Crumbled Ideals - World of At...

By TheDrac

402 19 18

Incessant waves full of regret bleed into the darkening horizon, Millions of fading lights drown in the black... More

Sirius Woods
Taurus - Origin
Desolate Stadium
Special Vania Log: Reunion
Atria Maze


36 3 1
By TheDrac

Howling garnet mercilessly engulfed the stone-carved capital. Dozens of warships had greeted the deep azure in place of a golden dawn. A thousand arrows rained upon the unaware citizens with a downpour of scattered flames. Enemies had invaded the solitary paradise through its white beach. None were spared from the slaughter that immediately followed. Elderly were forced to their knees before getting impaled, and children were forced to watch their parents get slain right in front of their eyes. Women that pleased the eye were violated in front of their lovers, and anguished screams for help were swiftly silenced with a blade.

An earthquake greeted the prince that had responded first. A silver crown covered part of his chestnut hair, and his hazel eyes were fixated in front of him. His noble white steed caused his crimson cape to fly, and a golden chest plate reflected the growing flames. A white kilt covered his legs up to his knees, and golden greaves protected the remainder. With sword in hand, he desperately swung at enemies to save as many of his subjects as possible. His steed flung him off before the second earthquake shook the land. The prince had no choice but to watch with his left arm broken as his companion was swallowed up by the land.

In the distance, the mountain that they had built their capital on had exploded. A sweltering wave devoured all that opposed it as it made its way towards the city. The prince armed himself with his good hand as enemies swarmed him. For each blow he landed, dozens more would scar his body. With each slash getting more desperate than the previous, the prince finally fell to his knees. His livelihood had been destroyed in the span of a few hours. The kingdom that he swore to protect with his life had been invaded by enemies, and the once lively streets were stained with the stench of blood. Robbed of his royal stature, the prince had no choice but to wait for the inevitable.

Lava soon purged the horrific scene. Skeletal hands were raised out of the red ocean in an attempt to free themselves. Houses were reduced to a molten puddle instantly, and bloodstains were scrubbed along the wave. Lamenting his own powerlessness, the prince groaned before getting consumed. Filled to the brim with unfathomable regret, he hoped to die within the sweltering liquid. What was once a prosperous kingdom was now reduced to a volcanic lake as lava greeted the ocean.

The prince opened his eyes to infinite beautiful worlds floating within a solitary void. Ancient texts that he read could barely recreate the picturesque scenery that laid before his eyes. His wounds had healed almost instantly as he floated solitarily. However his proud eyes darkened once he was aware of where he was. In what should have been the final moments of his life, the prince had instead entered a gateway to the Cosmic Multiverse. Instead of dying with honor on the battlefield, he felt that he had abandoned his kingdom in order to prolong his own life. The reminder of his cowardice caused his eyes to grow even darker.

Lost within the void of despair, the prince had unknowingly drifted away from the majestic scenery. Floating inside a trail of darkness, he was led to an isolated world far from the rest. Unlike the other worlds that boasted vibrant colors, the sphere in front of him emitted a dull white glow. Few ethereal connections were able to force themselves out of it, and others had to struggle before allowed inside. A lonely sphere that forced most away, it was perfect for the coward that the prince imagined himself as.

A voice echoed within his mind while in isolation. It whispered knowledge that filled him with hope and resolve as he became engulfed by a brilliant crimson. His traditional battle garments became replaced with deep red armor engraved with gold linings, and his blade transformed into a matching two-handed claymore. Finally, a scarlet blaze gently caressed his forehead as he closed his eyes. The prince had acquired something that he never had in his old world: a connection to the Cosmic Flow.

Cosmic Flow: the general term for the ethereal connections linking together humans and objects to their designated worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse. These flows are usually predetermined at one's creation, however factors such as tragedy or resolve may either increase or eliminate the link. They originate in worlds of pure mana, and allow their owner to access the pure energy to create appropriate thaumaturgy. A simplified term for these miracles would be "magic." While in combat, the Cosmic Flow creates a barrier, providing the user a thin wall of protection against other mana based attacks.

However like with many powers, their is great risk in using magic from the original worlds. The amount of mana that can be drawn depends on the size of the flow and world. Each time one uses magic, the flow becomes more constrained and may bottleneck the connection for a while. Thus if they strain the connection too much, they run the risk of never being able to be use magic ever again. If this happens, the pain would be unimaginable as one pushes both body and the link in order to cast thaumaturgy. In most cases when the flow is completely severed, the user is sucked into the damaged link for sustenance. They float around forever in a state of neither life nor death, feeling the pain they experienced while they still had their corporeal form for all of eternity.

The crimson blaze erupted inside of the isolated world. Fresh from the tragedy of a short while ago, the prince looked around with dull eyes. Surrounded by paved stone and a marble wall, his hazel grew clear once more. Fate had brought him to the stepping stone of his journey. On the other side of the wall was where the first being he intended to slay fought. The Cosmic Flow reacted to him, connecting him to his freshly acquired origin. With the birth and control of flames, the prince raised his arm as he commanded "Bolide." Within moments, the dying blaze had formed into a new world in the palm of his hand. Trembling from the immense power, he hurled the fireball at the wall.

