The Shift

By dropsofargent

100K 3.8K 558

Book II of the Lost Luna Trilogy *** I had finally accepted being a wolf-less Luna. Well that's what we had a... More

The Shift
01. Dull Pains and Aches
02. Blonde to Brown
03. Voices
05. Goodbye Skylar. Hello Cana
06. Alec
07. Sierra Doesn't Know But Ryan Does
08. Two Chest Hairs and Three Pound Weights
09. Curls Frilly Dresses and the Coven Ball
10. So....Sierra Does Know?
11. A Quest For The Moon Goddess? Or A Quest For Me?
12. Let's Get The Show On The Road
13. Welcome to Cincinnati
14. Apartment 6b
15. The "Corporation"
16. Sairah
17. Game Plan
18. Reconnaissance

04. The Animal Within

6.2K 281 28
By dropsofargent

He's so cute omg


Jake curled up against me and I pulled the blanket over top both of us. He was asleep instantly, his fingers clutching my shirt. I closed my eyes and found Ryan was right. The medicine made me extremely sleepy. I was out in seconds.

Or I thought I was. Next thing I knew a strong breeze picked up my hair and tickled my face. Ugh. I left the window open. But when I opened my eyes I wasn't in our room. Jake wasn't curled up next to me, and I was not in a bed.

I sat up and saw I was in a field of grass. The grass reached higher than my head sitting down so I couldn't see much. My eyebrows furrowed as I stood, the grass coming up to my waist. To my right, about fifty feet away, was the forest line I recognized from the park. To my left was endless field, endless grass, and endless sky.

The sky was a bright blue and speckled with fluffy white clouds. The sun shown bright right above my head, warming my face as I titled it upwards. It was quite a peaceful dream and my first thought was, it must've been the medicine. I usually dreamt about strange stuff. Usually stuff that happened later on which always scared me. But this was peaceful.

Which is how I immediately knew it wouldn't last. And boy was I right. I blinked and the next thing I saw was grey clouds and no sun. It grew dark around me as the moon came out. The wind picked up and I could smell the oncoming rain.

I looked back at the field and saw the grass was no longer green but a dark brown, dead looking color, swaying in the wind. My hair picked up and obscured my vision and it wasn't until I got that situated that I noticed the giant wolf standing ten feet in front of me.

Here we go.

The wolf was slightly smaller than Ryan and the complete opposite of him. It had albino white fur that glistened in the moonlight and green eyes that mirrored mine. It stared straight at me, sending shivers down my back.

It took a few steps forward as a female voice whispered in my mind. 'Hello Skylar.'

I took a single step back, watching the wolf reproachfully. "Um hi."

'You should be used to these kind of dreams by now.' She continued. 'They happen often don't they?'

"Not too often." I answered honestly. "The last dream I had was a few days ago."

'About your daughter?'

"Yes....." My eyes narrowed. "How'd you know?"

'Im in your mind Skykar. I know you in and out. I've seen your dreams over and over again.'

"Who are you?" I continued moving backwards when I suddenly came against this dead oak that curled around me, trapping me.

'Take a guess.'

I struggled against the branches while my mind worked trying to figure who this wolf could be. I let out an annoyed grunt when the branches didn't budge and it hit me. I met the wolf's eyes again.

"I thought that wasn't possible." I said quietly.

'Oh it's entirely possible. They just don't think it'll happen.' She answered. 'But the question is, do you?'

"I don't know."

'Well your dreams aren't just your imagination are they? They are pretty vivid, if you think about it.'

"Okay. So let's say it does happen." I yanked my left arm out of the tree's hold and brushed the hair out of my face. "When will it happen? And what would your name be?"

'I can't say when because I don't know that either.' She took the last few steps forward, her snout inches from my face. 'But I can tell you my name. It's C-

I felt a raindrop on my cheek and she stopped. I glanced up and saw it wasn't raining. But I felt another drop. I glanced back down and the tree and the wolf were gone, leaving me standing in the field alone.

I felt another drop and it shook me out of the dream.

I opened my eyes and saw Jake sitting up on our bed, poking my cheek with a small smile on his face. I blinked a few times before I sat up, stretching. "Did you sleep well, Jake?"

"Yes Momma." He replied, standing up on the mattress and hugging my shoulder. "But you were asleep for a long time."

"How long?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"Like five, six hours." A voice from the doorway sounded, startling me.

"Oh my god." I pressed a hand to my heart, glancing up to see Cameron standing in the doorway. "You scared the crap out of me."

He smiled. "Sorry about that."

"Five or six hours isn't too long." I said.

