High School Dxd x Op Oc/Male...

By DragonNote

685K 6.3K 16.8K

Ryo(or your character) is just your regular high school kid. Scratch that, he's anything but regular. He is a... More

The New Kid
Date Gone Wrong
Special: Serafall x OC/Male Reader (Lemon)
Special: Koneko x Oc/Male Reader (Lemon)
Asia and Fighting
Hanging out
Ryo vs The Fallen Angels
Battle for the Familiars
Meeting A Turkey
Special: Kuroka x Oc/Male Reader
A Conversation With The Tomato
Halloween Special
Ryo vs Riser
Talking With the Tomato's Brother
Accidents and Kiba's Problem
Shenanigans: Escape!
Challenge With The Exorcists
Battle With The Exorcists
Fighting Freed
Ryo's Kusanagi
Christmas Special
Kokabiel Fight(Part 1)
Kokabiel Fight(Part 2)
New Devil
Special: Kuroka x Oc/Male Reader(Part 2/Lemon)
Special/Shenanigans: Birthday
Pool Day
Shenanigans: Court
Discussions at School
School and News
Sister (Part 2)
Making Babies(Lemon)
Shenanigans: Boys Night!
5 Faction Summit(Part 1)
Battle(Part 2)
Red Dragon vs White Dragon(Part 3)
Talk with the Dragons
Shenanigans: Tomato's Fear!
Shenanigans: Morning(Lemon)
Shenanigans: Seven Deadly Sins Description
Shenanigans: The Sisters
Shenanigans: Ryo and Rias
Shenanigans: A Day with Team Dragon

Rating Game

10.8K 124 242
By DragonNote

Just for you all to know this chapter will not have the full game but have Ryo, Raynare, and Sona react to the main parts of it. Thanks for reading and enjoy the chapter!

Male Reader:

Name: Y/n

Hair Color: H/c

Bang Color: B/c

Eye Color: E/c

Personality: Kuudere(if you don't know look it up)

Thinking: Blah


With Ryo and Raynare:

Ryo and Raynare were currently in the living room of Ryo's house

Raynare: Today's the big day master 

Ryo: It is

Raynare: I can't wait to see how much they improved from you training them

Ryo: Hopefully I had enough time to even train them

Raynare: So are you ready to go

Ryo: I am. Kamui *Teleports him and her to the Occult Resaerch Club*

When they get there they see Kiba putting his sword in his holster, Koneko putting her gloves on, Akeno and Rias drinking tea, and Issei and Asia looking at everyone there

Ryo: Hey Issei

Issei: Ryo, your here

Ryo: You thought we weren't gonna see you guys before the rating game

Rias: *Walks up to Ryo* Ryo, I want to thank you for training my peerage for our fight with Riser

Ryo: Don't thank me, I had to train you guys or else you'll lose. Riser may be a arrogant turkey but he is still powerful and knows how to control his power, you guys would lose without any proper training. Not to mention this is your first rating game, I wouldn't want to see anything else right now

Rias: Even so, thanks

Ryo: Tch

Sona and Tsubaki: *Walks though the door*

Sona: Sorry if I'm interrupting

Rias: No, please come in Sona

Akeno: I'm glad you can make it

Issei: I sure didn't expect to see those two here, what gives

Rias: There's a live brodcast of the competition so family members can watch. Son and Tsubaki are here to help out with that

Issei: Awesome

Sona: Besides, its her first rating game, I wouldn't miss this event for anything

Ryo: That's exactly what I said

Sona: *Looks at Ryo* I didn't think that you would be here

Ryo: I wouldn't want to miss the tomato and her peerages first rating game

Raynare: I wouldn't want to go anywhere without master!

Ryo: Tch

Rias: Well then, since you both are watching I guess I'll have o make it interesting for you 

Suddenly, a magic circle appears and out comes Grayfia

Grayfia: Its almost time, I hope your ready for his my lady

Rias: Were ready when you are

Grayfia: In a few moments this magic circle will transport you and the rest of your team on the battlefield

Issei: Where exactly is the battlefield

Akeno: In a neutral, alternate space for the game. Because its not real we have full license to do some damage even burn it to the ground if we want *giggles*

Issei: Great that doesn't sound scary at all

Sona: I'll be in the student brodcast room calling the game, we'll be cheering you on

Ryo: Since there will be no other way to watch me and Raynare will be going with them. Make sure you beat the turkey into thanksgiving

Sona: What he said 

Rias: Hope you enjoy the game guys

Ryo, Raynare, Sona, and Tsubaki: *Leaves the room*

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Ryo and chibi Sona playing chess:

The four of them walk into the student council office and sits down while screens appear to show the match

