Overlord: Shadow of Mordor

By CRitch10

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In the virtual game known as Yggdrasil, the guild named Ainz Ooal Gown struck fear into the hearts of every p... More

Looks of the Guardians
Ch. 2: Locals and Loyalty
Ch. 3: Carne Village
Ch. 4: Ains Ooal Gown
Ch. 5: Fire V. Ice
Ch. 6: An Alliance Formed
Guide to Mordor: Part One
Guide to Mordor: Part Two
Ch. 7: Terms and Conditions
Ch. 8: Out Of Hiding
Ch. 9: The Ball Pt. 1
Ch. 10: The Ball Pt. 2
Ch. 11: Siege Preparations

Ch. 1: The Dark Lord

16.4K 202 214
By CRitch10

Italics- Thoughts (Your voice)
Bold- People talking and speaking in someone's mind

A large figure sat on a large black, obsidian throne. He was donned in a menacing, black armor and a golden ring on his right hand. This, is the player known as Sauron; The Necromancer, The Deciever, The Dark Lord, The Lord of the Rings.

In the world of Middle-Earth, Sauron is the most feared and powerful player. He controls a large piece of land known as Mordor, a fiery wasteland with only a small piece of greenery called Nurn around a lake, and a snowy region around the stronghold of Seregost. Mordor is shielded from the rest of the world by a large black mountain range, creating a rectangle.

There are only three points of entry into this land. The first being Morannon, or more commonly called, The Black Gate. It is a massive gate made of a black enchanted metal, making it unbreakable. It's size alone is enough to scare any would be attackers, and it stops any siege ladders from climbing over. Due to it's size, it takes a small army of trolls to move it open.

The next entrance is the stronghold of Minas Morgul. Once called Minas Ithil belonging to the kingdom of Gondor, it is now a place of dark and evil magics. It glows a strange, erie green light, with a large glowing green spire protruding in the middle that is known as the Tower of Sorcery.

The final point of entry is through a secret pass right outside the gate of Minas Morgul. The steps are hidden into the side of the mountains, making it very difficult to find. It is very small and steep, making it impossible for an invading force to traverse. Only a small party has a chance to enter through here. It is treacherous, however, for it is guarded by a giant spider called Shelob, who catches and eats adventurers looking to enter the Land of Shadows.

If a group does somehow get past Shelob, they find themselves in the stronghold of Cirith Ungol, a place filled to the brim with orcs, trolls, Uruks, and spiders. The point is, in Mordor, Sauron is untouchable.

He now sits on his throne, in the capital stronghold of Barad-Dur, meaning dark tower. At the top sits a great, flaming and lidless eye known as the Eye of Sauron. The Eye was rimmed with fire, but was itself glazed, yellow as a cat's, watchful and intent, and the black slit of its pupil opened on a pit, a window into nothing. It allows him to see great distances outside Mordor, and see every corner of his kingdom with ease.

Sauron, as earlier stated, now sits on his throne counting down the remaining time left before the game, this world he has spent so much time in, comes to an end.

Sauron: 'This sucks'

He was the leader of an alliance known as the Shadow of Mordor. The fellow members of this alliance consisted of Overlord Hunvorn, Loke-Khan Rhukar, Serpent-Lord Kuhazymah, High King Lundush, Saruman the many-colored, Haven Master Gimilkhad, and Khan Arkish.

They all ruled their own kingdoms and served Sauron. Hunvorn controlled Angmar, a snowy kingdom in the far north of wildmen, orcs, and other beasts. Rhukar commanded the Easterling tribes of Rhun, positioned in the grasslands north-east of Mordor. Kuhazymah led the tribes of Harad in the desert and jungle in the south. His army contained evil men known as the Haradrim, as well as Half-trolls, and many beasts, including the huge and devastating Mumakil.

Lundush was High King to the Orcs of the Misty Mountains. He was in charge of hordes of goblins and orcs. They also had cave trolls and wargs. Saruman was one of only five wizards in the world known as Istari. He commanded only one stronghold, a large tower known as Isengard. There he bred a new race of Uruks known as Uruk-hai, and got the wildmen of Dunland to join him.

Gimilkhad was the lord of pirates and also had only one Settlement, the City of Umbar. A safe haven for pirates, also called corsairs, and held the greatest fleet of ships in the world. The last alliance member was warlord of the steepes of Khand. He was a nomadic leader and housed the best horse archers and fastest horses in the land. His people were called the Variags of Khand.

