POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCO...

By xpeachskinx

63.6K 1.9K 274

"You're beautiful Susie Putnam, and anyone who says otherwise I'll turn into toads" //////////// my name is... More



3.7K 90 18
By xpeachskinx

Harvey, Roz, Sabrina and I walk over to a bench with our lunch.

''The football players are a symptom, but the disease goes much deeper, into the bedrock of this school, so that's where we fight it, with a club for young women to meet and bolster each other, where we can discuss issues and problems we're facing and come up with proactive solutions'' i tell them.

All day i've brainstormed ways to help Susie, i'm going to protect her like i always try to do.

A club can do that when Sabrina and i leave, when i can't protect her anymore.

''You mean like a club to topple the white patriarchy?'' Roz asks blankly.

''Wait, what?'' Harvey asks confused.

''Exactly, to mobilize and protest if we need to get political, to fight when we need to fight, to defend each other, so Susie never feels alone, so none of us do'' Sabrina emphasises.

She was the first to hear my idea for a club, so she knows everything i do.

''Won't Hawthorne block this? he wouldn't let me start a daughters of the black panther club last year'' Roz deadpans, Sabrina and I smile.

''We may have a plan for getting this through without the interference of Hawthorne, we just need to do it fast'' Sabrina fills them in.

''How fast?'' Roz quirks her head, ''as soon as possible, but definitely by Friday'' i confirm, dreading the day we leave.

Roz smiles, ''just in time for your birthday'' she looks between us with a grin.

''Yes, but remember we're not making a big deal about that this year'' Sabrina tries, attempting to hide a smile.

''But it is a big deal, it's your sweet 16, on Halloween, there's an eclipse, i mean that kind of cosmic alignment demands a party...Harvey back me up'' Roz says excitedly.

Harvey shakes his head ''I've tried Roz, multiple times but-'' he laughs.

''But we have plans with our aunties, years-in-the-making plans, It's a super-secret Spellman family tradition that we're not really supposed to talk about, so let's just focus on our club'' I change the subject.

''What should we call it?'' Sabrina asks excitedly, ''the she-hawks?'' Roz suggests enthusiastically and we laugh.


I finally told the aunties about the curse the weird sisters cast, Sabrina speaks up from beside me at the island in the kitchen.

''Oh aunt Hilda, the weird sisters are horrible, everyone who goes to the Academy is snobby and horrible and racist'' she says irritated.

''Why on earth would they curse you, for no reason?'' aunt Hilda stresses.

''It doesn't matter now, i took Sabrina's half of the curse as well as mine, but don't worry, i washed it off me'' i say proudly.

''Well, we're gonna check that for sure'' aunt Hilda scoffs anxiously.

''They're jealous of you, you're the daughters of a high priest, who are they? nobodies. But that's precisely why you need familiars, to protect you from these sort of attacks'' Aunt Zelda says from behind us.

''We tried summoning them'' Sabrina says sadly.

''And you'' aunt Zelda says looking at me.

''Me?'' i ask anxiously.

''How could you be so foolish as to take the whole curse? you could have died, you might still'' she stresses but i know she's just worried.

''I was protecting Sabrina, i'm the oldest'' i defend myself.

''By a minute and a half'' Sabrina scoffs.

''And it's my job to make sure she's safe, my sister my responsibility'' i continue.

''And it's our job to protect you both'' aunt Zelda says sternly.

''Break an egg, please, miss'' aunt Hilda says handing me an egg.

''Better safe than sorry'' she breathes deeply as i crack in into a bowl, a bloody yolk spills out.

Aunt Hilda chuckles nervously, ''oh i was right, that is a blood curse, oh it's lingering, so untreated this is gonna eat slowly away at your health, your will and your sanity, so a regiment of salt water baths, reversing candles for a couple of weeks and that will do the trick i think, all right off you go'' she says quietly, shushing us off.

We get to the kitchen door and Sabrina stops, making me do the same.

''Aunties?'' she asks and they turn to us.

''The weird sisters said something...about Mom and Dad'' Sabrina says quietly.

''What did they say about your mother and father?'' aunt Zelda asks quickly.

''Their accident..they were almost implying that it wasn't an accident'' i speak up, catching on.

Aunt Zelda and aunt Hilda look at each other.

''Well, that's just poppycock'' aunt Zelda says quickly.

