Sick bts

נכתב על ידי fruityappledreams

421K 5.5K 3.5K

Hello! This is a collection of bts sick fics I am writing. Some will be one shots and others will have more t... עוד

Sick Jimin part 1
Sick Jimin part 2
Sore throat 1
Sore throat 2
What did we eat? 1
What did we eat? 2
Sick at school
What did we eat? 3
Stuck in the rain
What did we eat? 4
Peanuts = Death (not really)
Yoonjin travling
Little Tae
Freakin pumpkins !
Slip in the mud
Flu ✈️
Just push through it (1)
Just Push Throuh It (2)
A Fever Named Scarlett
Sick Bubba (Taegi)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Cars are not for Jimin (Jikook)
Jin hyung
Snow part 2
Kookie needs a rest
Hobi 💖
Jin Hyungs recovery
Have my coat tiny
Grammy Nerves
Jin's Stomach flu
Tae's no fun tum
Whiny Jimin

Fixed up

8K 72 31
נכתב על ידי fruityappledreams

Part 2 of 'Slip in the mud' I saw you guys disscusing a part 2 in the comments and decided to write it out. I hope you enjoy.

Try imagining Yoongi about the height of a four or five year old.

Yoongi stared out the rainy car window, tear tracks barely dried. He hugged his blue stuffed elephant Trunks close to his chest rubbed his rubber boots together. Jimin drove carefully through the rain, still dressed in his wet, mud covered clothes, too caught up in making sure Yoongi was going to be okay to take care of himself. Yoongi always came first in his mind, even in big space, but that wasn't too often. Yoongi was almost always in little space when they weren't working.

"Appa, my tooth hurts." The little complained, turning to look at Jimin as he pulled to a stop at a red light.

"I know it does sweetie. It'll be fixed real soon, I promise." Jimin said, taking Yoongi's hand momentarily.

Five minuets later Jimin turned the car into the parking lot of the dentist building. He hopped out of the car and helped Yoongi out of the passenger seat, adjusting the little's jacket. Yoongi grabbed Jimins hand and squeezed it tightly, becoming nervous in front of the evil dentist building. Jimin ruffled his hair reassuringly and made his way to the front door. He reached to pull the door open when he heard a small voice.

"" He mumbled, shaking his head. "Don't wanna..."

"Shhh, it's alright baby. Tell me what's going on in that head of yours." Jimin encouraged, wanting Yoongi to talk about his feelings instead of keeping them bottled up.

"I-I'm afraid it gonna hurt." Yoongi whispered, his voice breaking off in to small shaky breaths.

"It will be alright Yoongi, I'll be with you the whole time." Jimin said quietly, lifting Yoongi onto his hip and opening the door.

"Noo ~" Yoongi whined quietly, turning and staring at the door as it got further away from his reach. Jimin rubbed his back soothingly.

Jimin started talking to the reseptionist about the appointment that was schedeuled just fourty minuets ago. Tears bagan to well in Yoongi's eyes and he squirmed in Jimins arms, trying to free himself in order to run away.

"I'm sorry just a moment." Jimin said to the woman, walking Yoongi over to the other side of the room near a big window. "It's okay sweetheart."

Jimin kissed Yoongi's fallen tears away and held his baby tightly. He whispered comforting words in the littles ear, calming him down slowly. Yoongi gripped his hands onto Jimins shoulders and cried out, displaying the chip in his front tooth.

"Oh honey, I know it's scary, but your the bravest little boy I know. You'll be just fine." He said quietly, looking into Yoongi's kitten like eyes. Yoongi flopped his head onto Jimins shoulder and tucked his head into the olders neck. Jimin swayed side to side, humming Moana in his ear.

Jimin walked back over to the receptionist once Yoongi had calmed down and finished checking in. Then he sat down on a near by two person sofa, resting Yoongi on his lap. He pulled out the original peter rabbit and began reading it Yoongi while they waited. Yoongi became invested very quickly, pointing at the pictures and mumbling different questions and comments to Jimin, almost forgetting where he was. The two were both pulled from their reading session when 'Min Yoongi' was called from the door leading into a small hallway.

"C'mon Yoongi." Jimin said, standing Yoongi on the floor and taking his small hand in his own, approaching the dentist. Yoongi's lip trembled and he hid his face in the side of Jimins butt. Jimin greeted the dentist and put his hand on Yoongi's head.

"Hi Yoongi. I'm Dr. Lim, do you remember me?" She asked, using a friendly voice. Yoongi wasn't usually very good at remember people he only saw once in awhile in big space, Dr. Lim knew this and was told ahead of time.