There were three things one needed to join the alliance. One; you had to be morally bad. Two; you had to be the leader of a major force of Middle-Earth. And lastly, you must provide a resource that no other faction had.

The Shadow of Mordor was the greatest threat in Middle-Earth. They fought and invaded the forces of good since the beginning. Now, however, every member has left, logged out for good, except for Sauron.

Sauron: 'We should all be on to witness the end. Now this is just depressing. We put so much time and effort into this game, and they just easily abandon it?'

Sauron sighs and lifts his right hand. There, on his ring finger, sat a single golden band. Then, he speaks into it.

Sauron: 'In the lands of Mordor, where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Flaming word spread around the ring. They are in a strange language.

Sauron: 'Bring me the Stronghold Guardians and Ringwraiths'

A strange whisper can be heard, but dies down, just like the words on the ring. Sauron waits a while before the doors open.

The first to enter is his most powerful and highest ranking NPC, the Witch-King of Angmar. He is a wraith, a being neither living nor dead. He is second-in-command to Sauron, leader of the Ringwraiths. He is guardian of Minas Morgul.

Next to enter is Gothmog the Scarred. An orc who, despite his appearance and disabled left arm, is a very capable fighter. But his best trait is his brilliant mind. He is master strategist of Mordor and Guardian of Seregost, a stronghold built into the snowy mountain side.

Next came a woman in a billowing black dress. Her skin is pale and her hair pitch black. She has beautiful violet eyes and good sized... assets, in the front and back. She had a fine figure, is what that means. This, is the She-Spider Ungoliant. She is mother of Shelob and all spiders. She is more powerful than the Witch-King and is Guardian of Cirith Ungol.

Behind her strode in the Mouth of Sauron. He is a man known as a Black Numenorean and is a strong and powerful sorcerer and necromancer. He and his black tongue are in charge of diplomacy and Guardian of Durthang, the Black Temple.

Following him was a great, giant, flaming demon known as a Balrog, named Morgoth. His name once belonged to another player that was once leader of Mordor before Sauron. In fact, Sauron was his Lieutenant and right hand man. He was Sauron's best friend in-game, but unfortunately, Morgoth had to quit playing due to IRL problems. Now his name lives on in the Champion of Mordor. He is Guardian of Angband, the prison-fortress inside the raging volcano called Mount Doom.

Urulooke entered after. He is an Olog-Hai, a large troll more intelligent and larger than it's cousins the cave, mountain, and snow trolls. He stood at least 15 feet tall, dwarfing all the other guardians, except Morgoth, who dwarfed him. He was Guardian of Thaurband, the stronghold in Nurn, and master trainer.

The last of his servants to arrive were the Nazgul. Nine in total, including the Witch-King, they were all wraiths, making them his most powerful force. They were sent as messengers, assassins, and trackers. Each wore the same black cloak as the Witch-King, their faces hidden behind hoods, with the exception of Khamul and the Witch-King. Their names were Khamul the Easterling, Adunaphel the Quiet, Hoarmurath of Dir, Dwar of Waw, Uvatha the Accursed, Ren the Unclean, Ji Indur Dawndeath, and Akhorahil the Blind. They resided in Minas Morgul.

They all knelt before Sauron. He gazed at his NPC servants. The Witch-King, Morgoth, and the Mouth were all Sauron's creations. The others were created by his friends. Hunvorn made Dawndeath as Saruman made Akhorahil. Kuhazymah made Uvatha while Arkish made Hoarmurath. Rhukar made Khamul and Adunaphel. Lundush made Gothmog and Ren. Gimilkhad made Dwar and Urulooke.

Sauron looked back at his ring; The One Ring. It was the most powerful item in the game. He made the ring himself after deceiving an elf king into making him 19 other rings of power, which he then gave nine to the Nazgul. The One Ring he made himself to be above all rings. This story is how he got the titles Lord of the Rings and The Deciever.

Sauron sat back in his throne, studying his servants. He brought them here so he can have a good final look at what he and his friends accomplished. He looked over at the remaining time. 25 minutes left.

Sauron: 'Well, now what?'

He pondered, then eventually held out his hand. A great, flaming crystal orb appeared in fire. This was the Palantir, it allowed him to use the Great Eye. He focused on the orb and his view shifted. He was now atop Barad-Dur as the Eye.

He watched as an army of evil men marched through the Black Gate. Following them, other armies of his friends came through, with hordes and hordes of their civilians.

Sauron: 'Oh that's right, they all sent their military and their civilians to Mordor before logging off. I guess to have them all together before it all ends.'

