His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.7K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood

Upsetting Him

42.5K 1.2K 611
By AidaBekar

"She could not make sense of the things that were meant for her,

But she was drawn to it all.

And when she was alone, she felt like the moon:

Terrified of the sky, but completely in love with the way it held the stars."

How many times am I going to wake up in a place foreign to me?

It's starting to get tiring.

Sitting up, I glanced around my new surroundings.

Aw fuck.

I knew this feeling, and I hated it.

I was laying on a lavish bed, light seeping in from the oval windows, and illuminating the small space I was in, and I scowled.

What am I doing on a plane?

Just as I was about to get up and follow my mates scent, a flight attendant came passing by, her eyes widening, before she smiled excitedly.

"Good morning, Luna," she exclaimed happily, and I merely stared at her, an incredulous look on my face.

Nah, it's too early for this.

Shaking my head, I returned her gentle smile with one of my own.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked her curiously, my brows dipping into an unsure expression.

Furrowing her brows thoughtfully she bit her lip before answering, "Well, you've been asleep since we boarded, so I'd say at least more than five hours."

Where on earth was this King taking me?

"Where's Livius?" I murmured, rubbing my eyes tiredly before looking around.

"I believe his majesty is in the first cabin zone," she told me, before handing me my duffle, "You can freshen up in the bathroom while I prepare your breakfast."

Nodding, I threw my legs over the side of the bed, and slowly stood up whilst grabbing my bag, "Where's the bathroom?"

"There are two on the aircraft, one of them is up front, and the other is back there," she said, pointing to the back, whilst smiling warmly down at me, and I returned the kind gesture.

Walking towards the back, I stepped into the bathroom and set my duffle down on the small counter. I pulled out a rose gold adidas hoodie and a simple pair of jeans.

Quickly using the bathroom, and brushing my teeth, I slipped them on, and pulled my hair out of the high ponytail it was in, instead allowing it to cascade down my back, stopping at my hips.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I felt my energy returning as I began walking through the plane. It was rather extravagant. There were seats to my right and left, a carpeted gray floor with simple tree root designs, and another section farther down for dining.

Is this really necessary?

There was a couch in the third cabin zone, and my eyes caught sight of the wolves I had fought back at home, and I glared at them.

They practically started all this.

Striding past them, I found Jayden, and he gestured further to the front, most likely knowing who exactly I was looking for. Pushing the curtain aside, I stepped in and it slipped closed behind me. I had reached the front of the plane, the area just behind the mini kitchen, and entrance.

Glancing up, my eyes met a daring blue, and his lips pulled into a lazy smirk.

"Well good morning, my love," he stated, gesturing for me to sit down, and I complied.

Settling down on the cushioned seat across from him, I regarded him with curious eyes, "What happened?"

"You were attacked."

"I know that," I sighed, and he simply nodded.


"Where'd you take the vampires?"

He paused, eying me with uncertainty, "I had them all executed," he said cautiously, taking in my reaction.

I slightly shivered at his words, a part of me pitying the three men, but I forced myself to set my feelings aside. He was the Alpha King.

Of course he'd kill them.

His kindness towards me could not be mixed up with mercy.

"Okay, but why am I here?" I asked him instead, biting my lip, and he gave me a pointed look.

"Have you perhaps forgotten that we're mates?"

"No, but where are we going?"


"Sorry, but my home isn't that way," I told him.

He smirked, "It will be soon enough."

"Where do you live anyway?"

"You don't know your Alpha King's territory?" he asked disbelievingly.

I scowled,"Just answer the question."

"You'll have your answer when we land."

"Take me back home," I ordered, crossing my arms, and glaring at him.

"I am taking you home."

Another smirk.

"You know what I mean."

"Perhaps we aren't on the same page," he cocked his head.


He met my gaze, eyes flashing with warning, "Don't say my name like that."

"What does that even mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"You know what I mean," he mimicked, refocusing on his work.

I growled at him.

Big mistake.

I watched as his eyes shifted from that bright blue, to a pale silver, his wolf wanting to come out and ensure my submission.

"Be careful, Alexandria," he murmured, regaining control, and looking back down at his documents.

I was about to say something, to argue, but his voice cut me off.

"I would've loved to stay in the US longer. To give you time," he began, and I quirked a brow, listening interestedly.

"But that vampire attack didn't help your case, love. The safest place for you right now is my palace, and I know you have yet to trust me, but that doesn't matter to me right now. Your safety comes first."

"This isn't fair," I muttered, looking away.

I felt his index finger underneath my chin, pulling me to look back up at him, and I stiffened at his touch, heart dropping.

His eyes were like a blue flame, the heat too much to bear, and it was as though I was forced to walk straight through it just by having to look into them.

"I know this isn't fair to you, but I promise I'll make it up to you eventually," Livius murmured, and I pulled out of his grip.

"What could you possibly do to make it up to me? You're taking me away from my home whilst saying that it's for my own safety, when the only thing that put me in danger in the first place was my relationship with you," I countered, slight anger bubbling within me.

