POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCO...

By xpeachskinx

63.6K 1.9K 274

"You're beautiful Susie Putnam, and anyone who says otherwise I'll turn into toads" //////////// my name is... More



3.4K 99 29
By xpeachskinx

We sit down and Blackwood stares at us before turning to aunt Zelda and aunt Hilda.

''Now, your aunties tell me you have questions, about your baptism and such'' he says calmingly, yet it still feels wrong.

Sabrina looks at me, then Blackwood.

''We do...but i'm not sure where to begin'' she says anxiously, making me anxious, i smile at her reassuringly.

''Allow me'' Blackwood says leaning back in the chair.

''A witch's dark baptism is our most sacred unholy sacrament, the oldest of our rituals, we've been performing them for centuries. Our dark lord's book, the book of the beast, is the most ancient tome in existence'' he smiles proudly.

I jump in, ''about that, if we sign our names in the book of the beast, does that mean we're giving the dark lord dominion over our souls?'' i ask like it's mad, which it is.

''That's one interpretation, but it's largely a symbolic gesture, as rituals in most religions are...what else?'' his smile never falters, i don't trust him and Sabrina shouldn't either.

''Let's say...we do sign our names in his book, doesn't that mean he can call on us? to do his bidding?'' Sabrina asks with a quirked brow, voicing our opinions on the appalling outcomes of signing the book.

''All religions demand some sacrifice, but signing your name is more like...a pledge, let's say, that you'll abide by his commandments...do you know you're thirteen commandments?'' he asks, his British accent cutting through the air like a knife.

''We've taught them to them'' aunt Zelda cuts in proudly, ''they've learned them by heart'' aunt Hilda smiles.

Sabrina sighs, ''we're not evil people, father'' she stresses and they all start laughing except Ambrose.

I crease my brows, ''they're laughing, why are they laughing?''  i ask in my head and Sabrina answers.

''I have no idea'' she says back.

Telepathic conversations were one of the first acts of magic we learned as children, because we're twins our magic is almost linked in a way, if she feels something strongly, i feel it, if she thinks about something serious, i'll hear it, if she let's me of course, and vice versa, it's the twin thing.

''I am glad to hear it, neither am i, neither are your aunts'' Blackwood chuckles.

''But the devil...'' i say confused and he stops laughing abruptly.

''The dark lord, yes?'' he asks seriously.

Shivers run down my spine at his intense gaze, ''he is the embodiment of evil'' Sabrina says like it's obvious, i nod agreeing.

''Incorrect'' Blackwood snaps, pointing a finger at us.

''He is the embodiment of free will, good, evil, those words matter to the false god, but the dark lord is beyond such precepts'' he stresses, forehead veins popping.

''What about hell? i don't want to go there when i die'' i worry.

''Me either'' Sabrina shakes her head.

''First of all, if you accept the dark lord's gifts, you won't die, not for a very long time, second of all, hell is for mortals, in exchange for their service and devotions, witches are exempt from the eternal flames of damnation, really, what's needed here is a fundamental shift in thinking'' he rushes, finally stopping.

''Okay well what about my boyfriend?'' Sabrina snaps and my mind wanders to Susie, what am i supposed to tell her, 'i'm a witch who's had feelings for you since we were 14 oh and i'm leaving forever to go to a magic school, bye'? i can't do that.

''Why do i have to break up with him?'' she asks sadly.

''Your boyfriend i assume, is mortal?''  Blackwood asks and she nods.

''There is an inherent incompatibility, should you become a full witch, your human partner would age much faster than you'' he states almost sympathetically, and it sinks in.

We'll look 16 for years while our friends grow old, my heart aches and i know Sabrina feels it too, twice because she feels the same, vice versa.

''Our father married a mortal'' I speak up hopefully.

''True, but he was high priest of the church of night, and was granted a special dispensation'' Blackwood says lowly.

''By whom?'' Sabrina asks shocked.

