By krosalle

4.7K 1.1K 936

Mythologies and fantasy weaved into words of poetry with occasional threads of realism intertwined. ... More

|Lament and Lullaby|
|Battle of Gods|
|Dark and Black|
|The Lone King|
|Flesh and Blood|

|Forbidden Love|

260 62 86
By krosalle

(Black theme and do listen to the music)

Starlight and night mist, their cloak;
A slow start of epic war
With every sweet kisses they shared,
In their quest of forbidden love and romance.

Like a timid blossom,
She would walk in the dark,
Concealed from the eyes of all maidens and men,
Into the enchantment of her lover's embrace.

Crowned she was as next heiress,
Knight he was to their kingdom,
Slave he was of the empire,
Princess she was, her father's most beloved possession.

Clashing swords in the day,
At night, kissing their pains away;
Catastrophically beautiful was the love they had,
Doomed from the day they defied their fate.

Letters they shared of eternal love,
Vows they promised of loving even after death;
Stars were always their audience,
Bestowing their blessings through cold night air.

Little time they had together,
They had known it all,
Still loving and living each moment,
Writing a history of beautiful love and gruesome war.


A/N: [Music: Could've been by Two Steps from Hell]

Finallyyy!!!!! I'm not sure if it's good though.

Could you guys please vote for my other poetry book in a contest I've participated in? That is only if you've liked my poems there. It would mean a lot. All the details are posted on my message board.

Also, writing this poem made me realize not all true love is fated to have a happily–ever–after.

Hope you liked it!

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