She's Mine (Hwang Hyunjin FF)...


313K 7.7K 10.9K

This is one of those texts-stories. Your name is Syung Maemi. As you go through your follow recommendations o... Higit pa

Uh oh!¡
Friends? No. Same school? Maybe...
I totally saw him.
I know you now!
Unknowingly crossing paths.
Awkward take over😣😣😣
Some competition.
New Friends.
A play?
My first love~ My first heartbreak---
Relationship status?
You're toxic.
The Audition to end All Auditions
20 Questions
Some Jealousy...
Welp. I'm over him.
The yearbook exposed me.
The camping trip (1/3) *NO INTERNET*
The camping trip (2/3) *NO INTERNET*
The camping trip (3/3)*NO INTERNET*
The truth is revealed. ENTIRELY!
And that's how we got together!
Senior Year SCS (2/5)
College SCS (3/5)
Marriage SCS (4/5)
Whatever SCS (5/5)
Thank you/감사해요/Merci/谢谢

Junior Year SCS [Side Character Stories] (1/5)

6.3K 82 252


nevermind, that was actually the end, but these are side stories:

naeINDAHOUSE added yang.jeongin_uwu to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added seungminiswonpil to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added chickenismylife to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added darkbinnie to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added chris_the_kangaroo to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added HAN.squirrel to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added fortnite.dance2000 to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added AnKo_theNuT to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE added sweetasagem to the groupchat.
naeINDAHOUSE changed the group name to THE SUPPORTING CAST!!!!.


Why are we here?

I made this groupchat so that we can get more screen time.

What even-

Oml, not THIS again!

What's happening?

Naein thinks that we're living in some universe where it's all fake, and everyone (except me, Anko, Naein, Tako, and Maemi) is real singers and stars and we dont exist and that all of us is just part of some story. Anko's the one that pumped that nonsense in her head saying shit about an "Authornim".

I did not-

Author~nim: She did not-

I only read half of that shiz, so...
Naein, you're stupid.

Take that back you failed abortion.

No, you sad piece of shit

The only thing sad about this is your dry ass clapback

하지마아아. Stop it now. This is your reality.

Stfu Felikes.

Bish whet?

Yall hoes should be thanking me. You all finally have screen time now. Without the others. I was debating on if I should add Minhoe to the group too.

Dont. All he'll do is talk shit and throw shade.


true true

Gud 2 no.
Now I'm gonna add him


naeINDAHOUSE added MINE_HOE to the groupchat.

He's gonna leave us on read.


Naein added you.

Yall hoes stank.

SEE? That was useless.

YOU'RE useless.


You all have problems.

"DAMN YOU, YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Naein screamed at her lock.

"Noona~, your locker won't open because you put in 7 instead of 11." Jeongin explained.

"Oh, you're so helpful. Thank you Jeonginnie~." she replied cutely.

"No problem. Now can I please go to class now. You kept me here for 20 minutes." he said.

"Oh, right. Sorry."

"Mkay. Bye~!" he exclaimed.

Naein sighed from the beautiful sight and turned around to finally put her things in her locker. She was late to second period. Again. BuT wHo cArEs? As soon as she was done, she noticed a small female figure hiding behind the lockers. The girl was taking pictures of the upperclassmen. Naein crept behind the girl to expose her. When she was close enough, she was about to shout BOO! However, the girl knew her intentions and turned around first. "Maemi? What are you doing?" Naein asked.

"Naein, I NEED more memes. I don't want to reuse the same ones I had before." Maemi replied. "Besides, I got some good ones." She started showing her best friend her quality pictures.

Naein stared at the younger with scared eyes. "How did you even get those angles? Where did the bed come from? And why is he so pretty?"

"Those are things that will never have explanations for it. Anyways, now I realized I'm late to second period now." Maemi said as she pouted.

"Yay, you're late with me now!" Naein exclaimed.

Anko was rushing to her next class. She was caught up in the bathroom, photo-shopping other people's pictures and getting paid. This was her hustle. Everyone was coming from the lunchroom when she was heading toward the way. However, as soon as she passed the cafeteria, a sudden splash of water on her clean white shirt stopped her. "YoU mAdE mE wEt!" you immediately yelled before looking up to see it was her crush, WooJail, with an empty water bottle. They both locked eyes for a brief moment. Abruptly, Chan yelled at WooJail.

"Stop making her horny, Hyung!" he shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear. WooJail blushed, and so did Anko. Suddenly, Mr. Taemin peeped from the corner and saw them.


