By kasiobi

2.2K 292 35

One doesn't rise in love or climb in love, but rather "grows in love". True love are various emotions linkin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter Nine
charpter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
charpter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter Twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty_two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter Thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter Thirty-five
chapter thirty-six

chapter twenty five

15 2 0
By kasiobi

Betsy dashed suddenly to the vibrating telephone, her heart pounding with anticipation. Her eyes darted around the corner, searching vigilantly for any sign of Nyri's presence. She positioned herself discreetly, ready to intercept the call. As the phone continued to ring, Betsy's hand hovered over the receiver, her nerves tingling with excitement and apprehension. Finally, she seized the opportunity and picked up the phone, her voice slightly breathless as she answered.

"Hello?... Oh!" Betsy's initial excitement turned into focused attention as she listened intently to the voice on the other end of the line. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she processed the information being conveyed to her. "Ok, ma'am," Betsy responded, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind.

"Probably one of her gossip mates," Nyri casually remarked watching from the living room.

Of course, here's the revised section:

As Nyri looked at her face, she guessed it wasn't the call Betsy had rushed for.

As Betsy handed the phone to Nyri, her eyes betrayed a flicker of curiosity, a silent question lingering in the air. "Who is it?" she ventured, unable to suppress her intrigue. "It appears it is for you, Nyri. It is from your family, the Quincys," Betsy relayed, her voice tinged with subtle curiosity.

Nyri's brow furrowed slightly at the unexpected nature of the call. "What does it say?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. "Ahh, seems it's from your sister," Betsy revealed, unable to contain her interest. "She said to tell you that your mother, Mrs. Victoria, is fully recovered from her illness."

The revelation hung in the air, sparking a flurry of questions in Nyri's mind. But before she could delve into them, Betsy's curiosity bubbled to the surface, breaking the silence. "But then, Nyri, permit me to ask," Betsy ventured cautiously, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Not that it's any business of mine, but I thought everyone said Mrs. Victoria was a bit delusional and it could never get better but only worse. So that was why Mr. Pete sent her away."

Nyri's eyes widened in surprise at Betsy's boldness, her own curiosity momentarily overshadowed by the unexpected question. "Betsy? Did my sister say anything else other than that?" she asked, ignoring Betsy's prying for the moment as she sought more information.

Betsy's voice softened, a hint of apology coloring her words as she sensed Nyri's emotional turmoil. "Oh, I'm sorry," she murmured, her curiosity momentarily subdued. "It's obvious it's not an issue that concerns me. She added to tell you that your mother was coming home and that your presence was needed," Betsy continued gently, her tone carrying a note of understanding.

"Is that all?" Nyri asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her composure hanging by a thread.

"Yes, it is," Betsy confirmed softly, her gaze meeting Nyri's with compassion.

Nyri felt the weight of her emotions pressing down on her, threatening to spill over. With every breath, she fought to contain the tears that threatened to overflow, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. If she were fair, Nyri knew, she would have blushed pink with the intensity of her emotions. But there was no time for that now. With a valiant effort, she pushed aside her feelings, forcing a smile to her lips even as her insides churned with turmoil.

Betsy's interruption jolted Nyri from her swirling thoughts, her mind still reeling from the news of her mother's impending return. "Nyri the caller is still on," Betsy interjected gently, her voice a gentle reminder of the task at hand.

"What?" Nyri exclaimed, her attention fractured as she struggled to regain focus amidst the emotional whirlwind.

"Your sister is still on the line," Betsy reiterated, her tone tinged with patience.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? And you are just standing there? Give it to me," Nyri replied, her irritation bubbling to the surface at Betsy's perceived delay.

Betsy, unfazed by Nyri's frustration, stretched out the telephone to her, a silent offering. Nyri accepted it with a sigh, her irritation dissipating as quickly as it had come. With a gentle nudge, she indicated for Betsy to leave, her mind already racing ahead to the conversation awaiting her on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" Nyri answered tentatively.

"Who is that snort who just decided to waste this precious time?" Edna's voice crackled with irritation, her impatience palpable even through the phone line.
Nyri caught off guard, her fragile calm felt disrupted

"It's nothing important, just Betsy, one of the most valued help of the Kohaths," Nyri replied, attempting to diffuse the tension with a measured tone.

