The Boy Who Never Cried

Oleh Mancur32

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Rory hasn't cried since he lost his mother at a young age. Now he has met what seems like the love of his lif... Lebih Banyak

The Boy Who Never Cried

3 0 0
Oleh Mancur32

By Mancur R. Robinson

Chapter 1

Breathing it's second nature, you know. That one thing that from birth you can do automatically. Not like riding a bike that takes practise, that takes bumps and bruises to get right. But breathing is easy, just in and out.

Well, that's what mom said when I came down with a cough and it didn't go away. She said, "In and out Rory in and out", "Ok" I said and smiled as she tucked me into bed.But heartbreak is not, so when Dad said mum was sick and might go to see Grandma and Grandpa for a while, I soon caught on she was dying.

We had the funeral in Glasnevin Cemetery we got her a nice spot on a hill, under a willow tree, her favourite.

It broke my tiny little heart that day at the funeral, dad said that she was in heaven now with Grandma and Grandpa. That made me a little bit happier to know that she was ok and with her parent's, but I was still sad.

I cried myself to sleep that night and for every other night for a week and a half until dad said "Alright stop, you are a big boy, big boys don't cry they suck it up and endure the pain", "sniff" "sniff" "what does endure mean?" I asked sniffing as I did so. "It means to take it in the bad and never let out the sadness but to live with it until it goes away", I looked at him quizzically and tilted my head like a dog wondering what his master just said.
"It means to stop crying... Ok?". "Ok" I said wiping my eyes as I did.

Chapter 2

Ever since that day I have never cried or wept or felt sad, I had become a rock, a rock carved as a boy that could walk and talk to flowers that broke down whenever a petal from their head fell to the ground.Through play school, I talk only to the teacher and never to any kids unless I had to.

"I don't want to be emotional with those babies" I always thought.

Through primary school, all the teachers were amazed at my knowledge of math and history."Knowledge is my best friend not people who'll cry about everything" I thought as a girl cried over her shoes that had been thrown into the mud.

But now as stand graduating from primary school I think secondary school will be easy.

Chapter 3

"Rory come on you'll be late on your first day!", "Coming dad!" I shouted down the stairs, a piece of toast in my mouth. I looked in the mirror beside the front door, I was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots. My t-shirt said "knowledge bomb" with an arrow pointing up at me, I smiled as I put my black hoodie on and zipped it up half way so you could only see a part of my shirt. I walked into the kitchen where my dad was drinking his morning coffee in record time, he wore his usual suit with the black tie I got him for his birthday along with his matching shoes I got him for Christmas the same year.
"Come on, come on we need to go" he said quickly washing out his cup in the sink, "I'm coming, I'm coming" I said in frustration.

"You know what a dishwasher is for right?", "Yes I know what it's for but I prefer to do it by hand. Ok, you cheeky fecker" he said a sarcastic tone in his voice. "Cool good that you know" I said with a smart tone of voice.
"Alright time to go you'll be late", "Ya I just need mmmyyy ah there it is" I said picking up my school bag and jogging to the door. "Seeya Dad I'll be back at 4 o'clock!"

"Bye!" I heard him say before closing the door and walking down the bandstand. I plugged in my headphones and played "Complexities" by Purple Turtles. I grabbed my bike and hopped on it, the bass booming through my head. "Ok. Let's go" I thought quickly and started cycling down the road to school.

Chapter 4

"So this is my new school" I thought while putting my bike on the racks. The building was 3 stories tall and peachy colour to the outside, the yard was a big concrete patch with a soccer pitch to its left.
The inside was filled with lockers and doors to classrooms and a few bathroom doors. "Pretty good if I say so myself" I thought.
"Impressive isn't it" a voice said behind me and when I looked behind me some guy wearing a black call of duty t-shirt and red jeans with pale skin and dark brown hair was there.
"Hi?" I said a confused look on my face, "Hi!" he said a smile on his face. "I'm Reggie nice to meet you" he said a hand outstretched, " Rory" I paused and asked "you play?", "Oh hell yeah I play, what level are you?" " 90 masters codename roarstrike".

Reggie's eyes widened "you're-you're roarstrike?" he said in amazement. "The one and only" I said with a smile, "holy god, holy god" he started saying in amazement, "damn my reputation proceeds me!"I thought to myself silently "Dude you are my hero. You saved my ass in a game in 2012" he said with a smile "Wait your reggieboy205" I asked, "yeah man remember, you were a level 80 masters and I was a level 40 apprentice" he said.

"Oh yeah" I said, "You were pinned and I cover fired for you and you ran like hell over to me and we machine-gunned their asses".
"Totally man. Hey what class you in?" he asked with a curious look on his face. "uuuuuummmmm, Mr Starling's class" I said, he gasped "Bro, same" "yeah man" I said and high fived him "come on we'll be late" I said "cool lets go" he said.
We got to class and as soon as I walked in I saw her...

Chapter 5

"Wow" I said with an amazed tone of voice, "What man?" Reggie said curiously. "Her" I said pointing at the girl sitting on the desk, she was wearing a leather denim jacket with a white tank top and black jeans with leather boots. She had amazing green eyes and black hair and honey coloured skin. "Oh her that's Kira Hecker", "She's beautiful". "Alright, first years welcome to your Form room you are Form S, for Starling ok. Oh, and you may call me sir or Mr. S" said Mr. Starling, "YES SIR!!" we all said in unison "Alright let's get to know each other when I point to you say your name and a thing you like" Mr. Starling said and pointed at Reggie. "Oh! Ah, Reggie Jackson and I like call of duty" Reggie said "Very nice Reggie welcome to the class" said Mr. S.
He went through three other people till he got to Kira, "Kira Hecker and I love Purple Turtles and Pow Piggy", "Girl could you be more perfect" I thought.I didn't realize I had said that out loud and everyone was looking at me and when I looked at Kira she was blushing and then I blushed as well feeling embarrassed, "Well what's your name so the other kids can tease you. Oh, and we don't need what you like because you've already told us that" Mr. S said with a grin.

I gave a short laugh before saying "My name is Rory O' Callen", "Nice to meet you, Rory. Tell me when and how you ask Kira out it will be an interesting story for our family dinner" said Mr. Starling "Dad!" Kira said and blushed even more than before.
"Wait a second but your second name is Hecker and yours is Starling you can't be related, can you?" said a girl named Hannah."Well, when your someone's stepfather you tend to have a relationship status of a dad. Now let's continue" Mr. Starling said and pointed at another boy.

Twenty minutes later after going through everyone in the class we all went to lunch, me and Reggie sat together and laid my head on the table "Why did I say that out loud, WHY!" I said, "Well maybe you were trying to think of something to tell her in a note but that mental note got to your mouth before your brain could stop it?" Reggie suggested.
I looked up at him with a confused and angry look on my face. "Or maybe you made a mistake" he said a reassuring look on his face. I groaned and banged my head on the table.
"Um could I sit here?" said a voice, "Reggie you already are sitting here" I said, "Buddy. You may want to look up" said Reggie. I looked up and Kira was standing over me a tray in hand and a weak smile on her face.

Chapter 6

"What?" I said with a dazed look on my face, "I asked could I sit here" she said as if it was the clearest thing in the world. "Uh yes, you can sit here" I said an embarrassed look on my face.
"Thanks" she said with a smile and sat down next to me. "So about class I--" I was saying before she cut me off midsentence "Its fine not many people call me perfect".
"Why what do they call you?" I asked curiously "the usual hey nice ass or that a fire coz she is smoking" Kira said in her best douche bag voice.

"I would never say that unless I was dating you" I said, "Well thank you" she said.

"Can we start over our introduction?" I asked, "It would be my pleasure" she said with a giggle. "Hi, I'm Rory O' Callen what's your name?" I said "I'm Kira Hecker and it's nice to meet you, Rory," she said, "Well Kira Hecker will you go on a date with me?".
"It would be a delight to go on a date with you Rory so yes I will" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and got up and walked away for her next class.
"Dude" Reggie said, "she left you her number" he said pointing at the napkin by my tray. "Yeya boy!!!!!" I said and jumped up with excitement.

Chapter 7

Through my next few classes, I got notes from Kira saying stuff about what she liked and enjoyed. – I like sunsets and looking up at the stars - Kira, it was as if we were made for each other. When I got home, I did my homework and then spent the rest of the evening texting her we agreed to go out on Saturday. So I prepared for the best first date ever.


I picked her up at her place and we walked to the park where I picked up a basket and blanket, I looked at my watch and said "come on we don't have much time" so I took her by the hand and jogged with her over to a hill and laid the blanket down and open the basket and took out a picnic of sandwiches, apple slices, and two muffins.

