Mark of an Alpha's Queen

By the_atticwriter

9.9K 1.8K 444

COMPLETED ✔️ Previously known as Catch Cassandra and Jace... Remember how their story went? But hold on... t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part II - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Christmas Bonus Chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part III - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Part I - Prologue

581 40 9
By the_atticwriter

~ Nine years ago

☆Alexis' POV

We’d been driving for about seven thousand years.

Or at least that’s how it felt.

My brother, Maxwell, drives slower than our grandmothers.
Then again, our grandmothers are hip and cool and don't drive this slow.

Mia sits next to him in the passenger seat with her feet up on the dashboard. And I sit in the backseat with my mother who is fast asleep. Even when she sleeps, she looks alert, like at any second she can wake up and direct traffic.

“Go faster,” Mia urges Max, poking him in the shoulder. “Let’s pass that kid on the bike.”

Max shrugs her off.

“Never touch the driver,” he says. “And take your dirty feet off my dashboard.”

I giggle as Mia wiggles her toes back and forth. She did not joke about her cuticle care.

“It’s not your dashboard, Mr. And if it’s going to anyone's car soon, it’s gonna be mine. You know as I'm the oldest.”

“By like half a second.”

“It’s more than half a second, pee brain. And even if it was, I'm still older. And so this is going to be my car.”

“If you ever get your license,” Max scoffs. “People like you shouldn’t even be allowed to drive.”

“Hey, look,” I say, pointing out the window as I push my glasses further up my nose. “That guy in a wheelchair just lapped us.”

Mia laughs.

“See? Even baby can tell what a slow driver you are.”

“Mia, you've got to stop calling her that. She's almost twelve now.”

“Yeah well, she's still our baby so” Mia smiles at me.

She starts to fiddle with the radio till she finds her favorite station, the one that plays everything from pop to oldies to hip-hop. She starts singing along to one of her favorite songs and I sing right along with her.

Max catches my eye through the rearview mirror and smiles my way. When Mia sings louder, he frowns and reaches over to switch stations.

“Hey!” Mia slaps his hand away.

“Mia, your voice makes me want to run this car into the ocean” He pretends to swerve right.

I giggle and she sings even louder, which wakes up our mother, and she starts to sing too. Max groans out loud and shakes his head. He hated being outnumbered. It was what bothered him most about our dad not always being around because of his Alpha job. He hated being the only guy, without our dad to take his side.

“Hi, sweetheart. You feeling okay?” Mom asks, kissing my forehead.

I smile up at her and nod.


“Are you hungry? Would you like anything to eat?”

“I packed a snack, Mommy” I pat my backpack.

“Okay. Go on then.”

I open my bag and fish through for the less chewy stuff as it would get stuck in my braces and mom would fuss about it.

Potato chips!

I pull it out and tug on the film but it doesn't open.

C'mon, c'mon.

I tug harder but it doesn't budge.

Ugh, why do they make these so hard to open?

I fill my cheeks with air and tug even harder. And the cry that I let out isn't because the chips go flying out. Mom's head snaps to my side as I wail.


“Oh my goodness! Sweetheart!” she jumps into action.

Mia whips her head back and begins to hit Max.

“Stop the car, Max. Stop the car! She cut her finger.”

My brother turns to the backseat and mutters, “Shit! I'll get the first aid kit” before hitting the brakes.

“Language!” they scold him as the car jerks to a stop.

The pain rockets through my arm till my chest begins to tighten.

“Mom? She's going to get an attack” I hear Mia whimper.

“No, no. Alexis sweetheart. Deep breaths, okay?” mom whispers to me. “Where's the damn first aid kit, Max?!”

“I'm getting it!” he calls back from somewhere in the car.

My vision begins to blur.


“No, no, no, baby. Stay with me. Stay with... Alexis? Alexis!”

And it's the last thing I hear.


~ Five years later

Cassie's POV

Your presence is needed down here. It's urgent.

I turn the letter around.

“That's it?” I ask.

No explanations whatsoever?


I toss the letter aside and begin to pace up and down my office.

“This cannot be happening” I sigh, rubbing my temple.

“Mom?” Alexis calls, “Are you okay?”

I shake my head.