''The dark lord, satan himself blesses the union between your warlock father and mortal mother, but even then..even then it was not without controversy'' he rants irritatedly.

''Some girls at the Academy of Unseen Arts have suggested that our parent's deaths weren't accidental, that maybe they'd been...murdered'' i bring up the weird sisters.

''An inquiry was held, no malfeasance was detected, it was a terrible accident that befell your mother and father, but it was just that..an accident'' he tries to be sympathetic but it's clearly not his strong suit.

''Lastly, earlier today we took a bite of a Malum Malus'' i tell him and aunt Zelda gasps.

''You did what?'' she asks shocked.

''And the future it showed us was...horrible'' Sabrina sighs.

''The biting of a Malum Malus for prognostication of the future hasn't been recommended for decades, specifically because of it's wild inaccuracy'' Blackwood says in surprise.

Sabrina looks down sadly and i clench my jaw.

''But if i may'' he clears his throat.

''Your father was one of the church of nights greatest thinkers, he wanted you to follow in his footsteps, it's right that you have so many questions, my advice? take your baptism. Come to the Academy of Unseen Arts, learn our history, find answers to your questions. Challenge them, make better answers, make us stronger, will you try, at least? and should it not be to your liking...'' his spiel is cut short by Sabrina.

''You'll let us leave the church?'' she asks quietly.

''Free choice child, that is the bedrock on which our church is built'' he smiles. Funny, if that's true then why did aunt Zelda acted like free choice wasn't allowed.

It's silent for a moment as we process our decision, ''but i do hope i'll see you in the woods on Samhain, the moon is certain to be glorious'' he smiles hopefully.

''They'll be there, your Excellency, with bells on, won't you, girls? aunt Zelda says expressionless, looking at us. ''Looking forward to it'' i say quietly, Blackwood stands us slowly.

''In that case, if there's nothing else...'' he asks.

''There is one thing, your Excellency'' Ambrose speaks up for the first time tonight.

''A witch's mark, without question'' Blackwood confirms, touching a circular mark on a boy's arm who was recently brought in. Stabbed to death, Connor his name was i think, Sabrina and I stand at the back of the embalming room quietly.

''What about the boy's parents?'' Blackwood asks.

''Oh, mortal, they adopted him, father, they didn't know'' aunt Hilda says empathetically.

''Poor boy, alone in the world, raised by mortals, never baptized'' he directs the end in our direction.

Everyone looks at us and i shuffle on the balls of my feet.

''Think of what he might've accomplished, tragic, really'' he stares at us darkly.

''His murder hasn't been solved, i've been checking the papers, the news...so we've started to wonder if there might not be a witch-hunter in our midst'' Ambrose says, thankfully removing the attention from us.

''Highly unlikely'' Blackwood dismisses quickly, ''but not impossible'' Ambrose argues.

They stare at each other before Blackwood sighs lowly.

''I'll speak to the Council...but i shouldn't think this is any more than what it appears to be'' he says, and with that, he leaves.


''He's a bit dramatic, isn't he? Father Blackwood?'' aunt Hilda chuckles, folding things as we lay in our beds.

''He was your father's mentor, you know'' she says fondly, ''but then dad surpassed him'' Sabrina says as i pet Binx by my side, lost in thought.

''Yeah'' aunt Hilda chuckles, she walks over to the gap between our beds.

''Your father was incredibly charismatic, girls'' she smiles, sitting on a stool.

I smile lightly, i wonder what they were like, how they would comfort our doubts about our baptism.

''People wanted to follow Edward, wherever he went, he was so handsome, he could've been a movie star if he'd chosen, like cousin Montgomery'' she smiles.

''But no, he received the call early, when he was six years old you know'' she says proudly.

I think back to my vision in the bath, i hope they do come to our baptism.

''Aunt Hilda, did you ever have any doubts about your dark baptism?'' Sabrina asks and i look at her.

Aunt Hilda breathes deeply, ''when i was your age, i signed my name in the book of the beast, i mean..us girls didn't have any options back then'' she scoffs sadly.