"Nice haul" Kira said, "Why thank you" I replied. We ate a little of the apple and the sandwiches, we saved the muffins for last. By the time we were done the muffins I looked at my watch and said "alright follow me" I took her hand and we climbed up a tree "What are we doing?" she said puffing from the climbing, "You'll see" I said and checked my watch "Come on we'll miss it", "miss what?" she said as she reached the top. "This" I said moving her sight to the sunset. It was setting behind the city and all the buildings looked orangey, gold from the sunset. "Wow it's beautiful" Kira said the light reflecting in her eyes. "Yeah, it is" I said looking at her, she turned to me and leaned in as I did and next thing we knew we were kissing in the sunset. When we broke apart Kira bit her lip and looked up at me "Wow, that was amazing" she said, "meh it was ok" I teased, "What! Ok?" she exclaimed. "Well I would need to do it again to see if it was any go-" I was in the middle of saying good when she pulled me in for a long passionate kiss "Just shut up and kiss me" she said while breaking for air.
We kissed for a lot longer than we thought because when we stopped the stars were out "We better get back" I said, Kira sighed "Do we have to?", "Well I'm sure I could do this for hour's but your dad will kill me if we stay out any longer" I said. "That's a good point" Kira said with a worried look on her face.
We walked back to her house and I kissed her goodbye we decided to go out next Saturday.

Chapter 8
I was walking home when my phone buzzed and I saw Kira's name. I smiled and clicked into the message and read it to myself "so how was the date for you?" – Kira, I texted back "Great the end was my favourite part ; )" – Rory.

I smiled and kept on walking when I got home my dad was in bed "night dad" I whispered and walked into my bedroom. I took my shirt off, laid down on my bed and checked my phone. "oh a message from Kira". I clicked on the message and read in my mind "Mine too ;) xx go to the shopping centre with me ?". I texted back "Yeah sure what time ?", almost an immediate response " 1 o'clock xx". I smiled at the message and went to sleep.

Chapter 9

The next day I got up late, all cheery and joyful I put on a t-shirt that said: "I'm as lucky as a leprechaun" with a picture
of a leprechaun underneath, I put some jeans on and a dark blue hoodie.
I opened my bedroom door to find a note from dad "Gone to work early love ya you little fecker" -dad, I smiled and walked to the kitchen. I made and ate breakfast in 15 minutes with a half hour before I went to the shops with Kira.
So I got out my bow and arrow from the closet and set up a target in the backyard, I also set an alarm on my phone for 20 minutes. I slid an arrow into the bow and pulled back breathing slowly while doing so, "THUD!!!" the arrow smacked right into the bullseye I smiled and checked my time 10 minutes. I slid another arrow in and aimed. "THUD!!!" the arrow smacked right beside the first arrow. I checked my time 7 minutes "OK I cannot wait any longer" I thought and packed up my archery set and put it back in the closet.
I walk to Kira's to find her waiting outside waiting for me her headphones in.
She was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with white converse and her leather jacket was lying beside her.
I snuck up behind her and poked her in the back, "JESUS!!!" she yelped in fear and I burst out laughing. "DON'T DO THAT!" she said in a half shout, half scream, "It's just a joke" I said laughing to myself.
"Well it wasn't funny to me" Kira said with a sulky look on her face, "AAAWWW you ok? Did I hurt your little feelings?" I said with a sarcastic tone of voice. Kira looked up at me with an angry look on her face and she pushed me over "OOF" I managed to breath out before hitting the ground with a thud.
"AAAWWW did I hurt your little feelings?" she said in a mimicking tone of voice before I grabbed her and dragged her down on top of me. I could smell her rose perfume, it was like walking into a field of roses and just standing there breathing in the aroma, "What are you staring at?" Kira asked with a confused look on her face.

"I'm looking at the most beautiful girl in the world" I said in reply, she smiled and kissed me.
"Alright let's go" I said so, Kira got off me and helped me up.

Chapter 10

We got to the shopping centre at about half one where Kira took me shoe shopping. "So what kind of shoes are you getting today?" I asked in a false enthusiastic voice, "Well I was hoping for some new leather boots so we could start there" she said as if the falseness in my voice didn't exist. "Ok then" I said in my actual enthusiastic voice, "Great!!" Kira said and kissed me on the cheek.
We went over to a part of the shop where all the different coloured leather boots were. There were red boots, blue boots, pink boots, green boots, orange boots and just a whole load of boots. "Wow" I said in amazement "Those are a lot of boots", "Well it's a famous shoe shop so it has to have a lot of shoes, which includes having a lot of boots" Kira said with a very informing one of voice.

"Well with that logic I'm set to know my shoe shops" I said sarcastically and smiled at Kira's scowling face, "Well I need a new pair of black boots so let's find a nice pair and I'll try them on" she said and smiled back at me. We spent 10 minutes looking through black boots before Kira picked out a pair that was shiny and sleek with two buckles at the side, they were nice and she looked good in them as well, I paid for them as a gift to her and I got a kiss out of it too. We stopped at a café and talked about our hobbies we already knew we both liked sunsets, the stars, and Seven nations army, but we didn't really know much else about each other. So we talked and it turned out we were a lot more alike than we thought because we both dressed in the same style, liked the same food, we even both had a love for video games and it was amazing I mean I've known this girl for about a week and I have just gone head over heels for her.

A week or two later

As we walked around town Kira looked at me "I should meet your dad".

Chapter 11

"What!?" I exclaimed, "Well you've met my *dad*, so it's only fair if I meet yours" Kira said. "Well I say let's wait till the Halloween party at my place, my dad has a few co-workers and their kids over, so we can announce our relationship to him then because then we can have some fun and it won't be really awkward like at a family dinner". "Ok, then but we will do it at Halloween, promise me?" Kira said looking up at me a little, we were about the same height so when she talked to my face she had to look up a bit. "I swear to you on my life" I said full seriousness, "Alright then let's go get some ice cream!" Kira said with an excited tone of voice, we also both really liked ice cream.
Halloween – I was wearing a zombie costume, Me and Kira agreed to go as a zombie boy and girl, the doorbell rang twice which meant that the guests were here. I opened the door and fifteen people were outside, at the front was the kids, the middle the parents and last my favourite of all of them, "Kira" I said.
She was wearing plastic rotting flesh and had greenish skin and a ripped t-shirt when she walked in I saw she was wearing the shoes I bought her but they had been slightly modified with faked blood and some brown face paint for mud. "Wow that is realistic" I exclaimed and gave her a hug, "You don't look so bad yourself" Kira said and winked at me. I was wearing a torn t-shirt and a ripped open headpiece that made it look like my brain was sticking out.
"Why thank you" I said and gave her a quick kiss before heading into the kitchen, I grabbed some candy and returned to Kira with a bowl of skittles "Nice haul" Kira said and smiled at me as she popped a red skittle in her mouth, "Thanks" I said with a smile. We danced for a while and ate a good bit of candy, Reggie showed up and then we all started talking in the corner of the living room watching all the kids fight with their plastic weapons. Reggie went to get some dinks and my dad came over in a devil costume, "So Rory who are your friends?" my dad said looking at Kira and then to Reggie who was getting three cups of Fanta for us, "EEHH this is Kira and the guy getting drinks is Reggie" I said with a dazed look on my face. "Well Kira it's nice to meet you" said dad extending his hand for a handshake, "It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. O' Callen, I'm Rory's girlfriend" Kira said with a smile. "Rory never told me he had a girlfriend" dad said, "I wanted it to be a surprise for you" I said with a weak smile. "Come on son we don't need to keep secrets from each other" my dad said and gave me a light punch doing it, "So Rory I was hoping to meet your mother, where is she?" Kira said with a confused look, "Kira my mother is dead, she passed away when I was 4" I said in a quiet voice.
"Oh, I didn't know I'm sorry if I brought up some old memories..." Kira said as the three of us stood around awkwardly until Reggie came back with the drinks, "Hey... Oh Mr. O' Callen I would have gotten you a drink if I had known..." Reggie was saying until Dad cut him off midsentence "Its fine Reggie". He walked off to some colleagues of his and Kira sighed "Why did I say that WHY!!", "Hey its fine Kira we've been dating for two months now I should have told you about my mom" I said but Kira just went upstairs to my room.
"I should check up on her" I said, "Yeah maybe you should" Reggie said with a concerned look on his face.I went upstairs to find Kira standing in front of my window, "I never knew she died" she said with a sad look on her face, "Well it's my fault really I never told you" I said and put my arm around her. She put her arm around my body and rested her head on my chest, we stood there for a long while before she said "I lost my dad to a fire when I was ten, it was awful", I looked down at her and kissed her on the head, I then realized she had started crying softly."I know it's hard to let go of people we love I mean we have both our experience's with death but..." I said and she looked up at me, "We still have each other" at that she kissed me we kept on kissing for a while until she stopped and looked at me, I stared into her big green eyes and she whispered, "I love you".