Beneath a pile of rubble, a black hand grabbed the halberd that marked its grave. The minotaur groaned as he emerged from the wreckage. "Who was it that interrupted our fight!" he demanded, enraged. Debris from the damaged wall fell with his booming voice.

The prince marched into the coliseum, glaring at his opponent. His armor clacked against the marble with every step. With pride and resolve on full display, he spoke his first words to the beast. "I shall kill every Pillar in order to gain an absolute strength to save my kingdom," he stated. "Pillar of Taurus, I challenge you to a duel." Eyes of piercing determination created an atmospheric tension between the two. "Remember the name that will spell your demise: Crow Marino Alexandros Morte I."

The minotaur rose to meet the crimson challenger. Hooves echoed with each step, and his halberd was readied to strike at any moment. The tension reached an all time high as the two stood in front of one another. Crow looked up at the beast nearly twice his size, and Taurus measured the strength of his interrupter. "Tell me, Crow Marino Alexandros Morte I, are you the one that Delta Posterus had mentioned?" In the heat of the previous exchange, Taurus had forgotten the name that Delta had told him about. Neither of them willing to avert their gazes, their stare down continued.

"I am not," Crow responded. The minotaur lowered his halberd. Disappointed, Taurus walked away from the prince. "However, I can prove to be more of a challenge than anyone else," he added.

"You intend to defeat me, Crow Marino Alexandros Morte I?" Taurus tested. He stood in the center of the arena, facing Crow once more. "Tell me young man, what is it that you know of me?"

Crow followed in his steps. The clacking of armor replaced the previous echoes of hooves. "I know all too much, Taurus," he replied. "The Pillars of this world, otherwise known as the ones that hold up isolation, making this world separated from most others. Each one created out of a form of tragedy, they take refuge while keeping their identities hidden." Crow stopped in his tracks. He stood a few feet away from Taurus, ensuring that both of their weapons were in striking distance. "They have codenames asides from their Pillar names. For example: you Pillar of Taurus, are also referred to as the Pillar of Strength." Taurus' eyes grew sharper with the revelation. "With each Pillar defeated, the remoteness of the world thins, amassing a giant power in return. A power so great that it is said that whoever defeats the last Pillar will be able to realize an unobtainable illusion."

"So you intend to defeat me in order to achieve your goals," Taurus stated.

"No." The blunt response caught Taurus' attention. "Allow me to clear up your misunderstanding. Simply defeating you will not suffice for my goals. I intend to decapitate you in the first step of my conquest." No lies were told inside of his proud words. Crow intended to slay Taurus where he stood in order to ensure that his ambition would not go unfulfilled.

Taurus released a hearty laugh in response. "You have finally proven yourself to be an interesting challenger, Crow Marino Alexandros Morte I. Perhaps you are the one that will end my journey. Now tell me, what is it that drives you so far?"

Delta woke up, feeling dazed from the recent battle. "Damn, I feel hung over," he muttered beneath his breath. He gazed around him to see a crimson knight standing before the one he faced. "Guess this means I lost." He shrugged, pondering how he survived the vicious battle. As he did, a basket of food was dropped onto his lap. "Ah sweet, thanks man!" he stated as he greedily devoured the contents. Finally aware of the queer circumstances, Delta looked up towards the origin. "Drac?" he stated with a full mouth. "When'd ya get here?" Drac remained silent at the question, his eyes fixated on the two in the center of the arena. "Damn this is good though."

"Just a short while ago, my kingdom was toppled over by a surprise attack," Crow responded. "Once everyone had been slaughtered and everything dyed in a scarlet streak, lava purged everything. I was spared by entering a Cosmic Multiverse Gateway. While I lamented my cowardice for being the sole survivor in isolation, I learned of knowledge concerning certain aspects of this world." The two readied their stances at once, each ready to strike within a moments notice. Power unlike the previous battle flowed out, with both prepared to fight till the death at any moment. "The unobtainable illusion that I must grasp no matter what... is the irrefutable strength to save my kingdom before tragedy strikes. That is why I intend to slay every last Pillar, Taurus." After a brief pause, the battle had finally begun.

The two had come to a mutual understanding with their first clash. Fierce blades collided against one another, birthing sparks for a fleeting moment. Intensity grew in the air as their weapons harmonized within the coliseum walls. Both sought their ideal form of strength in their exchange. While one had an obsession to obtain an absolute strength to greet his family with in the afterlife, the other sought an indisputable power in order to overcome the gears of fate themselves. Carrying the weight of the unjust tragedies that led them here, the two proud figures fought on.

