By The Gods (Gay Conner Kent...

Von childofcomics

927 21 7

When Wonder Woman's son Dominic joins the team Superboy takes an interest in him. *I do not on the young just... Mehr

"Welcome to Happy Harbor"

927 21 7
Von childofcomics

July 17, 2011

Superboy's P.O.V.

"Recognized Robin B01, Kid Flash B03" the computer announced. Kid Flash and Robin ran over to me, Aqualad, and Miss Martian "Is he here yet?" Kid Flash asked "Wonder Woman just landed the jet" Aqualad informed, with that we all made our way outside. It's been a week since we formed the team and Batman told us Wonder Woman was going to add her son to the team. I never knew Wonder Woman even had a son but then again I don't really know that much about Wonder Woman. "I wonder if he'll be nice" Miss Martian asked "I'm sure he'll be cool babe" Kid Flash reassured

We exited the cave to find Wonder Woman's jet and several big bags being thrown out of it "Wow. When you said you packed everything you weren't kidding" Wonder Woman said to what I assumed was her son. "You told me I would be living here for who knows how long so I packed for a long stay" He said flying out of the jet and landing with a bag in hand. He looked very similar to his mother and was in his costume which resembled his mother's but was uniquely different.

He had short black hair with bright blue eyes, cream skin, a lean, muscular build, and was a little bit shorter than me. He wore a silver steel headband with a red star on it, sleeveless crimson skin tight shirt that had his mother's symbol on it but silver. Fingerless gloves that go all the way up is arms but did not cover his shoulders. Two silver bracelets, one on each wrist, blue leggings, a silver belt, a silver lasso, and a sword hooked onto his belt. I've only been in this world for about a week and I must admit he did catch my eye. I knew what gay was but I never knew if I liked guys, guess I'll figure out.

"Dominic these are your teammates" Wonder Woman gestured towards us "Greetings fellow heroes" he said with a bright smile "I have to go my son but I'll be back soon" she said giving him a warm hug and flying away. "Hello! I'm M'gann M'orzz! But you can call me Megan" Miss Martian said cheerfully shaking his hand. "I'd introduce you to the boys but I don't really know their names" she explained looking over at us "I am Aqualad but we are off duty so you may call me Kaldur'ahm, but my friends call me Kaldur" Aqaulad spoke "The names Wally" Kid Flash introduced "Mr dark glasses goes by Robin cause Batman has forbidden boy wonder from telling anyone his secret identity" Wally informed about Robin. Dominic looked at me "What about you? What's your name" he asked "I-I don't have one" I admitted. He furrowed his brows "But you must have a name? Didn't your parents give you one?" He asked again. "No. Maybe because my parents we're a test tube!" I shouted, he looked a little offended but quickly recovered his composure. "That one has quite a temper doesn't he" I heard him ask as I stormed off.

Dominic's P.O.V.

"That one has a temper quite a temper doesn't he" I ask "Yea Superboy's not that into socializing" Wally informed "Here I'll help you with your bags" He offered "Are you sure? There are pretty heavy for the average human" I warn "I'm no average human" he says looking at M'gann. I handed him my bag causing to fall down with the bag "What's in here bricks!" He shouts Robin laughed "Only my weapons" I chuckle. "So what now?" I ask grabbing my two other bags and the one Wally dropped "We could show you to your room and give you a tour of the mountain!" M'gann suggested "Sounds good" I agree. "Well this is the front door" she gestured to the slanted hole in the mountain.

"And these are the living quarters you can pick any of the rooms since it's just me and Superboy living here" She informed. I walked up to a random door and pushed a button opening it. It was definitely smaller than my old room on Themyscira but it would do. I set my bags on the bed and continued the tour with M'gann and the boys except for Superboy following behind us. "That's the library" she pointed into a large room "and this is the mission room" she said twirling around in the air. A red man wearing a blue cape was typing on something and Superboy was standing with his arms folded next to him.

"Red Tornado!" Wally shouted excitedly running towards the red man. "Do you have any mission for us?" Kaldur asked asked "Mission assignment's are the Batman's responsibility." He answered in a mechanical voice "But it's been over a week and nothing ha-" "You will be tested soon enough." Red Tornado interrupted Robin "For the time being enjoy each others company, you have a new teammate." He gestured towards me. "This team is not a social club" Kaldur argued "No. But I am told social interaction is an important team building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by learning about each other." Red Tornado suggested walking away. "Keep busy" Wally quoted lightly punching Robin's shoulder "Does he think were falling for this?" Robin asked "Oh I'll find out!" M'gann whisper yelled.