Raynare: Wow master! I think they might be able to win this the way they are setting up things

Ryo: Its true they would be able to take out most of the turkey's peerage but, they still might lose the rating game

Sona, Tsubaki, and Raynare look at Ryo in shock when he says this

Sona: What do you mean they are gonna lose 

Ryo: The Phoniex's can regenerate for one thing, quicker than I can, but they might be able to counter that if all of tomato's peerage is still in. But there is one advantage turkey's peerage has

Tsubaki: What is that

Ryo: Phoniex tears, if they use that when someone in tomato's peerage is off guard then they can win

Sona, Raynare, and Tsubaki: *Shocked*

Ryo: But, maybe they could win if they prevent all of that

Main Point 1:

Issei had just preformed dress break on three of Riser's pawns and and had been gloating about it while Sona, Tsubaki, Ryo, and Raynare are watching

Tsubaki: What a freak

Sona: Who knows maybe his special move will work

Raynare: Even if, its still a horrible technique that would technically count as sexual assualt. What do you think master

Ryo: ....

Raynare: Master

Ryo: As much as I hate to admit it, its a pretty smart and useful attack. Get them naked to where they are confused and embarrassed and then attack

Sona: But even so, its still perverted 

Ryo: Tch, this guy is a enemy to women everywhere

Main Part 2:

Issei and Koneko is currently running out of the gym

Ryo: I have a bad feeling something is gonna happen

Raynare: What do you mean master

Ryo: I've seen a lot of anime. After someone and their friend defeats their opponent in these kind of games, something is about go down

Sona: But that's only in anime

Suddenly, a lightning strike falls from the sky and into the church, and Akeno is seen flying above it

Grayfia: Three of Lord Riser's pawns and one of Lord Riser's rooks have retired

Raynare: Wow, you were correct master

Ryo: No, its something else

After a little while, Koneko and Issei start to walk off to face other opponents, but an explosion soon erupts onto Koneko, causing her to be elimated from the game

Raynare: Wow, you were correct master

Ryo: Tch, I hoped that I wouldn't be

Timskip to a later point brought to you by chibi Ryo trying pizza for the first time but gets sick:

Akeno had just gotten done beating Riser's queen while Issei and Kiba is fightning everyone else in Riser's peerage minus Riser who was fighting Rias and Asia

Raynare: It seems as if Rias's team will be able to win this

Sona: Seems so, but they should still be on their guard

In Game:

Yubelluna: I didn't expect the priestess of thunder to be this strong. Your agic must be almost depleted

Akeno: Never fear, I just need a little bit of rest and I'll recover just fine

Yubelluna: Well that does sound like a good plan but I don't think I want to wait

Akeno: What's in that

Yubelluna: Oh just your trap

With Ryo, Raynare, Sona, and Tsubaki:

Raynare: What is that master

Ryo: Its Phoniex tears

Sona: *Shocked* W-What!

Ryo: i knew the turkey's peerage may have something on them and during the last day told them be look out for anything but I don't think they will survive this

Suddenly, iIsei and Kiba win their matches against the other members of Riser's peerage

Raynare: Hey, look at that master. Issei and Kiba managed to defeat their enemies 

Ryo: Tch, won't matter much if they pull off their tricks, I hope Akeno is prepared 

Grayfia: Lady Rias one queen retired

Ryo: Nevermind

 A little while after, Kiba is hit too and is eliminated 

Ryo: Tch

After that they begin to watch Issei fight Riser and after Issei get's his ass handed to him, Rias ultimately decides to give in and quit the game. Causing Sona, Tsubaki, and Raynare to be in shock while Ryo is just looking on with his usual expressionless face

Ryo: They couldn't win the game even with my training

Raynare: Master I'm sure you did a good job, they just weren't ready

Ryo: Tch, they lost regardless *stands up* I' leaving, I've seen enough of what they can do, let's go Raynare

Raynare: S-sure

Ryo: Kamui *teleports him and Raynare back to their house*

Timeskip to the wedding brought to you by chibi Ryo and chibi Raynare in a suit and dress:

Issei had just challenged Riser to a battle to determine Rias's fate and freedom from her arranged marriage

Koneko: There's something wrong here

Akeno: What do you mean Koneko

Koneko: Wouldn't Ryo be here, even though we lost he would still show up to the marriage unless he had something interesting to do

Akeno: *Giggles* Oh, do you miss Ryo that much

Koneko: *Blushes a little* No

Suddenly, the doors to the rrom are sent flying and in the doorway stands Ryo in his battle outfit and Raynare

Riser: Who dares interrupt Riser's marriage with Rias with this human in front of me

Ryo: It seems as if you forgot about me turkey *walks towards Riser* If I remember correctly, you owe me a fight, I can here to give you one

Riser: Hmph, since when did Riser challenge you human

Ryo: Tch, back when you came to claim the tomato

Rias: Ryo! You really came here to help me with Issei

Ryo: Wait Issei's here, where is he 

Issei: Over here!