He looked over at his closest enemy, the Kingdom of Gondor. A realm of men that was built almost right next to Mordor. Their capital was Minas Tirith, the White City. Once, it bustled with life, but now, it was empty. No moving soul in site. He looked all over Middle-Earth, but no movement anywhere. Not even from the elves, his most hated enemies.

He let go of the Palantir and it disappeared in flames.

Sauron: 'So this is it, huh? Back to my boring old job I guess.'

He looked over at the timer. 1 minute left.

Sauron: 'Already? Jeez, I'm never going to find a game I love more than this.'

A notification appears before him. 30 seconds remaining. He sighs and looks over his NPC servants one last time. A small, sad smile forms behind his black helm.





Sauron closes his eyes.


Sauron: ' What the?'

A few seconds passed after the countdown and Sauron reopened his eyes, only to find nothing has changed.

Sauron: That's strange, I thought.... Huh! My Voice!

Before in the game, whenever a player used in-game chat, it was still your own voice. But, when he spoke out loud, his voice was not his own. It was deep and... dark? Powerful? It was hard to describe. It seemed to echo as he spoke, resonating throughout the entire room.

Sauron: Perhaps the game didn't shut down, but instead did a secret surprise update. Ah, that's sick!

???: What's sick, my lord?

This once again caught Sauron off guard. He looked towards the source of the voice, but saw only the Witch-King.

Sauron: It couldn't have been him, NPCs don't...

Witch-King: Lord Sauron, is something wrong?

And yet, here he was, speaking as if he were real. He suddenly then had the urge to pinch himself. And as soon as he did it, he FELT IT.

Sauron: What the hell?!?!?! This doesn't make any sense! First my voice changed, then my NPC is responding, and now I feel pain! What's going on?!?!?

Suddenly, a wave of soothing energy overcame him, and he calmed down enough to think things over rationally. At first he began to suspect he was dreaming, but then remembered the pinch. He looked around trying to find his HUD and found it still there. However, he couldn't activate his menu

Sauron: Wait, does this mean I'm somehow IN the game? That's impossible, right? Then again, after everything that just occurred, like the pinch... Let's see...

Sauron decided to give this a little test. He looks over to the Ringwraiths.

Sauron: Return to Minas Morgul, gather your fellbeasts and scout Mordor and the surrounding area. I want no stone unturned.

Nazguls: As you command.

Sauron: Mouth, return to Durthang and gather the Temple Guard and reinforce the Black Gate.

Mouth: As you wish, my Lord.

Since they could take commands they couldn't do in the normal games, Sauron deduced that his theory was correct. He then looks over at the remaining Guardians.

Sauron: The rest of you, stay close by incase I have further instructions.

Guardians: Yes, our Lord!

Sauron watched them scatter, then retreated to his bed chambers. He then used magic to rid himself of his menacing black armor. Underneath it all was a tall, handsome man with long white hair, pale skin and a fair complexion. He had red, fiery irises with some black and orange mixed in. He was fairly muscular, but not so much that his muscles bulged from beneath his shirt.

He collapses on his large bed and pushed his face into his pillow.

Sauron: I can even feel this pillow. Why is this happening to me?

He sat up in his bed and began contemplating what to do. Normally he would be freaking out, unable to accept what was happening, and yet he wasn't. That wave of energy he felt earlier must have affected his way of thought as well, rewired his brain or something.

Sauron: What to do, what to do!?

He then grew restless and stood back up, donning his black armor once again. With the Ring, he willed himself to The Black Gate, and stood atop the great wall. Orcs and Uruks stationed everywhere, Trolls were standing by the rotating wheels to open it. He looked out at the landscape, getting some fresh air, when he noticed something... off.

Normally, there was a gray, stony landscape beyond the gate, with a great swamp called the Dead Marshes just beyond that. But now, it was sand. Nothing but sands and dunes stretched ahead.

Sauron: What is going on?

Grishnakh: My Lord!

I looked to my left and saw Grishnakh walking towards me. Grishnakh is a Morgul Orc, shorter than Uruks but no less vicious. He was trained in weaponry and tactics. In the case that Morannon was under siege, Grishnakh would lead the defense as the gates captain.

Sauron: Grishnakh, how fares the esteemed Captain of the Black Gate?

Grishnakh: Very well, my Lord. All these maggots are in top shape, ready to defend to their last breaths.

Sauron: Good. Now on to more pressing matters... the desert outside my realm.

Grishnakh: My Lord, believe me when I say that it just... appeared there. One moment I could see the marshes past the stone mounds, then the next, there was nothing but sand.