"Who the hell are you? And why do you look like Mr. Taemin?!" Park Jisung asked.

"Watch that mouth, or you'll be sent to the office, too." Mr. Taemin said before LITERALLY poofing into nowhere. Still red from what Chan said, both Anko and WooJail went to the Principal's office. They both sat quietly next to each other, looking away. Anko was surprised when WooJail suddenly took out one of his spare shirts to give it to her. It smelled like... a sexual assaulter...

"Here, sorry for making you... wet..." he said, awkwardly.

Anko shook her head and said, "N-no, it's fine. You didn't do it on purpose."

"But it's still my fault towards why you got sent to the office with me."

"It's not that bad since I'm with you," she mumbled to herself. But WooJail heard it clearly.

"R-really?" he said, blushing. Anko's face also went a red tint. Their conversation ended when Principal Learn entered the room. "We can talk later." WooJail whispered to her, while winking.

"And welcome to Chan's Kitchen." Chan introduced to Jemsong after he snuck her into the dorms.

"Chrissy, I've already seen it. You don't have to introduce it to me every time I come over." Jemsong said while laughing.

"I don't care. It has a nice ring to it. So I'll say it over and over again. Besides, today we're actually going to be making something today." he replied.

"Really?" Jemsong asked, shocked. "What?"

"We will be making a toxic concoction that will reduce Hyunjin's sexiness."


"We're making our sweet Hyunjinnie some cupcakes."

"Aw, that's so sweet. You're such a nice hyung to him."

"Yeah... nice... alrighty, ma'dam, let's get baking!" he said. And with that, the secret couple started making the batter. Chan poured a strange blue liquid into the batter, but Jemsong didn't really pay attention to it.

"By the way," Jemsong started to say as she mixed the sweet-smelling blue batter, "Why are we making Hyunjin cupcakes?"

"To make his face ugly so that I can become the new visual." Chan quickly responded.

"To what?" Jemsong clearly didn't comprehend.

"I said to cheer him on for chasing the girl of his dreams. I'm surprised he hasn't figured out who she is yet." Chan said with a smile.

Jemsong smiled. "Aw, my man is such a sweetheart." Some of the icing that Jemsong moved on to mixing after the batter got on her face. Chan kissed the part of where the icing fell on her cheek and ate it. He then looked at her and smiled.

"Only for you." he replied.

After a moment of locking eyes, Jemsong asked, "So when are we going to tell the others about us?"

"I don't know. Maybe after our camping trip."

"I'm fine with that." Jemsong soon continued to mix the icing. 2 hours later, the cupcakes were completely finished, decorated and all. All that was to be done was to wait for Hyunjin. And he came. However, when he walked down the stairs to the room, he looked glum. He didn't even bother questioning why Jemsong was there.

"Oh HYUNJINNIE!" Chan called out. "Here are some DeLiCiOuS cupcakes we made. Just for you. Totally not anything poisonous inside."

"No thanks. I think I lost my appetite. I think I may have upset her. What if she has a past with Chani? Is that her ex? Were they together before?!" Hyunjin started to have a breakdown.

"Uuhhhhh, what are you talking about?" Jemsong asked.

"Nothing. I'll just text her tomorrow." Hyunjin said before turning back towards the stairs.

"Wait! Are you not going to eat these lOvElY cupcakes we made?" Chan questioned again.

"I'm not hungry. Besides, I need my beauty sleep. This face isn't handsome for nothing." Hyunjin replied, poking his cheek. Chan sighed angrily as he watched the younger walk back up the stairs.

"Oh well, it was fun baking with you Chrissy. See you soon." Jemsong said, sneaking a kiss on his cheek and walking towards the door.

"Aren't I taking you home?" Chan asked.

"I would let you, but I saw your boss coming down the street 7 minutes ago. Don't want him to kick you off if your dating. Byeee!" She quickly ran out of the dorm at the speed of lightning. Not long after, J.Y. Park came into the dorm with some shades, no shirt, and an open vest on. Chan was disgusted.

"EW PD! WHERE'S YOUR SHIT! I-I MEAN SHIRT?!!!" he asked him.

"Doesn't matter. I smell something. Something... sweet... gimme." he said. Chan looked over at the blue cupcakes.

"But PD, I made those for Hyunjinnie." Chan explained.

"I don't care. You should give me gifts, anyway. I don't pay you to be greedy and keep things to yourself." J.Y. Park replied, picking up a cupcake.

