The Blending of The Blackbour...

Від wraithprincess

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*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... Більше



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Від wraithprincess

I was released a couple days later and sent to a safe house up in the Mountains of North Carolina. We left in the middle of the night from the hospital, Uncle Gabe and Uncle Silas took me . I wasn't happy I couldn't say goodbye personally to the guys .

I fell asleep in the back of the Tahoe and slept the whole ride only getting up for the pee breaks , Until we stopped for A late Breakfast
I was helped out of the Tahoe I don't have feeling in one calf to my toes still . It makes it hard to walk so I get a piggy back ride from Uncle Silas into the restaurant.

Once inside we get seated immediately, The hostess flirted with Uncle Silas the whole way to the table which was driving all of us crazy, could she not see the damn wedding ring the guys fingers .
Silas sat me down in the booth I then scooted to the other side so he could sit . Gabe sat across from us

We ordered Breakfast , I then had to pee so Off Uncle Silas and I go he knocks on the bathroom door , then since no one said anything he took me inside and then I hobbled over to the stall as he waited for me
I heard a Gasp, when I was done and had opened the door to see a Woman in shock that there was a guy in the bathroom

" Sorry Ma'am My Uncle is only in here because I can't walk very well right now I don't have any feeling in my leg from an accident and we didn't want to bring the wheelchair in " I tell her as I hobble over to wash my hands

" Oh it's okay it just startled me for a moment, is that when you hurt your arm "
" Yes ma'am it is they say I'll start to get feeling soon I hope , not that I don't love getting carried by my wonderful uncle " I say
Silas just snickers at me , then lifts me up and I say goodbye to the lady

We end up back at the table and I slide In
Breakfast had arrived and it smelled delicious I dived in .

There was hardly any talking while eating which isn't the normal for me but I guess we are all still processing what has happened in the past few days.

The waiter came over to fill the coffee cups and asked did we need anything else
" Just the Check " Gabriel asked
" It's been taken care of " the waiter said
" What " We all said
" By who " I asked
" The lady that was in the bathroom with you she said you looked like you have had a rough time and that you needed to smile more " the waiter said

" Oh is she still here" I asked as I looked around
" No she has already left "
" Well do you know her , if you do please tell her that thank you so much " I tell him

" I will Ma'am she owns the place "
" She does "
" Yes she loves to cook so she opened this place 20 yrs ago "
" Well we have that in common I love to cook too I'm going to be going to the Culinary School this fall "

" Well you must be an excellent cook"

" She is " Both Gabriel and Silas said
" This Girl can cook pretty much anything "
" Except Meatballs " I add
" Ha you'll get it think of them as meatloaf and we all know you can make a killer meatloaf " Gabriel says as he wipes his chin as if he's drooling
" Thank you Uncle Gabe hey how about if we get to where we are going if there is time I could make that tonight " I say
Both of them light up when I suggest that
" It's a Deal so Let's get moving " Gabriel says as he moving out of the car

I laughed and shake my head at him , He offers to give me a ride so Silas lifts me up and puts me on Gabe's back and off we went

I fell asleep again only because I'm belly was full and I'm in a car so what else is there to do.

When I woke up again my leg was burning like someone had lit it on fire and it was hot to the touch
" Hey I don't mean to alarm anyone but my poor leg is burning I mean its literally hot "
Gabe moved to were he could reach my leg and he touched
" Wow, Silas it's really hot , and it looks red too"
" I'll call Doc"

A few minutes later and a picture or two sent to Sean we stopped at a pharmacy and I was carried in , The pharmacist was summed and Silas gave the phone to the lady and after a few minutes I was give a 2 prescriptions One for the allergic reaction I was having and one was antibiotics seems they figured out what Todd gave me it was a tranquilizer don't ask me the name but seems I'm somewhat allergic to it and one of the side effects of such a high dose is the feeling of being paralyzed

We arrived at a cabin up in the mountains it's a beautiful cabin a big one three floors on the side of a freaking mountain .
I was carried in first , When you walk in it's the living room open kitchen and a sitting area that turns into the dining area . There are steps leading upstairs to three bedrooms one the main floor is one master bedroom then before you get to master there is a door that leads down stairs to the game room, Laundry room and three more bedrooms not including the two Murphy Beds in the Game room , Oh and the game room had a pool table, several arcade games a huge tv and a bar .
How do I know how the place looks Uncle Silas took me on a tour .
I was put in the Master Bedroom since it's on the main floor ,the remote for the TV was handed to me and my phone.