''It's just simply what was done, do i have regrets?..you musn't tell your aunt Zelda this, but...some days, some nights...i dream that i am walking into the Greendale woods, in the peak of dry season, with a lit torch in each hand, so that i'd watch the whole forest burn, like so much kindling...'' she says darkly.

I look at Sabrina worried.

''Have a lovely little sleep my darlings'' she snaps into a happy voice.

''Tuckity-tuck-tuck-tuck, oh there we go, this little piggy, we're a little bit old'' she tucks us in and i chuckle.


I pull on my black boots and lace them up, grabbing my bag and Sabrina smiles as we head downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen, ''oh there you are, look who just stopped by for a visit'' aunt Hilda says to us, mostly Sabrina and i look at her confused.

Harvey stands up smiling, heading towards Sabrina.

''Hey'' they greet each other, Sabrina confused.

He hugs her and i sit down beside Ambrose like usual.

''Hey Ivy'' Harvey smiles sweetly, ''hey Harv'' i smile, grabbing an apple.

''You drew all of these? they're wicked good mate'' Ambrose says flipping through Harvey's sketchbook.

''Woah, Harvey these are amazing'' i gawk over Ambrose's shoulder.

''Thanks, yeah i'm pretty into comics and graphic novels'' Harvey smiles.

''Me too, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison'' Ambrose flips through some more.

''We used to draw together all the time, remember Harv?'' i chuckle, remembering.

He grins, ''Yeah, it was nice'' he laughs.

''You? drawing? you're terrible'' Ambrose jokes and i nudge him.

''I'll start again, just you wait'' i tease.

''You came by to talk comics?'' Sabrina asks quickly.

''Uh,no, i wanted to surprise you'' Harvey smiles shyly.

''And isn't it the loveliest surprise'' aunt Zelda interrupts, stirring her tea.

''Um, also to ask your aunts, i uh. know you can't do anything on your actual birthday because you have plans'' Harvey begins.

''They do, set in stone'' aunt Zelda cuts in and i sigh.

''So i came by to see if we could celebrate the next day, uh, Saturday'' he suggests hopefully.

Poor Harvey, he just wants to be with his girlfriend.

''Go bowling, maybe, you and me and Ivy and Susie and Roz, your aunts can come, if they want'' he asks, his hope faltering.

''The day after our birthday..wold that even bee possible?'' Sabrina stammers, turning to aunt Zelda nervously.

''I think it's a marvelous idea'' aunt Hilda says excitedly, making Sabrina feel on the spot.

''I do too but let's play it by ear, hm?'' aunt Zelda says.

''Uh, Ivy, you wanna walk with us?'' Harvey asks.

''That's okay Harv'' i smile.

''Oh are you meeting Susie?-'' he starts and i panic.

''Okay, and we're off'' i say quickly, pushing them outside.

''What was that all about?'' Sabrina asks Harvey as they walk in front while i stray at the back, taking in the view of Greendale.

''-partly cause i don't really know your aunts'' Harvey chuckles as i hear small pieces of their conversation as i drift between them and the sounds of nature.

The birds chirping and the distant sound of cars.

''That's entirely intentional you realise?'' Sabrina chuckles.

''Eh, aunt Hilda's not as bad'' i admit and they laugh.

It's weird to think how i won't see these views, or take this path to Baxter High again.

''Maybe bowling wasn't the best idea'' Harvey sighs.

''No, it was perfect'' Sabrina reassures him, i wonder if i'll ever have the same small moments like this with someone, preferably Susie.

Where i can bare my soul to someone and know they won't judge or harm me, to have someone treat you like you single-handedly hung the stars, i see that in Sabrina and Harvey's eyes, and it's beautiful.

I run my hand through my totted, blonde curls.

''-if not this Saturday, the next, and every Saturday after that, we have all the time in the world'' Harvey smiles happily, Sabrina's heart aches and i feel it.