Luckily, Yoongi did remember her. Unfortuantly, he remembered her as the bad lady who scratched up his teeth some months ago, so he bolted away with trunks the elephant tucked under his arm and hid under the magazine table. Jimin quickly followed the little, dragging his name out. He crouched down and looked at Yoongi who had his knees pulled up to his chest, resting his head on his knees. Jimin sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, he's just...I don't know. He missed his nap and is overwhelmed from what's happened I guess." Jimin explained to the near by dentist.

"Don't worry about it. This procedure will not hurt, but it will take some time. It's called bonding, I'll use a tooth colored composite and reform the missing piece of his tooth." She explained profestionally.

"Did you hear that Yoongi?  It won't hurt sweety, please come out from under there." Jimin said, nearly begging for the little to come out.

"O-Only if-if..Appa will hold me!" Yoongi stuttered out loudly.

"Oh, of course! You can sit with your Appa the entire time." Dr. Lim said, sending relief through both Jimin and Yoongi's bones.

Yoongi slowly crawled out from underneath the table and into Jimins arms, tears still pooling in his eyes. He wrapped everyone one of his limbs around his Appa and let himslef be taken into the office. Jimin sat down in the big chair with Yoongi, gently turning him around so Yoongi was facing forward. He kissed Yoongi's hair while the dentist got ready, putting on her face mask and setting up all of the tools needed.

"Okay Yoongi. I'm going to have this light thats over your head shining into your mouth." She explained, Yoongi staring up at the big light that was currently shut off. "It may get in your eyes, so would you like some sunglasses?"

A small smile grew on Yoongis lips and he nodded. Wearing sunglasses inside would be funny. Jimin grew more settled when he saw his baby perk up a little.

"Let's see." Dr. Lim said, digging through a drawer. "I have blue, green, silver, pink, and yellow. Which pair would you like?" She asked turning back to face Yoongi.

Yoongi pondered his choices for a moment, playing with trunks's ear.

"Yellow." He said quietly after about twenty seconds.

Dr. Lim handed Jimin the shades. He helped Yoongi put them on. Yoongi giggled and looked back at Jimin smiling. Jimin gasped, "Is that my Yoongi looking to stylish?" He said with exageratted astonishment. Yoongi nodded, still smiling.

"I'm like Belle, cause it yellow." He said contently, tapping the frame of the glasses.

"Ah, just like Belle." Jimin agreed, playfully knocking heads with the little.

Yoongi giggled and leaned back into Jimin's chest. Dr. Lim took this moment to have a look in Yoongi's mouth and get to work. She stared by cleaning the tooth, which was followed by adding a clear substance and the tooth colored composite. Yoongi stayed mostly still, keeping his mouth open, but letting out the occastional whine in protest. Dr. Lim was nearly finished when Yoongi got frustrated, it was taking way too long. A whole twenty minuets in fact. Jimin was proud that he made it so long until then.

"No 'ore! No 'ore!" Yoongi cried, mouth still open and being worked on as he squirmed around.

"Shhh, you're doing very well honey. Only a little longer, its alright." Jimin said calmly, rubbing his hand on Yoongi's stomach.

"Yes, I just need to use this light..." Dr. Lim said in deep concentration, putting the purple light on the new-ish tooth, hardening the glue and other componints for the final product. "And we're done!"

Finally, she rinsed out Yoongi mouth and sucked away the water with the small plastic vacuum. Jimin sat up with Yoongi still in his arms and turned him back around in his lap, enveloping him in a tight bear hug. Yoongi, no longer nervous, but still shaken up cried into his shoulder, pulling off the sunglasses and tossing them away with the frustration of having to be where he was. Dr. Lim gave the pair a couple minuets to calm down, cleaning up her tools and taking the clear prize bucket from the top of the cabinets.

"Hey, Yoongi look." Jimin said, tapping Yoongi shoulder and pointing at the bucket filled with color full toys and things.

"You did a very good job today, so I'm going to let you pick two things from the prize bucket." Dr. Lim said, handing the bucket to Yoongi so he could dig around while she discussed what to do when they left. Yoongi thought to himself, of course he deserved a some prizes after that torture.

Yoongi carefully sifted through the different toys. He saw many stickers, rubber frogs, bracelets, bouncy balls, small skate boards, plastic animals, key chains, little activity books and different colored mini crayons. In the end he chose a plastic lizard and a pink box of mini crayons. Yoongi dried his tears and handed the bucket to Jimin who gave it back to the dentist.

Afterwards, the two left and started walking back to the car. Jimin lifted Yoongi into the passenger seat. Just before he shut the car door a small hand grasped the pocket of his damp jeans. He looked down and saw Yoongi pouting up at him.

