Adventures of Raf's Babysitter

By Naaen_Willow

58.1K 1.5K 202

Amelia Moore is Raf's babysitter since she was thirteen and has known Raf for three years. She is known to b... More

Darkness Rising Part 2/Amelia's Guardian(s)
Darkness Rising Part 3/Captured
Darkness Rising Part 4/Rescues
Darkness Rising Part 5/Truths are Told
Masters and Students
Girls' Day Out/Bonding Time with Miko and Arcee
Amelia's Sick Day
Con Job/Meeting Another Autobot
Unexpected Reunions
Deus Ex Machina
Amelia's Decepticon Protector(s)
Life with the Decepticons
Out Of His Head/Amelia Saves A Scout
Amelia's Surprise
Lucy Meets Amelia's Friends
Christmas Party
Crisscross Part 1
Crisscross Part 2
Under House Arrest
Rock Bottom
Amelia's Fear
Valentine's Day Special
A Day Out with a Prime
A Unexpected Visit
Stronger, Faster
One Shall Rise
Important A/N!!!!
One Shall Rise

Darkness Rising part 1/Meeting the Autobots

5.1K 94 9
By Naaen_Willow

A/N I do not own any of the images in this chapter they belong to their rightful owners.  This is my first time writing a fanfiction so please enjoy.

Amelia has long red hair that reaches to her mid-back but is pulled into a ponytail and jade green eyes, was watching Raf play with his remote control car in a dry drainage carnal.  "Tsk. Why aren't you playing this at your house?" she asked irritated with the situation. 

Smiling at his tsundere of a babysitter, "Your the one that suggested I do something outside my box, Lia," Raf answered back.

Clicking her tongue, she gave him one of her rarest smiles since Amelia always wears a irritated facade.  "Touche, squirt. You know if you keep getting ignored at home you can always stay with me and my family," Amelia told Raf, acting like she didn't care about him.  Before Raf could answer her, his phone was ringing, "Better answer that," she advised.

"Hi, mama! Racing with Amelia just down the street. Okay, I'll tell her," Raf finished the call from his mother and turned to the red headed girl who raised an inquisitive eyebrow.  "Mom said hi and she wanted you to drop me off when we're done racing," he told Amelia.

Rolling her jade green eyes, "As if I would leave you alone by yourself. That is not going to happen, squirt," she retorted as Amelia was searching through her black back pack for Raf's surprised gift from her.  'Shoot I forgot Raf's gift in my room,' Amelia thought angry at herself for forgetting the special present for Raf.

Hesitantly tapping Amelia's arm, Raf asked worried that something was wrong, "Hey, is everything okay? You were glaring at your pack for awhile?"

Snapping to attention after Raf asked her if she was alright, "I'm fine, squirt. There is nothing to worry about, I just forgot something at home," Amelia told as she ruffles his hair and pushes him toward his stopped toy car.  As Raf was about to go back racing against imaginary cars, both him and Amelia heard a scream at the top of their lungs.  A black haired teenage boy around Amelia's age was riding a blue motorcycle.

Raf dropped his remote control while smiling at the black haired teen's cool entrance which sent Amelia on edge, "Whoa!" Raf awed.

Panting  the black haired looked at both Amelia and Raf, "You have no idea," the teen told Raf, before dismounting the motorcycle.  Hearing two loud engines running from a top of the hill near the dry drainage canal.

Two sports cars were driving down until they jumped into the air and transformed into giant robots in mid air.  Pulling Raf behind her back while she partly lifts the hem of her shirt for Amelia's hidden black 9mm glock.

Once the two giant purple robots landed, the blue motorcycle transformed into a feminine robot.

"This ends here cons!" the blue female robot told before running toward the two purple cons as they opened fire on her while she dodged until she reaches to one on the left of her.  She jumps up while putting one leg out as she hits one of the purple cons in the face with her foot, knocking him to the ground unconscious.  His partner tries to shoot at the female robot but she evades all of his shots, once she was close enough she round-house kicks him in the chest.

