levi x Plus Size reader(will...

By alyssiarose143

60.9K 1.5K 629

Okay so this book will be finished one day, most chapters are terrible and i started writing this in middle s... More

levi x chubby reader
Why do I hurt
I can't make you love me
Why do you hate me
what wrong with me
just realizing
so sorry
whats is life as we know it
titan abilities
my character
who are you
lets talk
Express Yourself
erens been taken
erens been taken part 2
modern levi

blue Violet eyes

4K 90 36
By alyssiarose143

Hey welcome back ok so

today I'm doing two quotes I hope you like this chapter

"What's good about saying nothing is that you lessen the tendecy to hurt others. the bad thing is, you never really realize how keeping quiet hurts You.

"I finally think I know why I don't like getting involved with someone romantically. because when I do, I get this annoying paranoia that at any moment this person is going drop me. it makes me feel weak and vulnerable, and I'm not use to that. and I know they say trust and all but trust just doesn't come easy with me.

now to story

you slowly walk though the hall way your head hanging low you didn't look out the Windows like you usually do everyday it was dark though the only light you seen from the floor was the moon light. you can here the happy crowd in the cafe as you approach the doorwayYou look up and one by one people looked at you and became shock and quite it was dead silent now You walk over to the court and pick up bread a potato And a bowl of soup with water on the side.

"You can't say hi?" You hear a familiar voice You look up to see a smiling eren you put your tray down and hug him tight

"Hi eren!" you say into his chest.

you remove your arms from him

"what are you doing here (name)? you're suppose to be at the hospital I went back for you yesterday but you wasn't there I spent the night there waiting for you to get back." He said concern for you

"oh eren I'm sorry I made you wait." you say feeling guilty for not going back even when you said you where.

"But I went back to are dorm room to talk to you after I left the hospital eren." you tell him mostly honest about why you sneak out the hospital you just realize everyone was staring trying to listen to the conversation once you look everyone quickly turning there body's in there seat.

"Don't think about them." He says gently turning your face to look at him his hand was soft you nod your head. 'Lets go to my table." He said picking up your tray you follow behind him he sit down he looked at you to tell you to sit next to him everyone starts to talk to you as soon as you sit down

armin: (name) i'm so happy you're ok, people said you was on your death bed I'm just happy you're ok but, would you go to the library sometimes with me? If that's ok with you he said with a blush.

you: sorry for making you worry about me and of course armin

mikasa: glad your back she said (puts on a fake smile) we should train together sometime she smiles taking a sip of what ever she was drinking.

you: (You gulp) yea sure (you give a light smile to her.)

jean: I was worry about you (a blush filled his cheeks.) I mean a lot of us where.

you: thanks Jean (you smile at him.)

every one else said there share of words to you it meant a lot to you to be honest it got things off your mind for a while so this is what it feels like to have friends I wonder where levi is your thoughts where interrupted by eren

Eren: (name) are you ok yea I'm fine you smlie at him.

yimr: hey (name) I heard you wasn't supposed to be up and walking in till about 4 weeks people said it was pretty bad.

you: well um I you didn't know what to say since you didn't know what was wrong with you um before you said anything else eren was about to say something in till a familiar voice came along.

levi: it's because she's strong and never gives up levi said coming out of no where everyone in the cafe paid attention to him and now she's even stronger then she was before.

she held into her life as that knife went though her chest so Close to losing her life And for some reason she decided to stay in this world full of evil And I'm not only talking about the titans I'm talking about some of you idiot's and after the way some of you treated her I have no clue why she would come back to this Filthy world.

"levi." you say in a whisper as a tear escape your right eye he looked at you with kind eyes even if no one else seen it he turned around while his cape flew in the air and he exist the cafe you was speechless you had no words as you stare at the door the whole cafe was quite they where shock by his words about you some where even jealous like Petra .

you turn your head facing eren he turn his head to you let's take a walk "(name)" You nod your head at him and get up from your seat he follow behind you you walk outside side by side the sunset was perfect beaming down on the both of you um he started (name) are you ok yea I'm fine you said with a smile he stop you from walking turning you around to face him you look at the ground (name) look at me you slowly turn your head to him starring into his green eyes (name) please don't lie to me he said said with so much concern in his voice and eyes you try to hold back the tears

Threatening to come out your eyes eren "I-I c-can't." you say still holding back your tears "(name) I." he pause "I LOVE YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO TELL ME ANYTHING JUST TRUST ME FOR ONCE!" he yell at you with tears going down his face you just couldn't hold back your tears anymore eren

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry."

