Cheated Then Knocked Up By Ro...

By KimmyUB

743K 22.9K 2.1K


Chapter 1 - The Text ✔
Chapter 2 - Truth revealed ✔
Chapter 3 - Stupid ✔
Chapter 4 - Clubbing ✔
Chapter 5 - I want her ✔
Chaper 6 - I want you ✔
Chapter 7 - Who is he? ✔
Chapter 8 - Cancelled ✔
Chapter 9 - The Run In ✔
Chapter 10 - Dinner Invitation ✔
Chapter 11 - The test ✔
Chapter 12 - I'm Pregnant (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 13 - I'm Pregnant (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 14 - Surprise visitor ✔
Chapter 15 - Who the hell are you?! ✔
Chapter 16 - I'm bleeding ✔
Chapter 17 - Hospital ✔
Chapter 18 - Two of them?! ✔
Chapter 19 - We having Twins?! ✔
Chapter 20 - Our Home (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 21 - Our Home (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 22 - Meeting the "In-laws" ✔
Chapter 23 - Family Drama ✔
Chapter 24 - The Dinner (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 25 - The Dinner (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 26 - Missing ✔
Chapter 27 - Why are you doing this? ✔
Chapter 28 - I'm Coming ✔
Chapter 29 - I Got You Baby ✔
Author Note
Chapter 30 - The Doings in "The Mafia Mansion" ✔
Chapter 31 - I'm Fucked! ✔
Chapter 32 - I Owe You The Truth... ✔
Chapter 33 - Manipulative Bitch ✔
Chapter 34 - Barbeque ✔
Chapter 35 - Surprise Guest ✔
Authors Note
Chapter 36 - Loose Ends (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 37 - Loose Ends (Part 2)✔
Chapter 38 - Date Night ✔
Chapter 39 - Proposal ✔
Chapter 40 - Doctor's Appointment ✔
Chapter 41 - Gender Reveal Dinner ✔
Chapter 42 - Surprise Birthday Party ✔
Chapter 43 - Labor Pains (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 44 - Labor Pains (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 45 - Welcome Home ✔
Chapter 46 - Christmas Day ✔
Chapter 47 - Girls Night ✔
Chapter 48 - Marry me NOW! ✔
Chapter 49 - Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch
Chapter 50 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 52 - Honeymoon
Chapter 54 - Delivering The Bad News
Chapter 55 - His Awake
Chapter 56 - Released From The Hospital
Chapter 57 - I'm Done...!

Chapter 53 - Explosion

6.3K 234 20
By KimmyUB

2 Days Later (Tues, 11 September 2019)

Stephano's POV

Kiara and I returned home 2 days ago and she hasn't spoken much to me since we left the bungalow and I know it's got to do with her being scared but she has nothing to worry about as I know I'll be fine and if I am not and I DON'T make it out there alive, I'll be sure to take those motherfuckers with me to hell, so my family will be safe. I'm doing all this FOR THEM!

I'm currently on my way to the helicopter as the guys had to leave this morning without me so I could spend a little more time with them to try an fix things with Kiara and my relationship before I leave as I know there's a possibility that I might not return and eventough she's not speaking to me much she still embraced me in a tight hug telling me how much she loves me and that I should be careful and to come home to her and the kids as she will be waiting for my return, and that's what will give me the strength I need for this mission. When I got at the airfield my helicopter was ready for take off, so I got in and we took off.

Just over 2 hours later we were in Miami and as instructed the pilot flew over the house Roberto is suppose to be at, so I can have a look at what's installed for us as Elijah already showed me video footage of the house, or more like mansion, which I'm still surprised that he can afford to live in such a big place, which only confirms my suspicions that he indeed has help from someone important with a lot of resources and cash, clearly. Looking around to see if I can find the house as it will stand out, that's how huge it is.

"That's it ahead" I say to the pilot. "Move slower so I can have a look at how many men his got BUT DONT CIRCLE" I say sternly because if they see us circling over the house they would definitely be alerted of an attack that's to come and we wouldn't want that, and when we were above the mansion I could see a few men here and there about half a dozen and it pleased me immensely.

Happy with what I saw but at the same time finding it a bit strange as I know the help his getting is from someone with power, and the little men he has patrolling the grounds is a bit suspicious, which can only mean 1 of 2 things, either his Fucking stupid just as I remember him and doesn't know we're on to him and has little to no protection OR he knows exactly what his doing and all of this is just a front and when we do attack we'll find out that it's indeed a trap but either way I'm going to fucking kill him once and for all or die trying.

Bringing me out of my thoughts was the pilot descending the chopper, which means we have reached the secluded field that's only about a half an hour away from my safehouse here in Miami, it's actually a vacation home I bought a couple of years back when Kiara moved in with me in the Estate but for now while Roberto is still out there we are using it as a safe house. When the pilot landed the helicopter I grabbed my bag and got out.