"YoU dOn'T eVeN pAy mE!"

"Hush it." He ate a piece of the cupcake. "MMMmmmMMMM. This is good. I'm taking all of them." He left the dorm. Chan sighed.

"There goes my ticket to being the new visual," he mumbled.

[And that's how J.Y. Park was left with a nice body, but a weird face. #willneverforgettheeliminationofminhoandfelix]

A couple of months later...

"I like Bruno Mars." WooJail randomly said.

"Aw, that's so cute." Anko said, pinching his cheek.

"I'm a kangaroo." stated Chan.

"Yes, you are." Jemsong said.

"Ookay, you people are weird. Let's do something else." Jeno recommended.

"Okay, what should we do?" asked Dino.


"Wow, Naein actually has a good idea for once." blurted Changbin. Naein stuck her tongue out in response.

"I'll go first," said Chan as he stood up proudly in front of the crowd of dumb teenagers. Jemsong clapped her hands with joy. "It was a dark and sPoOkY night. It happened Yestoday." He deepened his Australian accented voice. Everyone was tense. "I had just finished up practice when I checked my phone. It was an unknown number." WooJail gasped loudly. "I maturely texted that number back, saying," Chan pulled out his phone, "Who is this? You might have the wrong number. And then, something horrible happened."

"What? Did he text you back with a picture of you through his window?" Maemi asked, still sitting behind Naein to avoid Hyunjin.

"No, it was even worse..." Chan replied.

"Was it a text of your contract with JYP being terminated?" asked Hyunjin.

"No... the person behind the screen... LEFT ME ON READ!!!!"

Everyone gasped and Changbin let out a girly scream. "Now I know what you're thinking, " Chan continued, "'who in the heavens could possibly do such a cruel deed—"

"That was me." Minho stated. Again, everyone gasped. Chan was in the most shock.

"H-how could you, Minho?" he stuttered. Minho flipped him off, and everyone laughed. "Yah! How dare you disrespect me like that?! I hope you're the first to get eliminated on our show!"

"Smother and die in a coffin," Minho stated before sipping his tea. Where did he get that? Anyways, Jaemin stood up this time.

"I have here a disturbing tale," he began. "Once, there was a young boy who just wanted to make music with his friends. But then, his company decided that it was a good idea to put him into a project group where he had to debut as a child who's obsessed with gum."

"Stops telling us stories about your traumatic thoughts, Jaemin." Maemi said. Jaemin sniffled.

"Can someone actually tell a scary story? You know, like one about a boy name U-Jin who had a piece of chicken, but never got to eat it?" WooJail requested.

"Don't worry, Hyung, I have another one." Chan said, once again, standing up in front of everyone. "So there was this one time when I walked in on Changbin and Felix—"

"ENOUGH SAID WITH THAT!" Changbin cut him off. "Is anyone else tired? I'm quite exhausted. EVERYONE, GO TO SLEEP OR I'LL SNITCH!" And with that, everyone went to their tents.

"You're finally graduating guys." Maemi exclaimed looking at both Jemsong and Anko is their graduation uniforms.

"It's about time we finally leave this animalistic school." Jemsong sighed.

"Didn't the school ACTUALLY get filed with a lawsuit at that campsite? I heard that the school plans on charging the new freshmen and other new kids next year extra cash in order to pay it off." Anko said as she shook her head.

"Oof." Maemi said.

"That's bad." Naein replied.

"Oh well. It's not our problem anymore." Jemsong exclaimed. Suddenly, Chan, WooJail, and Minho came into the room.

"Congratulations guys!" Maemi shouted.

"The ceremony didn't even start yet." Minho smirked.

"I can't believe you want us gone that badly." Chan said, pouting while resting his head on Jemsong's shoulder.

"You're not wrong." she replied. Jemsong flicked her forehead. Maemi winced.

"Ya'll hoes do too much." Naein stated.

"No one asked for your opinion, Naein." Anko replied. A little later, the graduation ceremony started. It was overall pretty boring. Principal Learn did eventually make the new student pay extra fees, but not to pay off their lawsuit, but to buy himself some expensive [girl] alcohol.

Author~nim: I'll post for the next four Fridays.

*Can you comment any captions with the following pictures?

[Even though this isn't exactly a meme face, I randomly found it and loved it UWU luk at lil Samuel!!! Where my Carats at?]

Onion hay say YO!

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