"I keep everything from you but it's just to hard!" you scream. still sobbing

eren:(name) just please. he say his hands sliding from your shoulders to your you hands he let go you walk to the side of the building and slide down the wall he do you same he gave you time to think as you both look at the now bright moon it was bright and beautiful like always eren you say softly he looks at you waiting for a answer eren there's something wrong with me you say still looking at the sky Why would you say that (name) You are perfect the way you are you turn your head to look at him he puts his index finger under your chin and thumb on top of your chin

(hope you understand what I'm saying) eren your voice start to

Crack up again.

eren I think I'm a titan he gasp with wide eyes and takes his index and thumb off your chin "(name) Why would you say that?" he say still in shock you stood up facing the moon well you tell me the other day I have a nightmare of being a titan I have unthinkable headaches and they disappear like It never even happen My f**king eyes glow and turn blue and violet And most difficult thing about this is I thought I was going crazy in till this s*** happened! you Unbuttoned your shirt half way just enough for him to see where the large scar use to be you didn't think his eyes or mouth could get any bigger as they already Where it..was..right..there he said still looking at your chest you drop down on your knees and hands your head hanging low eren what am I going to do (name) unexpected he holds you tight I'll always be by your side never forget that he whispers in your ear you cry in his arms.

you both hear running you get up let go you both start running to the sound oh my eren someone followed us and heard us you say to eren starting to panic the person was heading for the cafe

"oh no." eren say running faster then you eren tackled him but was to late they was already in the cafe commander Erwin commander

"Erwin s-she she said she's a titan." the guy from the military police said everyone gasp And look at you and stared at you you look down at the floor your eyes start glowing because of how they looked at you Erwin looked at you and seen your eyes everyone got scared 6 people from the military police stepped in

"we heard everything." one of them said you turn around to see all 6 of them have there guns pointed to you about to shoot.

you can feel your body heating up

"(name) You have to calm down." eren said you was angry and about to attack eren grab you "(name) just calm down." you slowly start to calm down your eyes stop glowing.

you put your hands up.

"if you try anything we will shoot!" you look back at eren then at everyone else they was scared having one titan was bad enough but two will make people even more scared you look around trying to see if levi was at he wasn't no where to be seen you look at Erwin

erwin:(name) it's ok I'll see you tomorrow. you was surprise he wasn't scared the guy that was on the ground was up and put the gun to your back to tell you to start walking you look at eren. "it's going be ok he said with a concern look you end up being at a wagon to take you to jail.

(in the wagon)

You had hand cuffs on as you looked out the window you didn't have the chance to button your shirt back up so your cleavage was out so every time you turn your head one of them was looking at you rude You say WHAT WAS THAT he said nothing you say looking back at the night sky.

(skipping the drive)

You Arrive there words get out so fast there was about 50 people from the military police with their guns pointed at you. you felt like a monster they put the gun to your back to order you to go you start walking and no one was nice they all had something to say to you monster beast I can't believe we got another one and she fat to you can feel the tears forming in your eyes but you didn't cry they blind fold you they lead you somewhere cold they took the blind fold off it was dark but had a few lit candles they put you in a jail it was small with a small window they put you in many chains more then what eren had you look at the moon as a tears ran down your face.

I'm so sick and tried of crying tried of everyone always having something to say about me I'm so tried of feeling alone unloved hurt broken a mistake this world is just to cruel to be true this world give us so much but it's not the world who's cruel its just people who makes it a cruel place along with the titans the thought of titans made you angry you wouldn't even be in this mess you wouldn't be a soldier You would be out there living your life away from all this pain away from cruel people and Titans the titans who took every last one of your family you ball up your fist trying not to remember what the titans did to your family that was the only reason you became a soldier to revenge your whole family as much as you try you can't hold yourself together you cover your mouth and hold your stomach trying not to feel the pain as tears ran down your face across your hand I'm going kill them all I swear it they will pay for what they did to your father your mother your brothers and sisters (if you have any) they will all pay You say out loud.

(levi pov)

I couldn't help but listen as she spoke about her family they might not think I can handle both titans they might kill her I won't let that happen I couldn't care less if she was a titan or not tch when the hell did I grow f***ing feeling I'm not supposed to feel I'm suppose to have no emotion I should just forget about her act like nothing happened between us she love eren anyway she's always with that brat I should beat the living s*** out of him for being with her all the time tch huh who's there she said he came out the darkness and in to the moonlight.

