Cheated Then Knocked Up By Ro...

By KimmyUB

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Chapter 1 - The Text ✔
Chapter 2 - Truth revealed ✔
Chapter 3 - Stupid ✔
Chapter 4 - Clubbing ✔
Chapter 5 - I want her ✔
Chaper 6 - I want you ✔
Chapter 7 - Who is he? ✔
Chapter 8 - Cancelled ✔
Chapter 9 - The Run In ✔
Chapter 10 - Dinner Invitation ✔
Chapter 11 - The test ✔
Chapter 12 - I'm Pregnant (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 13 - I'm Pregnant (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 14 - Surprise visitor ✔
Chapter 15 - Who the hell are you?! ✔
Chapter 16 - I'm bleeding ✔
Chapter 17 - Hospital ✔
Chapter 18 - Two of them?! ✔
Chapter 19 - We having Twins?! ✔
Chapter 20 - Our Home (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 21 - Our Home (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 22 - Meeting the "In-laws" ✔
Chapter 23 - Family Drama ✔
Chapter 24 - The Dinner (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 25 - The Dinner (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 26 - Missing ✔
Chapter 27 - Why are you doing this? ✔
Chapter 28 - I'm Coming ✔
Chapter 29 - I Got You Baby ✔
Author Note
Chapter 30 - The Doings in "The Mafia Mansion" ✔
Chapter 31 - I'm Fucked! ✔
Chapter 32 - I Owe You The Truth... ✔
Chapter 33 - Manipulative Bitch ✔
Chapter 34 - Barbeque ✔
Chapter 35 - Surprise Guest ✔
Authors Note
Chapter 36 - Loose Ends (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 37 - Loose Ends (Part 2)✔
Chapter 38 - Date Night ✔
Chapter 39 - Proposal ✔
Chapter 40 - Doctor's Appointment ✔
Chapter 41 - Gender Reveal Dinner ✔
Chapter 42 - Surprise Birthday Party ✔
Chapter 43 - Labor Pains (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 44 - Labor Pains (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 45 - Welcome Home ✔
Chapter 46 - Christmas Day ✔
Chapter 47 - Girls Night ✔
Chapter 48 - Marry me NOW! ✔
Chapter 49 - Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch
Chapter 50 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 52 - Honeymoon
Chapter 53 - Explosion
Chapter 54 - Delivering The Bad News
Chapter 55 - His Awake
Chapter 56 - Released From The Hospital

Chapter 57 - I'm Done...!

11.7K 276 37
By KimmyUB

Hey guys before you start this chapter just a little heads up, I will be jumping from one character's POV to another please try and read carefully and take note of certain things that will be IMPORTANT not just for the ending of this book but it will ALSO connected with the beginning of this book as well as the beginning Chapters of book 2, SO PLEASE GUYS TRY TO KEEP UP 😘 AND ALSO FOR THOSE WHO DOGGED POOR STEPHANO, THIS CHAPTER WHICH IS THE LAST OF BOOK 1, WILL CLEAR SOME THINGS UP FOR YOU AND MAYBE EASE YOUR HEART A LITTLE 😉





Next Day (Sat, 02 November 2019)

Stephano's POV

I've been spending most of my days in this bedroom trying to make sense of everything that's happened after I woke up, and Gio have been telling me things from before the explosion to try and help me remember, if there's one person I know I can trust with my life that would be him, so the only person I've been spending most of time with is him as we were actually busy with our own investigation before the explosion and we were making progress but then this setback happened and apparently I prepared for it before hand, incase I didn't make it then the guys would know where to start, which is all the information we have collected so far which I've been reviewing the past few days.

Things is a bit confusing to me because I do not remember anything for the past few years and it gets frustrating because it's difficult for me to put anything together from what happened 5 years ago up until the explosion, so having to practically relive it all through Gio's memory is difficult but he takes it easy on me as it is 5 years of memory I've lost according to our calculations. Bringing me out of my thoughts was the door opening and I knew it's not one of my men as they wouldn't dare to just walk in here, so when I came into view of the stairs I saw it was Britt coming down the stairs, what the fuck is she doing here?

