Getting Over Cameron Grey

By spacecadet1

727 43 38

Zoey knew what her next ten years were going to look like. She'd trade in her job at the family shop for some... More

2 | Mother Dearest
3 | Everything is Perfect
4 | Why Am I Like This?
5 | Same Old Song
6 | And Nothing Can Ever Go Right
7 | So You Have a Thing For...
8 | A Sleuth Tends To Be Shady
9 | Beach Daze
10 | Here It Is
11 | Legal Boundaries
12 | Know You Better
13 | The Best Show Around
14 | Sword Swallower
15 | Worst Date Ever
16 | Closer
17 | Night In

1 | I'm Getting Married

49 2 4
By spacecadet1

Present Day       

"I think Cameron's gonna propose." I blurted out in the middle of locking up the family shop.        

Amara was always a relatively collected person. That was what really drew me to her during college. I was constantly losing my mind over papers and exams and she always seemed so detached from things in just the right way. So I didn't expect much of a reaction at my announcement. She only rose her eyebrows very slightly as she locked the front door to my family's shop, and gave a final tug on the handle. She turned to face me and played with the keys for a moment. "You think you're getting engaged."

"That's right, and there are signs." I replied enthusiastically and beyond ready to defend my case.

"All right," she handed me the keys, which I immediately threw into my old straw tote, "tell me these so-called signs while we walk to the car."

"Well, first," I walked at an angle in front of her and held out a finger, "Cam's been really jumpy lately. Like he's been asking me about how I feel about him and us, but not in like a scary way. In a sweet way. Must be because he wants to see if I'm ready to get engaged, since it's a really big next step."

"Okay. Next."

"Reason two!" I held out another finger. "Suddenly he's gotten really particular about his budget, which could be because he's planning on getting me a ring."


"Reason three!" I held out a third finger. "I was using our laptop and checked the history, and I found that he was checking out engagement rings. That, and he was looking into booking a flight to New York City, which is maybe where he wants to hold the reception or something, I don't know yet. But there's definitely a nice surprise in the works."

Amara remained expressionless and seemed unconvinced. But somehow there seemed like there was something tense about her, maybe in the face. She avoided eye contact. I held onto her arm as we walked and I tried to think about what was off about the moment. Maybe she needed more evidence. I perked up. "Plus, I looked through some of his e-mails, too, and he's got a lot addressed to Hannah."

Amara looked at me. "Hannah?"

My excitement was revitalized. I gave her arm a little squeeze. "I know, I wouldn't expect it either, but he's been asking her about dates and times. It's really vague stuff, but they seem like they're trying to work out something schedule-wise."

"I thought Hannah was mad at you about you telling on her about the credit card thing or whatever."

"Yeah, I thought she was still mad at me too. But she's really growing up. Good for her." Hannah, my younger sister, declared that she hated me about two weeks prior. To make a long story short, she got a credit card in our mother's name and was about $2,000 in debt before the month ended. When I found out, I told my mom. Hannah's messy 21-year-old self got grounded. I didn't feel bad, especially since my mom found a way to defend Hannah through the whole ordeal. She didn't get in as much trouble as I would have.

"You might be right."

"Anyways, I feel like all of this is one big equation that equals engagement. I'm getting engaged. I didn't really see it coming. I always thought there was supposed to be more of a special thing when you get engaged, but maybe I'm just going to experience it later, when it actually happens. I'm excited though. You're the first person I told."

"Zoey," Amara started weakly. She hesitated.

I slowed my walking down a few steps. "What's wrong?"

She turned her head away from me and to the right, where neat hedges outlined that side of the block. No part of her face was visible under her corkscrew curls. I tried to take a peek at her face, but she only turned away further. I got us to stop walking. I poked her waist, and she jerked under the ticklish touch. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry." She shook her head. "Let's keep walking."

"Is it Marcus?" Amara and her boyfriend, Marcus, were the on-and-off couple. They were too in love and always in a lot of trouble because of it, but they fixed their problems quickly and never spent too long being apart. But whenever they did go through one of their many rough patches, it took a toll on her. "Oh my God, I'm sorry. I'm here talking about engagements and something happened. What was it?"

"No, no, it's not Marcus. I'm just..." She looked right at me for a moment. She lowered her eyes to the ground. "I'm really happy for you. You know me, I'm not good with this emotional shit. I'm just really happy for you."

I grinned and gave her the tightest side hug I could manage, despite knowing that she hated unannounced and sudden hugs. She patted my arm quickly as a silent request for me to stop. I leaned away from her and took her arm again. "Gosh, you really had me freaked out for a moment."

"I wasn't trying to give you a hard time. Anyways, let's celebrate. I'm thinking we go to the diner and order one of those big-ass sundaes you always say you're going to buy and never do."

I pumped a fist into the air and said as seriously as possible, "Today is the day I buy that freaking sundae."

Amara laughed as we approached the end of the block, where her sleek blue convertible waited for us. We drove to the diner, split the gigantic $10 sundae and spent an additional twenty minutes trying to recover from the calorie overdose. "I think I'm going to need an ambulance," I sighed as I sank lower into the booth.

We staggered to her car. We sang along to all of the hits on the radio and took turns creating potential wedding playlists until we got to my house. I waved goodbye as she drove off. I climbed the stairs to my second-story apartment and stepped in quietly, since it was almost midnight. Cameron had become a light sleeper ever since his father passed away the year before, but Ruffles barked every time I entered the apartment. That night was different. I knew it because I stepped into complete silence. I made a face to myself. In the case that Ruffles happened to just be in a very deep sleep, I closed the door as quietly as I could. I stepped out of my sandals and fanned myself as I tiptoed across the living room.

The coffee table was clean. All that stood on it was a vase I recently bought at a flea market and dying flowers. I didn't really mind, since Cam was usually on the messier side. Being the health fanatic he was, he had a tendency of leaving behind sports and men's health magazines on every available surface. The kitchen always had leftover protein shake splatters on the countertops. His sneakers were always in an inconvenient spot (one thing that did really annoy me) and easy to trip on. But I glanced around at the usual spots during my trip to our bedroom and saw none of the usual things.

I opened the bedroom door slowly, and then quickly once I realized that the bed was completely made up. Ruffles' plaid dog bed had disappeared from its corner. I leaned back and peered into the narrow kitchen. Ruffles' bowls normally sat side-by-side under the window, and both were gone too.


I'm going to be straightforward. I know that this isn't going to make any sense, but I've been going through so much lately. Things have been so hard for me right now. In the middle of all of this chaos, I've realized and learned a lot. One of the things I've realized is that I'm in love with Hannah. We're really in love and it's been like this for a few months now, and we just need to get away. Me, her and Ruffles won't be back for a little while. Please don't hate me. I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm always going to love you. You're a great girl and I want you to know that. Me and you just weren't meant to be. I hope you can forgive me.



The paper slipped out of my hands. I held my head in my hands and slowly sat myself on the edge of the bed and tried to count my breaths.

Breathe in. One. Cameron wasn't going to propose. He left me. 

Two. He left me for my sister. And she still had another semester of college to wrap up.

Three. They took my dog, for some reason. 

Hold. He left no clues as to where they were or for how long. It might have been an actual move. Maybe they were eloping.

Breathe out. One. There was something getting to him that I didn't know about. Something only Hannah could understand, it seemed. 

Two. He had fallen out of love and I couldn't figure out when that happened because everything just seemed so normal. He didn't act any different. (A painful realization.)

Three. My mother was going to kill me.


A/N: The main characters mentioned in this chapter are all featured on the side! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm thinking of releasing a chapter at least every Wednesday or every other Wednesday.

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