Am I More Than You Bargained...

By OXkellicOX

849 61 37

Kellin is a seventeen year old, whimsical, quirky, loving and openly gay, also he's a victim of bullying. It'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Four

75 4 5
By OXkellicOX

/Vic pov/

I'm currently sitting in study hall with Bostwick to start this whole mentoring shit.

"So Bostwick how's this whole mentoring thing supposed to go?" I ask him.

"Firstly my name's Kellin Quinn, I don't use my last name, and secondly I don't know, Principal Andrews didn't tell me how he wants me to help you" he says to me.

"This whole thing is bullshit in my opinion" I state.

"Well no one asked for your opinion" he sasses.

"Watch it"

"Hey do you want to to get kicked off the team or what?" He asks me.

"No I don't, I can't"

"Then cooperate" he says then I roll my eyes.

"I think I know what's good to start with, why? Why do you harass me? Why did you pick me to pick on?" He asks. I don't know how to answer. I shrug.

"Oh come on you have to know" he goes on.

"I don't know easy target I guess" I say

"You guess?"

"Yeah I guess"

"What because I'm the openly gay boy that makes me an easy target, then that makes you homophobic" he says defensively.

"No believe it or not I'm not—"

"Oh really" he scoffs interrupting me.

"Yeah, homophobia implies that I fear gays, I don't fear them, I dislike them" I say as a matter of factly, he rolled is eyes at me.

"Ok then why do you dislike them then?" He asks. Again I shrug.

"I'm waiting" he says impatiently.

"That's how I was brought up to believe I guess" I say thinking sadly to my parents.

Thats when I remember what they said a couple of years ago when the British band Queen announced that their touring again with Adam Lambert my papa said "you know I never really like that faggot or the band, I guess they had a couple of ok songs but now their going more downhill with this new fag singing for them". I was actually really hurt when he said that, since I really like both artists and want to see the show. But this has me second guessing my self.

"...You know you don't always have to think like how your parents think either, my parents were like that till I told them I was gay then they felt guilty and changed their minds about it" He tells me. Bringing me back to reality and what where talking about.

"Yeah well that's easier said than done" I say sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asks me.

"Doesn't matter. I'm outta here, see ya around, mentor" I snap then get up and leave I head to the cafeteria since lunch is in a few minutes.

I'm obviously the first one there so I wait, soon the bell rings and everyone files in. Soon I see my friends and my girlfriend walking up to me, at our usual table.

"Hey babe. How did the mentoring go with Kellin?" she asks me. I roll my eyes at her question.

"How do you think it went, He was pretty much interrogating me" I say

"I highly doubt that Vic" she says.

"Whatever, like you'd know anyway cause you were there, I forgot" I snap at her.

"Hey don't snap at me, I just asked a question" She says getting mad.

"Whatever I'm outta here" I leave and skip lunch who needs it anyway.

I head to the gym to kick around the soccer balls. But that's short lived when I see coach.

"Hey! Vic? What are you doing here, you're not allowed in here during lunch" couch says coming out of his office towards me. I lean on the bleachers with my foot on a soccer ball.

"Sorry coach" I say.

"What's wrong Vic?"

"Are you going to kick me off the team?" I ask.

"I'd rather not, but I can't have my caption of the soccer team harassing others in the halls during school hours Vic, you understand where I'm coming from" he explains, I simply just nod.

"Your a good player Vic, but I have to do what I have to do, but that's why Principal Andrews and I came up with this mentoring idea for you, and to give you a second chance, if you blow it, your off the team and that's final also, possibly get a suspension from school. Think about it" he goes back into his office and I leave the gym, and head to the exit of the school.

I pass by the bathroom and I hear something going on, but I'm not sure if I should investigate, I quickly head in I guess staring at the bathroom triggered me so now I have to piss. I hear crying, but it stopped for a couple minutes while I'm in there, but as I go to leave it started again, I pretend to leave then I hear them talk.

"Why? Why do I have to be like this? Why can't I be normal? He'll never like me, no one does—" they sob out. I go to leave having heard enough.

I get to my car and head home, but there was something familiar about the guys voice, and the way he was talking. Was that, no, was that Kellin? And who was he talking about. I guess it doesn't matter anyway it's not any of my business but something is telling me that I should have said something. Ugh what's wrong with me.

/Kellin pov/

After Vic left me in study hall, I gathered my things and headed to lunch, but not having much of an appetite and none of my friends showed up to the table, I decided to just go to the bathroom out of the way of anyone's sight.

I can't believe I have to to all this it's to much pressure, plus all that I told him too, I shouldn't have said anything to him that wasn't related to helping him. Ugh I'm such an idiot. I start to cry, why am I being so pathetic.

After a few minutes I hear the door to the bathroom open. I stop immediately and act like I'm not even in here. I don't want to give away that I'm having a moment. It's so awkward listening to this guy piss while I'm here having a breakdown. Then soon enough I hear a flush and them walking away. And the tears started up again.

I rummage through my backpack, finding what I was looking for I use it while talking.

"Why? Why do I have to be like this? Why can't I be normal? He'll never like me, no one does, I know there's a tension with my parents they still feel guilty about acting homophobic and I know they still don't fully understand or like it but they tolerate it enough for me. My friends care, but not enough to do anything to help me. So what's the difference" I finish. That's when the bell rings. Know that lunch is over I have to report back to Principal Andrews after this period.

I head to class and just sit there. Jerk face is usually in this class with me only he's not here, what a shock he probably cut class again.

Once class is over I head to the office and knock on the principals door.

"Ahh, Kellin nice to see you, hows the first day of mentoring going?" He asks me.

"Well he stormed away from me, during study hall and he wasn't here last period so I assume he cut class again, but if you ask me I think that he's hiding something from himself, I don't know exactly what it is. But he got annoyed with me after only talking for like half of a period" I tell him.

"Well keep at it, and maybe if there's anyway spending time with him out side of school might make a difference, you know get a feel for home life and all that might help" he says. I nod, even though I don't like the idea.

"Alright that'll be all then Kellin" I nod again.

"Right I'll write you a note to Mr. Jones and let him know you were with me and not to penalize you" he says while scrubbing words into a piece of paper.

He hands it to me and I leave going to history class. Thinking about what Principal Andrews said and what Vic said.

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