amorous // richonne au

By lolfanfiics

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this is an alternate universe based story where the apocalypse never happened. 07'17 lolfanfiics © [Complete] More

one- hinder me not
two- bomb dropper
three- new friends
four- loose thoughts
five- bad timing
six- speak
seven - game changer
eight - quality time.
nine - when trouble comes knocking
ten (i)- dinner
eleven (ii) - appetizer
twelve (i) - fun & games
thirteen (ii) - confirmation
fourteen - date night
fifteen (i) -party
sixteen (ii) - party
seventeen - 1st day
eighteen - trouble up ahead
nineteen - the dispute
twenty - breakup or makeup
twenty one - hush, little babies?
twenty two - eternal
twenty three - revealing
twenty four - important dates
twenty five - three weeks in
twenty six - wake up
twenty eight - a happening
sneak peek: forever [book two in the amorous series] prologue + ch. 1

twenty seven - how much longer?

449 18 2
By lolfanfiics


"You hungry, baby?" I smiled at Jada as she smiled back up at me. I gasped playfully.

"Somebody turns a month old today!" I tickled her stomach lightly as she kept her wide grin glued to her face. I picked her up out of her crib and kissed her cheek. Just before I turned to make my way downstairs, I saw Judy shift in her crib. Before I could get Jada downstairs and settled with her brothers, Judith let out a scream that caused me to rush downstairs and hurriedly put Jada in her play pen.

I ran back upstairs and grabbed Judith, but she didn't stop crying.

"Come on, Judy," I pleaded, "What's the matter?"

I put her on my hip and dashed downstairs, putting her in her bouncer so I could make her bottle.

"Good morning, boys." I smiled and walked toward where Andre and Carl were sitting in the living room, leaning down to kiss both of their cheeks before sighing. Judith still cried — at this point it was just screaming — and quite frankly it was annoying, because she never ever screamed this much when she cried. Desperate, I turned to Carl.

"Carl, can you please grab Judith for me?"

I thought maybe if he held her, she'd finally stop crying. But I was wrong. He picked her up and she kept crying, and she gradually got louder and louder. I sighed as I mixed her milk and put the bottle into the put to warm it. I then went back into the living room to get Jada, so I could feed her as well.

"I'll be right back, Carl," I said, lifting Jada out of her play pen, "If I'm not back before Judith's milk gets warm enough can you just take it out and feed her for me?"

When he nodded, I smiled at him.

"Thank you."

I took Jada and went back upstairs to my bedroom. I began feeding her, when my phone rang. I sighed and reached for my phone, struggling to grab it. When I finally managed to get it, I answered it and put it on speaker.


"Hello, is this Miss Michonne Grimes?"

"Yes, this is."

I felt my stomach tighten as I slowly realized who it was on the other end.

"Hello, this is Dr. Hogan from Grady Memorial Hospital. I'm calling regarding an update on Rick Grimes' status."

I began to burp Jada as I listened.

"He is now responsive to the stimuli we've given to him. We're maybe looking at a few more weeks of his comatose state. It may be more — or less — but right now, about three weeks is probably the median range."

I let out a sigh of relief before speaking.

"Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much."

We hung up the phone and I finished feeding and burping Jada. I took her back downstairs and saw Carl feeding Judith. I smiled as I sat next to Carl and Andre on the couch.

"Good news," I breathed out. They both looked at me.

"Rick is responsive now and the Doctor said that he doesn't think he'll be in a coma much longer."

Andre immediately hopped up and jumped around with his arms in the air.

"Mommy, I miss Rick so, so much! I can't wait until he's better again."

I smiled. "I can't wait, either."
I held Jada's carrier as we all entered Rick's room. Carl was carrying Judith and Andre carried the flowers we'd all picked out for him. I smiled slightly as I approached his bed. He looked so much better than before; his skin wasn't pale and lifeless the way it was the first few times we'd visited him and he was visibly recovering.

I grabbed Jada from her carrier and held her so that she could see him as well. I motioned for Carl to come over to the other side of his bed and do the same with Judith.

"Look, girls. It's daddy," I smiled and looked over at Judith as she smiled down at Rick. I couldn't wait for this to blow over, because I know how much Rick would want to be here physically with his daughters, and his sons for that matter. I put Jada back down in her carrier and turned my attention back toward Rick. Sitting in the chair next to his bed, I grabbed his hand.

"Hey, Rick. We miss you so, so much. But I know you'll be back soon. And you'll be able to spend your time with our amazing children. Judith is sitting up on her own now, and she's even trying to take the bottle herself. I think I even saw her trying to crawl. And Jada — she's starting to look like you. Well, you with my complexion. They're both so beautiful. Carl's junior year is going amazingly for him. He has a 4.0 GPA and he and Sophia have taken a liking to each other, but I'm sure you could've guessed that," I chuckled, pausing briefly. "Andre is getting taller and taller, and he even counted to 100 for me last week. His writing is becoming more and more legible and he's even better articulating his larger words! And me.. I'm loving watching them grow up. I miss you, Rick. I need you here with me. I don't wanna watch them grow up alone for much longer. I can't wait for you to come home and I can't wait to see your smile and hear your voice. We'll be back tomorrow after Carl gets home from school. I love you. We all do."

I squeezed his hand and to my surprise, he squeezed mine in return. My eyes instantly widened in shock, and I turned to see if Carl saw what had just happened, but he, Judith, and Andre had already left the room, leaving Jada and I alone. I felt a tear slowly roll down my cheek as I smiled down at him. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"I love you so much."

okay so i don't want you guys upset at me, but it's looking like the next chapter will be the last one. i didn't want you guys to expect one thing and then get another thing and be underwhelmed. but do not be alarmed. i'm definitely gonna make a sequel to this book, when i get enough time to update consistently. i really, really have enjoyed writing this book, and i hope you guys had an even more amazing time reading it. 🖤

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