"What's up cutie?" He asked, kneeling on the ground to look more clearly at the little.

"I miss h-hobi an' taetae." Yoongi sniffed, climbing back into Jimins hold.

"How about I call them when we get home and get some dinner. Sound good?" Jimin suggested, leaving a kiss on Yoongi's cheek.

"Yeah! Sound good!" Yoongi answered, repeating what Jimin said.

The drive home was spent listening to Twice songs, sneezing, and Yoongi really needing the bathroom.

"Appa! I need da bafroom! It's a emergency!" Yoongi said urgently, pressing his hands on his privates.

"Just hold on darling, we're almost-" Jimin was cut off by a loud sob. "Oh Yoongi."

Jimin took a sharp right turn into the drive, plowing over Yoongi's mud puddle and probably the chip that fell off his tooth. He leapt out of the drivers side and ran over to Yoongi, snatching him out of the car and running inside to the bathroom. Jimin had a feeling that it was too late, but he'd rather have damp hands than a damp car seat.

Jimin set Yoongi down in front of the toilet and helped the little get situated. He took Yoongi's half soiled pants and threw them in the hamper, starting a warm bath. Yoongi looked up with tears still rolling down his cheeks. He didn't mean to have an accident. They were very very rare anyway. Jimin turned around and cooed at his baby.

"Don't cry baby~ Everything is alright, I'll take care you." Jimin said lovingly, wiping Yoongi tears away with his thumb. "Now let's get you in the tub! Look, all of your bath toys are there to see you!" He said excitedly.

Yoongi giggled quietly and hopped off of the toilet and waddled over to the tub, looking over the side at the rising mix of bubbles and water. He spun around and lifted his arms up for Jimin to take his shirt off so he could get in.

"Ah, you're such a good boy when it's bath time!" Jimin complimented, tossing the muddy shirt into the hamper as well.

Yoongi, with some help, climbed over the tub and splashed into the water, smiling brightly. Jimin sat on the bath mat and picked up a rubber turtle, flying it around in the air and booping Yoongi's nose. The little copied with a plastic Oswald toy, making Jimin laugh. Yoongi soaked himself entirely in the water, except his head, and blew the bubbles around, hollowing out the mounds to make houses. Jimin watched and used a soft wash cloth with baby soap to wash up Yoongi's shoulders and back. Jimin coughed into his elbow, gaining wide eyes from Yoongi who was in the midst of an adventure.

Jimin cleared his throat, "Sorry sweetheart. I'm okay, keep playing." He said, ignoring the pressure building in his throat.

Yoongi was almost finished with his bath when a knock came from the back door. Jimin sniffed loudly and stood up.

"I'll be right back, be good." He said beforing exiting to see who was at his house.

No so surprisingly, Namjoon and Hoseok stood outside the door, uninvited, holding a dragon plushie. Jimin smiled and welcomed them in, making them take off their shoes and coats. He explained that Yoongi was having bath at the moment and brought them to the bathroom.

"Yoongi~ Guess who here?" Jimin said, dragging out his words.

Yoongi jumped and turned around from lining his rubber toys along the edge of the tub. The littles face light up like a Christmas tree when he saw Namjoon and Hobi. He wished that Taehyung could have come, but this was good enough for him. Heck, Namjoon was holding a freaking dragon!

"Hi!" Yoongi called out, waving happily.

Namjoon and Hoseok walked over to Yoongi, greeting him back. "Hey munchkin, hows that tooth of yours?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi proudly showed off the new fix with a toothy gummy smile. Hoseok gasped and covered his mouth.

"It looks like nothing even happened!" He said with probably real astonishment.

Jimin nodded and coughed again, this time followed by a whimper and wince. Namjoon turned his attention to Jimin while Hoseok played around with Yoongi and the littles toys.

"You okay Jimin?" The older asked, furrowing his eye brows.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jimin said hoarsely, clearing his throat again. Namjoon shook his head.

"No you're not. You're still in wet clothes, go change, we can handle Yoongi." Namjoon said, pointing back at Yoongi with his thumb.

"Fine." Jimin sighed, walking out of the bathroom.

Twenty minuets passed and Jimin hadn't returned. It was clear as day that Yoongi was getting bored with bath time. He only had so many toys to play with and soaps to smell. Eventually Hoseok and Namjoon took it upon themselves to take Yoongi out of the bath and wrap him up in a fluffy towel.

"You stay here with him. I'm going to check on Jimin." Hoseok said as Yoongi drowsily let his eyes fall shut while he sat on the sink counter.

