Undeniable Attraction

By Undefineddd_

381K 7.5K 940

Mia Patterson Daughter an Alpha, and only child. She had almost everything she ever wanted, except one major... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

12.2K 297 30
By Undefineddd_

Felix's P.O.V

Ian was still with Clare

It's been two weeks now and he's still avoiding me.

He was being more stubborn than I initially anticipated, and it was pissing me off.

I was growing tired of cuddling my pillow or a previous heartbroken Mia, now back to my pillow again since she started hanging out with Landon again. And I was also over fucking my fist to the thought of him.

So when school was over, I made my way to the track, despite avoiding it for the past two weeks and choosing to workout elsewhere. I just wanted to see him and show him that I "didn't care", he needed to think I wasn't waiting around for him. Maybe that'd make something click inside him.

Walking onto the field, I noticed the usual people walking and running around as the football team took over the midsection.

I plugged in my AirPods, tossing my things on the bleachers and got to work. I successfully avoided looking his way as I made my endless rounds around the track.

I stopped for a drink of water, pulling my sweaty white shirt off my body before using it to wipe my face.


I pulled the shirt away from my face to see the girl from last time. "Hi..." I briefly glanced over to see Ian watching, spinning the football in his hand.

"Jasmine! You're Felix, we met some time ago probably in this same spot." She twirled a piece of hair around her finger as she eyed me up and down, unapologetically so. "Speaking of which... I noticed that your girlfriend has been hanging out with Landon... I think she's cheating on you."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, but the sight of Ian trying to inch closer to see if he could listen in stopped me from dismissing her altogether. "Yeah, uh no. We just realized that we were better off as friends. There's no hard feelings at all."

Her eyes glazed over. "So your single!" Her hands fell on my chest, sliding down, touching my abs. "I mean, that's cool that you two decided to stay friends. I didn't want to say it, but you two didn't seem compatible at all."

Ian was now within listening range as he pretended to to grab water from the pitcher they had set up.

"Oh yeah? And what makes you think that?" I asked, folding my arms.

She shrugged. "I mean, from my point of view, you look like you're an alpha male who gives orders and she looks like the type to give them. I think you need someone... submissive."

No what I need is my equal

But with Ian in earshot range, I played along. "Are you saying that you're submissive?"

She smiled, putting her hand on my arm. "I'm whatever you want me to be."

The sound of coughing had her jerking back and towards the source. "Hey man you alright?" Another player came over asking before getting himself water.

"Yeah... wrong pipe." He lied.

"So what do you say?" She spoke, blocking my view of Ian.

"What?" My eyes flicker back up to Ian. "Oh right, give me your number, we can go from there."

A look mixed with anger, sadness and guilt crossed him as he crushed the disposable cup and threw it in the trash before jogging back to his team.

I smirked as I grabbed my things after getting her number that I would never use before heading in for a quick shower.

In the middle of my shower, I smelled him entering the locker room. Sadly he wasn't alone.

"I'm so happy you called practice early, I'm still hungover from last night." One of the guys groaned.

"It's Thursday." Ian spoke. "What the hell were you doing getting drunk on a school night."

"Man it's Friday Jr! It counts."

I frowned at his response as I stood under the spray to let the soap wash away.

The sound of more voices entering the room could be heard as I push the curtain aside, revealing my naked body to the uncaring team as they began to strip and head for showers of their own.

None but one had eyes on me as I walked over to grab my towel, drying myself off.

"Hello? Are you listening?" The guy asked.

Ian tore his eyes off me. "What?"

I smirked down at my bag, pulling out my clean clothes. Slowly pulling them on.

"Ow! What the fuck?" Ian groaned as he rubbed the spot he was hit.

"Hey dude, you were frozen... didn't want that guy to think you were checking him out." He whispered to Ian.

I fought back a knowing smirk as I stood up from the bench, capturing Ian's attention again as I pulled my bag over my shoulder. Ignoring him, I brushed past him purposely before leaving.

Once I got to my car, I popped the trunk, throwing my bag into it. "This might be borderline stalking." I spoke, closing my trunk. I turned to lean against it as Ian approached me.

He shook his head looking down. "Get in the car."

I tilted my head to the side. "Why."

He looked up at me. "Just get in the car."