Looking ahead I could see my car already waiting for me with the door wide open ready for me to just jump in, and when I looked to my right the SUV was waiting for me with Sam and 3 of my other men as I left James and Simon at the Estate to take care of my family knowing they will protect them with their lives plus they're the strongest of all my men but I did leave men all over the grounds of the Estate as a precaution.

As soon as I was in the car I started it up and sped off to the house, thinking I should probably call home to let Kiara know that I arrived safely as I don't want her to stress now already, which I'll do as soon as I get to the house. Half an hour later I pulled up to my Waterfront Mediterranean Mansion, which is for now the safehouse. And the gaurds opened up the gates for me to drive through, followed by the SUV.

When I pulled up I got out of the car and then headed inside I could hear the men talking but all I could think about was my baby wondering how she's doing. And I was about to head upstairs to my bedroom when Gio approached me.

"Hey man, D is insisting that he take the lead tomorrow when we hit and that you should be on perimeter this time." Gio says and I could hear him arguing with my dad in the office, ignoring his temper tantrum I nod my head at Gio and continued up the stairs.

"I'll be down in a few just gotta call the wife, I'll deal with him when I come down" I say over my shoulder as I'm ascending the stairs to go to my bedroom. When I got to the bedroom, I threw my bag on the bed and took out my phone to call my baby.

"Hey baby, I guess you taking a nap with the kids, I just called to let you know that I arrived safely and that I'll call you tonight again. Please don't be worried and call me back when you get this, I really need to hear your voice, I miss you already and I love you okay, kiss the kids for me yeah, bye baby" I leave a message on her voicemail as her phone rang a few times and then went to voicemail so I'm guessing she's either sleeping or didn't hear her phone but I know she'll never ignore my calls.

I need a drink, deciding to go down and get myself a drink and deal with Dante while I'm at it too, hopefully he won't be throwing one of his tantrums about me treating him like his a child that needs my protection as I'm not in the mood for his shit right now. So I headed back down the stairs and I could hear them laugh in the office. And when I walked in dad was sitting at the desk with the plans of that mansion with Gio and Dante next to him while Elijah is laying on the couch with 2 laptops, one infront of him on a small table while the other is behind it on cushions, good! his doing his job but he looks out of it, so I made my way towards him instead.

"Hey man why don't you go get some shut eye, I'll take watch while you rest" I say to him wanting him rested for tomorrow as he will be my eyes.

"Nah I'm cool man, don't worry about it" he says.

"Elijah it wasn't a request, you can hardly keep yourself upright on the damn couch so get!" I say as he had little to no sleep the past 3 days.

"Thank man" he says and then stands up and walks out the room leaving the four of us alone as Jayden and Dimitri are watching his house to make sure he doesn't leave.

"That was nice of you and you're never nice? What's going on?" My father asks and it annoyed me instantly.

"Nothing! So let it go" I say and then make my way to the bar area to get myself a stiff drink, Downing the first glass, I poured myself another and then took the bottle of scotch with me to the couch and sat my ass down with a sign and I see how my father looks at Gio and they have their private conversation with their eyes as if I can't read every fucking man in this house, fucking idiots.

"Steph about tomorrow, I think it's time I take the lead, the Capo can't put himself in the line of fire and you know this" Dante says and comes to sit in a chair opposite me and I mentally roll my eyes as I expected him to approach me before I even took a sip of my first drink.

"Dante, I'm not in the mood to repeat myself to you, let it go! The order stands and it's final" I said annoyed.

"Do you fucking hear yourself? If you think this is about me trying to take over by wanting to put myself in danger then you really are losing your shit! You have a fucking family now, I DON'T and seeing as we both can't go in, you know as well as I do that I should be the one to head this mission!" He says and stands up throwing the chair to the ground in the process.

"Why are you fucking getting upset about this, what makes tomorrow's mission any different then the others we had over years?" I ask standing up. "Nothing! So my order stands you will be leading the men outside to secure the perimeter, while Elijah stays in the van who will be our eyes and Gio, dad and I will head in to bring him out with us, end of discussion!" I say and was about to leave the room, when his voice stops me.

"You just fucking selfish, just as you always were! Your fucking family depends on you! Kiara depends on you coming home! You might think that this is going to be just like any other job we had but think about it Steph, this is a trap to get you in there don't you fucking see that?! If you go in there your not coming out alive, are you prepared to give up your family just to prove a fucking point?!" He says and looks me dead in the eyes and I knew his right but I have to do this FOR my family whether I make it out or not. "You know what? FUCK IT!, I hope you rest in peace brother" he says and then storms out.