Crow slashed on, still inexperienced with his newly acquired claymore. Crimson flames circled around him with each strike, disappearing instantly. Taurus on the other hand swung with flawless precision, nearly decapitating his enemy with every strike. His previous technique as a gladiator was on full display, pushing his opponent onto the defensive. He struck with accurate, savage strikes in contrast to Crow's sloppy yet elegant swings. The difference between the two was as clear as night and day. Crow had just acquired his weapon while Taurus had spent lifetimes with his. Going in for a decisive blow, Taurus swung his halberd at full force.

Crow glared up at the development, not with eyes full of despair but with one anticipation. During the exchange of blows, he shifted his hand positions while Taurus was unaware. He pulled his weapon's trigger, releasing an array of iron pellets. Taurus dropped his halberd in consonance with a fallen shell from the crimson blade. In an instant, dozens of holes formed inside of the minotaur's thick hide. Small droplets of blood poured out from the shallow wounds. Taurus looked down, satisfied with the blow that he had taken. Crow used the opening to retreat backwards, refilling his barrel in the process. "It would appear that today is not when my journey comes to an end," Taurus commented. As he inhaled, the pellets that invaded his body fell onto the ground. The blood that poured out from his battles dried up instantly.

An energy erupted from Crow like a volcano. Crimson flames swirled around him, signifying that he was accessing his newly acquired Cosmic Flow. He fought against the unfamiliar magic, on the verge of trembling before its unknown might. The surrounding blaze formed a single column behind its master. Taurus unwound the chains on his arm. His instincts warned him of the imminent danger that Crow's magic possessed. The minotaur threw his halberd, using the chain to increase centrifugal force. Crow reaction to the attack was too late. As the towering blaze behind him dove into the ground, he was barely able to intercept the silver axe.

The impact had left a small crater in the coliseum wall. Crow collapsed back into the arena, gasping for breath. Taurus retracted his weapon then began to speak once again. "You are still far too inexperienced, Crow Marino Alexandros Morte I," he commented. His statement help no pity nor disappointment. He viewed the crimson knight as an equal in resolve; as an opponent who had caused him more trouble than Delta. "Surrender. Then come back once you have completely mastered your skills." Out of respect for the opponent that may kill him, Taurus unknowingly gave him an option that wounded his pride.

"I refuse!" Crow snarled. He glared up at the minotaur, using his claymore to balance himself. "I swore on my name that I will be the one to spell your demise, Taurus!" Insulted by his opponent's kind gesture, the prince snapped back. "My resolve will surmount to nothing if I allow a coward's retreat once again!" Not once losing the pride in his eyes, Crow took up stance once more. Taurus slammed his weapon into the arena as an apology for insulting his opponent. Forgetting that he once held the same resolve when he awoke as a Pillar, he met Crow's gaze for battle once again. Crow closed his eyes in acceptance. Imagining the sight of the mountain that buried his kingdom in lava, he dug his claymore into the marble. A slightly more refined energy swirled around him, showing that he was getting used to his magic. He slowly opened his eyes with the burning image his mind. "Eruzione," Crow commanded.

Rumbling occurred beneath Taurus. On guard, the minotaur took stance against the violent tremor. In the next moment, a towering inferno assaulted the beast. The flames that were sent beneath the ground erupted all at once at Crow's word. Growling in pain, Taurus stampeded out of the crimson tower. In a beastlike pose, the minotaur rammed his horns towards the prince with his chain following behind him. Crow took stance once more, hoping to catch his opponent off guard. With Taurus finally in range, he pulled the trigger. Iron pellets flew towards the beast in one final attempt to finish him. However, Taurus noticed his intentions. With powerful steps that formed small craters, Taurus had changed his trajectory.

Having dodged the attack entirely, the minotaur hurled Crow upwards. Powerless in midair, the prince had no choice but to watch as Taurus wrapped a chain around him. Taurus' muscles screamed out as he slammed Crow back into the coliseum. Crow clung on to life as his vision became painted a deep red. Blood dripped from his head onto the pavement with his struggle to rise again. Struggling for his claymore, the proud figure rose once more. "Crow Marino Alexandros Morte I, I apologize for insulting your resolve previously," Taurus stated while impressed with his resilience and determination. Coiling his chain back onto his arm, the minotaur took a stance. Cosmic energy leaked out of him in the form of an escapable steel cage. "While it may not surmount to much, I shall use every ounce of my strength in order to ensure that you have a satisfying death."

Mustering up strength for one final slash, Crow charged towards Taurus. He was well aware that while casting his thaumaturgy, Taurus would be left completely defenseless. "Echo," Drac ordered from afar. Crow swung his claymore one last time, only to be greeted by forged steel arising from a distortion of white electricity. In an instant, Crow's weapon had been lodged deeply into the coliseum's floor. Drac appeared in a downwards position, holding his twin chakram in hand. Delta, dumbfounded by the fact that Drac's cloak had assaulted him when he disappeared, watched in anticipation as he finished his final bite of food. "Continue, Pillar of Taurus," Drac stated as he stood straight up. He turned his back towards Crow in order to face the caged minotaur. "Call forth your World Egg."

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