HROT 2: Brink of Annihilation

By TheCrestfall3n

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The war with Pore is over. Half of the original group is dead. Now, those who remain turn their eyes toward... More

Chapter 1: Amidst the Chaos
Chapter 2: An Unwelcome Presence
Chapter 3: Broken Titty
Chapter 4: Consequences
Chapter 5: Fateful Voyage
Chapter 6: The Warnger
Chapter 7: Forsaken
Chapter 8: The Lab
Chapter 9: Blame
Chapter 10: The Siege
Chapter 11: Pain
Chapter 12: Old Bonds and New
Chapter 13: Relapse
Chapter 14: The Mask
Chapter 15: The Ravaging of Cömic
Chapter 16: Those Who Remain
Chapter 17: Vengeance


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By TheCrestfall3n

A ripple of chaos echoed throughout the universe.  Unrest was abundant wherever you went.  War, violence, and treachery were seeping into every corner of the world.  Tired Kitty was dead, leaving the inhabitants prone to conflict.  The Doctor was slain as well, allowing inter-dimensional travel, which was becoming an increasing problem as more and more inter-dimensional beings were raiding the universe and wreaking havoc.  No matter where you looked, the fate of Harout's creation was bleak.

Upon the sleeping Creator's galactic mattress, two figures still raged in a bitter conflict.  Blazing A, last living god of Harout's dimension, held back the ongoing laser blast, which was coming from the tubby titan known as the Warnger, who was determined to awaken Harout Doumanian and bring an apocalyptic end to the universe to avenge his fallen son.

"You'll never get past me!" Blazing A exclaimed as he desperately blocked the laser firing from the Warnger's modem belly.  "Stop this meaningless assault and go back to your home!"

The Warnger snickered.  "I see you weakening, A.  Eventually, your strength will give out, and you will die, and I will bring this universe the justice it deserves."

Blazing A gritted his teeth.  The Warnger was right: His strength was giving out.  Tears seeped down his face as he hoped and prayed that his son and friends would come to assist, before the fate of the universe was out of their hands.

Down on HROT, capital planet of the universe, the mood was somber.  It was nighttime in the woods, and crickets chirped near a house by the river.  In the backyard, a congregation of weary soldiers gathered around a great pile of wood, upon which two bodies were lying.  One was a young lady with long brown hair and an ugly gash in her neck.  The other was a chunky young man with a thin hole carved through his belly and out his back.

Two living men stood over the corpses, their hands folded as they prepared to address the group of seven standing at the foot of the woodpile. One of them, a taller fifteen year old with brown hair, spoke first. "It's with heavy hearts that we must gather here today to commemorate the lives we lost in the war with Pore," he said. He was Tony Ogle, son of Tired Kitty and slayer of Pore's field commander and closest friend. He had led the group's forces into battle and fought valiantly.

The other man was a shorter eighteen year old with darker brown hair. His eyes were sullen and weary as he spoke. "We lost six good people in the war: Alex Katz, Jamie Bond, David Byland, Robert Desrosier, Cheesecawk, and"—he choked on his words momentarily—"Scott Foreman. In addition, we also lost Tony's cat Cuntessa and Jamie's horse Gober. Unfortunately, we have only been able to recover the bodies of Jamie and David, but this funeral is for them all." He was Kyle Taylor, son of Blazing A and the key to the war with Pore, as Pore had captured him and tortured him, prompting his dear friends to come to the rescue. He was still skinny and frail from his time in captivity, and he looked visibly weaker than normal, but he did his best to hide his discomfort.

The audience's demeanor darkened even more. Those seven people were Leon Dovesi, Kieran O'Neill, Alicia Katz, Michael Yacovetta, Crunk, The Fosters, and Hovermind. Ass Cat, Tony's surviving cat, leapt onto a tree stump and mewed as he watched his master on the pile.

"They should still be here," Alicia remarked bitterly. Her eyes were moist as she thought of her brother Alex's violent demise.

"Yes, they should," Kyle agreed. "They all deserved better than what they got. Regardless, they laid down their lives so the rest of us could live, and we will not allow them to be forgotten."

Tony raised a torch, and Kyle did the same. "We owe everything we have to these warriors," Tony said, "and now, we put them to rest." With that, he and Kyle dropped the torches upon the pile, and as the fire was set alight, they both leapt from the pyre and landed among their friends.