"Britt what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask her before she even makes it half way down the stairs.

"Hey baby, I heard what has happened to you in Miami, are you okay?"she asks and the second she said that I knew Gio was right about everything I was doing before the explosion, this bitch is definitely apart of this whole thing.

"How did you find out about that?" I ask trying not to give anything away.

"I have my sources baby but nevermind that I came to cheer you up" she says with a mischievous smile and then she opens up her coat she has on, underrneath she's got nothing on but her lingerie, she really is a conniving bitch, no wonder I had my suspicions about her or atleast that's what Gio says.

"What the fuck are you doing? You know I'm married!" I ask her in a deadly voice.

"Well I heard you have memory loss, that's why your living here right? So that would mean your not with the wife anymore..." She says with a smirk but that only made it all clear to me that our plan will indeed work or atleast the plan I had before the explosion.

"How the fuck did you know that?!" I ask giving her a deadly look to show her I'm still the same man I've always been and not to try and fuck with me, not now. When she hears me yell, her face changes obviously she just made a mistake in revealing that she knows of my condition, I've got you!

"Oh erh... Sara told me earlier" she stutters out running a hand threw her hair, something she use to do when she was nervous. "What does it matter baby? I'm here to make you feel good like I use, I know you remember that." She says and then drops her coat on the floor and I turn to the side not wanting to give her the satisfaction of thinking that I'm checking her out but then she comes up behind me and wrap her arms around me.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck off of me!" I say through clenched teeth while trying to remove her disgusting hands off of me and as I'm busy removing her from behind me I hear the door open and when I looked up, I knew this doesn't look good as I was just in my jeans, shirtless before Britt got here and now she's in just her underwear... FUCK! This bitch set me up!


Kiara's POV

It's just after 10am and the girls and I just had a nice breakfast together and after making sure the kids are fine with Clarissa we made our way out of the Estate, only to stop at Mel's older brother Matt's and his best friend Josh's place as they just got back from where they were Based as it was a top secret mission they were on, so we don't really know where they were, they're both in the Army, we're just going to drop a few a things off and just have a little visit as Mel begged us to go with because we all know Josh had kind of a crush on me but Matt would Kill him if he tried anything and we all knew it.

When we got there, we knocked a few times but no one opened up so we guessed they were both probably still asleep or not there, so we decided to head to the mansion to go see Steph as we have about 3 hours to drive, we decided to get this over with now.


When we got to the mansion the gaurds at the front gate looked inside the car and when they saw me in the car they opened immediately and greeted me "Boss lady" or "the Mrs" I'll never get use to that and it always seems to make Aurora and Zee laugh, not that it takes much to get them to break into a fit of laughter. Pulling up to the house, we decided to just hurry this up and get inside before we are stopped as Aurora's not that strong now that she sees all the men in black with guns and shit causing us all to laugh at her.

We made our way to the staircase as I remember how to get to his bedroom, I just hope his in there because if his in his office then there's no way of me getting to him unless one of the guys helps me, which they clearly won't. As soon as we make it on top of the staircase we saw Sara by Steph's bedroom door, what the hell?! This bitch is upto something again. When she turns around, obviously hearing us approach her face lights up for some unknown reason, weird...

"OH! Hey Kiara, you must be looking for Stephano, his in his room." She says with a big smile and the girls and I look at each other as we're not falling for her nice act. "How are you doing? I've been meaning to call" She says when we get infront of her by the door and I found two things strange with this whole situation, firstly what was she doing by his bedroom door? And secondly why is she being SO...nice But I'm not a fuck falling for it and before I could even say anything, Aurora does.

"Don't pretend like you give a shit, just get the fuck out of our faces!"she says to Sara which causes Sara to try and walk past us as we are kind of blocking the hallway, giggling at how uncomfortable she looks as no one is giving way to her, I finally move back to make space for her to go through to put the poor soul out of her misery but before she walks pass me she smirks and was about to walk away when she stops infront of me.

"Take care of yourself Kiara" she says and then walks away smugly.