''Your father and mother were flying to Italy, Edward was giving a lecture at the Vatican when their plane went down, tragically, now Ivory get upstairs into a bath like your aunt Hilda says, Sabrina, go do something'' she says almost rehearsed, we don't say anything else and head upstairs.

I sit down in the bath and close my eyes, i'm so tired.

I feel my body relax and i open my eyes to the sound of crickets chirping.

I'm in the woods, still in the bath, i look to my side and my heart leaps.


My mother stands holding baby Sabrina and my father holds baby me.

She doesn't answer me and turn, walking away.

''Dad?'' i call out but still no answer.

''Wait!'' i yell and get out of the bath, i follow them to a small altar and they turn, looking at me.

''Mom? Dad? are you coming? to our baptism? Sabrina took your names, and i think i might too, i hope that's alright'' i say but they still don't answer and walk away.

They move, revealing me and Sabrina crying and another baby, i lift the blanket and mine and Sabrina's feet stick out, i lift the other blanket and the other baby has hooves instead of feet.

I gasp, sitting up in the bath, back in the house.

I look over to the clock and curse, almost midnight, i'm supposed to be casting a spell on Hawthorne with Sabrina and Ambrose.

I jump out and quickly change, running to Ambrose's room, meeting Sabrina in the hallway.

''Where were you?'' she asks as we run upstairs.

''I fell asleep in the bath, i need to tell you about what i saw later'' i tell her and we enter his room.

''This isn't like you cousin, Ivory yes but you, no'' Ambrose teases and i roll my eyes.

''Using witchcraft for personal vendettas'' he laughs, holding up the picture of Hawthorne we found in the library.

''These are desperate times Ambrose, now remember, we don't want to kill Principal Hawthorne, we just need to give him a good scare, Ms Wardwell told us he's terrified of spiders'' Sabrina grins.

''Oh, that's easy then, it's lucky that aunt Hilda keeps them as her familiars'' he says going to collect the spiders.

''Are you sure you don't want to kill him? because we could do that'' Ambrose smiles impishly.

''Nope, we just need him to take a day or two off from school'' Sabrina says excitedly, he deserves this.

''Right, well, we'll only mildly traumatize him then'' he says opening the lid and throwing the photo of Hawthorne in, closing it again.

Ambrose starts chanting.

''Spider, o spider, pray how do you spin your pretty white web so fine and so thin? to catch fat flies and make them into pies'' he rhymes and Sabrina starts.

''Spider, o spider, pray do you not see? here comes a big, buzzing, blundering bee'' she chants and moves onto me.

''He'll spoil your fine net while you fume and you fret, but no mercy you grant and no mercy you'll get'' i finish.

Sabrina and I smile contently as we walk to our room, closing the door.

Our smiles fade as we shiver, looking at the window.

''Oh no'' Sabrina whispers, staring at the claw marks on the window sill.

''What now?'' i worry, we quickly pull the window shut when a voice speaks from behind us.

''Sabrina, Ivory'' we jump at the male, raspy voices and stare into the darkness.

''Who-who are you?'' Sabrina asks anxiously.

''Show yourselves'' i call out, they appear from behind the mirror, two dark whispy creatures.

''We heard you calling in the woods, and we came'' they say and we gasp.

They disappear and two black cats walk out, both pitch black, one with green eyes, the other with yellow.

''Awe'' Sabrina sighs, she picks up the one with the green eyes and i pick up the one with yellow.

''Such a pretty kitty'' Sabrina coos,

''What's your name?'' i ask in a soothing voice.


Wednesday, October 29th

two days until the dark baptism.

''I don't understand you, nieces. You'd rather feral familiars than ones bred for service?'' aunt Zelda asks, staring at our cats.

''Salem and Binx don't serve us, aunt Zee, we're in partnerships'' Sabrina explains for the both of us.

''They protect us, we'll protect them'' i smile and so does Sabrina.

''Drink up darlings, i put a bit of cinnamon in it this time'' aunt Hilda says handing us our detox drinks.

''And why call them Salem and Binx, of all things?'' aunt Zelda judges, ''we didn't, they names themselves'' i defend.

''At least you have your familiars now, and you're purifying yourselves, yeah you're almost ready for your baptism'' aunt Hilda says excitedly.

''About that, so we're in the middle of getting this club started at school'' Sabrina starts.

''Club? what kind of club?'' aunt Zelda asks suddenly interested.

''Women protecting women, you know, sort of like a coven. It's for Susie and she's important to me, and especially to Ivy'' Sabrina says and i choke on my detox drink.

