Marked • T. Stark {Book 1}

By Kit_Kat1300

31.9K 808 60

| You could have saved me, but instead you left me in the dark to be forgotten. In the end, I grew into a str... More

• Chapter 0.1 •
• Chapter 0.2 •
• Chapter 0.3 •
• Chapter 0.4 •
• Chapter 0.5 •
• Chapter 0.6 •
• Chapter 1.1 •
• Chapter 1.2 •
• Chapter 1.3 •
• Chapter 1.4 •
• Chapter 1.5 •
• Chapter 1.7 •
• Chapter 1.8 •
• Chapter 1.9 •
• Chapter 1.10 •
• Chapter 1.11 •
• Chapter 1.12 •
• Chapter 1.13 •
• Chapter 1.14 •

• Chapter 1.6 •

1.2K 36 1
By Kit_Kat1300


The girl stepped towards Loki, an angered look over her face as she had enough of him. The pain he was inflicting on her was causing her to lose control. Slowly but surely, she wanted to tear him apart limb from limb, so slow that he would still be alive until it came time to cut off his head. She would take her time torturing the God, him thinking that Thanos was worse, but in reality he had to learn how to get his torturing skills. When Esmeralda was his prized pupil, she gave him her own thoughts on how to make his prisoners talk.

She allowed her sword to scrape against the stone as it created sparks from the pressure she was building. "Now, Esmeralda we can talk about this." Loki told her, his finger about to press over the red button while she saw this movement from the corner of her eye.

She easily let it fly from his hand, letting it fall off the cliff as she smirked and Loki physically gulped in fear. "Oops, did you need that?" She asked him teasingly.

The girl went to attack him, Loki moving out of the way while he kicked her in the back and she hissed slightly in pain. The girl got up and chuckled. "Sneaky, should have know the God of mischief would be quick." She told him as he smiled slightly.

"We can talk about this. We can stop Thanos." He tried to persuade her, but she wasn't having it. The girl was free and she went to release the beast.

"Ooh, Loki, you should have never taken the cuffs off." She told him and that's when she used her power to push him up against the rocks jagged wall. His head smacked into the sharp ragged area as he gasped in pain, feeling his skull crack from the push.

She walked over to him and before the girl could even get a hit on him, she was pulled away and she stumbled gasping in slight surprise as she saw Thor, Steve, and Tony all waving their weapons at her. "You really want to fight me?" She asked, Loki's eyes widened at her statement.

"I don't recommend that- -" He tried to start, but with a scream, the girl's body lit on fire and Steve's eyes widened.

"Um, I didn't know she could do that." He mumbled and Thor nods his head.

"She is meant to be Thanos' greatest warrior." He told them and Tony looked to him.

"You're just now telling us that!" He yelled, seeing a fire ball fly over to him as he couldn't dodge it in time as he was thrown back.

The girl was about to go for Steve next, her body burning with rage, only for a pull of energy to shock in her body. She gasped, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she cramped up. Loki smirked, the duplicate now fading as the girl chocked for air. "Oops, did you really think I would let you hurt me?" Loki asked in a teasing manner as the girl fell unconscious.

Tony came back, the metal of his door slightly burning and smoking. "Well, now I can get her to the examining room without her trying to kill me." He told them and Thor took Loki by his shirt.


Loki was being walked down to his cell on the SHIELD base, Esmeralda being wheeled into a lab while Tony was next to her and looked over her feature carefully. As Loki passed Bruce Banner, working on trying to find the Tesseract, he smirked at him and continued his way down to the cell. Bruce remover his glasses to get a better look and rubbed his eyes, thinking he was seeing something.

Loki was locked in place, the cell have bulletproof glass and the contained very large for him. "In case it's unclear, if you try to escape, if you so much as scratches that glass," He told the God, allowing the bottom to open and show the drop below. "It's thirty thousand feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" He asked while closing it. "Ant, boot."

Loki chuckled and shook his head. "It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me." He stated with his sliver tongue.

"Built for something a lot stronger than you. Even your little friend." Fury told the man.