“Not even close” I gesture to the letter on my desk.

She walks over and picks it up. She makes a face as she turns the letter over too.

“Is it normal? For the council to send a letter without any reason?”

I groan.

“Hey, calm down, Cassandra. It's just a letter” Kristie chuckles as she reads it over my little girl's shoulder.

I shoot her a look.

“It's not just a letter, Kris. Those people never keep it simple. They're going to drag us all away from our lives and just mess with all my plans!” I groan. “I'm sure that old hag who just won't die has a hand in this. I mean what does she even want with my family huh?”

“I'm sorry I spoke” Kristie chuckles, hands in the air in surrender.

I sigh.

“And where's your father when you need him the most?” I look at Alexis when I reach his voicemail for the umpteenth time.

“Try calling Max” Kristie suggests.

Alexis and I give her a knowing look and she nods in understanding.

“Right, right. He's probably out having fun with one of his 'favorite' girlfriends. What was I thinking?” she says, air quoting.

I shake my head.

“Starting out just like his father,” Sasha says, “This apple didn't even attempt to fall far from the tree.”

I chuckle.

“So what are you going to do?” my assistant asks me.

Alexis opens the fridge in my office and takes out a bottle of water. She twists the cap.

“Careful sweetheart. If you can't get it, ask for help.”

She raises the opened bottle of water to me.

“I got it, Mom” she sighs.

I knew she hated being monitored. But it had to be this way.

“Cassandra? You were saying?” Kristie draws my attention back.

“Yes, yes” I blink and nod. “Get Mia on the phone and tell her that right after Fashion Week, it's back to Colorado. No detours. And make sure that girl gets there. I know what I'm talking about. She's going to pull a fast one on you in the name of new shoes.”

“Of course,” she says. “I'll get on the first flight to Paris.”

“Thank you, Kris.”

I don't know what I'd do without her.

“Of course. Bye Lexi bear. See you in Colorado” she waves at Alexis who waves in return.

“Bye Aunt Kris” she swallows her water to say.

But she doesn't fully swallow because she chokes and begins to cough.


She holds her hand up to stop me.

“I'm fine Mom,” she says between coughs. “I'm fine” she exhales, a hand to her chest.

“Well sit—”

“I can do it” She stops me and slowly shows me she can as she takes a seat on the couch, “See?”

I sigh.

“You need to be more careful, sweetheart.”

She nods.

“I will, Mom.”

Oh, my little girl.

“Now call dad” she adds in an attempt to take my attention away from her.

I sigh and speed dail Jace's number.

“Hello. You have reached my voicemail. I'm probably...”

I hang up.

“¿Dónde estás, Jace? (Where are you, Jace?)” I whisper under my breath as I tap the cover of my phone.

I glance at my daughter who has her phone out.

“What to do... what to do...” I sigh.

My ringtone cuts through the room and I flip my phone over, immediately answering it.

“Oh, será mejor que tengas una muy buena explicación para mí. (Oh, you better have a damn good explanation for me)” I say into the phone, not checking the caller ID even before answering.

“Hello to you too Cassandra,” a feminine southern accent voice says.

My eyes widen and I pull the phone away from my ears and check the caller ID.

Oh shit!

“Mrs. April” I greet.

“Yes, dear?”

“I'm so glad you called. I was just about to email you about... something” I lie.

Alexis chuckles from the couch.

“Nice save, Mom.”

I put a finger on my lip and shoot her a look before turning away.

“I hope the email was about my dress.”

“Yes. I have it right here” I say pulling out a dress. “I was going to let you know it's ready.”


“Yeah, and you don't have to worry about the delivery issues because I'm going to personally deliver it to you. Today” I say, hanging it back.

“Oh thank you so much, darling. You're a gem.”

“You're welcome, Mrs. April.”

“Okay. So I'll be expecting you. Bye now, doll.”

I hang up and breathe.

Just great.

I glance at the clock.

9:15 pm.

“Sweetheart, it's getting late. We better get going” I say and grab my coat and bag.

Alexis nods and grabs her backpack before we walk out.

~ ~ ~

“It was a pleasure seeing you again Cassandra.”

“The pleasure's all mine Mrs. April. I guess I'll see you when we get back?”