Chapter 12

"I love you too" I whispered back, we stood there in each other's arms for a long while. We walked downstairs and found my dad "Mr.O'Callen I am sorry for bringing up your wife in conversation, and I hope you know that I lost my father in a fire when I was ten years old so I hope you can forgive me".
"Kira I forgive you but you have no need to apologize for not knowing about Silvia, so go enjoy the party with my son". "Thank you Mr.O'Callen and I will" Kira said with a smile and lead me over to Reggie who was eating skittles and drinking a cup of Fanta. "So how's the relationship, did I miss anything big?" Reggie said with an inquisitive smile, "No Reggie you missed nothing big" I said with a smile.
I danced with Kira for most of the night and at the end of it she stayed over, it was the best night of my life in all honesty.

Chapter 13

I woke up the next morning and turned to find Kira sleeping soundlessly beside me the morning sun making her dark hair shine in its natural beauty, I gently moved some hair out of her face and her eyes opened slowly.
She looked at me and smiled "Good morning" she yawned, "Good morning" I replied with a smile and kissed her on the forehead before we just cuddled and chilled for a long time."Beep", "Beep", "Beep" "Crap my phone" Kira said reaching over me and got her phone from beside the bed, "Damn it's my dad he said I need to be back for dinner tonight" she said with an unhappiness that wanted me to just hug her more than I already did. "Well, we could get changed and go out for lunch?" I suggested with the best cute smile I could muster. She looked at me and smiled "Alright as long as your paying" she giggled.
I got dressed into a dark green t-shirt and black jeans, with black converse's. Kira changed into her black shoes, pale blue jeans, and a grey tank top. I grabbed some money said goodbye to dad and we headed into town.

Chapter 14

We arrived at a nice cafe that served lunch, we shared a plate of meat and cheese, with a shared chocolate cake slice for dessert. We started walking around looking at some of the shops as we passed them by Kira made me stop at a clothes shop to look at some cute jumpers and a couple of cute t-shirts that said stuff like "I'm with handsome here" and "You like, though I'm taken".
After buying her a jumper and a t-shirt with "My love is for dis guy" with an arrow pointing to the right. We kept walking until seven when I brought Kira home for dinner. "I love you" I said and kissed her goodbye,
"I love you too" she said and kissed me back.
I walked home and my phone buzzed indicating I had a text message "Thanks for the day out xxoo;)" -Kira, "Loved it almost as much as I love you xx;)" -Rory. I got home in time for a take-out pizza my dad ordered, extra chilies just how we liked it. After a fair amount of pizza, I went upstairs brushed my teeth and got into bed.

Chapter 15

I woke up to a rainy morning "great I'm cycling in the rain" I thought to myself, I got dressed into a grey t-shirt, with dark blue jeans and red converse's.
I got downstairs before dad left "Hey I'm gonna be late coming home so do hesitate to make dinner without me" he said before grabbing his briefcase and leaving "Bye!" I shouted to him before stuffing a piece of toast into my mouth.
I put my rain jacket on and went outside to get my bike and found Kira standing there "Hi I was just about to knock" she said through her hood which covered her face a bit, "Hey I was just getting my bike to go to school what are you doing here I thought your dad brought you in?" I asked with a confused look on my face.
"I thought I would get some exercise and cycle with you for today" she said with a smile, "Ok then let's go" I said with a smile. We arrived at school just before form tutor time and we rushed to our classroom, Reggie was sitting beside two seats so we sat down beside him just as Mr.S came into class. "Alright form S role call" he said as he sat down and opened the role book, Hannah, Kira, Reggie, Rory, Damon, Mark, Sean ... After roll call we rushed to our first class, History with Mr.Upton, "All right class we're going to be learning about the Renaissance, now who can tell me about the Renaissance?" He asked and looked around for hands but mine was the only one. "Yes Rory" he said pointing at me, "The Renaissance was the time when people started getting ideas and started to educate younger people, it was also a time were the church was the only form of government as well as kings and queens" I said with confidence, "Yes that's the political part of it but the best Part is the artists and their works that developed from the belief in humanism which is where they celebrated being human." he said with as much confidence as I had.

Chapter 16

After a long history lesson, a boring math class and a really strict German class, me, Reggie and Kira sat down for lunch, "So what are we doing for Rory's birthday?" Reggie asked in a very curious manner.
"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY SOON AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME, WHEN IS IT?!" Kira half asked half shouted at me, "It's in a few weeks on November 12th" I said calmly. "We are throwing a party" Kira said with confidence, " It's going to be small because we're not the biggest circle of friends ever" I said in a very unenthusiastic tone, with that Kira kissed me on the head and said "As long as your happy it will be great", she smiled at me and we continued eating in silence.

November 12th:
I woke up to Reggie on an air mattress and Kira beside me, I smiled to myself as I got out of bed and put some clothes on. "Rory" I heard Kira whisper and I looked towards her, "Happy birthday" she said and rolled round to her side and went back to sleep.I came downstairs to a quiet, empty house. I got out a cereal bowl and had breakfast, after breakfast, I got out my archery kit and set it up. I shot a few arrows that all made their mark like clockwork, "Wow you're a good shot" I turned around to see Kira in her pj's, "Well I took it up after my mother died, so I've had a while to practice" I Saud and put my arm around her.
"Are you ready for the party?" She asked, "Not even close to ready, why can't we all just stay in and play C.o.D?" I asked.
"Because your turning fourteen and I want to celebrate with you in a very lively fashion" Kira said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Chapter 17

Me and Kira changed into some casual clothes and went to town for a while.
"What do you want to do?" I asked, "Well it's your birthday" Kira said with a grin.
"Well Reggie went ahead to cafe Natafa, he says it's the new place to hang" I said looking at Kira with a curious look, "Sounds good" she said and gave me a smile.
We walked to the cafe and Reggie had got us a table with our favourite coffees all still hot, "Yes Reggie you are the man!!" I thought to myself while drinking a nice warm Americano. "So, when do we party!!" Asked Reggie with an enthusiastic look on his face, "The party starts at 8 pm and ends at 12 pm" I said.
"Awesome!!" Reggie said with a big grin on his face, "oh and can I invite someone I like from class, as in like like" he asked. "Oooohhhhh who's the lucky girl Reg?" Kira asked nudging him for the answer, "Her name is Katrina Blackman and yes I like her and would like to ask her out at the party. If the birthday boy doesn't mind?" Reggie said looking at me with a kind of pleading look in his eye's, "I don't mind Reggie but don't do anything stupid" I said.
"Yes!" Reggie shouted and everyone looked in our direction, "sorry" Reggie whispered.
7:30pm:"So are you ready to party" Kira said sitting beside me, I put my arm around her "As long as I got you with me I'll be just fine" I said and gave her a kiss on the head.
DING! DING! "Must be Reggie" I said and went to the door, as I opened it Reggie came in and laid out all the snacks he said he would buy from Pringles to skittles, hell there was some American candy I never saw before."So who's ready to party!!" Reggie shouted and we started pouring all the sweets and candy into bowls, I put on some tunes and got the Fanta and the coke out just as the rest of our class knocked on the door.I opened the door and all our classmates came in saying "Hi!" and "Happy birthday Rory!", after a couple minutes the party really started.
People started dancing and talking and it became a really good party, I could hear Reggie shouting "PARTY!!", me and Kira just chilled on the couch watching people dance and have fun. We took the occasional selfie for Instagram and Snapchat and just for the general fun of it.

"Ok I'm gonna ask Katrina out if she says yes you will hear a loud Woooh!!, if not I will come back very depressed looking and unhappy" said Reggie standing up and checking for stains on his shirt, "Go get em buddy" I said, "you can do it Reggie" Kira said as he walked away.
"What do you think is gonna happen?" Kira asked, "I don't know Kira, I don't know" I replied in a low voice.
It thirty minutes passed before a depressed looking Reggie came back with a frown on his face, "Reg, what happened?" I asked in shock, "You know I went over and told her how I felt, she smiled and GAVE ME HER NUMBER!!!!" He said excitedly and overjoyed."Yes my boy Reggie is a lady killer, he got the skills to pay the boyfriend bill" Kira shouted, "Kira, what the hell are you doing?" Reggie asked cracking up as he did so, "What I thought that was good" she said with a confused look as me and Reggie fell on the floor laughing our heads off at the terrible rhythm Kira made.For the rest of the night we danced and partied like we were never gonna stop, the party ended at 12:30 instead of 12:00, when the last if the guests left me, Kira and Reggie went to my room and we fell asleep like we never had any on our lives.