"Considering its 5 in the evening, and you fell asleep around noon, yeah it is." He replied.

"Oh. Wait how do you know how long I slept?" I asked.

"Jake came and found me. He woke up around two-ish." Cameron said. "I was being a good friend today and I played with him instead of waking you up."

"And because you knew I'd probably just smack you and tell you to take of him yourself." I said, giving him a smile. He nodded and we laughed. "Thanks. I really needed that."

"I could tell. Anyways, Ryan isn't back yet, he's having dinner with the Silverton Alpha and called and asked me to tell you after calling Noah, America, Alyssa, and Derek to join him." Cameron informed me, picking up Jake so I could slip out of bed.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I complained, standing up. "I should be there. I'm the Luna."

"You've also been in pain the past day or so. Ryan made it very clear not to wake you, but Jake was persistent." Cameron set Jake on the floor, letting Jake wrap his fingers around his thumb.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Im just glad that Noah and th-" I cut myself off when a spark of pain shot through me. I brought my hands to my stomach as the pain spread, dropping me to my knees.

"Skylar!" Cameron exclaimed, dropping down beside me. "Skylar, what happened? What hurts?"

"Everything." I choked out. Tears stung at the corners of my eyes. I bit my lip, almost immediately tasting blood.

"How bad is it?" He asked softly.

"Momma?" Jake's worried voice made me look up at him. My eyebrows furrowed. I didn't want him to watch me in pain. He shouldn't have to.

"Skylar?" Cameron asked again.

I pushed off the floor and staggered to the door. "I need to get some air." I swallowed hard and turned back to Cameron. "Make sure he doesn't follow me." I said, pointing slightly at Jake.

He nodded reluctantly and grabbed onto Jake's arm as he started trying to follow me. "Momma! Let go! I have to get to Momma!"

"It's alright, Jake." I said, leaning against the doorframe. "Momma's fine. I promise. I just have to go outside for a little bit, okay?"

Jake teared up and I closed my eyes. "I'll be back. I promise." I said slowly before limping out into the hallway, beginning the slow journey down the stairs.

I used my hands to steady myself on the walls as I staggered down two flights of stairs to the first floor. Lish was downstairs just coming out of the kitchen with Sam when I got to the front door.

"Skylar!" I heard something smash onto the floor as the two of them came up to me. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, flinching when that sent another wave of pain through me. "Nothing. Nothing. I'm fine. I just have to-I'm just going to get some air. I'll be fine..." I tugged the door open, the gust of air catching me off guard.

"No, Skylar." Sam grabbed my wrist. I flinched and his grip loosened. "You're hurting, aching. You need to stay inside."

"I'm going outside, Sam. You can't stop me." I yanked my hand out of his grasp with difficulty. "I'll be fine. Leave me alone."

"Skylar, Ryan will kill you if you go outside." Lish tried persuading me further.

"Well go ahead and let him." I spat back, staggering out onto the front lawn. Instinctively, I turned toward the forest line behind the house and behind heading in that direction.

About half-way there, my vision blurred and I tripped, just barely catching myself in the grass. Another burst of pain exploded in my legs and I cried out. What the hell is this?

I managed to drag myself into the forest before the pain got even worse. I confined to cry out as my bones broke. Holy shit is this what shifting feels like? Am I shifting?

I continued writhing in pain, my cries becoming screams of pain soon thereafter. I could feel my bones breaking and popping in directions they probably shouldn't be.

It wasn't until I started to grow fur and my hands and feet formed themselves into paws that I knew that I was shifting. I was shifting. After three years of knowing I wasn't human, I finally shifted into what made me inhuman.

The pain started to lessen until it was completely gone and I landed with a soft thud on four, pure white paws.


I feel like this was really crappy. But hey, she shifted!!! I almost feel like this was too soon but then I think she shifted at the end of the chapter. Meaning it won't expand until the next chapter so I'm good. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next!

A few other things, I'm going to be alternating between three stories: The Shift, Meet Jocelyn McKinley (hopefully, not sure I'm keeping that one yet), and my newest one, Our Overly Possessive Mates. So this two chapters thing today was probably just a one time thing though I'll try to do it again.

Id also like your ideas of what should go down. I have a general idea of what Skylar's going to be doing in this book but I still need the moments in between this and that so feel free to toss out any ideas that you think would work well with this.

That was long XD

~Peace, love, and granola! [somewhere in the background my mother yells: and Apple pie!! -to you pie lovers XD]~

~I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth, that I could take away your hurt, heartbreak girl~

P.S. I love you guys


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