The Sky's the Limit

By dawndwrites

171K 9.8K 1.6K

Nicole Dunbar and Skyler Pennington. The swoon-worthy, Skyler Pennington, becomes the CEO of his father's int... More

Natalie |Beyond Heights|~ Publishing Date
⭐️Thank You⭐️


4.8K 313 85
By dawndwrites



We made our way to the back of Dallas High School (Crozier Tech). I was so nervous, wondering if Nicole had figured out why I brought her here. She was expecting a beautiful park for our picnic.

"I wanted to share a special memory with you." My eyes caressed her face.

"Is this where you went to high school?" She asked suspiciously.

"What if I did?"

"Well, you did grow up in Dallas. So I guess that's a silly question."

"No more questions, you're going to ruin my surprise. Just be patient."

"Alright, if you insist."

I led the way. We walked around to the back of the school, where the football field was. Nicole shot me a timid glance. "Should we be here?" She looked around anxiously, while she inventoried her surroundings

I shook my head up and down. "Yes, it's fine." We laid out the blanket and got comfortable on the football field.

"I spoke to the coach, and got permission. There isn't a Home Game today." I assured her.

I dug into the basket, handed her a plate, and silverware. "It's been quite an eventful day, you need to eat Nicole."

She grabbed some fried chicken and spooned some potato salad onto her plate. "Mmmm this is so good."

I ate a piece of chicken. "This is delicious fried chicken."

She grabbed a few napkins out of the basket and handed one to me. I was held hostage by her heart stopping brown gaze. She glared at me, and probed my face for a hint of what this was all about. We finished eating, I moved close to her, and took her plate off of her lap.

I tilted my head towards her. "I need to tell you a story from when I was in high school."

"Is that why we're here?"

"Please, let me tell my story?"

"I'm sorry for interrupting, go ahead with your story."

"I was Quarterback for Dallas High School. There was a beautiful girl being bothered by this bully. His name was Joe Adams. He knocked the girl's books out of hands, and her glasses fell off into the mud." I paused dramatically.

"I got up off of the bench, as I was going over plays with Coach. I told Joe to leave her alone and all of the kids scattered. I picked up her books and glasses. I wiped them off with my football jersey." I reached out, lifted Nicole's chin, and our eyes locked. At that exact moment, realization set in. She knew that the story was about her.

Her eyes began to flood with tears. She started wiping gigantic teardrops, as her whole body shook. I handed her the box that I had brought for her. Her hands trembled, as she opened the box.

Inside was my varsity jacket, and my senior picture from high school. I added her high school photograph to the box, next to mine. I had a copy made and framed from the picture at her aunt's house.

"I never heard the girl's name, as my coach blew his whistle. I never saw her again, until Shayne Carrington's wedding." I studied her face with piercing scrutiny.

She shut her eyes, remembering that day. Massive tears rolled from the corners of her eyes.

"I remember you now, so vividly. I was a freshman and you came to my aid. I felt scared and alone. . . then you showed up. I never forgot that experience. You have always reminded me of that boy. That's why you are so familiar to me. Your stunning blue eyes have not changed," she spoke just above a whisper.

She reached up, and brought my face to hers. She began tracing circles around my eyes with her finger.

"These magnificent blue eyes, were all I thought about for my entire freshman year. You look different and more mature after twelve years. But your eyes haven't changed. That's why you seem so familiar to me." Nicole rested her head against my temple.

"I kept wondering why you looked so familiar to me, besides Shayne's wedding. When I went to your Aunt Maxine's house, I saw a picture of you in high school. I kept thinking about that picture, over and over. That's why I called to ask if you wear glasses." I took an excited breath.

"I checked my yearbook and saw your picture in ninth grade. Nicole Dunbar, was the name under your photo. I had finally found out how I knew you. The girl, that I helped and never saw again." My eyes focused on the soft contours of her face. She blinked and eyed me demurely.

Her hands threaded through my hair. "I can't believe you were always my hero, since we were in high school. You were there at Shayne's wedding—now, with my family." She stared at me with nothing but affection. My lips lightly brushed her cheek, as I traced the outline of her graceful face.

"I want you to have my varsity jacket. Why don't you try it on?" She stood up and slipped my old jacket on.

"It's big on me and I love it, because it was yours. There is something stuck in the pocket." She frowned and began to tug on it.

I hopped up. "Let me help you. Oh, it's some kind of box. . . I don't remember that being in there."

I slipped the box out of the pocket and I got down on one knee. "Miss Nicole Dunbar, I love you. I think my heart knew how special you were, that day I saw you at Crozier Tech. No girl, has ever come close to you. You are now, an exceptional woman. I can't live without you in my life. Please say you'll marry me?" I opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond solitaire.

Nicole did not speak for a few minutes. She was truly surprised, and taken aback by my proposal. I was afraid she was going to say no. I gave her time to gain her equilibrium. She has had an astonishing few months.

She crouched down next to me, placing both of her knees on the blanket. She was in front of me, face to face. "I never thought you would ask me to marry you. I would love nothing more than to marry my best friend. I love you Skyler Pennington, with all that I am." She kissed me slow and my heart was beating in a steady staccato rhythm with hers.