"You mean to tell me it was a common help that sounded like that. And she had the guts to speak as though she was the boss of some sort and had the right to say whatever she liked," Edna's frustration boiled over, her disapproval evident in her words. "What sort of thoughtless and ill-mannered account she just pulled off, right before you and you didn't flinch or take any action to correct her flouting attitude. I've told you to learn to put certain persons in their place so they'll know to fear you."

Nyri's patience wavered as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of Edna's tirade. "Edna, like I had said before, it's not important. And she's just a maid, there's no need to make so much fuss about it," Nyri countered, her voice tinged with exasperation.

"Okay, if you say so. Just know that, that brat needs taming, and by the way, your assistance is required here so I'll suggest you make haste... Don't want my plans to lag behind," Edna asserted, her tone brooking no argument.

"I'll be on it," Nyri acquiesced, her resolve firm as she ended the call, her mind already turning to the task at hand. With a heavy sigh, she pushed aside the lingering frustration, focusing instead on the demands of her family and the responsibilities that awaited her.

As Nyri hastily packed her belongings, a sense of urgency gripped her, fueled by the need to escape Roy's suffocating presence. She moved with a speed that suggested she might never return, a thought that lingered at the back of her mind like an unspoken truth. Perhaps it would be better if she didn't return, she mused, a fleeting notion that offered a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil. Her hands moved mechanically, folding clothes and gathering essentials, while her mind raced with thoughts of her mother's return and the respite it promised from Roy's relentless grip on her life. But before she could fully immerse herself in the freedom of her impending departure, Roy's voice interrupted her reverie, his presence a jarring intrusion on her solitude.

"I guess you didn't think it was important to let me know first, that you'd be leaving to see your mother who's returned," Roy remarked from the doorway, his tone laced with accusation. Nyri's heart skipped a beat at his sudden appearance, her defenses instinctively rising at the confrontation. "How did you...?" she began, her words trailing off as she struggled to comprehend how he knew of her plans.

"Betsy told me," Roy interjected, a hint of resentment coloring his words.

Nyri's voice carried a note of resignation as she acknowledged Betsy's role "Oh, she did. Should have known, she's your other pair of eyes on me," she remarked bitterly, her frustration with the situation evident in her tone.
Roy's brows furrowed in confusion. "What makes you think so?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued by Nyri's assertion.
"She's always hovering and watching my every move," Nyri expressed her voice tinged with exasperation. "like she's keeping tabs on me."

Roy considered her words for a moment before offering his own interpretation. "Don't you think it's because she's just curious to know who you are?" he suggested, a hint of doubt coloring his tone.

Nyri shook her head, her frustration mounting. "Don't think so. I know she does whatever you want," she countered, her voice edged with bitterness. Roy's expression softened as he reached a realization. "What did you think, she was my personal maid before she was assigned to you?" he admitted, a note of resignation creeping into his voice. Nyri's eyes widened in surprise at his admission.

"She's just here to help you. If you don't like her presence or need her anymore, you can send her back home, where she would be of better use," Roy stated firmly, a subtle hint of nonchalance underlying his words.

Nyri hesitated, her heart giving an unexpected flutter at Roy's declaration. She composed herself before responding, masking her feelings with a calm demeanor. "No, it's fine. She can stay back. She seems to like your presence and always talks highly of your heroic actions towards her," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of reluctance.

Roy arched an eyebrow, detecting a faint trace of jealousy in Nyri's tone. "Do I sense jealousy in you?" he teased, a playful smirk playing on his lips. Nyri scoffed lightly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at being caught off guard. "Oh, please," she retorted, attempting to brush off the notion as she shifted uncomfortably under Roy's knowing gaze.

"You should know by now I would never let you go home on your own without me," Roy stated, his voice carrying a mixture of reassurance and possessiveness. Nyri's heart skipped a beat at his declaration, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. Part of her reveled in his protective instinct, while another part bristled at the implication of dependency. She searched for the right words to respond, wanting to convey her gratitude without compromising her independence.

"I appreciate your concern, Roy," she began, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "But I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Besides, I have some errands to run on the way home." Roy's expression softened at her response, his gaze lingering on her with a mixture of admiration and affection. "I know you're capable, Nyri," he conceded, his tone gentle. "But I would take you home."

Nyri hesitated, In the end, she relented, knowing that his company would provide her with a sense of security she couldn't deny. "Alright," she agreed, offering him a small smile.

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