"Oh, I've heard." Loki stated, looking straight into the camera. "A mindless beast. Makes play he's still a man." He teased and Natasha looked to Bruce who was bouncing on his toes. "How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki asked.

"How desperate am I? You threatened my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill because it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did." Fury told him, stepping closer to the glass containment.

"Ooh. It burns you to have come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share." He stated, his voice taunting the idea. "And then to be reminded what real power is."

"Well, let me know if 'real power' wants a magazine or something." Fury told him, walking away and leaving Esmeralda with the avengers around her.

Bruce was in a conference room, arms crossed over his chest as he gave a false smile. "He really grows on you, doesn't he?" He asked.

Steve was sitting at a chair, his arm draped across the table as he looked over the footage. "Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what's his play? And this girl, Esmeralda, who is she?" He asked, the blonde still being monitored by SHIELD guards.

"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract." He stated while he rubbed his face. "And Esmeralda is basically like a battery to him, that metal device on her neck allowing energy to be drawn from her with that remote." He said, pointing to the small rectangle they stole from the man. "She is a great warrior that's fought in thousands of battles and killed millions if not billions." He told them and Bruce rubbed his face.

"Oh my god." He mumbled.

"An army from outer space." Steve said, caught on that information.

"So, he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for." Bruce stated.

"Selvig?" Thor asked.

"He's an astrophysicist." Bruce told him with a nod.

"He's a friend." Thor told them.

"Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours." Natasha told them.

"I want to know why Loki and Esmeralda let us take them. He's not leading an army from here." Steve told them.

"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him. Maybe you could try and speak to Esmeralda, she was about to kill Loki from what I heard." Bruce told the soldier.

"Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother." Thor stayed, trying to stick up for his family.

"He killed eighty people in two days." Natasha said flatly.

"He's adopted." Thor reasoned.

"I think it's about the mechanics. Irdium..." Bruce stated out of know here. "What do they need the irdium for?" He asked while Tony walked in, leaving the blonde as he went to speak to the others.

"It's a stabilizing agent. I'm just saying, pick a weekend. I'll fly you to Portland. Keep love alive." Tony stated to Phil Coulson as the man walked away in embarrassment. "It means the portal won't collapse on itself like it did at SHIELD. No hard feeling, Point Break you've got a mean swing." Tony stated while patting on Thor's arm.

"Also, it means the portal can open as wide and stay open as long, as Loki wants. Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails. That man is playing Galaga. He thought we wouldn't notice, but we did." Tony said, then placing his hand to cover one eye. "How does Fury even see these?"

"He turns." Maria Hill told him.

"Sounds exhausting. The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. The only major component he needs is a power source of high-energy density." He stated, placing a chip on a monitor. "Something to kick-start the Cube."

"When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" Maria asked him.

"Last night. The packet, Selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?" Tony asked.

"Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?" Steve asked.

"He would have to heat the Cube to one hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier." Bruce stated as Tony nods his head.

"Unless Selvig knows how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect." Tony said snakily.

"Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor in the planet." Bruce stated.

"Finally, someone who speaks English." Tony told them while going over to shake Bruce Banner's hand.

"Is that what just happened?" Steve asked.

"It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on a tile trim collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage-monster." He told him.

"Thanks." He said with a clenched jaw.

"Dr. Banner is only here to track the Cube. I was hoping you might join him and look over Esmeralda. You could possibly even talk to her and try to gain information." Fury told the two.

"I would start with that stick of his. It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon." Steve told them.

"I don't know about that, but it is powered by the Cube. And I would like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys." Fury told him.

"Monkeys? I do not understand." Thor mumbled.

"I do." Steve said with a smile. Tony rolled his eyes as Steve kept his smile. "I understood that reference."

"Shall we play, Doctor?" Tony asked.

"This way, sir." He played along while they walked away.

The man who was caught playing the arcade game looked over his shoulder, seeing Tony Stark leave and easily turn it back on to continue playing.


And here is when Tony Stark is going to learn about Esmeralda! I can't wait! Please leave a comment, vote, and follow! Thanks!

( Word Count 1828 )

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