Chapter 18

A week later:
I woke up to the sun on my face, "Oh come on I seriously didn't close the blinds properly!".
I looked at my phone and saw a text from Kira - "Reggie invited us to join him and Katrina for a double date, at lunch later today. Do you want to go?".
I texted back - "yeah sure, what time?". Almost a second later - "He said at 12:00, there's a new lunch menu at cafe Natafa.", - "Ok then I'll meet you at cafe Natafa at 11:45" I texted. "Sounds good ;)" - Kira.
I got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast, "Hey I have to go to work in about ten minutes, you are leaving the house today?" Dad asked a curious look on his face, "Yeah I'm going on a double lunch date with Kira, and Reggie with his girlfriend" I said putting on some toast.
"Cool just checking cause I'm working late again." Dad said to me with a smile, "So, who's the woman?" I asked with an inquisitive tone of voice.
"WHAT?!, HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" He shouted in surprise, "Well you've been working later, not coming home till the next day and you constantly have lipstick on your collar." I said putting the butter on my toast as I did. "
"Plus, there have been a lot more condoms in that bin, when there usually isn't any" I added on quickly, "Well Sherlock Holmes her name is Ava, she's funny, smart and loves Korean Barbecue" he said looking at me as if I would start shouting that he's being disloyal to mom or something like that."Enjoy your evening" I said on my normal tone of voice, "You're not angry?" He asked and looked at me in a confused look as if he expected me to lose it. "Nope I'm happy for you, enjoy yourself" I said with a weak smile."Ok, I'm going to work. Bye" He said in a confused and creeped out voice, "Bye" I said taking a bite out of my toast and taking a drink of water.11:30 am: I went into cafe Natafa at 11:30 to get myself a coffee before Kira showed up, she showed up at 11:40 for the same thing but saw me and sat down with me.
"Hey, you never told me you were coming earlier than our earlier plan" she said in a confused tone of voice, "Yeah I needed a coffee to get some stuff off my mind. Sorry" I said in an apologetic tone of voice.
"What's on your mind?" Kira asked in a worried tone of voice, "My dad has started dating again and he is going out with a woman called Ava" I said in exhaustion, before picking up my Americano and taking a sip."Wow, that must be rough, I know the feeling, when my mom started dating again she never told me and I only found out about the three weeks before my stepdad asked her to marry him" Kira said in a tired voice."But the wedding was fun and my stepdad is a good guy and my mom deserves him" she said with a weak smile afterward, "Well that's good " I said in a reassuring tone of voice.We sat there drinking coffee for about thirty minutes, I checked my watch 12:10 pm it read, "That's weird they're late, did you get a text from Reggie?" I asked Kira, confused beyond belief, "Nope not a word since this morning, you got something from Katrina?" She asked back, equally confused.
"Not a word since I told her we were here waiting at 11:56, that's weird, Reggie hates being late like, he has a hatred for it" I said in a serious tone of voice. Right as I finished my sentence Katrina came running in, panting as if she had been running a marathon, "Have you seen Reggie, he was supposed to come to my house and walk with me here!?"."No, we haven't seen him what's going on? did you to have a fight or something?" I asked her, "No we've been doing great, everything is going fine" she said in a worried tone of voice.
"Here let's go look for him" I suggested, "Ok, let's go" Katrina said. We searched everywhere we knew Reggie would be, at the skate park, the video game store, even at school, but no Reg.
We all went back to cafe Natafa after searching for about an hour and a half, "He has to be somewhere, he has to be" Katrina said in a small voice, "We will find him, don't worry Kat" Kira said trying to reassure her.At that moment my phone buzzed, I had a phone call it was Reggie's mom. "Mrs. Jackson, what's wrong we can't find Reggie anywhere?" I said, "Oh Rory, I'm sorry to tell you but Reggie has been beaten up, he's in hospital with a broken arm, a fractured rib, and a broken leg, with some serious bruising" she said with a sniffle at the end of the sentence, she hung up as I was about to ask how."Rory, what's wrong?" Kira asked in a confused tone of voice, "Its Reggie, he's in the hospital..."

Chapter 19

"WHAT?!" Katrina and Kira shouted in unison, "How can this be?" Katrina mumbled and started crying. "Hey, I got a text from Reggie's mom," I said, "What does it say?" Kira asked, "Aaaahhh Reggie is in Merci hospital, it's only a ten-minute walk from here" I said."Then let's go!" Katrina and Kira shouted at me. We got to Merci hospital and asked the front desk were Reggie Jackson was, she told us he was on the second level, in room 205. We half walked, half ran to the elevator where we almost broke the level two button.
We checked all the numbers before we reached 205, we walked in and found Reggie sleeping. "Oh Rory, Kira I'm so glad you're here" Mrs. Jackson said in a worried voice, she turned to Katrina and looked surprised "Hello can I help you?" She asked looking very confused.
"Oh yes, hi I'm the girl Reggie has been going out with for the past week" said Katrina, "Ah yes, you must be the girl he keeps talking about" Mrs. Jackson said with understanding."He talks about me?" Katrina asked, "Oh yes you're all he can talk about, he's always saying how pretty and beautiful you are and how he is lucky to have you, it's cute really" Mrs. Jackson said in a low voice, "Really" Katrina asked on the verge of tears. "Yes, he really does" she said and gave her a hug.
"Kat...rina" We heard a low weak voice whisper, " Reggie" Katrina said and turned around to see his eyes slightly open. "Rory" he said gesturing me to come close to him, I stood beside him and put my ear beside his mouth, he whispered very quietly "Tyson Stonegaurd", I understood immediately."What did he say, Rory?" Kira asked, "He just said we have a clan match on Saturday and that I needed to work on a strategy for the team", Kira, who was on our cod team understood what I said.

"Here we'll be just outside for a sec" I said and Kira followed me out the door, "What's going on? we don't have a match this Saturday" she asked. "It's Stonegaurd, he beat up Reggie, he's the one" I said in a low urgent voice".

Kira looked at me in shock "Why would he beat up Reggie?" she asked, "Cause him and Katrina used to date and he said that he was the only worthy of her and that she couldn't leave him for someone else" I said in a lower more worried voice.

Chapter 20

"Rory, we need to do something about Stonegaurd" Kira said in an agitated voice, "I know Kira, I know. But he's the biggest bully in school and you know we can't snitch otherwise Reggie will be in this hospital more times in a week than a HIV patient" I said in a very anxious tone of voice.

"Let's get back in there and see Reggie, we'll think about this later" Kira said as calmly as she could, I could see the concern and worry in her eyes as we walked back into the room. "Hey buddy, how you doing?" I asked, "Well, I can still talk but my leg feels like it's been run over by a bus" He said with a wince as he tried to sit up.

"Yo buddy stay down you broke one of them and you have serious bruising on the other, so I would expect it to hurt for a while" I said lightly laying him back down on the bed, "Yeah Reg you've been beaten worse than someone getting run over by a bus" Kira said in a worried voice.

"Ok guys no need to smother me and remind me that I can't fight " he said with an annoyed voice, "But still Reggie who was it that beat you up?" Katrina asked in a deeply worried and angry voice like the one you'd hear from someone who wants to murder the person who beat him up.

"I told you Kat I don't know who did it they had their hood up, I don't know who did it, I would tell you if I knew" he said trying to comfort her from her dark thoughts of revenge, "Reggie why won't you tell me, who did this to you" she asked on the verge of tears from my point of view.

He gave her a look that said I can't you will go after them and get hurt in the process, "Please Reggie" she said with a desperate sob and started to cry a bit when Reggie said "Fine, it was Stonegaurd, it was Tyson Stonegaurd".

Katrina looked at him with a shocked face and started mumbling, "What did you say?" I asked, "He said that he would destroy anyone I went out with when I broke up with him, but I never thought he would do anything" she said with a tear in her eye.

"Well you were sure as hell wrong about that" Kira said in a sarcastic tone of voice, "Reggie I am so sorry this happened to you, I will talk to Tyson and get him to leave you and me alone" she said in a despairing voice.

"No, you won't talk to him" I said, "I will".

Chapter 21

"Rory, you can't talk to him, he'll kill you" Kira said, "Well I'll have to kill him first" I said, nobody laughed.

"She's not joking the guy it twice your height and has four times the muscle" Katrina said in a low tone, like she didn't want to be heard but did want to be heard at the same time, "Well I'm not a coward and I'm going to beat him to a pulp for Reggie". I glanced over to him with a confident look in my eye, but all I got was a look that told me I was crazy and that I shouldn't do it.

"Look you can all disagree with my idea and tell me not to do it and tell me not to talk or fight with him, but I am no matter what you say I'm doing it", they looked at me with shock and worry and I took that as my cue to leave and do the deed.

"I'm doing this for Reggie!" I thought to myself. I left the hospital and walked to Tyson's hangout spot. He was leaning on a whitewashed wall covered in graffiti and moss. I walked over to him, "Hey Tyson, why'd you beat up my friend Reggie?" I said walking up to him.

Chapter 22

I was on the floor with a broken nose and bruises all over me, I started talking to Stonegaurd and it ended in a punch in the face and a bunch of hits to my body, "I beat him cause he's going out with my girl!" he shouted at me as he walked over to beat me.

"Well I'm sorry to say but, she's happy without you" I said, he ran at me his fist raised, I ducked and punched him in the stomach with as much force as my body contained. He collapsed to his knees winded, I walked over and kicked him in the back of the neck, he fell to the floor and went to kick him in the ribcage, but he grabbed my leg and pulled it up and I collapsed on my back, all the air in my body forced out of my body like I was hit by a plane.