"Okay, try to find Yoongi some clothes too. Pajamas would be best so he can rest comfortably." Namjoon said, running a comb through Yoongi hair.

Hoseok walked through the small house and up the carpeted stairs to Jimin and Yoongi's regular room. He was shocked to see Jimin half undressed, and dead asleep on his floor, holding a pair of sweatpants. Hoseok laughed as quietly as he could and snapped a picture. He texted it to Namjoon and set his phone down the dresser.

"Jimin-ah, wake up." Hoseok said, shaking Jimins shoulder. Jimins eyes opened slowly.

"Wha-?" He grumbled, lifting himself from the floor.

Hoseok watched the youngers behavior, noticing how pale and tired he looked today. Jimin stood up and sluggishly sat down on the side of his bed, rubbing his face with his hands. Hoseok proceeded to help Jimin into a dry shirt and the sweat pants, while he mumbled incoherently from the back of his throat. Jimin felt his whole body get heavier by the second, his eyes dropping shut and mouth hanging open. Hoseok pulled down the blankets from the neatly made bed and helped Jimin climb under them. He felt the youngers forehead and frowned at the warmth. This wasn't good.

"Hoseok, what the fu-heck is taking so long?" Namjoon said, a sleepy Yoongi in his arms, still wrapped in a towel. His eyes fell upon Jimin who was just barely awake. "What's going on?" He asked, coming closer to Jimin.

Yoongi wiggled out of Namjoons arms, keeping the towel around his shoulders, as he walked over to Jimins side. The little looked with concern at his Appa and softly stroked his warm cheek with his hand, staring back at Jimin who was smiling weakly at back at him.

"Appa?" Yoongi whispered, his eyes big. "What wrong?"

"Nothing baby, just *cough* tired." Jimin lied, his eyes falling shut.

"Yoongi, c'mon honey, let's go get you dressed and then you can rest as well." Hoseok said, taking Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi followed Hoseok, keeping his eyes on Jimin as Namjoon felt his forehead. Hoseok brought Yoongi into his play room and helped him pick out some pajamas from the dresser in the walk in closet.

"Okay Mr. Min, penguins or dinosaurs?" Hoseok asked holding up both sets as he sat the floor.

Yoongi pouted his lips and thought for a moment. "Penguin!" He decided jumping over to Hoseok and taking them from his hand.

"Alrighty, arms up!" Hoseok chirped, pulling the top over Yoongi head, tickling his stomach, pulling squeaks out from the little.

"No tickle!" Yoongi laughed, flopped onto Hoseok in a fit of giggles.

"Okay, stand up. One foot in, then the other and whoosh! There you go!" Hoseok said with animation, picking Yoongi up from the ground after pulling his pants up.

Hoseok walked back to the bedroom where Namjoon was rubbing Jimins back, the younger coughing into his elbow. Yoongi watched from Hoseoks arms, reaching out for Jimin.

"A-Appa." He said, leaning towards him. Hoseok walked over to the bed and out Yoongi down on the mattress. Yoongi crawled over Namjoon and into his Appas lap, wrapping his little arms around him.

"Are you sick?" Yoongi asked cutely, putting his palms on Jimins pink cheeks, like Ponyo to that little baby.

"I'm sorry baby, I think I am." Jimin frowned, laying down his Yoongi on top of his chest. "I'm sorry."

"Dats okay! It was da puddles fault!" Yoongi said cheerfully, leaving a kiss on Jimins cheek and nose. Hoseok and Namjoon awed.

(That yoongi phrase was suggested by @DHMORREGO thank you 💕)

"Lets sleep, it will makes you feel bedder." Yoongi suggested, clumsily pulling the comforter over himself and Jimin.

"Okay baby." Jimin said, kissing yoongi forehead. "Sounds like a good idea."

"We'll stay and make something for dinner." Hoseok said, smiling.

"No, you guys should leave." Jimin said in protest, shaking his head.

"Just sleep Jimin, we're your friends and we're to help when you need it." Namjoon said walking back downstairs, followed by Hoseok.

Jimin sighed, not having any other choice but to accept the offer. He looked down at Yoongi who was sleeping soundly, cuddled into his chest, lips parted. Jimin pet his hair slowly, letting his exhaustion blanket over him, tucking him into a deep slumber.

3000+ words! You guys are really really inspiring and help me out a lot when I'm feeling down. I never thought so many people would actually read this. It's really amazing to see. I love you all so so much and I could never thank you enough!

Always feel free to message me about anything. It could be little space related or if you just want to talk :)

Thank you for reading I love you guys 💕💕

Next chapter will probably be posted sometime after Thanksgiving break 🍁 🦃

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