I threw my hand up. "Alright, getting in the car." I walked around to the drivers side.

"The back seat." He spoke.

My hand halted. I raised my eyebrow before opening the door to the backseat. Before I could fully sit down, Ian shoved me on my back, slamming the door behind us and straddling my waist.

I hardly had anytime to react as his lips attacked mine in a heated, desperate kiss. I could feel every emotion through it. I even gave mine to him. I pushed my hips upward to grind against him, earning a moan from him. "You're driving me crazy." He groaned with his hand around my throat.

I chuckled. "The feelings are mutual." I pecked his lips once more. "Trust me."

He pulled away. "Are you going out with that girl?"

I frowned. "What?"

He stroked the bottom of my lip with his thumb. "I just don't think it's a good idea, I mean you just got out of a relationship and..."

I pushed his hand from my mouth. "Oh but it's a good idea for you to be with that girl I told you to get rid of."

He shook his head. "I'm not with Clare, we were never really dating... we're just..."

I chuckled dryly. "Your just fucking... I understand it now." I sat up. "That's fine, you continue to fuck Blair and I'll be with whoever I want and fuck whoever I want." I went to open my door.

Ian gripped my arm. "The fuck you will." He pulled me back, smashing his lips into mine. He took over the kiss completely, yanking me back onto the seat as he pulled at my jeans.

I grabbed his hands. "Ah uh-uh... I told you what you needed to do. No touching our associating with you until you stopped seeing... excuse me, fucking her. I told you I don't share."

"Felix..." He started.

I shook my head. "Get out of my car."

He sighed. "It's not that simple."

"You're the star QB, everyone loves you and I'm sure you have the world's most judgmental, perfect family. So coming out as gay is just so wrong."

He looked down. "I just..."

"Let me rephrase this... I won't share you, and I won't be your secret either."

He looked up at me. "Felix..."

I shook my head. "Get out."

Mia's P.O.V

Landon learned to keep his front door unlocked.

As school ended, I went home to freshen up before I made my way to Landon's house to catch him up in school. I knew he didn't need any help, he was a lot smarter than me. But as long as I showed up and he let me in, I would teach him his ABCs just to be near him.

I pulled up to his house and parked in what was becoming my usual and strutted up to the door. Happy to see that it was unlocked, I made my way in.

I instantly made my way to the kitchen to check his food stock to see if he'd listened and went grocery shopping because I was another day from doing it myself. I swung the refrigerator and freezer doors open, surprised to see it stocked.

"Has anyone ever taught you not to snoop through people's things."

I jumped, screaming as I quickly turned to see Landon...

Wet and in a towel. "Holy..." I swallowed, turning back to the fridge. "I was just looking for... something... to drink."

His body was pressed against my back completely as he reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

As if my panties could get any wetter...

I nodded to myself, rolling my eyes at my stupidity before closing them both and turning around. "Thanks." I mumbled as he opened the bottle and handed it to me. He watched me as I drank from it. "Mmm good." I sang awkwardly as I showed him the water.

He grabbed it from my hand, drinking some for himself before handing it back and leaving me there.

That fucking hot piece of...

No Mia, calm, the fuck, down, bitch.

You've practiced control and you're taking things slow, it's only been a couple weeks, we are in the friend-ish stage. You don't get to have him until you know he wants you the same way you want him.

You will not jump his bones

I made my way into the dining room to get my laptop and books set up as Landon sadly got dressed.

I heard his feet pounding down the stairs. "So what lesson am I learning today?"

"For you to cut the small talk and just fuck me." I mumbled to myself as I put the papers in order

"What?" He asked.

"What?" I shot back with wide eyes as I looked down at the notes I had written down. "Uh... Pre Calc and Health." I rushed, refusing to look at him.

He came to take his seat on the side of me, his knee brushing against mine as he relaxed into the chair. He drummed his fingers on the table before opening his notebook. His eyes flickered up towards mine as I just sat there gawking at him. "Pre Calc..."

"Huh?" I frowned. "Oh! Right! So uh, in the trig section, we were converting radians and degrees in the..."

I continued to "teach" him and he sat and pretended to be "taught". I knew he already knew this stuff, but he just sat there and let me ramble, jotting down notes as I explained the lessons.