"Alexandria," he sighed, looking back at me.

"No," I shook my head, "Don't say my name as though I've become some sort of burden to you, Livius. You brought me here, and you're going to find a way to reunite me with my mother, because believe me when I say I can make your life a living hell if you screw me over. I know you're used to people always following your orders, but I won't, because regardless of how powerful you are, the fact remains that I'm your mate, and you need to respect my wishes. You can fuck with the life of any other wolf, but not with mine. You can't take me away from my home, and still expect me to submit to your commands."

The air rippled as I could feel my power pouring out, eyes most likely glowing, my anger at this situation slipping through.

"I'm pretty sure it's been awhile since someone's spoken to him like that," Selene spoke up in my mind.

Glancing at him, I could feel the uncontained anger that emanated from him.

Barely hidden.

His now dark eyes regarded me, both him and his wolf displeased with my defiance, and I glared at him, refusing to cower away.

"It's been awhile since someone has spoken to me in such a manner," he stated, voice even, not a trace of emotion seeping out.

Reaching across the table, his hand gently cupped my jaw, "You're bold, my love, I don't like it," he continued.

I watched him, refusing to pull out of his grip. My gaze unrelenting, and my hands fisting the pale white table cover with both fear and determination.

His thumb slid across my cheek, and I clenched my jaw, suddenly tempted to bite him, but I held it back.

"My little fae," he murmured, eyes narrowed infinitesimally, as his finger twirled around a loose strand of my hair as though proving to me what he knew, before he pulled his hand back with a smirk.

Of course he already knew what I was. I'm screwed.

"I'm not yours," I bit out, refusing to acknowledge his reference to my kind, and his feral smirk remained.

"Perhaps your boldness will provide some amusement," he added, and I snapped, standing up.

"Perhaps it will," I mused, picking up the glass of water, and spilling the contents over the paperwork he had splayed out before him.

Letters that could've changed lives. Papers that were read only by the most powerful Alphas. Documents that practically held the werewolf kingdom together. They could've taken him days to finish writing.

All destroyed.

The ink blurring, and fading onto the white table cover.

At least none of the water landed on him.

Setting the cup back down, I looked down at his churning blue eyes as they took in the now completely soaked papers.


Ignoring the threatening snarl that slipped past his lips, I threw my tissue on the table and walked past him.

"You have five seconds to get back here, mate," I heard him add, and I pushed past the curtain, finding Jayden sitting in the second cabin zone, eyes alert as he sensed his Kings anger.


I stepped past the Beta.


I walked past the wolves whom also seemed to sense Livius' rage.


I strode past a confused, yet fearful Adrienne.


I pushed aside the curtain that lead to the small bedroom.


He growled.

One growl that carried so much power, and would cause an army of wolves to lower their heads.

It reverberated through the plane, its intensity causing even my heart to freeze.

Well shit.

I heard his steps across the carpeted floor, I sensed his outrage, I felt his promise of retribution.

"Move, Adrienne," he ordered, voice a deep baritone.

"Your highness, whatever she did I assure you, she didn't-."


One word, one command, and I heard Adrienne squeak.

Poor girl, I'd have to thank her for trying to defend me.

My heart dropped to my stomach as Livius appeared past the curtain, pulling it closed behind him, eyes never leaving my own.

"You're going to regret that, my love," he spoke, voice low, and I evened out my breathing.

"How so?" I challenged, standing my ground as he towered over me.

I watched as he stepped forward, gently pushing me against the wall of the plane, closing me in.

One of his hands came to hold both my wrists behind my back, while the other pushed my hair off my shoulder, his grip tightening as I attempted to pull away.

Glowering up at him, I was tempted to start a fire, to lay waste to everything he owned, but that would probably result in everyone dying.

Hold it back, Alexandria, he won't hurt us anyway.

I stiffened as he lowered his head to the nape of my neck, deeply inhaling.

"Tell me, love, what would you do if I marked you right here?"

My heart dropped again, and I pressed my lips into a thin line as his nose skimmed the tender area of my neck.

"You don't want to know what I'm capable of Alexandria, and it's best you don't find out the hard way," he murmured against my skin, and I clenched my jaw, refusing to say anything.

"Yield," he finally said, and I turned my head away, refusing.

"I know you heard me," he murmured, his grip on my wrist tightening ever so slightly.

When I felt the prick of his canines on my neck, I swallowed hard before relenting. My body relaxing as I bared my neck. The most significant form of submission.

That's what he wanted.

I felt him smile against my skin, satisfied. His hand releasing my wrists, and instead wrapping around my waist, chin now resting atop my head.

My body shook slightly at having him so close. His power wrapped around me. I could barely breathe.

He scared the shit out of me, mate or not.

What have I gotten myself into?


Just thought I'd let ya'll know that the Embraer Lineage 1000e is my dream plane, although I'm broke asf, and will probably never be able to afford it.

Here's another pic so ya'll can dream with me:


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