"His right son, maybe you should think this through." My father says.

"And then what, huh? Allow my little brother to go in there and get himself killed, fuck no! Yes I know his right, I knew it the moment Elijah let me know that we have his location but I'm not letting him in there, this is my shit and I need to take care of it myself, his after me and do you think he'll ever stop once he killed Dante and not me?! I have to put an end to this myself, FOR MY FAMILY and that includes his stubborn ass! SO I'll DO THIS ON MY OWN IF I HAVE TO!" I say and then walk out of the room, I don't need this shit right now.

"Wait up man" Gio says coming after me as I approached the top of the staircase as I was on my way to the balcony, so I waved my hand for him to follow me.

"Look man I understand your reasons for wanting to do this and you know I got you brother! 'WE RIDE TOGETHER, WE DIE TOGETHER' I got your back, always." He says when we got to the balcony and then we bro hugged as we both know that we might not make it out alive tomorrow.

"I know brother and I got you and I'll make sure to get you out alive" I say and then we let go as this is a bit to emtional for the both us. Shit is about to go down and we both knew it while we stood there looking at absolutely nothing both deep in thought...


NEXT MORNING (Wed, 12 September 2019)

We were busy suiting up to head to the location the guys will be led by my father as they're going through the ungrounded tunnel that my father figured led straight onto the grounds of the mansion and then they will be security the perimeter, while Dante stays with Elijah for protection as my father and I changed it up a bit last night, after I spoke to Kiara my head was a lot clearer. And when we told Dante he took it well as my father and Gio spoke to him apparently and now we're good to go. When I walked into the dinning room the table was packed with guns infact the whole dinning room was.

"Gentlemen! Your ready?" I ask the guys and they all nod there heads not saying a word. "Today we are going on a mission that looks to be easy but I need you all to be on alert for anything whether you think it's important or not let us know as this son of bitch has got a trick or two up his sleeve, I know it so be aware! Your lives are on the line and if you get eyes on Roberto before I do, get him down but DO NOT KILL HIM, UNDERSTOOD?" I say sternly and then they all nod with yes sir all around, while each takes their ammo.

"Let's move" my father shouts to his men and they all head out but he stops infront of me and then engulfs me in a hug. "Be careful son, and come out unharmed and alive and I'll see you soon, yes?" He says and I nod my head with a yes sir and then he does the same with Gio, Dante and Elijah as we are the only ones left in the house as Dimitri and Jayden are already there waiting on us.

"Good luck brother, and I'll see you soon. I love you man" Dante says hugging me and I feel like my family is saying there goodbyes to me and it bothers the shit out of me as I'm not planning on dying today.

"Be safe and I love you too D" I say and then he walks out and Elijah just hugs me not saying a word and they were gone, leaving Gio and I alone. Without saying a word Gio and I walked out of the house and to the SUV awaiting for us with 2 other men in it and on the way there I decided to text Kiara one last time.

Me: Hey baby I know I said you wouldn't hear from me until it's over but I had to tell you something important... I need you to remember that I love you now and forever and no matter what happens, remember that I'm doing this to keep you and our babies safe, kiss them for me will you? And let them know that their daddy loves them both so very much, I love you all! Goodbye Baby...

After sending the text I knew I had to do incase things goes South and knowing she is currently giving the twins there breakfast and will only see the text when I'm already inside, I decided to put my phone off and put it in the glove department as I'm sitting in the passenger seat.

When we pulled up we jumped out and met up with Jayden and Dimitri and the 6 of us entered the tunnel. And as soon as we get to the end of the tunnel 3 of my best shooters were stationed there machine guns pointed at the house.

So we got out of the hole and ran to the house sending Dimitri, Jayden and Rick to the back entrance while Gio, Trent and I took the front. Kicking the door in we enter and the gunshots started going off and I pulled out both my guns immediately and ran in while being covered by the other two guys. And when I reached the hallways there were two men ready to shoot, So I did what I do best listening to Elijah through the ear piece as his my eyes. And shot both my gun as Elijah just said there was one behind me after I shot the one infront leaving me with two more men to take down.

When it was clear I said so to Gio and Trent and they shouted clear as they cleared the front entrance and then Jayden said clear as well for the back entrance, so we made our way up the stairs and cleared the rooms one by one, and something inside of me told me something wasn't right and going with it I ran out of the room I was in and went to the next room where Gio and Trent should be in, just as the room I was just in exploded so I pushed the both of them back into the room they were just about to run out of.

"Get out!" And they did as told and ran to the sliding door And jumped just as I turned away from the door the room exploded too.