"Okay, I need a break and food. Wanna cook or order in?" I asked, standing up and stretching my limbs.

His eyes zeroed in on the exposed skin as I stretched. "Eat out."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Order in?" I corrected him.

He stood up, inching closer. "No."

My breath hitched. "No?"

"No." He repeated.

I bit my lip as I turned to face him. "Why are we saying no?"

"We're going out."

My heart skipped a beat. "Like on a..." I quickly shut up. We haven't had any kind of talks like that since that day he told me everything. I didn't want to spook him, but he's been truly testing my patience a lot lately.

"Okay, were ordering in." He moved around me.

I quickly reached out and grabbed his arm. "No!" I slowly removed my hands from his arm. "Sorry," I cleared my throat. "I mean yes, let's go out... to get food, on a... not a, you know... I'll just go put my shoes back on." I shut my mouth and walked back into the living room to put on my shoes.

"Ready?" He opened the door, grabbing his keys off the holder.

I nodded, grabbing my car keys as well. "What are you doing?"

I frowned. "Driving?"

He grabbed my keys from my hand and placed them back on the hook. "Why would we drive two separate cars? Come on." He ushered me out the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we got into the car. "It looks like it's about to rain." I simply stated.

He simply ignored me as he pulled out of his driveway, making his way to the gate.

I sat back into my seat. "I guess I'll just have to wait and see."

But in all honesty, I was beyond excited. This was technically our first time out in public together on "good" terms. I mean we actually spoke, as in he contributed to the conversation at least 60% instead of the 5% in the past, with the rest either staring at me plotting ways to make me go quickly and quietly or straight up pretending I wasn't there.

We pulled up to a cute small dinner with blood red bold letters spelling "Rossi". There weren't many cars in the small parking lot. I was so lost in my own head I didn't even notice my door being opened. I thanked Landon as I got out of the car and followed him to the entrance.

The inside was just as cute and homey as the outside. We were greeted by a middle aged woman that looked like she didn't know how to do anything else but smile and give out hugs. "Benvenuto a Rossi, stai cenando o tirando fuori?" She peered at me.

My mouth fell open. "Oh I don't..."

"Pranzando, possiamo avere uno stand vicino al retro?" Landon spoke up.

"Ovviamente!" She smiled before leading us towards the back of the diner. We sat down in the cozy booth. "Il tuo server sarà con te a breve." She walked away.

I picked up the menu to read through it, only for the entire thing to be in Italian. "Are you kidding me!?" My eyes shot up to Landon who looked like he was biting back a grin. "No one speaks English here... do they?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Scusate le pesche."

I scoffed, kicking him under the table. "Landon!"

"No." He grinned looking down at the menu.

I rolled my eyes. "Feel free to translate... anytime now." Landon never looked up from the menu. In fact he ignored me and turned the page. "Oh no rush here, I'll just let you read the entire thing first." I folded my arms across my chest, sinking into the booth.


"Holy shit!" I damn near jumped out of my seat at the sudden intrusion. I looked over at the intruder to find our waiter standing at our table.

He put his hand on his heart. "Mi dispiace, non intendevo spaventarti."

I cupped my reddened face in my hands before running it up and through my hair. "Im fine, I..." I stopped talking, seeing his confused face. "Oh right, he can't understand me." I glared at Landon who looked like he could care less.

"My English, not very... right." He commented.

My eyes snapped back over to him. "So you speak some, thank goddess..."

He looked back over to Landon, probably silently asking for help. "Due acque, le piacciono tre limoni freschi nelle sue. Vorrebbe anche provare la parmigiana di pollo. Questo è tutto." Landon put the menu back into its holder. The waiter nodded and walked away.

"Okay... so are you going to help translate the menu now? Not getting any less hungrier over here."

Landon being Landon, he ignored my question. "How are you?"

"I... what?" I frowned.

The waiter returned rather quickly with two waters and a mini platter with 3 lemons on it.

Landon picked up the platter, pushing them into the water before sliding it my way. "How are you?" He repeated.

I don't know why my heart swelled at the small gesture. I might be a little over dramatic but him remembering my drink with the right quantity of lemons... I could also be overreacting, for all I know, they brought lemons with all the water they served.

There was that little nagging voice inside my head. But three freshly cut lemons?