I answered my text message which there were a few

Love you Jellybean be good for Daddy Silas and Daddy Gabe

Love you Mi Amor Bello

Love you Bambino be good or add least good at misbehaving

Love you too My Sweet loves

Thirty minutes later Silas joined me in the bedroom and Climbed up on the bed to watch tv with me but he didn't last long he fell asleep , Gabe went to get food for us to eat

I looked at the time it was 12:30 pm , Silas has been asleep for an hour now and Gabe came back with groceries and put them away
He said he was going to take a nap too
So what's a girl to do that can't put weight on one leg , Yep I got out of the bed and hobbled my way down to hallway to the kitchen to see what Gabe bought

I made it to the kitchen my body wasn't happy with me but oh well . I looked in the fridge he got everything to make meatloaf , he got fresh green beans and a ham hock mmmm I can make them To go along with meatloaf, I pulled them out and the ham hock . I put the ham hock in a pot of water and let that cook for an hour by itself in the mean time I snapped the beans , I got the ingredients together for the meatloaf , diced the onion , green pepper up I cooked them for a few minutes in a skillet to soften them , then took the bread crumbs I measured out more than I should need .
Cracked the eggs, added ketchup and a dash of mustard mixed them together. Poured that mixture into the hamburger with onions and peppers added bread crumbs , salt, pepper

Mix up the meatloaf then put on the cookie sheet and back in the fridge until I was ready to cook it . I even made up the glaze for it which is just ketchup and some brown sugar mixed up and spread on the top during the last 15 minutes of cooking .

Once I washed my hands from making the meatloaf I moved on to the green beans , the ham hock has been cooking for about 45 min so I added the beans to it and let it come up to a boil for a few minutes then drop it down to a simmer and let cook .

" What are you doing "
" Making dinner "
" No No, you are to be resting " Gabe said
" That's What I have been doing for the past few days "

" You are so much like your Mama " Gabe said with a smile
I laugh at him , I dropped the hand towel I had in my hand so I bent over to pick it up my shirt came up in the back and I heard Gabe gasp
Fuck the Fuck
" Harper Jane Toma What the hell is this " he says so loud it echos in the cabin he's lifting the back of my shirt

" Don't " I say

" Tell me "

" No and if you say anything to anyone I'll never trust you again " I say with a lot of steel in my voice

" Just answer this , Did Todd do that " he asked

I didn't answer the tears did it for me

" Oh god Baby Girl no wonder you don't want anyone to see it " he says as he's pulling me into a hug " But you know your not right "

" I know I'm not but with all the scars I have this one is most difficult to to deal with but I plan on getting a tattoo to cover it just like the one my hip that I have to cover another scar , and no it didn't say anything it just was really ugly and angry looking so covering it makes it disappear "

" Oh Baby Girl I know it's not been easy for you with all this but when this is over it will be maybe not at first but it will with the help of all the families especially those three boys of mine " Gabe said with a wink then added " Now up off the leg " He says as he scoops me up " Where do you want to go "

" The bedroom everything is done so far for dinner so I guess I'll nap again "

He took me to bedroom dropped me off on the bed , Silas had rolled over on his side still asleep so Gabe left us and he said he was gonna snooze again too

No Please No let me go Don't Please Todd no if you let me go I won't say anything please ahhhhhhhh"
I sat up in the bed a cold sweat pouring off me the bedroom door was flung open
" Sammmmy " I screamed as he came in I jumped up not even thinking about my leg he caught me before I face planted .
" It's okay Mi Amor Bello I'm here shhhhhh " he said as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him holding on tight .

He carried me back to the bed my ass hit the bed I looked up at him then his lips met mine for a moment ,
" Climb up farther on the bed "  he said and I did ,he climbed up in the bed with me .

He tucked his head in my neck laying little kisses on it as his arm draped across my stomach .
" It's okay Mi Amor Bello , Mi Amor " he whispered to me
My eyes filled with tears
" Harper just let it go baby no need to hold it in I'm here" he says
I did just that I let the tears fall , I normally don't cry in front of anyone , being in Sammy's arms just made me feel so safe.

I felt the bed shift and I realize Silas was in the bed with us I was now Sandwiched between Sammy and One of his Daddies I couldn't help the giggle that erupted from me

" Don't stop on my account " Silas said with a huge laugh

I laughed even more through the tears that had fallen before

" Dad " Sammy said trying to sound upset but I could see the smile that was on his face

" I think I will go find out what Gabe is up to" Silas said as he moved out of the bed still chuckling at us

Silas left the room he closed door as he left .

" Harper you Okay"
" I am now with you being here "
" Always "
" Sammy "
" Yes Baby "
" Hold Me "
" Always "

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