She looked at Red Tornado and squinted her eyes "I'm sorry I forgot he is a machine. Inorganic. I cannot read his mind" M'gann apologized. I put my hand on her shoulder giving a comforting smile "Nice try though... so ugh... You know what I'm thinking right now" Wally asked flirtatiously earning a glare from me. It's not that I liked M'gann or anything, I've actually never been attracted to woman but just that he's been acting like what my grandmother warned me about man's world. "We all know what your thinking now" Robin nudged Wally. I sniffed the air and so did Superboy "I smell something burning" Superboy noticed "As do I" I agree M'gann gasped "My cookies!". She then flew towards the lounge as we all followed behind her.

We entered the living area to M'gann telekinetically setting a tray of burnt cookies down on the counter. "I made them as a welcome to the team surprise for Dominic" she said in a saddened tone. "Awe M'gann. Thank you that was sweet of you" I thanked "I bet they would've tasted great. He doesn't seem to mind" Robin acknowledged Wally scarfing the cookies down. We all looked at Wally "I have a serious metabolism" he confessed "I'll make more" M'gann offered. "Get out of my head!" Superboy yelled at M'gann. I made a questionable face and placed my hand on the handle of my sword, a reflex I have in hostile situations "What's wrong? I don't understand? Everyone on mars communicates telepathically?" I heard M'gann's voice in my head followed by a sharp pain "M'gann stop!" Kaldur commanded "Things are different on earth. Here your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy" Kaldur explained. "I didn't mean to-" "Just. Stay. Out." Superboy demanded walking over to the couch. I rubbed the back of my head, that was a very uncomfortable experience.

"Hello Megan!" M'gann said hitting her head "I know what we can do!" She flew away to the elevators with us following behind, except for Superboy. I stopped and went back for him "Superboy. I'm sure if you came it would make M'gann happy." I say trying to talk him into coming "Just... Don't" he sighed. I stood there waiting for an actual response, he must have given in because he stood up and followed us to the elevator. We went down a couple floors and the doors opened "My Martian Bio-ship" she announced. We walked out and saw what looked like a red and black oval ship on the pad. "Cute. Not exactly aerodynamic. But cute." Wally commented "It's at rest silly, I'll wake it" she said raising her hand. All of a sudden the ship sprouted wings and rotated towards us making an entrance for us.

"By hera" I gasped "Well are you coming?" She asked us. Eagerly I flew ahead of M'gann wanting to know what else this ship could do. M'gann and the others came in and out of nowhere chairs and modules came out of the floor. I sat in the chair that was in the middle of the ship and seat belts wrapped around my body "This vessel is magnificent!" I exclaim. M'gann chuckled and told Red Tornado to open the bay doors and we were off.

Superboy's P.O.V.

We had just taken off in the bio-ship and I was drowning out Wally's flirtatious acts on M'gann when Kaldur leaned over to me "I may not have psychic powers but I can guess what your thinking. You overreacted and don't know how to apologize. Just say sorry." He comforted. He was right. I did feel bad about snapping at M'gann but I felt even worse for sapping at Dominic. He just got here so of course he wouldn't know what happened to me at Cadmus and he hasn't even been out in the world so this is all new to him. Now I felt really bad, but I realized how we were the same in that way. Until a week ago I was locked in a test tube and only had pictures of world inside my head but never actually experienced any of it. Dominic must have heard about the world but never actually seen any of it until now. I snapped out if my thoughts when I heard Robin mention shapeshifting.

I turned around to see M'gann had shapeshifted into a genderbent version of Robin then did a twirl and turned into a genderbent version of Wally. "Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Wally asked "Most impressive sister" Dominic cheered. I nearly smiled at Dominic's remark, the way he spoke you could tell he came from a different place, a different time. "But your clothes?" Dominic questioned "There organic, like the ship, they respond to my mental commands" She explained. The thought of mind control sent me back to that place where I was used as a puppet putting me back into a bad mood "As long there the only ones" I retort.

Dominic's P.O.V.

I turned back around in my seat when M'gann mentioned something about camouflage mode? I was more interested in Superboy at this point. What happened to him to make him like this? What trauma did he experience? He said his parents were a "test tube" so he must have been some kind of experiment? Maybe we could bond over the fact that we were both creations? He was made in a lab and I was made out of clay by my mother. I should ask M'gann to fill me in on that. Just to figure out what his "deal" as they say, of course. Although something about Superboy attracted me, not the fact that he was practically sculpted by the gods, but that he seemed complex. Almost like a puzzle. A puzzle I wanted to solve.