Knowing they made it out in time I ran to the other side of the mansion to get Jayden and Dimitri as the explosion cut out my ear piece so I was completely blind and the explosions went off one room at a time at both sides of the house, I knew I couldn't run out when my men are still in here, I put them in this situation so I'll be damned if I ran when Shit goes down just as I expected it would. When I got to the other side where they should be in and I was about to run through the dinning room when I heard that all to familiar sound of a timer going off and I knew this was it, and it exploded...



Dante's POV

"I have eyes on Roberto and his not in the house! GET THEM OUT!!!" Elijah yells at me after typing furiously on his other laptop and I felt my heart beating faster as I knew something like this would happen.

Jumping out of the van just as I heard an explosion go off as we are 3 blocks away. I yell into the ear piece as I'm running towards the SUV but he wasn't responding. Please brother be alive... Jumping into the SUV I immediately stepped on it, I'm not losing him! When I got through the gates I knew I might not make it in time as the explosions was going off non-stop and the sight before me made me panic for the first time in my life.

Running to the house while shouting for him to get out, the last explosion erupted in the front of the house as I was approaching it and it threw be backwards. I'm too late!

"NO!!!" I FAILED MY BROTHER, MY ONLY FAMILY, MY BESTFRIEND...!!! I let out all my emotions as I'm on my knees with my head in my hands crying, knowing I failed him... I failed his family!!!


Giovanni's POV

"That stupid son of a bitch!!!" I shout out when we landed, Trent being on fire and I was trying to help him while thinking of that fucking idiot that ran back into the goddamn house, I swear if his not dead, I'm going to kill him for being so fucking stupid!

It's all my fault I shouldn't have listened! I told him that I had his back but then when shit got real I ran, I FUCKING RAN LIKE THE LITTLE PUSSY I AM!!! He saved my life just as he promised he would and if his dead... I'll never forgive myself! Trying to keep Trent alive but at the sametime I want to leave him here and go look for my brother just as I was about to call for help, Dante came running towards me.

"Where Stephano?!" He shouts before he even got close to me.

"He was inside when the room we were in exploded, I don't know man I think he went back inside for the other men, you know that stubborn son of a bitch! He wouldn't leave no man behind and I fucking ran... I didn't have his back" I finally break and fell to my knees and the the tears fall.

"Get a hold of yourself and let's go get him!" Dante shouts and just then Jayden, Dimitri and Antonio came running towards us.

"Where's my son!" Antonio boomed when he saw me on my knees crying.

"Gio says he saved them but stayed inside the house to go get them out, we don't know where he is or if his alive or not." Dante says and then Elijah came speeding towards us with the van and told Dimitri and Jayden to get Trent in the van and wait.

"Last I saw him on the footage just before the explosion, he was at the back of the house in the dining room but it exploded with him in the room! we have to move, NOW!" Elijah shouted and then started running followed by Antonio, Dante and then myself. Please be alive brother, I can't go on without him, his my best friend my brother for life and I refuse to lose him, not now... Not like this!

When I got to the others, they were surrounding an unmoving body, FUCK! NO NO NO!!! Running towards them I saw Dante laying him back down and cried looking at his hands and when I looked down I saw it was full of blood and I nearly lost it until Antonio shouted, giving us all hope.

"His alive! His got a pulse it's weak but it's there, hold on son, we have to get him to the hospital now!" Antonio shouts and then Elijah stood up.

"The paramedics should be here any second I already called them when the first explosion went off." He says and then runs back to the front only to return minutes later with two paramedics with a stretcher.

They checked him and then put the neckbrace on him and then put him on the stretcher and rushed him to the ambulance shouting "his pulse is weak" all of us right behind them and then they loaded him next to Trent and they took off and I rushed to the van with the other so we could follow behind them.

All the way to the hospital Dante never said anything or even cried he just kept looking at his hands, I think his losing it and I don't blame him as I know how much he loves his brother, even if they fight more than cats and dogs, they love each other so much as Stephano practically raised him, knowing for now he needs his space I decided on not comforting him right now. Antonio looks as if his close to tears but trying to stay strong so he can take lead on this as he can clearly see Dante is lost at the moment, I mean we all are including Elijah as Steph and him grew up like twins as there fathers both were in the Mafia Together.

When we pulled up next to the ambulance at the emergency department we jumped out and we saw them rushing him in shouting that "WE'RE LOSING HIM!" and I couldn't move any further as we all heard it and Dante fell to his knees and cried, I couldn't go in there to hear them say what I know is coming next. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT I FAILED HIM...!!!


HEY GUYS 👋 hope you enjoyed this chapter as I worked really hard on this and I hope it was okay as it was my first time writing a mission scene with explosions so I hope you read it with an open mind, let me know your thoughts on this chapter and I hope you have an awesome Friday night. Please don't forget to comment and vote.💜



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