"Well, your friend Reggie signed of his death wish when he asked her out at that party" he said and stomped down on my arm with such a force it felt like someone had dropped a 100kg weight on my arm.

I saw a shadow behind Tyson, it was holding something, next thing I knew there was a loud shattering sound and Tyson fell over. I saw Kira standing over him with a broken bottle and shards of glass around her feet. I stood up with difficulty and hugged her tightly no matter how painful it was, "Thank you, so, so, so much. I love you so much" I whispered in her ear.

"I love you too" she said and we stopped hugging and kissed for a moment, then Kira was pushed to the floor by Tyson. "Oh, for god's sake" I said with a fiery rage and punched Tyson as hard as I could in the face and he flew foot away from me, probably with a broken nose and was unconscious.

I walked over to Kira and helped her up, "Damn that's one hell of a punch" she said with a whimper of pain. "Well he hurt my girlfriend and no one hurts you and gets away with it" I said and she gave me a long, passionate kiss.

Chapter 23

I left Tyson a note warning him never to trouble Reggie or Katrina ever again or I would come for him. We walked back to the hospital bloody and bruised, we walked into Reggie's room. Everyone looked up and Mrs. Jackson gasped and Katrina was wide-eyed, Reggie quietly said "Damn".

"Hey, you should see how Tyson ended up" I said with a smile and then winced from the pain, "What did you do to him?" Reggie said with curiosity, "Well long story short, it involved a lot of punches and a bottle to the head" Kira said.

"Well now we know we don't need to worry about him anymore" Katrina said and we all started laughing and we all were happy for a while.

Three weeks later, December 11

I woke up to the Christmas L.E.D lights in my room, "I love Christmas" I thought to myself.

I was walking through the hallway to go to my locker and Reggie was there with a cast on his Left arm, he looked up and saw me and greeted me with a smile, "Hey Rory, how's it hanging?". "It's all good Reg, how's the arm?" I answered, "I'm getting it off in a week, oh happy days" he sang to himself.

We walked into class and sat down by Kira, Mr. S walked in with a sheet in his hand, "Alright form S, I have an announcement from the Principle. After school activities, have been canceled due to recent budget cuts". We all groaned in disparagement and some people complained about winning the winter cup from the other schools for the first time in three years.

"Yes, the budget cut sucks to all hell but at least they aren't firing anyone so let's take this as a win. Ok?!" he asked. "Ok Mr. S!!" we all shouted in unison.

I went to my next class, which was CSPE, our teacher Mrs. Bourkens "Ok class" she said in her kind of high pitched voice "Today I'm going to teach you about a famous Italian political theorist. For his time his book about a Prince relates about a lot of politics today".

"Anyone want to guess who I'm talking about?" she asked the class, no one rose their hand they were generally very confused, I put mine up.

"Ah yes Rory" she said like she expected me to answer, "Niccolo Machiavelli, he wrote the book the Prince, it's often called a handbook for dictators, Mussolini thought he was the Prince. A famous quote of Machiavelli's is, the end justifies the means". "Wow, very good Rory, well done" she said and continued with the class.

After a productive English class and a boring geography lesson, I went to lunch and chatted with Kira, Reggie and Katrina. "I can't believe they're no longer doing after school's activities" Katrina said glumly, "Yeah I know, this sucks" Kira added.

"Hey, I'm sure you'll live and hey your dad dodged a bullet, about not getting fired so let's think positively" I said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and flashed her a smile. We all stopped and smiled and went to gossiping about the English teacher's new haircut.

Chapter 24

After school, me and Reggie went to the skate park. We had a blast, I showed Reggie a new trick that I learned over the weekend. We met up with Kira and Katrina after we messed about with our boards at the park, we walked over to Natafa's we all ordered our usual and we just talked.

Suddenly we heard a huge thud from outside, we all ran out to see Kira's stepdad on the floor and a car a few feet away from him.

"DAD!!!" Kira screamed, we ran towards him a little pool of blood was starting to pour out; I panicked and checked in case he had a brain injury, "just a cut in his arm nothing that can't be fixed" I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone and dialed nine-nine-nine.

The ambulance got to us a few moments later and Kira got in the back with her Dad, "We'll meet you at the hospital" I said and gave her a quick kiss, she nodded and got in the ambulance.

"Reggie, I'll meet up with you later!" I shouted and started skating down the street after the ambulance to Merci hospital. When I arrived, I went straight to the front desk, "I'm looking for a Mr. Starling. He came in with a girl about my height, black hair, wearing a leather jacket".

The nurse told me room 346 third floor, I bolted to the lift and basically smashed the button for the third floor.

I reached the room and found Kira on the phone to her mom "Yeah, he's ok. He just cut his arm and severely sprained both his wrists. Yes, I'll wait while you finish up your meeting he won't mind. Ok, love you, bye".

"How is he?" I asked, "The doctors said he would recover but he might not be giving us many essays for a while" she joked with a weak smile.

"I'm sure he'll be fine" I said reassuringly, "Thanks Rory, but is alright if I could be alone for a while?" Kira asked. "Yeah, that alright, I'll talk to you later" I said and started turning to the door.

I went home after seeing Kira at the hospital, Reggie texted me he was going on a date with Katrina so he'd see me at school. I got home and went to sleep I had a long day.

Chapter 25

Four days later, December 16

I woke up to my Christmas L.E. Ds, "Christmas is pretty eh" I thought to myself. I walked downstairs and had an egg on toast that looks a bit like an unhappy face, "Quite normal" I said aloud.

Reggie came over at about two and we played C.o.D for a while before we started talking "So you hear about the lesbian couple in school?" Reggie asked, "WHAT!!!, theirs a lesbian couple in school" I exclaimed.

"Who is it?" I asked, "I heard its Emily and Chelsea" Reggie said; "Really, because Kira said they hang out a lot" I said, "We should totally ask them to hang out and bring Kira and try to see if the rumours are true" Reggie said excitedly.

After a long debate about whether to go through with the plan or not, we decided to do it. We decided to do it next Saturday because we had to think about how we were going to approach the topic and it would be Christmas break.

Saturday, December 23

"Alright Kira is coming she's just a bit late" I said as Reggie came over with our coffee; "Awesome, when are Emily and Chelsea coming?" Reggie asked and took a sip of his flat white. "They said they'd be here at two, but it's already quarter past" I said looking down at my watch.

Almost like I summoned them from the beyond they walked in chatting about something, "Oh hey guys!" Emily said cheerfully, "Hi" Chelsea said with a smile and they sat down opposite us.

Emily was wearing denim jeans with a denim jacket that had badges all over it with quotes and images of some weird stuff; her t-shirt said, "Fight the Power" with a fist on it. Chelsea was wearing jeans and a tank top with all kinds of patterns on it. They both were wearing leather boots with little points on the end and a few on the heels.

"Sorry we're late I just needed to look at these great CD's by a band called "Pow Piggy". They are the next big thing in the music business" Emily said and took out a CD case with four girls standing on a wall with a kind of rainbow filter over the photo making it look like something out of drug trip.

"Yeah, I heard of them aren't they doing a Collab with Purple Turtles?" Reggie said very enthused about the collaboration between the artists, "Oh my god yeah, but I heard one of the singer's in Purple Turtles is coming out with a solo album, you know Maria Helix I think it is?" Chelsea said. "Yeah, I heard she was gonna call it "Reading your Textbook mind" or something like that" I said.

"Hey, these guys are cool" I thought to myself as I drank some of my coffee. "Hey guys" Kira said as she walked in, "Oh hey" I said and gave her a kiss. "AAWW" Chelsea and Emily said in unison, "What?" I asked and sat back down. "Nothing it's just really cute how you two are a couple you're a really good match together" Emily said and looked at Chelsea with an emotion in her eyes that I'd seen in Reggie's eyes when he first saw Katrina.

"Oh god, I think Emily is lesbian but her and Chelsea aren't going out, but Emily wants to go out with her" I thought to myself.

"Hey Reggie, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" I asked and walked over to a corner with him; "Yo they are made for each other I'm happy they're going out" Reggie said with a smile, "Yeah, they're not going out" I said, "What?" Reggie said in a confused and angry tone of voice.

"Emily is gay but I think her and Chelsea are just really good friends and Emily wants more but I don't know about Chelsea" I said and as I did I could see Reggie's face droop into a look of utter sadness; "But their made for each other" Reggie said with a frown, "I know, I'm going to talk to Emily and see what's going on" I said and we walked back to the table.

After we talked for hours about music and video games and art we finally all went home, Emily and I lived close to each other so we ended up walking in the same direction.

"So, you like Chelsea?" I inquired, "How do you know that?" Emily asked in a worried tone of voice, "I saw you looking at her the way Reggie used to look at Katrina, so it was fairly obvious" I said with a smile; "Don't worry only me and Reggie know and we won't say anything" I said reassuringly. "I'm scared about telling her about how I feel because she always talks about her ex's and I don't know if they're boys or girls" Emily said and started sniffling.