A group of wolves could be heard howling in a mournful tone as the fire engulfed the bodies of Jamie and David, and the forest began to glow orange.

The smell of smoke filled the group's nostrils as ash rained on them from above. Kyle stood beside Alicia, his lover, and wrapped his arm around her waist as they watched the fire roar. "I know how hard this is for you," Kyle said. "Alex was one of my closest friends, and one of the most loyal people I've ever met."

Alicia was still grimacing. "He deserved a better life than us. He deserved to see the end of this pointless fighting. Now he never will."

Tony stood close to the fire, with Crunk and The Fosters, who went by TF, on either side of him. "So you weren't able to find Cheesecawk's body," TF concluded.

Tony shook his head as the blaze reflected in his eyes. "Who knows what they could have done with him and Alex after they killed them. I'm sorry. I know how much it would have meant to be able to bury him."

Crunk's egg-imbued head hung low. "The important thing is that he's getting a proper funeral, and we're still here to live on for him."

TF was glad his Guy Fawkes mask concealed his weeping face as he added, "He may have been an idiot, but he was a good person all the same."

Michael knelt on the ground, heavy with sorrow. David had been his good friend for years, and he had always felt affection for Jamie. Now, he watched both of them burn. Kieran laid a hand on his shoulder. "Don't feel bad, honey," Kieran said in his Scottish accent. "Your friends loved you very much, and they wouldn't want to see you broken by this."

Leon laid a hand on him as well and said in his equally Scottish accent, "You're welcome to come with Kieran and I when we leave after the funeral."  He winced as he felt a sharp pain in his arm from where Alex Tuberty had stabbed him.

"You guys should stay," Michael argued.  "Are you really going to leave the job half finished?"

"Pore is dead, and that's what we set out to do," Leon replied resolutely.  "This business with the Warnger is Kyle and Tony's.  The rest of us should go now.  We don't stand a chance against a titan anyway."

TF and Crunk approached them.  "We stand a better chance together than we do splitting off and doing nothing," Crunk replied.

Leon was getting irritated.  He gripped Kieran's hand tightly.  "My kitty and I want nothing more to do with this bloodshed.  Our part in this is over.  We did what Scott and Tony asked us to do, and we won't put our lives on the line anymore."

Kieran giggled, amused at Leon's protectiveness.  "Come on, Leon!  It'll be fun!  We'll get to go on another wild adventure, and maybe save the world along the way!"

"Not you too," Leon said with a grimace.

Tony and Kyle stood beside each other, watching the fire begin to fade as the others mingled closer to the house.  "I can't believe Shannon didn't even show up for Jamie's funeral," Tony remarked.

Kyle shook his head.  "I think seeing her sister engulfed in flames would break her even further.  I've started to think she may not ever come back."

"Dammit," Tony said under his breath.

There was a moment of silence. 

"What are we going to do without Scott?" Kyle asked.  "He was the leader this group deserved.  He was the leader we needed."  Scott was Kyle and Tony's childhood best friend, the third member of the trio, and had fallen slaying Pore.

"I guess it's up to you and me to lead these people now," Tony replied.  "The ones who will stay, anyway—that bastard Leon is encouraging the others to desert us."

"The others are loyal," Kyle assured him.  "Alicia won't leave my side, Crunk and TF are loyal to a fault, and Michael and Hovermind have nowhere else to go."

"How can this group of misfits stand a chance against a titan who killed two gods?" Tony asked incredulously.

"You stood a chance against a crazy woman with mind control."

"That was different.  And we had Scott."

"But you didn't have me.  I may not have the same abilities as Scott did, but I have an arsenal of my own, and my father is still up there, holding back our destruction.  I won't let him down."

The Warnger was getting annoyed at Blazing A's persistence.  "Why are you so determined to protect your precious universe?" he demanded.

"I will not allow my son's home to be reduced to rubble," Blazing A replied resolutely.

The Warnger snickered.  Blazing A was surprised as the titan halted his blast.  The Warnger turned away from Blazing A and Harout and gazed at the little glimpse of HROT lightyears away.  He smiled broadly.  "Maybe you won't fight so hard if you have nothing left to fight for."  With that, he demonstrated the peace sign and ignited his modem, sending a blast hurtling toward HROT at breakneck speeds.

"NO!" Blazing A cried.