(reader pov)

You see levi coming from the darkness levi you say happy and sad to see him he must think your a monster You look down at the chains around your hands you should know I don't care if your a titan or not you look at him really you say shock I deal with eren all the time idiot do you think I can't take care of you he say with his normal blink face you mean kill me you say staring a him he looked at the ground if anyone one was to kill me I want it to be you levi you tell him with a serious tone he look at you get some sleep brat hanji is going bring you down to court tomorrow he say you give him a small smile he start to walk away don't give up just yet brat he say in a whisper you was barely able to hear but you Caught on You smile And lay down on the bed and look at the moon for some reason the moon claims you down like it give you strength you slowly start to close your eyes feeling a little peace since you got there.

(next day)

(NAME) (NAME) (NAME) You hear your name being called shouted basically You move around in your sleep WHAT you finally say it's time hanji say you slowly sit up the Guards unlocked all the chains that was wrap tightly around your chubby body they put normal cuffs on you as they walk you down to the court hanji wouldn't shut her mouth talking about all the things she was going to do you she sound like a rapist And it freaked you out on the And you have Mike on the other side sniff the living s*** out of you but that whole time the only person you was really thinking about was levi.

you Arrive at the two big doors standing in front of you hanji smile at you as Mike opened the door for you he smile and close the door behind you the two guards poke you in the back with the guns to order you to go I swear the next time they do that they will pay you think to yourself get on your knees the guard say they put the pole behind you to keep you from escaping people looked at you like you was a freak a monster they was scared but not as scared as they where when eren did this now you know how eren feel being unwanted but he's lucky he got friends who love him I don't even really know if his friends are really my own friends You where snap out of thought.

please be seated the judge say as he sat down in his chair ms (l/n) do you understand the crime you committed No sir you said Mr bakes please state what you have seen on your walk the judge say Mr bake was on the military side yes sir I was walking and over heard Mr jaeger and Mrs (l/n) Conversation he said and what exactly was there conversation about the judge say.

Mrs (l/n) talked to Mr Jaeger about weird dreams her eyes changing hurtful headaches And the scar that was on her chess was gone everyone gasp May we see the judge say you thought for a second then said yes the Guard walk up to you and got on one knee and start to unbutton the shirt hanji was nice enough to button up for you most of the people in the front can see there was no scar you can hear people whispering I see the judge say the guard button your shirt back up now Mr bake is there anything else you would like it share yes sir Mrs (l/n) almost attacked my men he say the court got loud whispering to you also me and my men talk to squad leader hanji And found out before the knife went though Mrs (l/n) chest there was titan blood on it everyone gasp confused just like you were.

And how did you know hanji? the judge say because every titan blood dissolve but a titan shifter blood takes longer to dissolve hanji

"So it must of been a titan shifter." she say you was shock who could do such a thing your thoughts where interrupted

"it was him the beast!" a man that looked crazy said pointing at eren no wait yea it was him who did it wait he wants to make more of his kind to take over no

"I knew we couldn't trust him no he want to take over are world they will Destroy us all!" they put there guns to eren and you

"your all wrong you say." quite with your head low "YOUR ALL WRONG!" you screamed. your head popping up "EREN WILL NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS AND THIS IS THE THANKS HE GET FOR PLUGING THE WALL AND BRINGING THE FEMALE TITAN DOWN IF YOU WANT TO BLAM ANYONE BLAM ME IM THE ONE WHO GOT ME INTO THIS MESS EREN GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS IF YOU WANT TO KILL SOMEONE KILL ME!" everyone looked at you shock you never realize your eyes was glowing the whole time ugh you feel a punch to the face ugh you get a kick to the stomach your face landed to the floor a kick to the face and then the levi stomp went on for about 30 seconds a few more punches you was almost knock out in till the person grab your hair keeping your head up you look to see mikasa holding your head you was surprised it wasn't levi doing it

"I'm only doing this for eren." mikasa said to you do you really want to kill her mikasa said getting off her knees "do you people really think do you know how much we can take back with two titans on our team!" everyone start to think Mrs jaeger the judge say

"do you think you can take out Mrs (l/n) by yourself if she gets out of control I know I can sir." she say looking at you your eyes stop glowing now Mrs (l/n)

"do you swear to keep protecting and serving in the Survey Corps."

"yes sir." you say about to pass out and

"you levi if mikasa can't take her out will you?" you looked at levi and he looked at you

"yes I can." levi said your heart hurt a little by his words but you would rather have him do it then any other person your thought where interrupted well

"I made my decision Mrs (l/n) Will be Release to the Survey Corps."

until next time

author's note: sorry it's not that good like the other ones I try really I'm not that good with courts to Haha but I hope to make the next one better but thank you to the people who take the time to read this it means a lot to me and leave a comment love ya and next chapter is going to be out in two weeks

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