"Hey, you're going to be fine and if Chelsea is gay she'd go out with you" I said and put my hand on her shoulder; "Yeah but what if she isn't and I admit how I feel and she shoots me down and we're not friends" Emily sobbed as she started crying.

"Oh, come on your not a baby, don't cry" I thought to myself as she fell into my arms crying, I knew I couldn't tell her to stop crying and to be a man because well she was a girl and she wasn't me.

"Hey, don't cry I'm sure even if she's straight she'd still be friends with you" I said and gave her a hug. We walked back to my house so that Emily could clear herself up for when she went home. After she stopped crying I promised to help her confess how she felt to Chelsea, we said we'd talk about how after Christmas and with that we said our goodbyes and Emily went home.

I went upstairs and texted Kira about the whole ordeal and she decided to help as well; after that I went to sleep.

Chapter 26

Two days later, December 25

I woke up and heard kids shouting a screaming, "Did Freddy Kruger take over the job as Santa Claus, JESUS!!" I thought to myself as I opened my curtains, when I opened them I just saw a thick layer of snow covering everything "Never mind" I said out loud.

I got into some PJ's and went downstairs to find my dad eating pancakes in his dressing gown "Morning" he said and went back to eating, "Leave me any batter?" I asked before seeing it in a bowl by the stove.

"Yeah by the stove" he said before shoving a big piece of pancake in his mouth, "Thanks" I said and I got out a pan and started making a batch. "So, you gonna open your presents" Dad said as he started checking his phone, "Sure" I said walking over to the Christmas tree.

I opened the first one which contained an Xbox One, then I unwrapped the rest which contained video games, Pow Piggy CDs and Purple Turtles CDs. "Thanks dad" I said as he opened his, "Thanks" he said back as he looked at his presents all unwrapped.

After eating a good breakfast and setting up my new Xbox I went outside in the snow, before I knew it I was hit by a snowball in the back, I turned around and as I did I got hit in the back again.

I put my hands up as a surrender and Kira and Reggie came out from their hiding places with snowballs at the read, "Really you teamed up on me" I said giving them both annoyed looks.

"It was the only way mate" Reggie said and raised his snowball in the air to throw, I quickly jumped forward grabbed fistfuls of snow and threw them at both.

"Next time just throw it" I said as I walked over to Kira and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Well, its difficult enough to sneak up on you so even attempting to ambush you was a shot in the dark" he said while walking over; "Well Merry Christmas guys" Kira said as we walked in the direction of town.

We arrived into town a few minutes later and we walked around enjoying the smells of cinnamon and Christmas spice. The town's streets were strewn with tinsel and Christmas lights, Natafa even had a Christmas version of all their coffees. We bought some candy that was shaped like Rudolph and went to the park; "Isn't this where you two went on your first date?" Reggie asked, me and Kira looked at each other and smiled as we walked past the tree we made out in under the stars.

"So anyone get any good gifts?" I asked, "I got socks off my grandmother again, but I also got an Xbox one, loads of video games and a David Bowie vinyl for my record player" Reggie said.

"I got a new CD player and the new Pow Piggy CD along with a second-hand Xbox one and one or two games" said Kira; "I basically got all that you guys got" I said and laughed.

We finished our candy and built a snowman, his name was Gerald and he was king of the snowmen. We left Gerald to his Kingdom of snow and went to Natafa for some Christmas coffee. After our order arrived and the barista left we started talking about how school was going.

"I hear they're thinking about firing some teachers and making the classes larger" Reggie said. "No way, they won't fire any of the teachers" I said before taking a sip of my coffee. "Well they might, I mean they canceled all the afterschool activities who's to say they wouldn't fire a few teachers?" Kira said with a grimmer tone of voice.

"Hey, they won't fire your dad if they start firing teachers" I said reassuringly. Anyway, on a much lighter note Pow piggy and Purple Turtles are playing on New Year's Eve and it's a massive new year's party that is all ages and my dad got me 6 tickets" I said and Reggie and Kira lit up like a Christmas tree "So I thought us three, Kat, Emily and Chelsea" I said and they nodded in agreement.

For the rest of the day, we walked around looking at winter sales in shops and having random snowball fights. By the end of it we were all exhausted and ended up going our own separate ways at about six thirty agreeing to hang out in a few days as we needed to hang out with relatives for the next few days as it was Christmas.

Chapter 27

December 31st

I woke up to my alarm beeping loudly. After listening to the beeping box from hell I got up to start the day. And as I went downstairs a woman of about five foot four was going upstairs, "Um who are you? And why are you in my house?" I asked very confused and wondering if I was dreaming.

"I'm Ava, your father's girlfriend" she said with an awkward look on her face, "Oh you're Ava, cool well I have to go meet my girlfriend for coffee and then go to a concert. So, enjoy New Year's Eve with my dad tell him I say good morning and that I'll see him later" I said and walked down the stairs calmly.

After eating a slice of toast and cleaning up My dad and Ava's midnight movie date I left to meet Kira, Reggie, and Katrina. I told them about my encounter with Ava and how she was spending New Year's with my dad.

"Well that must have been awkward" Reggie said as the barista placed our orders on the table. "Awkward? More like stressful" Kira said and looked a bit worried, "Are you alright?" Kira asked and looked at me like I saw a box of puppies die in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm fine it was just weird to meet her without my dad that's it, no harm no foul" I said and as a response Kira just gave me a confused look and went back to drinking her Vanilla Expresso.

"So, Kat you excited to see Pow Piggy and Purple Turtles?" I asked and took a large gulp of coffee, "I am I haven't been to a concert since I was like seven" she said smiling. "Well I think this is gonna be a great concert" Reggie said.

After having coffee and talking about Pow Piggy and Purple Turtles new music we went to get the train to Dublin city centre.

2:30 pm,

We got off the train excited and invigorated. The concert was only five and a half hours away and we were pumped. So, we walked around the center of Dublin just talking and trying not to lose all control at the fact that in a few short hours we were going to see two of the best bands in Irish history, you know aside from U3.

After an hour or two we met up with Emily and Chelsea for a pre-concert talk as they missed our previous talk about music and the band we all liked.

"Alright, lads are ye all prepared for the greatest New Year's Eve ever?" asked Chelsea, a sparkle in her eyes that almost speaks aloud how excited she was for this. "Hell yeah!" Reggie shouts in response almost immediately. "Alright then, let's get moving" Emily says with a smile.

7:30 pm

"Guys we got lots to do" Kira says as we enter the Concert hall, "We gotta buy T-shirts, CDs, poster..." she continues for a few more sentences but I stopped listening because I could see Emily was stressed about telling Chelsea how she felt and it was obvious so I put my hand on her shoulder and smile as she looks up at me.

"You got it, guys?" Kira says as she shows that she has finally finished. "Yes, Kira we got it before you listed it all for us" Reggie says with a hint of sass in his voice. She blushes and then smiles; "Alright let's go see the stage" I said and we all walked through the double doors and were struck with awe.

Chapter 28

The room was massive all the seats that normally talk up half the hall were all pushed to back giving space for an amazing dance floor which was a spectrum of different colours. The ceiling had lights hanging down all of which were slowly changing colours and the stage was the best part.

They had a massive jumbotron behind all the drums and gear and it had all these strange but cool images on them like a weird cartoon character that was dressed like a fancy Englishman, but he was break dancing in front of men in suits.

"What'd suppose that represents" Kira said as she entwined her fingers between mine. "I'd say it means that even the most well-off people have to dance to the tune of the true men behind society" I said, Kira just looked up at me with confusion. "CEOs of major corporations" I said, she nodded.

After me and Kira's talk we joined the others who were on some second level balcony that overlooked it all. "There you two are we thought ye had abandoned us" said Reggie, "Nah man just talking about the screen" I said; I gave Kira a kiss and we joined them in looking over the whole room and just as we did we heard a voice coming from the stage.

"Welcome party people!!" a young man said and we all drew our attention to him, it was the drummer for Purple Turtles. "Really Jason, you opened with that" said Dorothy, the singer for Purple Turtles and behind her was Conor, Emilia, and Maria. "What I thought it was good" said the singer for Pow Piggy who was being followed the rest of the band.

"Anyway, I was voted to be the person to address the audience tonight. So, what up party people and welcome to our New Year's Eve Party where we will be the Entertainment; So let's turn this place up!!" Jason shouted, all the lights turned off leaving us all in the dark and in suspense.

Suddenly four lights turned on, on stage and you could see the four members of Pow Piggy as they started to play "Birds of a Paradise".

And thus the night began.

11:45 pm 15 minutes left on the New Year's countdown

"This has been the best night ever!!!" Kat shouted to me as me, her, Reggie and Kira were dancing on the multicoloured dance floor. "Where are Emily and Chelsea?" I shouted back, Kat just shrugged. Suddenly Chelsea ran toward me and started crying "Rory, I can't find Emily" she sobbed and wiped away a tear.

