Blacklist [Harry Styles FF]

By imagination_HS

114 2 0

She used to be a popular girl, a sexy teenager next who everyone wish to be seen, but she doesn't realise tha... More

Chapter one

114 2 0
By imagination_HS


Gucci shoes, Prada bags, Calvin Klein underwear, Armani perfume, Versace clothes...

Some usual things for me, which are simple and irreplaceable. I love my life, i have cool parent, a mansion with a pool which is bigger than my neighbor's garden, a gold credit card from daddy and hundreds of friends - unfortunately i don't have idea what their names are.I'm happy if i even remember half of my friends' names. Every loser in high school wishes talk to me and every boy from the football team has his own creepy dreams (they really wanna fuck me). I feel a little sorry for them, but my time is too precious to share it with them.

"Lana, I was looking for you everywhere ! We have to find a new cheer for the human pyramid for the end of the game until saturday, because Selly broke badly her leg. Oh, i almost forgot, our yoga coach told me that the next meeting was canceled. He is in troubles with his wife, i heard..."

She's Candice, Dice for friends, she's one of the two best friends i love hung out .She's a little annoying and i don't know why but her red hair and her brown eyes make me think she played in Alvin and the chipmunks. If you are be her friend you know she's really cool ,actually.

"Oh, Jeez !! There you are ! I though i won't find you . Lana, you promise help me with the shitty prom today.It's also your prom.Dice, your mom just left Smith's office, please tell her change the mirror. Her hair was a little weird.Since when you lock the door to talk with your daughter's teacher ?" Ya, Candice's mom is cheating her husband with our psychologie teacher.It's true that mr Smith is damn hot, i think he's thirty years old.Ya, she's also my best friend , Christina,or you can tell her Tina. Sometimes is as annoying as Dice. She doesn't expect me to touch the creepy decorations, does she ? Anyway, i feel sorry for her, maybe the stereotypes about blonde girls aren't true, but in her case these are really true.

"Girls, girls, calm down ! Dice, choose a girl to replace Selly. You can do this, don't you? And you, Tina,sweetheart, i hope you don't expect me to touch your shitty decorations, do you? Pay for someone who can take my place. Me,girls , I need to go to the dermatologist. I have a... I have a..a pimple on the forehead." , i told her almost crying.

After the last class, I have got in my car, a black monster, Ferrari Tunero, received from my daddy for my birthday. I choose go alone to dermatologist. I hope he will give me something to get rid of that ugly pimple. It's the first and i hope the last that i have. I parked my car in the only free place that i found in front of the clinic, then I took my bag. I opened the door of the building and i was looking for a nurse or someone who can help me find the doctor.

" Hi, I have a meet for 'Swoon', Lana Elizabeth Swoon."

"Oh, yes, sure, mr Martin will finish in a few minutes with another patient, but first you have to pay the bill for this urgent meeting. It's 399$" , the nurse told me, giving me a blank paper which is waiting for me to sign it.

I give her my credit card, careless . I decided to powder my nose, but an weird sound i haven't heard before interrupted me.

"I'm really sorry, miss, but your credit card is not valid anymore."

My mouth opened, making a perfect O and my eyes almost explode. Is this even possible?No, it's not ! I'm sure it's not normal. Daddy wouldn't take my money not even if I would burn the house.He didn't take my credit card when I destroyed his new BMW X5, because I was too damn drunk.

"It's impossible. Please, check again." I told her while I was staring at the poor woman who just do her job.

"I'm sorry, it's the same answer. Do you have another credit card or cash "

" No, I'm not, but I'm sure it's a simple misunderstanding.I'll come back in a few minutes.", i said with a fake smile on my face and then I left to my car.

My shoes were making the only sound ,because the clinic's hall is empty. I was wondering if I'm the only one who has enough money to come here.

After I close the door I push on the accelerator. I didn't have to go to bank, I have to go to daddy. It's inadmissible to take all of my money, because I didn't do anything wrong this time and I'm sure that it's his fault. In less than ten minutes I arrived home. I get out of the car in front the fountain.

"DADDY" , I screamed as much as I could. I can swear I saw some birds flying and the alarm of my neighbor's house turned on.

"Lana Elizabeth Swoon, why are you screaming like this? I though you are a lady not a crow." , my mom screamed at me , walking in the garden.

"Mom, where's dad ? My credit card is empty. How is this even possible ? I wanna another credit card and I don't accept a 'no' !!"

" Your dad was arrested this morning,honey. All our bank accounts are frozen and for the moment be happy that I didn't sell your car." , my mom say. I saw a tear on her cheek and my heart was damn broken. My mom have never cried before.

What this supposed to mean? My father can't be in jail. This morning we were such a perfect family and now what? We are some series killers?

"What... what happened ?You are kidding, aren't you ?" , I whispered to mom.

Without another word both of us went in the house and I let my mother told my all the story. Apparently, my dad was accused by drug trafficking and money laundering. Every dollar we had was confiscated. Oh, and the worst part just started. Tomorrow the police will take our house and cars.

"But, mom, we can't do anything? It's a freaking lie, my father would never do that. If he is going to stay twenty-nine day at jail ,what will we do ? Mom, what if someone will find out about this ? It's possible to lose all my fans." , a say , screaming at the end of phrase.

" Honey, I and your dad are going to divorce. I won't be involved in this shit so in two days we are moving to Nevada. We will go to my mother's house."

Nevada ? This is a poor village, isn't it ?I can't lose my mall, my girls and all my friends. Maybe I could sleep with my father in jail.


Hi, guys. I'm Irina and this is the first chapter of my fanfiction. I'm very sorry for every mistake.

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