.

Ariven tried to enter his room as quietly as possible hoping not to wake Minela up. For the first time in his life, he was feeling guilty for not informing her that he would come late. Should he have informed her? He hadn't done it before so wouldn't it be awkward? She surely wasn't expecting him to start being lovey dovely with each other right? Afterall this was just a pretence. As soon as Koshi is gone, they'd go back to normal: ignoring each other. RIGHT!?

All his thoughts were interrupted when he saw a woman dressed in a hot and revealing lingerie in front of the mirror.

Who is this- Minela!?

Ariven's eyes widened. What is she doing? He wondered as he saw her seductively running her fingers along her leg. This made him realise just how beautiful and slim her legs were, no bruises at all. Completely immaculate. She indeed had a slender and sexy body.

What was he thinking? This is Minela. He shouldn't be thinking of her so inappropriately.

When she turned to face him, Ariven found himself to be staring at her cleavage. When he realized what he was doing, he cleared his throat and turned his back to her.

"I'm sorry. " He said, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink, if the light in the room was not so dim, Minela might have noticed it.

"Umm...I'm going to change. " He uncomfortably said, still not looking at her as he took his clothes and went into the bathroom.

He bent down as he touched his penis.

He was hard.

He had to take a cold shower, a very cold one.

Minela had a satisfied smile on her face as she heard a grunt from the bathroom. He's just changing his clothes.

Yeah totally!

She blushed, suddenly feeling shy. She did have an effect on him. All these years, she had thought that she was unattractive, this is why Ariven wouldn't spare a glance at her but she was wrong!

Minela was not yet asleep when Ariven came from his shower, his hair was damp ad he was not wearing a shirt. Minela could see the water tickle from his chest to his abs.

"You got a new dress, I see?" He asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Yes. Umm. Thanks for....yesterday."

"The ice cream?" He chuckled. "It was Koshi's idea."

He paused.

"I don't know what you're thinking but if you think I want anything to do with you, you're wrong. Just because we're sharing the bed does not mean everything is okay between us. "

"Well, this is exactly what I was about to say." Minela lied.

"Yeah right." He drawled with a hint of sarcasm. "Don't know what she thinks she's wearing. " He muttered under his breath.

"So goodnight, I guess." Ariven said quietly.

"Ummm wait..."


"I just wanted to tell you that if you think you can still bring girls in my house anymore, you're wrong?"

"Excuse me? When did you start giving a damn who I'm with? "

"I don't, I have just decided that you will no longer bring prostitutes in my house and that's final! "

"They're not prostitutes!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Right. Same difference. " She rolled her eyes.

" What's wrong with you? I just try to be chivalrous and you're already lusting for me? Is this why you're wearing this stupid lingerie! Are you that desperate for me to fuck you? You could just say it."

"Excuse me? Chivalrous? Right...I don't even want you to touch me, forget sex!" Words were not enough to Express what she was currently feeling.

"Yeah, right, what with this new outfit then? You always dress like a 60 years old grandma!"

"Well, this is my house and I can wear whatever I want. Why? Is my outfit causing you any problem? "

"No... I mean...what problem would it cause me....just go to sleep, Minela. Goodnight " He said as he turned the other side.

"You're not getting away from this conversation so easily!"

"Fine, what do you want?"

"Well... I don't care who you are with but this is my house and I should get to decide who can and cannot come here."

"And may I ask you why can I no longer bring anyone here?" He drawled sarcastically.


"You're not starting to take this husband wife thing seriously, are you?"

"Hmmm no! I just... like I said, I don't care who you're with.... but not my house please. I don't enjoy hearing your moans from my bedroom at night." This made Ariven a little bit embarrassed remembering how he never cared about being too noisy. Fuck she could hear everything?


"Okay?" She asked. Wow that did not turn out so bad.

"Yeah....so I can be with anyone...just not in this house? Am I correct? " For some reason, she wanted to tell him that she didn't want him with anyone else, ever but it would be irrational to say so. It's not as if they were actually husband and wife. This was all just a pretence.

"Yeah." She muttered, not knowing what to say more.

"Okay deal."

"Good night, Minela." Ariven said, turning away from her. He surely couldn't look at her without having any problem down there.

"Good night. "

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