I walk down the busy hall alone, Sabrina and Harvey went somewhere before school so i walked the rest of the way myself.

I stop at my locker and smile when i see Susie turning the corner of the hall, she doesn't see me and i get a book from my locker, shoving it in my bag.

My smile falters when i hear boys talking loudly around the corner.

''What's this? i'm thinking we need to redecorate a little bit, what do you think?'' one of them laughs and I look at Susie who starts to notice them too.

I step around the corner spotting them.

''Women's Intersectional Creative Cultural Association, huh? oh man well look at this'' he tears it down.

His minions cheer and Susie turns away from them, angry and nervous.

''Can they even call themselves women?'' one of them laughs and Susie whips around.

Oh god please don't do what i think you're about to do.

''Hey dicks-for-brains'' she shouts down the hall at them.

I curse under my breath.

''What's your problem dyke?'' they laugh and i hold myself back, i can't say the same for Susie.

She runs at them.

''Susie, don't!'' i shout desperately, running after her, they'll kill her.

She rams into the main boy, Billy and he pushes her off with ease.

He punches her and her head smashes against the floor as she spits blood.

''No!'' i shout and they all laugh.

''Hey asshole!'' i shout, stopping in front of him.

They turn to me and laugh, ''aw the girlfriend's here to-'' i punch Billy in the face and i'm sure something cracked, i pray it's not just my knuckles.

His nose starts bleeding and i'm so caught up in it i don't notice another boy swing at me, hitting the side of my face.

I groan, turning to him and i punch him too and they all run off, i quickly dive to the ground, grabbing Susie.

''You can't just let them get to you like that Susie, or you Ivy'' Roz stresses as we walk behind Susie out the school.

''What am i supposed-'' Susie's cut off by Sabrina and Harvey as they rush out Harvey's truck.

''What happened now?'' Sabrina asks,  them running after Susie too, and up to me and Roz.

''I got suspended'' Susie holds back tears angrily.

''And so did i'' i scoff, just as angry.

''I'm supposed to take them home and then come right back'' Roz says sadly.

''Except i can't go home, i don't want my dad to know about this!'' Susie shouts sadly.

''He won't, then. We'll go somewhere else'' Roz stresses more.

''Suspended for what it's not even first period'' Sabrina asks confused.

''We got in a fight'' Susie says still angry, Harvey and Sabrina panic ''what?!'' they ask together.

''Not with each other, with a bunch of asswipes who were ripping our WICCA posters down,'' i say through gritted teeth.

''Those football players? the same ones as before?'' Sabrina asks shocked.

''Wait you got into a fight with football players? how many?'' Harvey asks in surprise.

''Four of them'' Susie scoffs, holding up four fingers behind her.

''That's it, we're going to the police, we are pressing charges, this is physical assault'' Sabrina tries to reassure Susie but she snaps and stops walking, turning.

''Yeah, but i started the fight!'' she shouts.

''She's right Sabrina, she ran at them, they hit her and i lost it'' i scowl lowly.

''Susie, i swear to you, this will never happen again, but you have to tell us this time. what are their names?'' Sabrina asks and a tear slides down Susie's cheek.

''Billy Marlin, Ed Dursley, Seth Grinwis, Carl Tapper and Dylan Peters'' she says quietly, shaking her head.

Sabrina nods and heads straight for Ms Wardwell, Harvey with her.

''Hey Roz, can we just go straight to my house? Susie can go there'' i say and Roz smiles, walking ahead.

I pull Susie into a hug, resting my chin on her head.

''I promise, i won't let anyone hurt you, ever again...Qui faffecto protago mixtisque iubas serpentibus et pasteris meis stirpiqu'' i whisper a protection spell.

I pull away and sling my arm over her shoulders.

''And for the record,...you're pretty hot when you get angry'' i lighten the mood, grinning and she laughs sadly, i kiss her forehead and we catch up with Roz.


