
By exxx25

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Some people keep secrets. Whether it be not paying your bills, cheating on your significant other, or telling... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

161 7 0
By exxx25

"Hey you hungry?" Sam asked. I didn't answer, I just sat numbly, picking at the bandages that covered my chest. "I'm going to get something from that vending machine over there. Are you sure? You haven't eaten in forever and food helps healing" Sam prodded. I stayed silent, biting my lip which was already raw. "Suit yourself" Sam gave up and walked towards the vending machine.

I watched Sam's green eyes scan the machine. It seemed as if he couldn't decide between chips and Reeses. He brought his hand to his chin as if he was making a life altering decision. I found it mildly soothing, not to mention entertaining. Finally he decided on something and punched in the numbers. He bent down and grabbed the food. Than he stood back up and punched in another number. He repeated the same process.

I saw a doctor in the corner of my eyes. I stood up, anxious for some news. But the doctor kept walking to another set of people sitting in the waiting room. It had been two hours and we hadn't heard anything on how Luke was doing. Instead I got poked and prodded until they decided I would heal with time as long as I kept the wounds clean. I also was told I might develop PTSD, but I already knew that. I sighed and sat back down. I had a splitting head ache and I felt like I was going to throw up any minute. I put my head in my hands, trying to make it all stop.

"Hey I got you something to eat" Sam said, plopping down next to me.

"I told you I didn't want anything" I said in an exhausted tone.

"Well I don't care. You are going to pass out if you don't eat anything soon. Just humor me and eat something okay?" Sam handed me a pack of Reeses. I could help but feel warm with some one looking out for me, even against my will. I stared at the package, my eyes becoming glossy. Sam looked between me and the package.

"God your not allergic to peanuts are you?" Sam asked looking horrified.

"No" I said quietly, letting out a huff of air in an attempt to laugh. I heard Sam sigh in relief, relaxing back in his seat. "These are Luke's favorite" I said quietly as I took them out of his hand. I opened the package and took one out. I stared at it for a while, finally biting into it. I had to admit it, it did taste good and I was starving.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam asked after a few beats of silence.

"Luke brought these to art class one day, when he was trying to get me to open up. He opened the package and offered me one. When I refused he started to talk about how just like the candy, some things that are never excepted to be together can make a perfect combination. Just like people, he said. He was so determined to be my friend. And look where that lead him. I should've seen this coming" I muttered as another tear ran down my cheek.

Sam swallowed what he was chewing. "Hey its not your fault" Sam placed his hand on my back. He was silent for a little while, clearly lost in thought. "Do you believe in destiny?" Sam asked, popping another chip into his mouth.

I shrugged, finding the question kind of random. I had never really thought about destiny before. I was more of a logical thinker.

"Well I do. And I think it was destiny for you and Luke to be together. I think you guys are soul mates" Sam continued, smiling as he chewed his chips. I had to admit, the kid was growing on me, and fast.

"Really?" I choked, wiping away the tear.

Sam laughed to himself. "I really have a hard time believing you guys can't see it. I'm not nearly as close with you as I am with Luke but I can tell you one thing, I have never seen anyone so in love with someone as Luke is with you. You can see it in his eyes you know? Whenever he talked about you his eyes lit up. He cares about you so much. He kept your secret pretty well. If it weren't for my job I would've never figured you out. If you feel even half of the way he feels for you than yes you are soul mates. And from what I've seen I do think you love him just as much. I've never seen such a strong love" Sam went quiet after he finished his speech. I stared at him in admiration, deciding that I liked him.

"Your a really good guy you know that?" I said to Sam.

"I wish you would tell that to my girl friend" he laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe I will" I shrugged nonchalantly. Sam turned to me surprised, knowing my anti social way.

"You?" he asked confused, a potato chip crumb falling from his face. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Maybe, maybe I'll try it your way. Surrond myself with good friends and a good life. Hide in plain sight. I waisted so much of my life hiding alone. After I let Luke in, I felt so much better. I think you've had it right all along" I admitted. Sam reached out and patted my knee.

"Well when we do get back to school, I would be honored to be your friend" he said with a smile. I smiled back. I think I just made my second best friend. 