"That was weird" Mel says . "I know right? She's up to something" I say and then open the door and when I look down I see Stephano with Britt and she has her arms around him, while his holding onto her too. WHAT THE FUCK!

"WHAT THE FUCK?! So is this the reason you wanted to stay here instead of OUR HOME?!" I ask a bit louder than I intended, but I couldn't believe he would do something like this, cheating is something MY STEPH would NEVER do but then again this isn't him is it?

"This is not what it looks like she came in h-" he was busy saying or explaining when I cut him off by lifting my hand up to stop him and shaking my head at him.

"Save it! I don't want to hear it! You are a real piece of work you know that? You called ME a whore when you didn't recognise me, ME the mother of your children, YOUR WIFE! But yet here you are with the biggest WHORE KNOWN TO MAN!" I say with so much disgust and I'm surprised that I'm not breaking down, or atleast not yet anyway.

"After everything YOU'VE put me through I stood by you, I was beside your hospital bed day and night and when you wake, you treat me like I'm a piece of shit and then go and do THIS!!! WITH HER OF ALL PEOPLE?... MEANWHILE... I'm at home taking care of YOUR KIDS, worrying about YOU and like a fucking fool believe you would comeback to me, TO US YOUR FUCKING FAMILY" I say chocking on the end, knowing I'm close to losing it and I sure as hell am not going to breakdown infront of this bitch. I need to get out of here and fast.

"You know what, you wanted me gone, out of your life. Congratulations you've got it. I'M DONE! I'm just done... GOODBYE STEPHANO...!" I say looking him right in the eyes as I said that last part and it tore me apart to even utters it out and my tears starting falling as I said it, I can forgive the way he treated me as I know he wasn't himself, the doctor had warned us about his behavior and attitude BUT THIS, FUCK NO!

"YOUR UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!" I hear Mel shout at him and then put her arm around me. "Come let's get you home"she says and as that words leave her mouth I broke into a sob as I just realized that, HE WAS MY HOME...


Ziara's POV

The second Kiara is out the door, I move down the stairs and sure enough Aurora is right behind, just like I knew she would be. "I got her, you take care of him, we'll give you some time alone, while I have my fun with the BITCH!" Aurora says behind me loud enough for them to hear her and you could see the worry in her eyes.

When we got down the steps Aurora immediately goes for Brittany and I just stand and watch and strange enough so does Steph without saying a word as we watch Aurora practically dragging her up the stairs with her yelling all kinds of profanities and for Steph to help her but he doesn't even move a muscle, weird. When they out, the door gets kicked close loudly and when I turn around to face Steph I was about to speak when he does.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks dangerously and could see he already looks pissed but I don't give a shit.

"ME?" I ask pointing at myself and then smile. "I'm Ziara, your sister in-law Steph, the one who's heart you just broke into a million pieces is my sister. After everything my sister went through with you, you betray her?! I fucking defended you and this is what you do?! How could you do this to her, to your kids? And for WHAT? THAT BITCH?!" I shout at him with a quivering voice and shaking hands as I'm that pissed and heartbroken for my sister.

"Look I don't know you and I don't know your sister BUT I have gotten all kinds of prove that I am indeed married to your sister and one thing I AM NOT is UNFAITHFUL! Whether I remember my wife or not, she's still my damn WIFE! That Bitch just popped out of nowhere and came onto me, there's her damn coat!" He says pointing to her coat that's on the floor. "I might have treated her like shit when I first saw her and sure this looked bad but I'll never cheat, I'm strongly against cheating, it's what killed my fucking mother and I'll never do that to anyone I'm suppose to be in love with." He says and then turns away from me and runs his hands through his hair.

"What do you mean it killed your mother?" I ask and I almost regretted it because he turned around so fast I had to take a step back because of the dearly look he was giving me. But then he grabbed his head with both his hands almost like his in pain and it looked really bad. "Are you okay?" I ask and he doesn't say anything he just turns back around and sits down on his bed and then takes out a bottle of pills from the draw, and then grabs the bottle of water and throws a few pills down his throat, washing it down with the water.

"What are those that you're taking?" I ask afraid to know but still need to find out what's going on here.