''Thanks Roz'' i smile anxiously and Susie and I get out the car.

''No problem, oh and don't do anything i wouldn't do'' she jokes, i chuckle, turning pink and we walk up to the house, Susie behind me.

She grabs my arm, ''wait, what if they don't like me because i got you into trouble, or worse and they get mad at you'' she worries.

I take her hand, ''it's gonna be fine, Susie'' i assure her and open the front door.

''Hello? aunties? Ambrose?'' i call out.

''Cousin? why are you home so -'' Ambrose stops when his eyes land on Susie hiding behind my shoulder.

''Oh.. hello...uh, cousin?'' Ambrose chuckles.

''Ambrose...this is Susie..Susie, this is my cousin Ambrose'' i smile nervously, giving Ambrose a stern look.

He grins, ''Susie, i love that jacket'' he walks over, straightening her collar.

''Uh, thanks'' Susie smiles, ''i might have, sort of, got suspended'' i tell him, he gasps dramatically.

''Ivory Spellman, suspended, i'm rather..proud'' he smirks, Susie looks between us confused.

''Ambrose here is a bit of a trouble maker'' i chuckle and she laughs.

''It's good to meet you, why haven't i seen you around before?'' she chuckles.

''Private school in conneticut'' he smirks.

''Are aunties home?'' i asks quietly, he clicks his tongue.

"Aunt Zelda went out, luckily for you aunt Hilda is in the kitchen, nice meeting you Susie'' Ambrose smiles, wandering off.

''Thank god'' i sigh, leading Susie to the kitchen.

''Don't worry, aunt Hilda's the more relaxed one, aunt Zelda is...stern'' i chuckle and she sighs of relief.

"Aunt Hilda?'' i call, entering the kitchen.

''Ivory? darling why aren't you at school?'' she asks turning around, ''this is Susie'' i say quickly, aunt Hilda smiles.

''It's so good to finally meet you, oh'' she says excitedly and i  go pale.

''It's good to meet you too...uh, finally?'' Susie asks, ''I got suspended'' i quickly change the subject.

''Suspended? darling what happened?'' aunt Hilda worries.

''I got in a fight'' i say quietly, she clicks her tongue.

''That explains that then'' she sighs, touching my busted lip.

''Go on, upstairs, i'll deal with your aunt Zelda'' she smiles sweetly.

''Thank you, you're amazing'' i relax, leading Susie upstairs.

''I can't believe i've never seen your room'' Susie laughs and i open Sabrina and I's door.

The room looks mirrored with our beds beside each other, a window beside them, decorated similarly but still different.

I have a few grunge, music posters on the wall and a grey bedspread while Sabrina's is pink.

''It's pretty boring but i like it'' i laugh.

''It's awesome'' Susie chuckles, tracing her fingers across the mirror.

''So, it's your birthday tomorrow'' she smiles excitedly.

I drop onto my bed weightlessly, ''yeah'' i force a smile.

She sighs, "come on Ivy, you're turning 16. I know you can't be with us for it, but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be happy" she says, she has a point.

"You're right, as always" I roll my eyes, smiling.

"Of course I'm right" she smiles cockily, I pull her down beside me and she laughs.

"What if they try and mess with us again? or just me?" she asks nervously.

"Nobody will ever lay a hand on you again, besides I'll just turn them into toads" I shrug.

She laughs, "you always use toads" she looks at me.

"Hm?" I ask sheepishly.

"You always protect me...why?" she asks in awe.

I smile, "I care about you, Susie" I state the obvious, I reach up, touching the small heart hanging from my neck.

"I told you that when you gave me this" I chuckle, she moves closer and my breath hitches in my throat.

I move a little closer and our breathes mix, I move even closer.

"IVORY SPELLMAN, GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" aunt Zelda yells from downstairs.

"Every time" I sigh walking to the door, "I'll be right back" I smile, walking downstairs.

I added another random boy to the jock squad so when they teach them a lesson there's a boy for Ivy to trick

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