"Ok, ok Chelsea calm down and tell me what happened" I said as I put my hands on her shoulders which hurt seeing as she was wearing her denim jacket that had a few spikes on the shoulder.

"I was kissing a guy I met earlier; I heard someone almost weep so, I turned around and saw Emily. And then she ran away before I could say something, I can't find her" she said, I sighed and looked down at my shoes while swearing under my breath.

"I didn't know she liked him I wouldn't have kissed him if I did" Chelsea said, I looked at her fighting the urge to tell her the truth. But, it wasn't my truth to tell so; I gave her a hug and said "Let's go find her".

Chapter 30

11:55 pm 5 minutes left on the New Year's countdown

"Rory, we have to find her I'm so worried" Chelsea said with a worried look in her face, "Don't worry we will" I said and just as I did I saw Emily slip through a door going outside. "Chelsea, she went outside" I said and Chelsea spun around; "Come on" she said, grabbed my arm and dragged me outside with her.

I didn't know if it was a coincident but outside was beautiful, there was a little bench that looked out over the city and there was a fountain. But aside from that Emily was sitting on the bench crying; "Come on" Chelsea said tugging on my arm but I didn't move.

"This is between you two, trust me this is a conversation I don't need to be a part of" I said and Chelsea looked at me, "Can you at least come a little closer cuz you look creepy as hell over here on your own" she said. I nodded and moved over to the fountain.

Chelsea sat down next to Emily and looked at the city, "It's beautiful out here" she said and Emily just kept crying. "Look Emily I wouldn't have kissed that guy if I knew you liked..." and before she could finish the sentence Emily interrupted her, "I didn't care about the guy kissing you. I cared about you kissing the guy" she said and Chelsea looked at her and a tear fell down her face.

"You never told me you were gay" Chelsea said with a smile; Emily looked up at her "Why are you smiling?" she said and Chelsea responded "Because I never told you I was bisexual and that I actually prefer girls" Emily looked extremely perplexed and before she could say anything Chelsea leaned in and kissed her.

12:07 New Year's countdown ended

Me, Emily and Chelsea went back inside, "Well I guess we missed the countdown" Emily said, "Aw we missed the midnight kiss" Chelsea said and looked a bit upset. "Well actually while you two were talking I was counting down and in an amazing consequence you two kissed at the stroke of midnight" I said and they looked at me in disbelief.

"Hey, you missed the countdown and we didn't get to kiss" Kira said looking upset when we came back into the concert, "Sorry but I had my hands full" I said and nodded towards a now slow dancing Chelsea and Emily with Pow Piggy Playing "Rosalee" in the background.

"Well it took them long enough" Kira said and I smiled, "I owe you so now" I said holding out my hand "Will you have this dance, my lady?" I asked bowing and looking like I was straight out of bad princess movie. Kira laughed and took my hand and we danced the rest of the night away.

Chapter 31

February 16th first day back

I woke up to the sound of laughter and people speaking a bit too loud for the morning. "Sounds like Ava stayed the night" I thought and got up to go for a shower and to get ready for school.

I got downstairs and got my breakfast, "Hi Rory" Ava said before taking a sip of coffee, "Hi" I said back putting bread in the toaster. "Rory don't forget anything it's your first day back, ok?" Dad said as he walked past us putting his watch on, "Alright, oh and Dad" I said, he turned around and made a noise that said yes "Your shirt has a stain on it and it' a week old" I said.

He looked down and realized I was right because he wore it out to dinner with me and Ava and spilled a bit of his drink on his chest which you could still see. "Thank you, Holmes" he said and started walking towards the stair when I said "No problem Watson".

After I finished my breakfast I went outside and got on my bike to go to school, I plugged in my headphones and started listening to Kendrick Lamar's "Weasley's Theory".

When I got to school I met up with Reggie and we went to the assembly hall for a start of term assembly. "Hey, where's Kira?" I asked and Reggie shrugged. Our Headmistress got up on the stage and walked up to the podium microphone; "Hello students and welcome back to the new school term." she said beaming while the whole school was too asleep to care "I have a few announcements to make before you go to your homerooms for roll call and to catch up" she said acting a bit more serious now.

"My first of three announcements are that school lunches will no longer be provided starting next week due to budget cuts; the second announcement is that we will be getting rid of some of our sports equipment also due to budget cuts and my last announcement is the hardest to announce" she said without a smile.

"Unfortunately, we at the end of this term we will have to let go of some of our staff to keep the school running" she said and as she said the hall erupted into speech as people started whispering and conspiring.

"I know this is a big shock but the staff has been told this could happen if the school could not earn enough money from the state but the state is very limited on money now due to housing renovations in poorer parts of Dublin, Limerick, and Galway." she said. "Now everyone go to your form room for roll call and then go to class" she said and walked off stage to go to her office.

We left the hall and met Kira in our form room and just as we all sat down Mr.S came in and called roll afterward someone put their hand up "Yes, Hannah" Mr.S said and she asked

"Sir are you going to get fired?", he replied "I don't know. We will have to see" he said and then looked at his watch "Alright guys you have to go for class enjoy your first day back" he said with a weak smile. We replied like we always did "Yes Mr.S" and we left for class.


I went out to the tree by the café to find Kira, I knew she would be there with a book and listening to music. And just as I thought she would be she was, she was sitting with her back against the tree reading a new book by her favourite author Mankur R. Thrushson.

"What's the name of his new book?" I asked and she looked up, " LYF Prisoner 012" it's good" she said. I sat down next to her and she put the book down and paused her music; "Rory I want to take a break" she said, her eyes starting to water, "Why? I asked in a calm collected voice.

She looked at me as if I should be on the verge of tears but I wasn't I was calm almost emotionless, "Because I just need space my family life is getting hard and very tense with all the getting fired talk" she said a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Ok, we can put this on hold for as long as you want just know I love you and I'm here for you" I said and stood up to leave because I could tell she didn't want to be around anyone for a while.

April 20th

It had been three months since Kira wanted to put us on hold. Every day I checked my phone hoping there would be a text from her saying let's get back to how things were, but it never came...

May 31st

I woke up eager to see a text from Kira saying I'm ready to go back to how we were before but it wasn't. I went downstairs to find a note from my dad saying he and Ava had left early and that Ava had made scones and left one for me.

I got on my bike half a scone in my mouth and plugged in my headphones and played "Life doesn't give you Lemons" by Purple Turtles.

I made it to school just before it started raining and met Reggie in homeroom but Kira was on the other side of the room, I gave her a weak wave and she just nodded at me slightly almost to say "Hi". Mr.S came in and called the roll and just as we were about to leave for class he asked us to sit back down because he had an announcement "Guys, I have been one of the staff to be let go due to budget cuts so next year your class will be merged with one of the other forms" he said.

We all looked at each other and I walked up to him and handed him an envelope "We planned ahead for if this happened after the assembly" I said. He opened it and took out the card that had been handmade by Liam the best artist in the class, we had all signed the card and left a personal message. After he read it he smiled, thanked us and we left for class.


I went looking for Kira to wish her good luck in her exams and to ask how she was, but I couldn't find her under the tree she liked or any of her other spots. I decided she probably just didn't want to see anyone because of her dad and left straight away. "I miss her, but she needs space right now" I thought and went home.

Chapter 32

June 21st

I walked into Natafa and ordered an Americano with a drop of vanilla, it was how me and Kira had our coffee I had an Americano with a drop of vanilla, she had an espresso with a drop of vanilla in hers. But today it was just me and Reggie because when Kira said she wanted to put us on hold she meant me and Reggie I guess she knew I needed Reggie to vent so she vented to Kat.

"So, any news?" I asked Reggie and took a sip of coffee, its sweet and bitter contrast filling my mouth and bringing up old memories of me a Kira.

"Nah man what about you? You aight?" he asked with what looked like a face of worry, "Yeah man I'm grand why?" I asked knowing something was up with him.

"Just wondering you've been quieter since the end of school," he said; he didn't realize he messed up and proved something was up because I've been talking to him a lot since school ended. "Reggie, what's wrong?" I asked in a tone that said I knew he was lying.

"She said not to tell you but Kira is moving to America with her family because there are no teaching jobs in Ireland that can accommodate her and her father. So he applied for a job in America and he got the job." He said and I just stared in disbelief, "When does she leave?" I asked in a kind of daze almost lost in thought and emotion; "She leaves for the airport at 4:00" he said and I just looked at the clock over the counter and it read 3:25 pm.

My thoughts raced faster than they ever did, my breath got short and almost rapid and all I thought was "From here it takes exactly 10 minutes to get to her house if you walk, but if you run like the madman you're about to become it will take 5" I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a 10 euro note and left it under my cup and told Reggie that would cover our coffee's and that they should keep the change.