Keeping a hold of Amelia's hidden gun in her right hand as she, Raf and the black haired teen watch the giant robots fight.  "W-what a-are they?" Raf stuttered.

"Talking cars that turn into robots or the other way around," the black haired teen answered as Amelia's body readies for action on protecting Raf and the confused teen.

The female robot punches the one purple con that she round-house kicked while pronouncing her words with ever punch, "This is for Cliff!"  After punching the con he turns his head as his visor glowed red, the blue robot back flips away from him as his partner begin to rise to his feet.  He shot her in the chest while she was in the air causing her to roughly fall down and skid a few feet from the three humans and the two purple cons.  Suddenly a yellow camaro with black racing stripes, jumped off the bride that was above the drainage canal, as it lands on top the purple con's face and punches the other.

Stepping  backwards, it destroyed Raf's toy car startling the yellow and black robot.  The robot apologized to Raf in a series of beeps and chirps.

Eyes widening slightly that Amelia understood what the yellow robot was saying, "No problem, really," Raf tried to reassure the yellow robot but it got blasted in the chest sending it flying as it lands on its chest.  The purple con who shot the yellow robot stepped on its back so that it would not get back up as the purple con points his laser canon at its head.  "Leave him alone!" Raf and Amelia yelled in unison, drawing the three robots attentions.  As the two purple cons point their laser guns at them, Amelia quickly draws out her own gun, "Please?" Raff asked quietly from the the two bad robots. 

"Bad call, " the black haired teen informed as he drags Raf away when one of the purple cons walks over to them in giant steps.

"Run!" Amelia yelled while she pushes the two boys ahead of her, as the purple con was gaining on them, they climbed into a sewage draining pipe.  Amelia quickly turned around to shoot at the purple con's visor hoping to blind him.  The purple con reached his arm inside the drainage pipe about to grab Amelia when he was dragged away and the yellow robot poked his head and asked if they were okay.

Raf sent the yellow robot a grateful smile while Amelia sent him a nod of thanks, "Thank you!" Raff thanked.

"Don't look back," the black haired teen told Raf as he urges Raf to continue onward.

"What did we just see?" Raf questioned as they ran further into the sewage pipe.

"No idea and I'm not sure I want to find out," the black haired teen answered.  Once the three exited the sewage pipe, "What's your names?" the teen asked.

"I'm Raf and that's my babysitter, Amelia Moore. What's yours?" Raf answered.

"Jack Darby, wait did you say Amelia Moore as in the troublemaker Amelia Moore?" Jack questioned.

Amelia's eyes darkened at the nickname everyone besides Raf calls her in Memorial High School.  "Are we going to have a problem, Darby?" she questioned darkly.  Jack shook his head at the terrifying girl, "Come one Raff. We need to get you home or you'll be late for school tomorrow," she advised.

As they were walking away from Jack, Raf raised his eyebrow at his friend/babysitter, "You brought your gun with you?" he asked already knowing what her answer will be.

Keeping her face emotionless, she waves her hand dismissively, "It's the twenty-first century. Anything could happen like today for instance," Amelia answered.  He laughed a little at Amelia's constant paranoia, "Laugh it up, squirt or you won't get your present tomorrow," she informed, shutting Raf up immediately as he gave Amelia his best puppy dog eyes ever.  "That won't work on me anymore," she told Raff who groaned in disdain.

The next day, Jack exits the school to see Raf who stuffing a new remote controlled car into his back pack standing next to Amelia who was wearing a white tank top, a brown leather jacket, black jeans and brown boots plus her red hair was in twin pigtails, sitting under the shade of a tree.

A/N This is what Amelia is wearing. I do not own any of the images they belong to their rightful owners.

Jack approaches them only to see Amelia napping under the tree while listening to music from her ipod.  "Raf, hey! Look let's just keep this between us three and forgot this ever happened okay?" Jack asked until they heard a car beep its horn.  Green eyes flutter open quickly as she glares at the yellow camaro that drove up to them, "Not again," Jack muttered in disdain.  She heard the camaro use beeps and chirps to inform Raf and Amelia that they will be riding with him while Jack has his own transportation.  "It wants us to get in," Jack wondered when Raf shook his head.