A familiar robotic voice brought me out of my thoughts "Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor power plant. I suggest you investigate, covertly. I'm sending coordinates." "Received" M'gann replied. "Tornado's just keeping us busy again" Robin reminded "Well a simple fire led you to Superboy, we should see what caused the alarm" M'gann optimistically suggested. "I think I know the cause" Superboy answered, I looked out the window to see a big tornado heading straight for us.

"This is not pleasant!" I shout as the ship was getting spun around over and over again. M'gann got us out of the tornado, landed the ship as we all jumped out looking at the tornado. "Robin! Are tornadoes common in new England?" Kaldur asked receiving a echoed laugh we looked around for Robin only for him to be missing. "I don't understand, it is just a torna-" I was interrupted by explosions coming from the building "Might be more than a tornado" Kaldur answered. We ran into the building to find Robin on the floor.

"Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked "Didn't catch his name but he plays kinda rough" Robin informed. "My apologies. You may address me as Mr. Twister." A big red and black man with a scarf around his neck said in a mechanical voice. Superboy tried to rush him but "Mr. Twister" created a mini tornado that spun him around then threw him towards a wall. Robin, M'gann, Kaldur and Wally got in a fighting position ready to attack. I knelt next to Superboy to make sure he was alright and to study this "Mr. Twister".

Using his super speed Wally ran up to Mr. Twister and did a backflip, trying to kick him in the chest only to be redirected outside and crash on his back. Kaldur and M'gann rushed up to him only to be literally blown away and hit there back's hard on the walls. I hopped over the railing to make sure they weren't in any real pain. "I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero. I was not however expecting children." Mr. Twister insulted "Were not children!" Robin shouted throwing sharp disc's at Mr. Twister. He blew most of them away but one managed to stab him in the chest. It exploded leaving a scratch but he was overall unharmed. "Objectively you are. Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing." He stated "Well we hate to see you disturbed! Lets see if your more turbed after we kick your can!" "Turbed?" I asked "It's a me thing" Robin replied.

M'gann used her telekinesis to pull the hatch off of the machine above Mister Twister releasing steam "My sister that will not harm him." I pause "But this will." I say unsheathing my sword. "Are you sure your allowed to run with that sword" He teased "I am much older than you. And you will not be fighting a child. You will be fighting an Amazon." I shout pointing my sword at him. Lunging at Mr. Twister I swung my sword at his stomach only for him to swiftly dodge it. Using his size to his advantage he easily dodged my sword but not without getting away with a couple scratches. He blew a gust of wind in my face to try and knock me off guard but I stood my ground and twirled in the air slicing the right side of his face. He looks at me "Looks like I have found me a worthy superhero" He admitted.

Putting my sword back in my belt I quickly fly behind him, turning my back towards him I grab his head and kicked his inner knees then threw him through the wall of the building. Leaping over to him ready to slam elbow into his head, he quickly got up and dodged my blow. He blows another gust of wind to try and knock me off my feet but I stand my ground. He stopped for a quick second and I saw my chance. Grabbing his hand I swing him over my head and slam him on the ground making a little crater. I hop on top of him and repeatedly punch him in the face. I clasp my hands together ready to bring them down on him only for him to slock me in the face and slap my body through the buildings wall in the same blow.

Raising my head I scold myself "If Artemis was here she'd be rolling over in her grave". "You fought hard. Save your strength. We will finish him" Kaldur ordered. I wanted to protest because I was feeling so alive in the heat of battle but I decided to let them take down Twister.

Superboy's P.O.V.

Dominic fought valiantly. He deserved to rest while we took down Mr. Twister. Stupid name. I leaped towards Mr. Twister but he blew powerful gusts of swirling wind at me knocking me right into M'gann. Aqualad and Robin rushed Twister but got caught in two mini tornado's he created and slammed each of them together with the tornado's. Me and M'gann got to our feet, Wally used his super speed and started running in circles around Twister while punching him but to no avail, Twister sent Wally away with a tornado. "I thought you all had learned your limitations by now. Like your Amazonian friend." Twister asked "M'gann you need to read his! Find a weakness" Aqualad commanded "I thought I wasn't supposed to do that?" She asked "It's ok with the bad guys!" Robin shouted. M'gann put her finger to her temple.