I remember having this conversation with Tara at lunch some time before Felix showed up and me and Landon weren't on speaking terms.

She questioned me about why I always put three lemons in my water. She's oddly observant.

I went on to explain to her that one lemon wasn't enough, two was eh and three was the perfect amount. She asked me what was my take on four, and I gave her the nastiest look before explaining that it just wasn't right. I'm oddly particular.

Landon was unfortunately there to witness it.

I didn't even realize I zoned out, watching my lemoned water like a lunatic. I shook my head looking over to Landon. "I'm sorry what?"

He bit his lip looking away and at the workers cooking the cook in the open kitchen.

I snapped back to reality. "Oh, right." I shook my head again, tucking a piece of fallen hair behind my ear. "I wake up, go to school, I learn, I turn in shit, I..."

"Mia..." he warned.

I swallowed hard. "I'm fine."


I shook my head. "I am. There's nothing wrong with me. I just miss..."

He sat up straight, as if he were interested in what I had to say. "I miss my family back home. But it's nothing I can't handle, schools over soon and I'll... I'll go back." I shrugged looking out the window as it started to rain. Way to set the somber mood. "But I'm fine."

"Why'd you come here?" He questioned.

I bit my lip, slowly meeting his watchful eyes. "I was looking for something meaningful."

He titled his head slightly. "Did you find it."

I smiled looking back out the window. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Mia..." He started.

Just then, our wait came back to the table with one plate of food. Whoa they're fast here. I frowned at the single plate of deliciousness as he spoke in Italian and walked away. "First, I tell you that I'm hungry and you take me to a place that I can't even communicate with the people around nor read the menu. Now you are ordering for yourself and refusing to help me? You know what, I think I saw a subway or something up the street. You enjoy your food." I stood up.

"Sit down." He damn near growled at me before pushing the large plate of food my way.

I frowned. "What?"


I slowly sat back down. "Did you, did you just order me food and not yourself?"

"Not hungry." He shrugged.

I frowned. "But you said..."

"I'm not hungry for... just eat." He sat back, looking out the window.

My legs clenched together at the mere thought of what he was hungry for.

No Mia, we already had this discussion. I frowned down at the yummy looking food but my appetite suddenly changed as I looked up at him, watching him watch the sky light up with thunder.

Why does it always fucking rain when we go out, it's like the universe wants me to get out of these clothes and fuck him senseless.

Fuck me now I'm thinking about fucking him senseless. Damn I was doing so well keeping these thoughts under control.

"I think I want to go back now." I spoke lowly.

He looked down at the untouched food and back at me. "You haven't even touched your food. Eat and we'll go."

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed the knife and fork, cutting myself a piece of what I'm sure was chicken and ate it. "Mmm, fuck that's good." I moaned at the taste before cutting another piece and eating it. "Fuck me, why have you been hiding this place from me?" I looked up at Landon who was already watching me.

"I used to come here with my family when I was a kid, it was my mother's and my favorite dish. I used to tease her because she couldn't never get the cook to cough up the recipe." There was a small smile on his face as he looked down at the food.

My fucking heart. I cut another piece for him. "Here." I reached over to feed him the chicken.

He looked at the fork before slowly leaning in and taking it into his mouth. I went to cut him another. "I'm fine, you enjoy it."

I pulled it back and placed it into my own mouth. This is the second time I've put something in my mouth that was in his and he was driving me fucking crazy. I carried on eating to distract myself from jumping over this booth and devouring him instead until I couldn't take another bite. I still had a decent amount left that would surely be eaten tomorrow. Landon got up to go pay at the register as I packed my food into a container.

We walked outside, it was dark and the rain wasn't letting up. We rushed to his car, getting soaked in the process. He started the car, blasting the heat before he pulled out.

I made the mistake of looking over at the clothes clinging to his skin as he ran a hand through his hair, his other hand gripping the wheel. My eyes ran down to his unmistakable large print in his sweats. My thighs clenched together as he drove over a bump in the road, making his cock move, a mere thought of him not wearing boxer had me damn near creaming my panties. I could easily swing my leg over, shove my panties to the side as I pulled his sweats down...

No Mia

I shook my head, looking forward. Think about something else... anything else.

My breath hitched as the most delicious smell hit me.

Landon was aroused

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