Sauron contemplated the change in scenery, unsure of what to do. He came here for a breath of fresh air, not expecting THIS. He took one last look out at the landscape and began thinking about the tie between this and him being stuck in the game.

Grishnakh: Perhaps this is the Great Desert of Far Harad? Is it possible thay...

Sauron: Mordor was moved to Far Harad? Impossible. I had made sure that Mordor was anchored where it was with powerful magic. It could only have moved there if I had willed it.

Grishnakh: Then, that means...

Sauron: We may no longer be in Middle-Earth.

Sauron quickly uses the One Ring to command all remaining Guardians to meet in the throne room at Barad-Dur.

Sauron: Use the horn if anything suspicious is revealed.

Grishnakh: Of course, My Lord!

Sauron disappears in a plume of flames and reappears in front of his throne. All the Guardians (minus the Nazgul and the Mouth) were already there, kneeling.

Sauron: My Guardians, I return with strange tidings. I have seen the land past Morannon, only to find a great desert past the great gate.

Gothmog: My Lord, does this mean we have moved?

Sauron: Indeed. Though, it is improbable that we are still in Middle-Earth, since my magic made Mordor anchored, making it impossible to be anywhere else in Arda.

Ungoliant: Then... are we perhaps in another world all together?

Sauron: It would appear so.

Right then, two of the Nazgul enter through the doors.

Sauron: Khamul, Adunaphel, what news do you bring?

Khamul: My Lord, it would seem as though the Land of Mordor as been placed in the middle of a desert. It stretches for very far to the North, West and South, as my brother tell. But to the East, there is a grand river separating the land, with trees and grass running alongside it.

Sauron: An Oasis then? You have done very well Khamul. You and Adunaphel return to Minas Morgul, prepare maximum security there. Tell your brothers as well.

Khamul: As you command.

Both Nazgul bowed before departing the great hall.

Sauron: Ungoliant and Gothmog, remain in Barad-Dur for the time being, while everyone else gather up a portion of your forces and fortify all passages into Mordor.

Guardians: As you command.

Sauron: Jeez, acting is tough.

Sauron left and returned to his bed chambers once again, removing his armor. He sat on his bed, hands resting intertwined under his chin. He was think up a strategy on how to proceed when he heard a knock on his door.

Sauron: You may enter.

Ungoliant strides into his room, staring right at him. He was confused to say the least.

Sauron: Ungoliant, what brings you OOF!

Sauron is pushed onto his back as Ungoliant is straddling his abdomen.

Ungoliant: Now now, my Lord, how can I pleasure you if you keep talking? That IS why you asked me to stay, right?

Sauron was too dumbfounded to speak. The spider goddess leans next to Sauron's ear.

Ungoliant: Don't fret, my love, I won't bite... too hard.

She then slightly bites down onto his ear, letting a strange noise escape Sauron's lips. All the fun is ended, however, when Gothmog enters the room.

Gothmog: Ungoliant, you know very well this is not why our Lord has asked us to stay.

Ungoliant groans and gets off, but not before winking at Sauron, who can only gulp at the event that just occured.

Gothmog: My Lord, the Generals of the other factions await you in the throne room. I believe they wish to pledge fealty. Once you are ready, we will wait for you there.

Once the two leave, Sauron just lays on his bed for a moment, before grabbing a pillow and screaming into it. His muffled yells stop when he throws it against the wall.

Sauron: What the hell was THAT about!? Why would...... THAT BASTARD!

Ungoliant was Morgoth's, the FIRST Morgoth's, creation. Right before he logged off for good, he changed her settings for her to be deeply in love with Sauron, for shits and giggles. At the time Sauron never took much thought to it, but now...

Sauron: Why... why... why me? Not only am I stuck in this new world, but now I have a super gorgeous and powerful spider goddess obsessed with me. Normally I'd be all about it, but now isn't the time!

The wave of calming energy washes over him once again. He sits up and remembers what Gothmog said about the Generals. Each one was his comrades right hand man, meaning they were really strong as well, perhaps as strong as his Guardians. His comrades...

Sauron: MY COMRADES! Surely I can't be the only one stuck here. If not one of them, then maybe some other player from Middle-Earth! I've got it!

Sauron jumps up, donning his armor.

Sauron: That will be my objective! I will find another player, be he comrade or not, THAT is my mission!

He struts towards his door and pushes them wide open, a new sense of purpose fills him.

Sauron: Brand new world, here I come!

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