"Nothing. I'm getting nothing!" M'gann stressed "Hello Megan!" She said hitting her head "Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise! He's inorganic an android! How many androids do you know that can generate tornado's?" M'gann announced "But Red Tornado sent us here" Aqualad questioned "Yea after saying we'd be tested soon enough. This is the test! Something to keep us busy." Robin reminded us "This game. So over." Wally said walking up to Mr. Twister.

Dominic's P.O.V.

"We know who you are and what you want!" I heard Robin shout "An impressive show! But we will not indulge you!" Kaldur yelled. I furrowed my brows and got up. The clouds darkened and lighting struck the earth, at the center of it all was Mr. Twister. "Uh can Red Tornado do that?" Wally asked "You think I'm Tornado. Ironic!" Twister then struck a big lighting bolt towards the team sending them flying backwards. They we're all knocked out except for Superboy. He leaped up to Twister but he struck him with a lightning bolt knocking him out. He floated down towards the team with electricity shooting out everywhere from his hands. All of a sudden he stopped "Fine then. I won't deny you children have power. But playing hide and seek with you will not help me achieve my objectives so stay concealed. But if you confront me again. I will show. No. Mercy." Twister threatened. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I squinted my eyes and noticed M'gann's bio-ship was hovering over them. It must be in camouflage mode! And with that Twister flew away.

I walked over to the team when Superboy started smashing rocks "You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado!" Superboy shouted. "It was a rookie mistake" Robin defended "You are pretty inexperienced. Go hit the showers" Wally suggested "And stay out of our way!" Superboy retorted. "Dominic you coming?" Wally asked putting on his goggles "No my side isn't doing so well" I lie. "Ok" He replied and with the the boys were gone.

"I was just trying to be apart of the team" M'gann said in a saddened tone. I sighed and sat down with her "M'gann I have been apart of many teams and trust me. This one is far from it." I confess "But it has potential." I add. "We have to do something! Maybe we can call Red Tornado to help us" She suggested "I don't know how he could. Twister's to much like Tornado. They both have the same powers and the same telepathic immunity-" "Hello Megan!" M'gann interrupted "I have an idea" M'gann revealed.

I stood in my spot with Superboy waiting for M'gann to trick Twister. It all was going as planned. M'gann shapeshifted into Red Tornado, fought with Twister and with the help of Wally made it look like she could actually control tornado's. "So I'm thinking you can pin Twister to the ground and I stab him in the head. How does that sound?" I ask Superboy. M'gann had just pretended to be defeated by Twister "Or we can just punch him" he said lunging over at Twister "That works too!" I shout. Superboy grabbed Twister by the arm and gave him a couple blow to the chest and I flew right up to Twister's head and punched it off. Aqualad jumped out of the harbor and swung an anchor at Twister. M'gann used her telekinesis and ripped Twisters arms off, and Robin added the final touch and threw his disc's at Twister with them exploding on impact.

Twister's armless body fell to the ground making a tiny crater. We all walked up to the machine when out popped a skinny looking man "Foul... I-I call foul" he said shaking. M'gann lifted a boulder with her telekinesis and crushed the man. I was shocked. I didn't think M'gann was the type to execute. "I don't know how things are done on mars but on earth we don't execute our captives!" Robin yelled "And you said you trusted me." M'gann replied lifting the boulder revealing what looked like a smashed up robot? "That's why I couldn't read his mind" she revealed "Next time you could have told us" Kaldur said relieved.

The team was in the hanger examining the parts from the android that was controlling Mr. Twister but I decided to unpack my things. I was currently hammering nails into the rock wall of my bedroom so I could have a wall for weapons when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I yelled, I turned my head to find Superboy! "Superboy was it?" I asked setting my hammer down. "I wanted to apologize for earlier" He answered "For what?" I asked, he sighed "For snapping at you when you first got here." He replied "Oh... I forgot about that but thank you Superboy" I thanked

"I was actually thinking we could start over" He suggested rubbing the back of his head, I chuckled at his offer which must have angered him "You know what never mind! Thought it was stupid anyway!" He retorted heading for the door. "Oh no" I said floating towards him grabbing his arm "I wasn't making fun of you. I actually thought it was a pretty nice idea" I admit. I gesture for him to sit on my bed which he does. Sitting next to him with my legs crossed I spoke "My is Dominic Prince, Prince of Themyscira."


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