“I'll be here. And I'll make sure not to die anytime soon” she jokes.

I chuckle.

“Kiss the little one for me.”

I nod.

“I will. Goodnight” I hug her goodbye.

I walk out and straight into the car.

“Buckle up sweetheart” I tap her to get her attention off the game she's playing as I drop my coat and bag in the seat beside me.

I make sure my daughter's all strapped in, connect my virtual assistant to the car's Bluetooth, and then drive out of the mansion.

“Call Jace,” I say.

“Calling Chase...” the car replies.

“No, no. I said to call Jace. J-A-C-E” I stress and tuck my hair behind my ear.

“Got it. Calling Jace.”

“Thank you” I sigh and roll my neck. “What's with the traffic?” I mumble, honking at the car in front of me.

Why is it quiet?

I turn to the backseat and she's asleep. I smile quietly to myself and reach back to throw my coat over her before turning on the heating system in the car.

“Hello?” a muffled voice comes through the speakers.

“Oh thank God” I sigh and turn.

“Cassandra?” the voice comes out clearer now and it's not my husband's. “Hey! Oh my gosh, it's been a long time. It's so good to hear from you. How have you been?”

I pick up my phone and check who I'm connected with.


“Yeah, it's me. Grace Phelps.”

Oh God.

“Oh I'm sorry, were you going to call someone else?”

“Stupid assistant” I hit the steering wheel.

“Hello? Cassandra? Are you there?”

I inhale deeply.

“Yes, yes. I'm here. How are you Gracelyn? And the kids?”

“We're good. And how's little Maxy?”

“Oh, he's not so little anymore...” I can't help but chuckle.

“I know right? I saw Mia on TV and oh dear Lord. That girl's going big... and I mean big!” she says excitedly. “I'm sure the littlest one has blossomed equally great too.”

I smile and glance back at my daughter.

“Yes, she has” I whisper.

The car behind me honks and I turn to see the traffic beginning to move.

“Um, Grace? Why don't I call you back some other time? Something just came up.”

“Oh of course. I'll be expecting your call then.”

“Hmm,” I hum, “Okay bye now.”

I end the call and keep driving.

You are almost at your destination, my virtual assistant says.

“Please shut up” I sigh.

I'm sorry. I did not get that. Should I call Mom?

“No don't call my mother!” I frown and make a turn around the street.

“Route recalculated.”

I take this route every day.

“Be quiet. My daughter's asleep.”

“Okay. Looking for restaurants that serve the best salads.”

“Aye,” I groan, feeling a headache coming on.

“Search complete. There is a new restaurant that just opened up in New Orleans. According to the review, they serve excellent salads and give out free piñatas to children on Fridays. I'm sure your daughter would like a piñata.”

“I will turn you into a piñata if you don't do as I say and shut up.”

For the next thirty seconds, the car goes quiet.

Thank God.

Then a beep comes up.

Calling Jace...

“Ayy!” I groan as I drive through the gate.

~ ~ ~

“We'll be landing shortly Ma'am. Please fasten your seatbelt” the air hostess smiles my way.

I return her smile and fasten my seat belt.

“Anxious?” I ask the brunette seated across from me by the window.

“Very,” she says with a small laugh.

I laugh too. She was struggling with her seat belt.

“Sweetheart do you—”

“I got it Mom” she stops me. “I'm just a little anxious. I'm not a baby anymore. I'm seventeen” she says and fastens her belt. “See?”

I chuckle. It felt as if it was just yesterday she was running around our living room butt naked, holding her diaper. And I as usual... I was running after her... screaming at her to stop.

I smile at the memory.

They grow up so fast.

“Are you thinking about Dad, Mom?” Alexis asks.


“You have that look on your face.”

I chuckle at her, about to respond when I feel us landing. I look out the window, at the sunset sky, and smile.


Hey, my beautiful people. It's been forever.

So this is just like a summary chapter of Catch-sequel to Lean on Me 🤗

I promised...and I've delivered. I promise this book will be worth your time!

As usual,
Don't forget to vote, comment, and recommend ❣

Happy New Year 🎉 🎈🎈 🎊🎊🎊🎊⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐💖

~the_atticwriter 🖤

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