While Blazing A was distraught, the Warnger attempted to blast Harout, but even in his grief, Blazing A held back the blast.  He would do his duty to the end, even if he didn't have a son to defend anymore.

Suddenly, a loud booming sound resonated across the area.  The trees blew and shook from the sound waves.  Hovermind was gazing into the sky, and squinted as a faint red light appeared.  It was no star.  "Something is coming," Hovermind warned the others monotonously as his big head hovered and watched the oncoming object.

Ass Cat began to mew frantically and leap around the backyard in an instinctual panic.  "What's happening?" Michael asked as the ground began to shake violently.

Kyle pulled Alicia close to him.  "Get behind me," he ordered.

Alicia sneered.  "You get behind me, asshole," she remarked.

The red blast was getting closer and closer, and it was too big for them to run from.  "What do we do?" Michael asked.  "What is this?"

The blast was rushing to meet them.  The group could only gather together helplessly and await their inevitable fate.

Then, out of nowhere, Kieran morphed into a shield and blocked the others.  "Kieran, no!!!" Leon cried.

Before anyone could speak further, the blast struck the shield with a devastating impact, spreading flames across the surrounding area and causing the nearby trees to collapse.

Kyle retched.  His ears rang.  All he could see and smell was smoke.  He got to his feet and tried to see through the fog.  "Tony!  Alicia!  You guys alright?"

Tony coughed profusely.  "I'm here!  Alicia's with me!"

Hovermind floated into view.  His head pulsated with anxiety.  "What happened?" he asked no one in particular.

Michael stumbled behind Hovermind.  He was shaky and wide-eyed.  "What the hell was that?"

Tony and Kyle looked around frantically.  "Crunk!" Tony exclaimed.  "TF!  Kieran!  Leon!"

Crunk appeared, with TF limping with his arm around Crunk's shoulders.  "We're here," Crunk assured him.

They all heard a bloodcurdling "NOOOOOO!"  It sounded like Leon.

They all rushed to the sound and found Leon kneeling over Kieran, whose body was completely roasted.  Somehow, the poor soul was still alive, shaking violently as smoke emanated from his boiling skin.  Leon's tears made a burning sound as they struck Kieran's ashy body.  "Speak to me, my love!" Leon cried.  All Kieran could do was make pitiful grunts as his burnt-out eyes began to bubble.  Finally, the shaking began to stop, and Kieran became still as he died in agony.  Leon howled in pain at the loss of his love.

As the others were horrified at the sight of Kieran's death, a faint, weak mewing sound was heard.  They turned toward the noise, and Tony cried out in devastation as Ass Cat appeared.  The lower half of his body was burnt to a crisp, yet he still dragged himself toward his master by his front paws, desperate to feel the touch of his warm hand one last time.

Tony knelt beside his dear loyal cat with knots in his stomach as tears trickled down his face.  Ass Cat still meowed pathetically as Tony petted his furry head.  Even in so much agony, Ass Cat purred as he relished his owner's touch, and then his life peacefully left his body as his head fell limply into Tony's palm.

The others were struck with grief at the punishing horror of what had happened.  "Was that...was that the Warnger?" Michael asked sheepishly.

Tony's hands tightened into fists.  "Oh yes," he said.  "That could only have been the Warnger."

Everyone was overwhelmed and exhausted.  "What do we do?" Alicia asked.

Kyle scowled.  "This was the last straw.  The Warnger will pay for his crimes against us and against the universe.  I know you hate to hear it again, but there's no escaping it: We're going to war."

"You still going to hide in a corner somewhere while the Warnger tries to kill us?" TF asked Leon.

Leon slowly rose from Kieran's ashen corpse.  He wiped the tears from his eyes as an incredibly bitter expression settled on his face.  He shook his head.  "He will die for this."

Kyle offered Tony a hand up.  He pulled his best friend to his feet, clasped his shoulders, and said, "It's time to avenge your father, your cat, and everyone who died in the war with Pore because of the Warnger's actions.  Are you with me, brother?"

Tony grimaced as the tears continued flowing down his face.  He clasped his friend's shoulders.  "We're gonna send that titan to hell."

As their house slowly burned and collapsed in on itself, the group began to walk away from their home and toward the long journey ahead.  They would have to trek across the galaxy to reach their enemy, but no matter how far they'd have to go, the Warnger's life was theirs now.

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