"No, just me and Amelia," Raf informed Jack who glanced at him incredulously.

"How do you know that?" Jack asked as he saw Amelia get up from her spot still glaring at the vehicle in the corner of his eye.

"It said so. Yours is over there," Raff told and points to the blue motorcycle parked at the school's entrance.  Raf and Amelia entered the camaro as they ignored whatever Jack was about to say to them.  "How's it going?" Raf asked the camaro as it drove away from the school after they were situated in their seats.  

Still glaring at the driving wheel with her most intense glare yet, 'I don't care if these things mean us no harm. But if these things hurt Raf, there will be hell to pay,' Amelia thought as they drove through a hidden door in a mountain.  Upon entering the robots base through the tunnels until they arrived at the hanger bay, filled with two more giant robots.  As the four leave the vehicles they arrived in to stand before the metal giants.  Amelia recognized the fourth member who arrived with jack, the girl was in the same class Amelia but she forgot the girl's name. 

"I thought there were only three?" a white and red robot questioned.

"Haven't you heard, humans multiply," the female robot replies sarcastically.

Raf extends his hand to the overly excited female with black hair and dyed pink tips, hoping to make friends with her and the giant robots.  "Hi, I'm Raf and that's Amelia," Raf introduced himself and Amelia.

"I'm Miko," the girl replied as she quickly walks up to a bulky green robot who looked uncomfortable.  "Who are you?" Miko asked the bulky green robot.

"Bulkhead," he answered.

"Are you a car? I bet you your a truck, a monster truck! Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever use a wrecking ball as a punching bag?" Miko asked a bunch of questions at Bulkhead.  

Amelia slaps her hand across Miko's mouth, "Okay, I think that's enough from you, loudmouth," she told Miko, irritated that a headache was forming because of Miko.

"So if your guys are robots, who made you?" Raf asked.

The red and white robot scoffs while Amelia rolls her eyes at Raf's innocent question, "Puh-lease," the red and white robot rolled his eyes.  Then the four humans heard heavy metal footsteps behind them that were heading their way.

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. Also known as autobots," a red and blue robot informed, he was taller than the others told the four humans.

Jack stepped forward toward the tall autobot, "Why are you here?" Jack questioned.

"To protect your planet from the decepticons," the autobot answered as he kneels down to the four human's height.

The female autobot explained, "The jokers who tried to bump us off yesterday."

"Okay. Why are they here?" Amelia asked almost rudely with a angered expression with clenched fists.  Raf gently lays his hand on her arm, trying to calm Amelia down.

"A fair question, Amelia. In part, they're here because out planet is uninhabitable. Ravaged by civil war," the leader of the autobots answered.

Raf hesitantly question the large autobot, "Why were you fighting a war?"

The autobot leader answered Raf's question, "For most, over control of our world supply of energon. The fuel and life-blood of all autobots and decepticons alike. The combat was fierce and endured for centuries. In the beginning, I fought along side one who I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus Megatron lost his way."

Miko was playing with her ponytail, "Is there gonna be a quiz?" she sarcastically questioned.

Turning Amelia's head around to face Miko angrily, "Lia, please calm down," Raf coaxed Amelia before she could get into a fight with Miko.  She calms down but only to glare down on all of the autobots including the leader as Raf sheepishly chuckles at Amelia, used to her threatening glares. 

"So, what is Megatron or any of this, have to do with us?" Jack asked.

"Megatron has not been seen or heard from sometime. But if his return is imminent as I fear, it could be catastrophic," the autobot leader answered.

"Since your all aliens or whatever, do you have any names?" Amelia questioned the autobots.  

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the autobots. My medic, Ratchet, our scout Bumblebee, Bucklhead our wrecker and Arcee our warrior," Optimus answered as he introduced himself and his team to the four humans. 

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