Ambrose smirks.

''Anyway, i was wondering if we could maybe, possibly postpone our baptism a little bit'' she rushes and all eyes move from me to Sabrina.

''Postpone it?'' aunt Zelda asks shocked.

''Oh dear'' aunt Hilda mumbles and i slowly sink into my seat.

''Girls, you cannot postpone your 16th birthday, especially not when it falls on the eclipsing of a blood moon, which only occurs once every 66 years'' aunt Zelda rants.

''If it is, just about club, dear'' aunt Hilda says sympathetically.

''It's not, aunt Hilda there's also the Harvey of it all, we very recently took things to the next level'' Sabrina says happily.

Aunt Zelda gasps ''he hasn't defiled you, has he? witch law forbids novitiates from being anything less than virginal'' she stresses.

''Oh wow'' Ambrose says sitting beside me.

I sink further into my chair, my face red.

''And you?'' she turns to me seriously, ''ohh no'' i jump in my seat,
suppressing my laughter.

''Aunt Zelda, not that it's anyone's business but no'' Sabrina says embarrassed.

Everyone sighs in relief, ''praise satan'' aunties say at the same time.

''However, now that you bring it up, i admit i have reservations about saving myself for the dark lord, why does he get to decide what we do with our bodies?'' i voice up and Sabrina agrees.

''Because it is witch law, covenant'' aunt Zelda says agitated, ''okay but why?'' Sabrina asks.

''And if you don't know, maybe we can talk to someone before our baptism, someone who can help us understand these things so we can make an educated choice'' I stress.

''Choice? it is our sacred duty and honour to serve the dark lord, the extraordinary, delicious gifts he bestows on us in return for signing his book, and you would deny him that?'' aunt Zelda looks between us shocked.

''It's our names, aunt Zelda'' Sabrina argues, ''we all signed the book, and proudly i might add, this is your mother's influence'' aunt Zelda says angrily, storming away from the table.

''Zelda, calm down, your blood pressure'' aunt Hilda scolds.

Aunt Zelda turns to look at her, ''this is your fault too, we should've home-schooled them, as is our custom'' she says angrily.

''Girls, do you not want to join the church of night as full members?'' aunt Hilda asks calmly.

''I think so, i just don't know why we have to give up everything in our lives that's human to do it'' Sabrina stresses the point, looking between aunties and me.

''Me either, i mean all we have is mortal, we've grown up with mortals, we've acted like mortals, our friends are mortal, everything we love is mortal and you're telling us we can't have that anymore'' i say sadly, raising my voice.

They almost look shocked.

''Witch law, the path of night or the path of light'' aunt Zelda regains herself, the same argument as before.

''But not both'' aunt Zelda says as Sabrina and I say it over her, Sabrina quickly stands up.

"And yet our father, a warlock, married our mother and she was human'' she argues.

''Yes, and it very nearly got Edward excommunicated'' aunt Zelda snaps.

Sabrina slams her chair down and i flinch.

''Which begs the question, why would we want to join an organization that would do that to anyone we cared about?!'' she shouts.

''She's right, why can't you see that?!'' i shout, getting angry.

''Because it's what they wanted for you!'' aunt Zelda yells louder than us both, the room falls silent.

''Isn't that right Hilda?'' she looks for backup, Sabrina and i turn to aunt Hilda sadly.

''Didn't Edward and Diana both say so?'' aunt Zelda puts her on the spot.

''Yeah, they-they did, lambs, many times'' aunt Hilda says sympathetically.

Ee don't say anything, it's like they found the one way to make us stop.

''You are daughters of the church of night, your father was a high priest, you will be baptized under a blood moon, as we were, as all the Spellmans before you were, as your children will be, and that, nieces, is final'' aunt Zelda says and turns away from us.

''My children won't know such pain'' i say, tears of frustration bouncing on my waterline, daring to spill as i turn, storming out the kitchen and out the house.


i'm so sick lmao but here it is, a lil spoiler, there's a cute Susie and Ivy scene next chapter;). Also, chapters will start getting even longer because i've worked it out and if i post chapters the way i am right now, there will be like 40/50+ chapters by the time i'm done, and there's only 1 season like what. so when season 2 comes out i think i'll just make a second book? so this one doesn't look unfinished if you get that. I think there's some twin bonding between Sabrina and Ivy next chapter as well, yay character development.

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