"Ms. Soltis?" I looked up to see a doctor. It was about time.

"Yes that's me." I stood up and shook the man's hand. "Is Luke okay?" I asked.

"Yes I think he is going to be just fine" the man said, reading something on his clip board. He was middle aged and had a beard.

"You think?" I asked my voice shaking a little, a pang of anxiety in my stomach.

"Well the knife seemed to have missed any organs. It just punctured a lot of tissue and caused an extreme amount of blood loss. We are going to have to do an MRI just to be sure that is all the knife damaged and didn't leave any other bacteria or infection. Would you like to talk to him before we do it?" the man asked.

I turned to Sam, fiddling with the bandages again. "Maybe you should go" I said quietly, the guilt rising up in the pit of my stomach.

"Emma" Sam sighed, as I finally saw that Sam to looked utterly exhausted.

"I just- its my fault and I can't bear to see him hurt" I croaked, trying to not cry.

"Emma, Luke won't care and I know for sure he would never blame you in a million years. He needs you" Sam tried, squeezing my shoulder. I just couldn't.

"You go and maybe I'll come in later" I decided, crossing my arms to let him know my choice was finale. Sam looked at me with a disappointed sigh, his hands falling from my shoulders.

"Alright I will see him" Sam said turning to the doctor. The man nodded, smiling.

"Right this way" the doctor gestured down the hallway.


I sat on the cool metal bench that stuck out of the machine. I sat still, numb if you will. I felt a cool breeze on my back through the hospital gown I was wearing. I heard the door creak and I perked up, hoping to see her. Sam walked in, instead and shut the door behind him. I slouched back down, sad look returning to my face.

"Hey" Sam said, scuffing his foot on the ground. "How are you feeling?" he ventured.

"Shitty. What did the doctors say about Emma?" I replied, anxious to hear. 

"Um nothing to bad. She'll heal in time if she keeps the wounds clean and takes some anti-biotics. They also said she should watch out for signs of PTSD" Sam explained, my heart dropping. The room quieted as my heart dropped. Sam grimaced and nodded. We were silent. 

"She doesn't want to see me" I whispered as my eyes became watery. 

Sam frowned, shaking his head softly. "No its not that. Its just- she blames herself for what happened to you" Sam tried to explain, shifting uncomfortably. 

"It's not her fault. I knew the risks" I replied, just wishing I could talk to her and explain.

"I know. I told her that." Sam sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"But she didn't come see me" I repeated, a tear ran down my cheek. Sam sighed, biting his lip. "I really wanted her to be here"

"She really loves you" Sam added, trying to make me feel better. I wiped my cheek and nodded.

"I really love her too" I whispered, looking up as the door opened and the doctor walked in. Sam gave me a nod and a pat on the back before exciting the room, leaving me alone again.

"Alright Mr. Smith, lets get this over with" the man said as he walked into a room that looked over the MRI machine.

I lied down and felt the cold metal on my bare back. I shifted and tried to get comfortable which seemed impossible. Then I was slowly pulled into the machine, the outside world disappearing. All I could see was white. I took a deep breath and let it out, my breathing shaky. I felt a tear slowly trickle down my face.

"Alright Mr. Smith you are going to have to stay absolutely still. You are going to hear a loud noise now" the doctor said over the loud speaker.

A loud clanging noise blasted in my ear. I began to feel claustrophobic. I felt as if the machine was closing in on me. The doctor came on the loud speaker again and told me not to move. I felt trapped. The noise was becoming louder and louder. I felt my breathing getting heavier and heavier. More tears streamed down my face. I think I'm having a panic attack again. My head was spinning with hurt and worry and I was losing it.

I felt something touch my hand. It was warm and soft. It was another hand. It unclenched my fist, prying it open and laced its fingers with mine. I knew that hand anywhere. It was Emma's. I squeezed her hand, letting out a long sigh of relief. I felt her trace circles with her thumb, soothing me. My breathing slowly returned to normal. The tears stopped running. I instantly felt warmer. The bench was suddnely more comfratable. And I was going to be okay.

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