By ch4lk0utline

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"Why 'Eve'?" "My father thought it'd be ironic." michael langdon x oc highest rankings: #2 in #ahsapocalypse... More

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By ch4lk0utline

COULD DEMONS LOVE? Just last night, Eve had been a mere infant. When Asmodeus had checked on her that morning, she had grown into a young child, no older than six. It has only been four months since the halfling has been born, and he found himself wishing he had had more time with her as a small babe.

She wasn't like other infants. She didn't wail or scream, simply looked around whatever room she was in, taking everything in. It was almost as if she was already capable of cognition.

Only months ago had Lucifer burned his mark onto the girl's skin. Not the same place as his son's – hers needed to be hidden until the time was right. Hers was located on her upper rib cage, skillfully hidden so that only one who was intimate with her would know where to look. A ritual was performed on the girl to ensure her safety and strength in the oncoming years. She would need it for the rigorous training he, her father, and Madame Voyait would give her. She needed all the power she could get to fix the despicable world above. The Dark Lord already knew of her great strength, but he needed to ensure that no one could top her abilities, not even his own son. Lucifer had hand selected Asmodeus to be her father for a reason, and Asmodeus knew it too.

Eve's father decided it was time to show her the human world, perhaps show her the boy she was destined to destroy the world with. He would show her how foul the human race is, make it known that despite her lineage, she is nothing like them.

Humans are weak. They're pitiful, they lack control. They would fight tooth and nail against each other just to come up out at the top. They needed to know their place.

The world needed a cleansing. Its filth needed to be removed.

The world needed Eve Hart and Michael Langdon.


"You need to promise me something, Little One." Asmodeus spoke as they stopped at the end of the street that lead to the Murder House. His daughter looked up at him, nodding for him to continue. "Stay with me. Do not let go of my hand unless I say. Obey my every word. It isn't safe for you to be alone in this realm yet."

The little girl nodded, pigtails and curls bouncing with her movements. "Okay, daddy." she said, clinging on to his hand.

The two continued on, following the path the sidewalk provided them. Upon reaching the home neighboring the Murder House, Eve took notice of the beautiful rose bushes.

"Those are some pretty flowers, miss." Eve spoke, shooting a smile to the older woman who was gardening.

Constance Langdon startled, having not heard the two approach. "Thank you, dear." she said, allowing her a smile. Her eyes followed up the girl's frame and found her father's eyes. "Are you new around here?" she asked, standing up and dusting off.

Asmodeus smiled. "Sort of," he held his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Mo, and this is my daughter, Eve. I'm trying to find the perfect place to raise my daughter. My colleague, Lu, recommended this neighborhood,"

Constance shook his hand and immediately felt her skin crawl. Despite the unnatural heat the man gave off, she had to hold back a shiver. There was something wrong with the man. He was dark. Dark like her Michael.

"No mother?" the older woman asked, ignoring the feelings that made her heart pound painfully against her rib cage.

"No," the Demon said, speaking with faux-sadness, "Eve's mother passed during childbirth."

Constance's heart skipped a beat. She didn't like the darkness that rolled off the man in front of her in waves. And who knew what the child was capable of, if she was truly his and not some kidnapping victim? Something wasn't quite right.

"I'm sure you'll find somewhere." she finalized, smile tight.

Up above, Michael looked down upon his grandmother and the two strangers, just watching. Head tilted, he realized that he felt a strange pull to the little girl. He found it odd, never having felt so connected to someone, not even his own grandmother.


They spent more time in the human world, though they hid in the shadows. Constance had passed and Michael was left alone, growing darker. Asmodeus hid them in the shadows of the Murder House, away from the prying eyes of ghosts. He'd teach Eve how to hide herself in the darkness one day, but for now he wanted to show her the reason she came to exist.

Bent down to her height, he spoke to his daughter. "His name is Michael, and together you'll fix what's broken. You will be so powerful. Unstoppable."

"He's so pretty." Came Eve's response, awestruck. The Demon smiled. Of course his otherworldly beauty would be the first thing she'd notice – she was his own flesh and blood after all. She wanted to reach out to him, to touch him – his face, his hair. She didn't understand, and she didn't need to. In a way, she already knew. They were so alike – both incredibly intelligent, alluring. "Is he the one? The one who's mine?"

Asmodeus smiled. "All yours," he confirmed, "You are meant for each other. You are each other's equal. You will rule, together as one, against all others."

Eve liked the thought of that. She didn't want to share, didn't like it either. She thought that, maybe, sharing with Michael wouldn't be too terrible. It brought her great joy to think that one day, this beautiful boy and the entire world would be hers.

"When can I show him myself?" Eve asked.

"Not now," her father answered, "but soon. Sooner than you think, Little One. You must be patient for now. When the time is right, you will meet."

The child pouted. She didn't want to wait nor did she understand why she had to wait.

"He doesn't know what he is, yet, Eve." Asmodeus explained, "You are privileged to have lived with me all this time. He is gold among the penniless and greedy and he does not even know it."

Eve frowned. She wanted to be with the beautiful boy, to hear him speak again, not to someone else, but to her. She wanted – needed her name to pass from his lips. She wanted him to know his worth.

"Eve," her father called, bringing her attention back to him, "I promise you, when it is safe and you know how to protect yourself, I will set you free. Little One, it is too dangerous for you. You cannot protect yourself yet, how do you expect to protect him if need be?"

The little girl nodded. She was young, but smart enough to know the words Asmodeus spoke were the truth. It had nothing to do with him being her father, but everything to do with her intuition. She was a five month old in a six year old's body and could detect a lie with precision. Nothing could, or ever would, get passed her.

"Then I want you to take me home." Eve said, and looked up to her father who now stood at full height. "I want you to teach me what to do." She was already so incredibly mature. "I want to be ready."

And for the first time since her birth, her blue eyes shone ruby red.

"And so you shall." her father spoke.

A/N: don't worry, even if ryan kills off michael, i've got plans 😈 also if you understood my god of fuck reference then you get whatever love i have left in my dead, black heart. if you're a fan of teen wolf, please check out my theo fic, violent delights, and brett fic, gasoline !!

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