Am I More Than You Bargained...

By OXkellicOX

850 61 37

Kellin is a seventeen year old, whimsical, quirky, loving and openly gay, also he's a victim of bullying. It'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

60 4 5
By OXkellicOX

/Vic pov/

It's been a couple weeks now that I'm being mentored, it's going ok I guess, but coach as suspended me as captain of the soccer team, while I'm still on it, I've been demoted. It was a blow to me but he said that while I'm doing this he wanted to make sure that I'm actually working on this and getting myself to change.

I guess I really have to start putting effort into this or nothing's going to change. I think I can do this. We'll see.

/Kellin pov/

It's a couple weeks later and Vic hasn't improved that much, but enough that I can see. I'm going to actually try Principal Andrews advice and try and hang out with him out side of school. I didn't want to do it too soon but I think nows a good time to try it out.

I see Lynn, Andy and Juliet at my locker, it's the end of the day, so now I've decided that I'll sit in on Vic's soccer practice and hopefully get a chance to talk to him after. I grab my jacket out of my locker since it's starting to get a bit colder here, I mean it is mid October, I say bye to my friends and go out back the fields.

I walk over to the bleachers and sit there watching I don't care for sports or know much about them. Then I hear a whistle and a bunch of guys come running out of the school in soccer uniforms. They're high fiving each other and doing there thing.

Ugh this is not a smart idea, watching ten plus attractive to semi attractive guys running around sweating is not helping anything but my hormones. That's when I see a couple of them taking off their shirts. Oh no please don't your not going to help me at all. Wait one of them is Vic please don't do this.

Well that is until I'm taken out of my thoughts when a girl with red hair and a cheer uniform sits next to me.

"Hi"  she says bubbly.

"Hi..." I say nervously.

"Your Kellin right?" She asks me.

"Yeah, how do you know that?" I ask.

"Oh sorry I'm Danielle, Vic's girlfriend" she tells me.

"Oh hi, that still doesn't explain how you know me?"

"Vic talks about the mentoring sessions with you" she tells me.


"Anyway, What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Oh I have to talk to Vic about mentoring stuff but since he's busy I've just been waiting here" I explain.

"Oh ok well I should let you know that since it's just started you're going to be sitting here for a while" she says to me.

Vic's girlfriend is not what I expected her to be, she's like really nice and enthusiastic. I wonder why she's going out with Vic.

"Can I ask you something regarding Vic? It's for the mentoring purposes"

"Go ahead"

"Uh, if it's not to much to ask, but why are you going out with him, like he's an asshole but you seem like the opposite?" I ask.

"Well Vic can be an ass, but other than that he's really nice and sweet, he never actually yells or says anything mean. I'm sorry for what he's done to you, there's a lot going on with him"

"What do you mean a lot?"

"Well for starters he's gay..." she says and I choke on air.


"Yeah, it's been obvious to me for about a year now, we've been dating for two and a half years, so when a year into our relationship he refused sex with me many times I brushed it off the first two times, thinking he wasn't ready or something but then, I noticed him start giving these longing looks to other guys at school or when we were out somewhere, one was you actually, I'm pretty sure he likes you but doesn't want to admit it to himself. He's very good at hiding, and his parents aren't the most accepting let's say, but he's just very stressed—"

"Wait if you've known this for a year why are you still with him them?" I ask her genuinely curious about her motives.

"That's the thing I asked him about it, but he denied everything, but I know when he's lying and he was lying when he answered me, he's just in denial, that's why I think him hanging out with you is good for him it'll open his eyes and see that there's something not right between us, I want to help him be comfortable with himself " she explains.

"Wow" was all I can get out. "but there's one flaw, how in the hell does he like me, he harasses me"

"Oh because I think in his mind that he's jealous of you being open about it and since his pride gets in the way of liking you, he probably feels it's better to be an ass to you; plus we've been drifting apart for a while now"

"Wow, damn Lynn was right?" I whispered.


"Oh my friend Lynn kept trying to tell me that he's gay since her so called 'gaydar' goes off around him and I wouldn't believe her" I explain.

"Oh so it's starting to get obvious to others then. One last thing Kellin, don't go saying anything to anyone, you'll just get him to hurt you more, and I don't want that to happen to you. I want him to improve himself and he needs you to do it" she says.

"No problem, you're nice to do all this for him, anyone else would have dumped him and moved on" I say to her.

"Yeah I just care about him and wanna make sure he's ok before anything else, he may not be the guy I fell in love with two years ago, but I've come to terms with it, and I want him to be happy" she says. "Well I should go I have my own practice to get too" she says shaking her Pom Pom's in my face.

"Bye Kellin" She chirps excitedly.

"Bye" I say as she leaves.

I sit there thinking about everything she had just confessed to me about Vic. To say I'm overwhelmed and shocked would be be an understatement. I look back at Vic whose still running around the soccer field. I feel like I understand him more now and he's definitely misunderstood and lost. He doesn't know how happy he can be, if he were to be himself.

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