One shots (27R)

由 il-cielo-e-il-sole

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A series of related one shots of the pairing 27R. Also fem Reborn. Enjoy! 更多

Hot springs (rewritten)
Dressing up!!
Bazooka 1


548 18 4
由 il-cielo-e-il-sole



Tsuna shifted in his bed at the sound of alarm. He pulled the blanket over his head in an attempt to block the noise but he could still hear the annoying sound.He groaned and stopped the noise knowing that was the only sleep he could get before Reborn decides to barge in his room and wake him up Vongola style.

He yawned and moved to get out of bed but felt something heavy at his side that was preventing him from getting up.He threw the blanket off and nearly let out a shriek but stopped himself in time.

'Mio dio!! What is she doing here!!'

There on the bed reborn was snuggled into  him with her face buried in his stomach and her arms and legs wrapped around him.She was also wearing cute yellow leon printed pajamas!!Needless to say Tsuna was freaking out.

Tsuna froze when Reborn stirred.He looked down and saw sleepy onyx eyes staring up at him. She rubbed her eyes cutely ,but instead of getting out of the bed she yanked Tsuna back into the bed snuggled him.

"Reborn w-what-a-are you d-doing?"asked Tsuna nervously while trying really hard to not focus on her creamy neck and exposed shoulder(he was trying,he really was but she was certainly not helping his case).He was sure that his face was flaming red. This was not the first time it happened and he was sure it certainly won't be last but that didn't mean he was used to it.

"Shut up and go back to sleep."replied Reborn while tightening her hold and burying her face deeper in his stomach.

"Wait what about school!!"He was kinda desperate now because who wouldn't be when they have their crush snuggling with them and Reborn was really testing his self-control. He looked down and saw that she was already asleep. He groaned. Why did the world hate him?

He  ruffled his hair and sighed.Knowing that Reborn wouldn't let go of him any time soon he texted Hayato and Takeshi that he won't be coming to school today.

He looked down where reborn was snuggled up to him and smiled softly.Reborn purred when he massaged his fingers through her hair gently.He chuckled,she reminded him of a cat with the way she was curled around him.

He was also lulled back to sleep while running his fingers through her soft locks.


A/N: Sorry!! I had already written the chapter 1 week ago but I forgot to publish!!


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