"It's nothing okay, I get these pains in my head from time to time and these help" he says shakng the bottle of pills.

"What are those?!" I ask a little louder this time as those don't look like pills he got from the hospital. "Does your doctor know about the pain your getting and how could they release you when your clearly not well?!" I ask panicking because he doesn't look so good.

"I'm fine okay! They didn't release me, I LEFT! NOW DROP IT!" He says and it all make sense now.

"The night my mother was murdered, my father was out screwing his WHORE and he wasn't there to protect her when she needed him the most." He says anger clearly in his voice and then he signs. "That's why I would never cheat, that's why I hate my father. I don't care if you believe me or not but I think Britt set this up." He says and I immediately respond without any hesitation.

"I believe you and you know what? I believe Sara was helping her." I say to him because everything was just too weird from the moment we got here.

"What do you mean Sara? What does she have to do with any of this?" He asks frowning and standing up.

"She was outside your bedroom door when we got here and told us to go right in and what was even more suspicious to me is that she was so nice to Kiara and she hates my sister, all of us for that matter." I say and he has this deadly look in his eyes, turning my blood cold instantly.

"She was going to set me up! She couldn't have KNOWN Kiara would show up here, I told my fucked up father to get rid of that WHORE!" He shouts but then rubs his temple, clearly his still in pain.

"Look I do believe you about this but everything else doesn't make any sense. You not living with YOUR WIFE AND KIDS and the guys are not even visiting them, none of this makes any sense" I say trying to fish for more information seeing as his a bit of a talker today because I need to figure this all out once and for all, for Kiara's sake.

"Look! It might not make any sense to you now but in time it will, just know that I might not remember your sister or OUR KIDS but their still MY family and I'm doing this for them and so are the guys because they love them." He says but that makes me even more confused.

"Just tell me what the hell is going on! My sister is hurting, she's broken don't you see that?!" I yell at him as I can't stand this riddles.

"I can't say anything for now okay. Just know that their in danger and that it would be best for her to believe I cheated, let her hate me... Let her take the kids and leave and when it's handled, I'll find them, because you have no idea how much I want to remember them." He says and then slumps back down on the bed looking defeated, this really must be hard on him too.

"Promise me you'll make that happen, for Kiara and the kids sake?" He asks with his head down.

"I promise, I'll get her far away from here." I say knowing that it all makes perfect sense now and I strongly believe that it has something to do with the explosion and that Roberto guy. I just hope that whatever he is doing or about to do, doesn't backfire on him and causes him to lose his family, for good...


Kiara's POV

The only thing I've done since we left the mansion was cry, silently of course, not wanting the girls to see just how pathetic I really am. The only thing that keeps replaying in my head is the way he had treated me and I was so sure it was because of his head injury but I was wrong, I was such a fool! It was all because of her, all because he wanted her back, maybe even have me on the side or maybe he would have just tossed me completely aside.

You know it's funny how it all started with me being Cheated then knocked up by Romano, only to have it end the same way. Only this time it's from the same man, whom I'm married to and have two kids with. So my love story ends the way it started but this time it ends like this...

Cheated AND knocked up by Romano!!! I would laugh if it wasn't so pathetically SAD...


Well guys THATS IT FOR BOOK 1 😭👏💃BUT fear not in just 10 DAYS (01 December 2018) I'll be starting to update chapters for book 2 😁👏and it will kick off right where this chapter ended with just a little time skipped, not much though BUT I will be throwing in some flash backs from the characters in the first few chapters to clear up any other confusions there might be and I'M SO SORRY IF THIS WASN'T THE ENDING MOST OF YOU WANTED but if I ended their story quickly and happily where would the fun be in that? PLUS it would have been SOOOO PREDICTABLE if I had ended it with a kiss and make up and happily ever after.

Anyways guys please do read my authors note which is also out now, it has a few details in their and I really do hope you guys add book 2 to your library and reading lists as it is OUT NOW!!! So check it out and PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO GIVE BOTH MY BOOKS A THUMBS UP BY VOTING AND COMMENTING 💜



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