All of them look towards the noise and see Issei under the two doors Ryo had kicked

Issei: Can someone please get me out of here!

While Kiba and Akeno go over to help Issei, the rest pay their attention back to Ryo and Riser

Sona: I can't believe your here to help Rias Ryo, never thought you would do that

Ryo: I don't call this helping her, Riser had challenged me to a fight and I accepted and now seems like the best time

Riser: You think that a normal human like yourself can just come to Riser's wedding and demand a fight, you got another thing coming. Riser does not accept, you should bow and give Riser an apology

Ryo: Tch, whatever you chicken

Riser: It seems as I should accept your- WHAT DID YOU CALL RISER!

Ryo: A chicken since you don't want to fight me. And since you have control over fire and probably burned yourself multiple times, that would make you a fried chicken

Riser: *Getting angrier* WHAT DID YOU SAY TO RISER HUMAN!

Ryo: You heard exactly what I said chicken. Oh by the way, I'm not a human


Ryo: *Activates his eyes and kagune* I'm a ghoul

Besides for Rias's peerage, Sona and Tsubaki, everyone there is either shocked or scared of hearing this information. Some of them were whispering the words ghoul in shock and fear while others are saying how they still exist and how Ryo should be killed on the spot. But of course those same people were doing nothing

Riser: Hmph! Riser doesn't care what you are! You will be defeated by me either way!

Ryo: *Deactivates eyes and kagune* Are you sure about that, I'm certain you wouldn't be able to land a single hit on me

Riser: Your arrogance will be your downfall! Riser accepts your challenge!

Ryo: Didn't you challenge me first

Sona: Ryo you should be careful, he is known as a very strong devil

Ryo: I'll be the judge of that


Ryo: I just want to fight him


Ryo: Issei, let me fight 


Ryo: I'l draw you hentai

Issei: Deal! *Smiles with his thumbs up*

Koneko: Pervert

???: Well that was amusing

Everyone looks over to see Sirzechs walking towards Ryo, Issei and Riser with Grayfia

Ryo: From what I'm guessing you must be the tomato's brother

Sirzech: And you must be Ryo

Ryo: That's me

Sirzech: One quick question, are you really Akio Kirishima's son

Gasps were heard all over the room exculding Rias and her peerage

Issei: Akio Kirishima, who's that

Akeno: It can't be!

Issei: Umm Akeno, who is this girl

Rias: Akio Kirishima is a very famous devil who had fought alongside my brother during the war between the three factions. She was said to be equal in strength to my brother and the two of them were best friends

Issei: So basically Ryo is the son of a legend

Ryo: Why would you want to know that

Sirzechs: Grayfia here had told me your name before and I had wondered if you were truly her son. Not to mention you look almost exactly like her minus the fact her hair was completely white an her hair was in a pony tail

Ryo: Tch, so what if I am

Sirzechs: It means that you are part of the main devil pillars and ally to the house of Gremory. You know your mother always talked about you when she visited but never introduced you

Ryo: Tch

Sirzechs: She always did the same thing when she was pissed or annoyed

Ryo: Can we just start this battle

Sirzechs: Oh yeah, nearly forgot. What do you want if you win

Ryo: Issei, what did you want

Issei: For Rias to be free from her marriage and be allowed to choose who she wants to marry

Ryo: Then that

Sirzech: And Riser, what do you want

Riser: Since he is so arrogant Riser wants to teach him a lesson, I want all the girls from Rias and Sona's peerage and his servant and his head on a plate

Ryo: Tch, your actually making demands as if your gonna win

Riser: Riser is gonna  beat you

Ryo: Tch, whatever

Koenko: Ryo are you sure  you wanna go through with this, what if you lose

Kiba: I mean she's right, we were defeated by his peerage and he is way stronger thanthem

Ryo: Don't doubt me, I won't lose to a chicken

Koneko: If you say so

Ryo: Besides I can't have him take you guys, both me and Issei will get pissed and kill him anyway

Issei: You already know it

Riser: So brat, you ready

Ryo: Ready to beat you then yes

Sirzech: Well then, let the battle begin

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter. I want to know something, should I make a power levels chapter discussing how strong Ryo is or shouldn't I. On top of that, Ryo and Riser is gonna fight in the next chapter and I want everyone to bring flowers and dress up because we all know Ryo is gonna destroy him. Until next time guys, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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