I put the engagement ring on her finger nervously, as she stared in amazement. "I love this ring, it's exquisite. Thank you!" She gave me a gentle kiss. I kissed her back, with all of the love I have for her.

"Thank you for finally saying yes. I was a little worried." We both laughed.

"I asked your uncle James for permission to marry you. I told Mimi, and my parents too."

"Everyone was so excited. Your auntie Maxine couldn't stop crying. My mama is beside herself. She knew you were the one for me." I held her close in my arms, and we sat on the football field relishing this moment. Her diamond solitaire sparkled brilliantly in the remaining sunlight.

"There are several special people waiting back home. They knew I was going to propose. Apparently, everyone except Alexa." I shook my head. Nicole fell out in hysterics.

"I hope Alexa is still at your parents house. I would love to show her my ring." She tapped her chin, with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Let's take a selfie of our engagement."

Nicole laid her head back against my chest, as I sat up. She held up her engagement ring on her finger and snapped our photos using my cellphone. She immediately, posted it on my Instagram and Facebook. She captioned this picture ~ Skyler and Nicole are engaged!

The notifications were endless. We got such an outpouring of loves, likes, comments, and emojis. Alexa and my brother, Lance, commented ~ Congratulations you guys, we're so happy for you xoxo.

Shayne and Sabine commented ~ Congratulations!! We knew it . . . . Gorgeous ring, can't wait for the wedding, and a heart emoji.

Nicole's dad commented ~ Congratulations!

We both were surprised at that one. I didn't know he was following me on Instagram. My account is public because of the shipping company. But Nicole was still in disbelief, and so happy to be my fiancée. I'm blown away myself, that we're getting married.

We decided to start heading home, before it got dark. We knew Mimi, Nicole's aunt, uncle, and my parents were anxious to see us. No one had seen Nicole's ring yet. She was looking forward to showing our family.

We put everything in my car. I planted a soft lingering kiss on her lips, that made me dizzy. Nicole just sighed and shivered.

We drove home holding hands and we were truly happy. Everyone ran out of the front door, as we pulled into the driveway. My mama, father, Mimi, Maxine, James, Lance, Alexa, and even Princess. That had us in stitches, with laughter.

Mama practically yanked Nicole out of the car. "Welcome to the Pennington family. I will finally have a daughter, after thirty years." She held Nicole in a tight embrace, with moisture dripping from her eyelashes. She marveled at Nicole's engagement ring.

My father faced me, as I closed my car door. "I'm so happy for you and Nicole. You've got yourself one special young lady. I'm so proud she is joining our family." My dad patted me proudly on my back.

Her aunt and uncle joined in the celebratory hugs. "Nicole, we couldn't be happier to have you marry Skyler. You deserve a good man in your life, that loves you the way he does." Aunt Maxine placed her hands on both of our cheeks and eyed us lovingly with tears.

Mimi waited patiently. "May I hug my granddaughter?"

"Of course." Everyone spoke up.

Mimi looked at Nicole with such pride and happiness. "This is what your grandfather and I wanted for you. I couldn't have handpicked a better man, that is worthy of your love. You are surrounded by people who love and appreciate you, for simply being you. I love you, dumplin."

She hugged me. "Thank you Skyler, for seeing the beauty that exists in my granddaughter. Others missed it, but you saw it all along. Welcome to The Dunbar family. I love you and the ring you picked is beautiful." She kissed my cheek, with her tear streaked face.

"Before I left, I wanted to say congratulations. Nicole you are very beautiful. While you two were gone, your family told me how you met Skyler in high school. It gave me chills. . . I hope I get to have a love story like that one day." Alexa gave us a teary smile.

Lance gave us both a quick hug. "Congratulations and welcome to the family Nicole. I'm going to walk Alexa to her car, I'll be right back." He kissed Nicole's cheek, as he ran to catch up with Alexa.

The rest of us headed inside the house. I intertwined my fingers with Nicole's. I brought her hand up and kissed the back of it. I held Princess in my other arm, as she wanted to be part of the celebration too. Now she would truly belong to both of us.

"I hope you two don't mind, but I planned a small engagement party for tomorrow. It's with our closest friends in Dallas. I called and reserved a banquet room at Gilley's. I couldn't resist celebrating my firstborn son's engagement. Everyone is so excited. Even the Carringtons are coming." My mama announced with glee in her voice.

Nicole looked at me with a smile. She knew we might as well go along with the plans.

"We'd be honored, Amelia. I can't believe you got the party together so fast."

"I knew Skyler was going to propose. We're good friends with the owner of Gilley's. I called and confirmed with him, as soon as you left today. I had a guest list that I divided between your aunt Maxine, Mimi, and myself. We all called to invite everyone." The most adorable blush spread quickly across her face.

"It's fine Mama. I'm happy that Nicole said, yes. It works out perfect that we're here in Dallas this weekend to celebrate." I reached out and gave her a loving hug. I adore my mama, and I truly appreciated her excitement.


Votes and Comments Appreciated ~ ❤️ I hope you enjoyed Skyler's proposal!! More to come next week 😀

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