(Slow Updates) Gears Of War X...

By Pantherblast

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This is a Female Reader...Sorry- No body has done this yet though and I have been addicted to the Games so fa... More

[New!] Request Page: Open
~Playful~ Pouncer x Reader
~Pyromaniac~ Flame Grenadier x Citizen! Reader
~Loyal~ Possessive! Skorge x Locust! Hybrid! Reader
~Enemies?~ Kantus x Reader
~Cute but Deadly~Clayton Carmine x Shy! Reader
Authors Note.
~Protection~ Anya x Child! Reader
~Lancer Pro~ Marcus x Badass Emotionless Teen Reader
A Princess Eh? - Damon Baird x Locust Princess! Reader
~Boom, Headshot~ Kantus x Reader 2
My Oh My
Bloody Animal... (Kantus x Reader)
Dancing With Angels~Dom x Daughter! Reader
~Law and Order~ Loomis x Rebel Cadet! Reader
~Proposal~ Baird x Reader
~Mate~ Possessive! Elite Scion x Reader
~Like A Father~ Older! Marcus x Reader
~Put Up With It~ Loomis x Reader
~Science~ Marcus x Scientist! Reader
~Sweet~ Benjamin Carmine x Reader
~My Buddy~ Pouncer x Reader
Yandere Character?
~Love Is War~ Yandere! Anthony x Reader
~Prisoner~ Yandere! RAAM x Reader
What If You Raised A Juvie? [Scenario #1]
{Swarm Queen AU} Kait Diaz x Fem! Reader
If You Raised A Juvie Scenario #2
~Silent Type~ Baird x Shy! Reader
A Tumblr For Gears and Halo
A Tale from the Sovereign
Pyromaniac - 2022 REWRITE
Prove It - Fahz Chutani with Flirtatious! Female! Reader

~A Strong Rebel~ JD Fenix x Reader

1.3K 27 4
By Pantherblast

Mkay so... This was requested by:



"Are we there yet" You ask JD. He groaned. Del watched out for the team. Kait laughed.

"God dammit guys stop being so childish at a time like this...We are supposed to be looking for that damn Snatcher." JD groaned at the childish female of the group. Kait laughed and patted you on the back. You snickered.

"Awe come on, JD~! Ever heard of making tragedy comedy? It make you feel better!" You joked. You were honestly trying your best to keep calm in this situation. At first you are just with JD, Dell, Oscar and Kait stealing things from the COG like the rebels you are, next moment 'The Swarm' attack the village and take Kait's mom and JD's dad, Marcus, gets stolen by a Snatcher! What elses were you supposed to do to get rid of stress?

Del nodded slightly. "She is just trying to make the group a little less tense." Del confirmed. That was true, the air was thick and tense and there needed to be some comedy somewhere!

Kait quickly shushed the group

"There's Swarm troops up ahead." She whispered. You quickly nodded and got your Custom Lancer ready. The other's got their's ready too. Everyone darted behind some sort of cover.

The Swarm, they were rather mysterious to you, you have already found out that they are just mutated Locusts but they still confused you and made questions appear. Like why did they all of a sudden appear on the surface now?

"Open fire!" JD Barked to the rest of the team, You, JD, Kait and Del scattered and preceded to open fire on the Swarm, whom jumped in surprise.

Juvies jumped and ended up being shot to the ground, Swarm charged but were taken out quickly. That was until, They brought in the Scions. Those beefed up Swarms.

The Scion roared a battle cry, firing saw blades from it's Buzzkill gun. You tried to dodge the flying blades but ended up having one heavily slash your shoulder, at least it was not your neck. You screamed to alert your members but also from the unbearable pain. You tried shooting at the Scion, who simply just cackled and roared.

"Coming!" JD yelled from across the room, charging towards yout location. You put your arm on the wound, deep, could probably feel the bone if you tried hard enough. You dazedly pulled your hand in front of you face, watching the crimson liquid dribble down your arm and shoulder.

"J-J-D-D----" You stuttered, passing out as JD held your body. You could faintly hear him say in your fuzzy state of mind:

"Get her somewhere safe, now. And take out that damned monster!"


You woke up, groggy and numbed. You looked around, seeing you were cleaned up and had your shoulder patched up. It seemed you were in some sort of room, too fuzzy to make out currently.  What you could make out though was a silhouette of someone in a chair near your bed.

You squinted your eyes, looking around at the person. It looked like JD. You tried to speak, but It came out weak and scratchy.

"J-JD-" You wheezed. JD looked over at you, giving a nervous melancholy smile.

"I see you're awake, (Y/N). That's good... Your wound was pretty bad. It's under control now though." JD reassured. You nodded slightly.

"JD...Where are the others? Hell..where are we even!" you questioned, still tired. JD checked your bandage.

"The others are guarding outside, we had to retreat for now. And for az where are we... Well we found an abandoned house to take refuge in. Only until we get you back on your feet of course." JD smiled. You smiled back.

"You're so kind, JD...." You murmured, blushing. JD scratched his neck.

"I suppose you could say that," He laughed.  "By the way... You were pretty strong back there... Could you close your eyes for a minute...?" JD asked, looking away. You nodded, confused. But you shut your eyes like he said.

Not long after you felt warm rough lips on your cheek. You blushed and opened your eyes, shocked. JD smiled.

"You deserved that." he chuckles.

"I...I did?" you asked astonished. JD simply nodded.

"Yeah, for being a strong rebel for the rest of us."

(Eeee It's done! The ending is crumby though ._.)

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