A Heart Doesn't Forget (Fanfi...

By LMM_novels

136K 5.7K 1.8K

"Why won't you talk to me?" "Because you told me never to speak to you again." "Why would I do that?" "Becaus... More

Chapter 1: Who am I?
Chapter 2: What's this place?
Chapter 3: Is someone watching me?
Chapter 4: Who are you?
Chapter 5: Who's Ashton?
Chapter 6: A dog?
Chapter 7: Who's Luke Hemmings?
Chapter 8: Where are we going?
Chapter 9: Why do you look so nervous?
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Are you excited?
Chapter 13: What am I doing?
Chapter 14: Why not?
Chapter 15: What happened?
Chapter 16: Who do you want to be then?
Chapter 17: Are you alright?
Chapter 18: Why did you do it?
Chapter 19: Is Ashton here?
Chapter 20: How long have I been gone?
Chapter 21: You found someone else?
Chapter 22: Where were you?
Chapter 23: You want a drink?
Chapter 24: He is coming back right?
Chapter 25: Is that what this is about?
Chapter 26: What?
Chapter 27: Was it him?
Chapter 28: How do you win?
Chapter 30: What'll it be?
Chapter 31: You're here?
Chapter 32: Have you come to say goodbye?
Chapter 33: What is this?
Chapter 34: Anything new?
Chapter 35: What did you say?
Chapter 36: You did all this?
Chapter 37: Is it a stranger?
Chapter 38: Tell me what?
Chapter 39: Who was it?
Chapter 40: Luke?

Chapter 12: Do you like it?

3.5K 134 59
By LMM_novels

Luke's P.O.V.

Today is Tuesday.


Do you know what that means?

I do.

Because today...


taking me.....




I'm such a teenage girl.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" Calum asked during breakfast.

"It just- it feels like a good day." I said, trying to contain my smile, which proved to be nearly impossible.

I honestly don't know why I'm so excited. It's just a date. With Ashton though...he makes me feel so much more like myself. He makes me want to act a completely different, he makes me want to make him smile, make him laugh. Because his laugh is the best goddamn thing I've ever heard.

Calum gave me a strange look, but just shrugged it off, and put his empty bowl in the sink.

"So, what are you doing today?" He asked me, and I focused my gaze onto my cereal.

"Uh...nothing." I said.

"Uh huh, sure." Calum rolled his eyes at me, but sent me a small smile.

Suddenly, Calum's phone started ringing, and he went into the other room to answer it.

I finished my cereal, and tried to think of things to do to keep my mind busy while I was waiting for 5:00 to arrive.

I ended up taking Ashley for a walk, and went to the same cafe where I went with her before. I ordered the same thing I did last time, and spent most of my time trying to keep her from jumping on my lap.

On the way back, we were crossing the bridge when I started to see things.

Pictures. Blurry snapshots of the dream I had some days ago. The dream I believed was a memory.

I looked at the empty bridge, and I could picture a silver car swerving to the side. I could see the glowing eyes of the deer. The sky seemed to shift from day to night, and I felt myself get dizzy when I saw myself, scratched and bloody jump out of the car before it fell off the edge.

Ashley barked once, and the pictures ended. I suddenly felt really light-headed, and quickly walked home before I passed out.


When I got back, I nearly collapsed on the couch, and Calum asked me what was wrong.

So I told him, and he said,

"Here, drink some water. You might be dehydrated or something." He said, handing me a cold glass of water.

"But I saw the same thing in my dream, except, in a different point of view."

"Maybe it was a flashback then." He suggested, turning of the tv. "You should probably rest, you don't look so good."

I checked my phone, it was around noon. I had a few more hours until Ashton got here.

"Yeah, okay." I said, and pulled the small, but soft, blanket over me that we kept on the couch.

He kept on the couch, I mean. Sometimes I forget that I don't really live here, and that it's only temporary.

Pushing that thought away, I closed my eyes, and soon drifted off into the land of dreams.


"Merry Christmas!" My mom said.

"Wow." I gasped, staring at the gift in front of me.

"We thought since you'll be getting a job soon, you'll be needing a car." Dad said, and tossed me the keys.

"Are you serious?" I asked, not being able to contain my smile.

My parents nodded their heads. "It's all yours." My mother said.

"Oh my god, thank you!" I said, and hugged both my parents.

"Luke." My father gave me a stern look, and I nearly slapped myself for my mistake.

"Sorry, oh my gosh." I corrected myself.

My mom smiled appreciatively, "It's alright. We know what you meant."

"Well, shall we get going then? The service starts at eight, so we should probably be at the church by seven thirty."