As soon as that last syllable of change left my mouth I got up walked out the door and down the road for a few meters and then picked up my pace to a jog and then to a full energy sprint.

I looked at my watch when I got to Kira's house 3:35, "Ok so it was actually 15 minutes walking and 10 minutes sprinting" I thought, but I wasn't paying attention to my head at this point because all I could think about was Kira. And there she was sitting outside her house on the swing seat that she loved so much; she was looking at her phone and was smiling but was also crying silently.

I sat next to her and looked at her phone to see why she was crying and she was looking at photos of us on dates and from when we hung out.

"I didn't want you to know I was leaving, but I knew Kat would tell Reggie and that you'd push him to tell you. So, I guess I wanted you to know so we could have this conversation" she said and looked at me with tears coming down her face but when she saw that I wasn't crying or being emotional she looked away most likely in anger.

"When my mother died I was told men don't cry and since that day I've never cried, even when I broke my arm skateboarding I didn't cry and I have always seen myself as a boy carved out of rock being with people and feeling like people but never feeling sad or upset" I said and she looked at me tears starting to come down her face.

And then I started talking again "When I met you I felt like the stone started to morph, and it started to turn to skin and now I feel more like a boy than a stone Gollum and when you said you wanted to put us on pause I started to revert back to stone and now it feels like a chisel has been hammered into my chest and my body is about to shatter into a million pieces and it started as soon as Reggie said you were moving to America" I said and I put my hand in hers and held it like it was the last thing I would ever hold and I memorized the feel of her skin and how it felt and how soft it was.

"Rory the last few months have been the best months of my life and you're the person who made me feel like happiness and love are the only emotions a person could feel in life and you made all my days amazing even the ones where my dad was in hospital and I love you so much for that but I have to go with my family to America and I wish I didn't have to go but I do and that kills me inside and I know it kills you inside as well and I am so sorry for that." As she finished her mum and dad came out the front door "Kira we have to go now" Mr.S said and just ignored my presence.

"Dad you said we were leaving at 4 it's only 3:50" Kira said in an upset and hurt tone, "Well, plans change. You have 5 minutes" he said getting to the car.

I looked at Kira and took out the bracelet I bought for her "I got this for you as a gift but I never could find the right moment to give it to you. It's one of a kind because it was made specifically by my Dad's girlfriend per my request." I said and put it into her hand. The bracelet was made with crimson and black gemstones and in the middle was a Celtic trinity knot.

"The trinity knot is often a representation of three things that go together mother, father, son; god, the son and the holy spirit. But for this knot, I thought it would represent me my love and you." I said and she looked at me and tears ran down her face. "Come on Kira!!" her dad shouted, Kira stood up and walked towards the car but stopped just as she reached the door; I was standing up at the base of the steps that lead to the swing.

She turned around and swiftly walked over to me. She looked me into the eyes, put her hands on my cheeks and pulled me in towards her and passionately kissed me when she finished I hugged her and whispered into her ear "I love you from Dublin to America and back" and she whispered back "I love you from now until eternity"; we let go of each other and she walked over to the car, got in and it drove away.

Chapter 33

I got home from Kira's, I closed the door and walked two feet before collapsing onto the floor. My Dad came in and found me a few moments later, he sat next to me "Rory what's wrong?" he asked shifting me into a sitting position against the wall "Kira left to go to America and all I want to do is cry but that's not what men do" I said and he looked at me with a frown "Rory ever since I told you men don't cry all those years you haven't cried about anything and it's about time you learn the truth" he said.

"Every night when I put you to bed and I was alone in me and your mother's room I cried myself to sleep and when I was alone and I knew no one was around I cried for your mother" he said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"I had hoped you would have learned the lesson your mother would have taught you if you were here but you haven't. that lesson she would have taught would have been that most men don't cry but true, genuine men cry when they know they should and want to" he said and looked at me and like he had removed the dam that had held back my tears I started to cry and when I got up and went to my room I cried. And I cried for a long time.

5 years later, 6th-year graduation

"And now the valedictorian of the 2023 6th year group shall give a speech." the headmistress said and invited me onto the stage. "I think that every person in this room has a skill; some in art, some in music, some in sports and some in a variety of other activities. And I am the only person who's skills got credit so instead of me going on about how I built upon my skills and how my life lead to being valedictorian I would like to acknowledge every student in this room, I would like to acknowledge the musicians, the poets, the artists, the mathematicians, the physicists, the biologists, the chemists, the theologists, the athletes and everyone else who has their own specific talent or skill because if you think about it this way we are all valedictorians." I finished my speech and the whole hall erupted with applause and praise. I could see Reggie and Katrina next to each other clapping and praising my speech, I could also see Emily and Chelsea both with dyed hair cheering, but I couldn't help but think "Kira I know it's been five years but I wish you were here today to celebrate with us".

3 years later, 2026

"College year number 3 down the hatch" I said as me, Reggie, Kat, Emily and Chelsea all sat down in front of our dorm room's flat screen Tv. Me and Reggie had gone into morals and ethics, Kat had decided to study the theological philosophy, Chelsea decided to study poetry and English while Emily studied History specifically in the era of revolutions.

"Lads we've all been friends since first year and we all consider each other family, so me and Chelsea wanted to share the news with you guys first" Emily said with a smile, "What's up?" I asked.

Emily held out her right hand showing off a ring "We're engaged!!" Chelsea said a smile broadening across her face; Kat gasped me and Reggie just smiled and prepared to hug them. We all started celebrating, Emily got some champagne she had been hiding in the fridge, I found the best Purple Turtles album to play and we celebrated into the night.

I decided not to tell them my girlfriend had dumped me so, I kept my mouth shut for a while and I did what my Dad taught me to cry when I was alone and it couldn't hurt any loved ones who would see.

2 years later, 2028

I walked into Natafas to meet recently engaged Reggie and Katina to exchange news and to just hang out. "You think there will ever be a time that we hang out anywhere but here?" Katrina asked to which I answered "I doubt it we've got wwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy to much history here. That and the coffee is pretty bad everywhere else we have tried".

"He has a point Kat" Reggie said and gave Kat a kiss on the cheek. "So, Rory how was your date last night?" Kat asked; "Bad, she was late, she wouldn't stop talking about her cat called Dr. Meowmew and she hates gay people" I said and took a sip of my Americano.

"That doesn't sound good" Reggie said with a wince. "Oh, I meant to ask is Chelsea's surprise party for Emily's birthday at six o' clock or seven?" I asked, "Six o' clock" Kat replied. "Ok then. Reggie you aight?" I asked him as I noticed he wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah, I'm grand; correct me if I'm wrong but when Kira left for America you gave her a bracelet with crimson and black gemstones with a Celtic Trinity Knot on it, right?" he asked, "Um yeah, you got that right down to the letter why?" I asked. "No reason, it's just that a woman with that exact bracelet just ordered an espresso with a drop of vanilla in it" he said.

I looked at him completely perplexed, "What" I said faintly; "Yeah she's in the booth behind me" he said calmly. I looked out towards the booth in front of me and looked at the woman's hand the exact description of the bracelet Reggie gave me was what this woman was wearing. "HOLY SHIT" I thought to myself. "Can you guys excuse me?" I said silently, "Go on" Kat and Reggie said almost unanimously.

So I stood up, walked over to her and asked "Excuse me could I sit with you", the woman looked up her skin was the colour of honey and her eyes were emerald green and she had jet black hair. "Yeah sure" she said with a faint American accent, she was reading "LYF prisoner 012" but the copy was old and worn and had the original cover, not the newer one that came out a few years after it was published.

"Oh, you're reading Mankur R. Thrushon" I said with a smile, "Yeah I bought this book when it first came out, as a matter of fact, I read it while I was in secondary school while I lived here" she said with a smile; "Oh you're from around these parts?" I asked fighting the urge not to cry at the sight of her. "Yeah, I used to live just 15 minutes away" she said, "I'm sorry do I know you? You seem familiar" she said in a confused tone.

"No, I don't think you know me" I said before quickly changing the subject "Hey that bracelet, it has a Celtic Trinity knot". She looked down at it "Oh yeah this was from an old love of mine, he had it specially made for me to show how he loved me individually. He gave it to me before I left for America" she said and I could see her eye was starting to water.

"I like the Trinity knot" I said, "You know it's used to represent three things that go together like mother, father and son; or the father, the son and the holy spirit. I guess for him it represented him, his love and you" I said and she looked up from it to me and said "That's exactly what he said actually and I always thought he chose crimson because I liked the colour but when I thought about it I thought of it represents his blood which would represent him meaning he would be with me wherever I went..." she trailed off then a tear rolled down her cheek and she smiled.

I looked deep into her eyes and she looked deep into mine; I leaned forward a bit "Hello Kira" I said softly, she leaned forward to the point where we were centimeters from each other "Hello Rory" she whispered as we leaned in and kissed for the first time in 10 years.

The End

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