Mom nodded, "Sounds good. Luke, would you like to take the first drive?" She asked me.

I nodded eagerly, and we all got into my little silver car.


I parked my car in the parking lot. There were a few other cars there already.

Calum's probably here, I thought. He's usually early.

I entered the large brick building, and, as expected, Calum was the first to rush up to me.

"Hey man! We've been waiting for you!" He said, speaking over the music even though it was playing that loudly at all.

"You can talk normally, you know. And who is? There's like five people here, everyone was supposed to come at six."

"Yeah, well, they're here because I made Jack and Ben come early and help with the decorations and stuff. Michael made me drive him, since he doesn't have a car, and Kayla and Anthony always come early. Also...we were waiting because I told them no drinks until you arrive." He said, and I chuckled, a smile appearing on my face.

"So, let's make a toast!" Calum announced, pulling out a bottle of wine from one of the coolers, and everybody soon joined us by the bar.

"To Luke!" Calum said.

"To Luke!"



"Luke!" Calum said, shaking my shoulder.

I sat up on the couch, "What? What is it?" My mind still half-asleep.

He smiled mischeviously, "You were talking in your sleep." He stated, and I hope I wasn't blushing.

"What did I say?" I asked, hoping it wasn't bad.

"Not much. You just said my name a lot, something about wine, oh, and Christmas. What were you dreaming about? You and I having a couple drinks on Chrismas?" He laughed.

I shook my head, "No...no. I had two dreams, they felt like...they felt like the other one. Like a memory." I said, and he stopped laughing.

"What were they?" He asked seriously

"Well the first one was on Christmas...I think. My parents got me a new car, and then they asked if I wanted to drive it to the church." I said, and I pretended not to notice Calum stiffen a bit at the word 'church'.

He nodded, acting as if nothing had happened. "Your parents bought you your first car on Christmas, when you were seventeen. What was the other one?"

"I think it was...at a party. I was at this- hey. Wait, I think it was the banquet hall, now that I think about it." I said, and his hands started to shake, but I pretended to ignore that too.

"Oh," Was all he said, looking away.

"Hey, did you hear that? I think it was my phone. I should go get it." He said, standing up from the couch and practically running into the kitchen.

That was strange, because 1: I didn't hear anything, and 2: His phone is in his back pocket.

Five minutes later, he came out of the kitchen saying,

"Hey, will you be alright if I go hang out with Michael tonight?"

"I'll be fine. What are you two doing?" I asked with a suggestive look.

"OH, god Luke, nothing like that. It's just a movie night, as friends." He said, a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"Mhm, sure. Then why wasn't I invited?" I stumped him, and he just ignored me as he grabbed his coat, and said,

"See you tomorrow, bye." Before walking out the door.

Normally I wouldn't like having to stay home by myself, but tonight I wouldn't have to be worried about being alone, because I have a date with Ashton.

Calum couldn't have chosen a better time to leave.


Two hours, one shower, five outfits, 127 songs, and many hair products later, I was finally ready for my date with Ashton.

I was pacing the living room nervously, waiting anxiously for the doorbell to ring.

How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to act? Am I dressed okay? This would be so much easier if I could actually remember my first date.

I wish Ashley was here so I could play with her and try to occupy myself. Calum had taken her with him, saying that Michael was watching his parent's poodle so they were going to take the dogs to the dog park.

I jumped, and nearly screamed, when the doorbell suddenly rang.

Oooh my gosh.

He's here.

Jesus, Luke, stop freaking out.

I'll try.

I glanced in the mirror one last time, making sure I looked okay before opening the door.

When he looked at me, he gasped and took a step back in shock.

"What? What is it?" I asked nervously.

"N-nothing its just...you got a new lip piercing." He said, and I can't say my heart didn't speed up a bit when he started staring at my lips.

"Yeah...do you like it?" I asked hesitantly. I was careful with what I said because I couldn't really think or breathe right with him so close to me.

"Yeah, it's um..." He looked up, his eyes meeting mine as a smile appeared on his face. "It's hot." He said, smirking slightly.

My cheeks heated up, and I pretended not to notice it.

"Um...okay then. So, where are we going?" I stepped down the front steps, and Ashton followed behind,  tangling his hand in mine.

"You'll see." He said, swinging our hands as we walked towards his car.

I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled.

"You wouldn't know what I'm talking about anyways. I'm sorry, I know you don't like surprises." He said.

"I don't?" I questioned, finally learning something new about myself.

He nodded, "Yeah. You never liked being surprised. 'It's better to know, than to not know, because you never know what type of surprise it's going to be.' that's what you always said."


I love you all thank you

please comment any predictions, inferences, guesses, something you noticed, something random, anything.

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