Beauty and the Beast | Fillie

By curlsginger

850K 27.6K 164K

"Sometimes is the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince." In order to pay her father's debt, Mil... More

Unchained Lives
A New Beginning
Red Roses
Breakfast For Two
Let's have dinner
His Lovely Girlfriend
The Eleventh Hour
Just for tonight
Teach Me
Castle Wolfbrown
Once upon a time
Friends don't lie
Even the sun sets in paradise
Where I belong
The Void
It's Christmas, I'm in love
Mr. Unknown
No remedy to memory
City of love
Old Habits
One of the drunks
Game Over
Baby Doll
Hungry Eyes
The Sound
The Last Goodbye
Double Trouble
Divine Creation
A day in the life
Circle of Life
Ink my Love
Pages of our Life
Tale as Old as Time
Beauty and The Beast

My Eleven

14.7K 518 3.5K
By curlsginger

"So, what is happening between you and Finn?" Lilia suddenly asked, while sitting on a stool in the kitchen and checking for some documents.

A day passed by, and Millie was finishing to eat her dinner, while Sarah was cleaning the dishes and the housekeeper was looking at her with curious eyes.

"Well, nothing at all." she said, trying to avoid her look and to not smile widely as she was cutting her steak.

"Millie, honey... You and him are spending so much time together. You have been sneaking out a lot in these couple of weeks. And yesterday you were even having tea with him in his room!"

Millie simply shrugged, smiling shyly; she took the last bite of her meal Sarah cooked for her. There was nothing left to say. It had to be their secret and she would have kept it, no matter how bad she wanted to tell Lilia the truth.

She had the virtue of loyalty.

"He just asks me to help me doing things. And I accepted."

That was the pure and simple truth. Of course, with a whole story inside she couldn't tell, but still, it was a fact.

"What kind of things?" the blonde questioned more, getting curious.

She hated not knowing things, especially Millie's business. She was her baby girl, a daughter to protect at all costs.

And her baby girl just smiled tenderly while jumping off the stool, passing the dirty dish to the cooker, ignoring her question. The truth was: she didn't want to avoid Lilia, but the less she and the others knew, the better.

"Lilia... nothing at all. Nothing bad. We are just getting along pretty well. He is still my boss and I'm still his housemaid." she said, smiling softly, before a voice interrupted - luckily - their conversation.


The three women turned their heads to the door's kitchen: Finn had just yelled, and his voice came from the entrance of the mansion. He seemed pissed, and that was nothing new.

"Sorry, Your Majesty is calling me." Lilia rolled her eyes, closing her documents and walking quickly to the other room.

Millie smiled and ran after her, curious to see why did he called her for. The two girls walked side by side, giggling a bit.

Wolfhard was standing in the entrance, with Caleb helping him wearing his silky and elegant black Dior coat; Gaten was fixing his tie and Millie gasped a bit, feeling a stab in her stomach. He was wearing a burgundy and black suit, and his ebony curls were perfectly styled — she could tell her stylist, Blondie, helped him a lot to get that amazing hairstyle.

He was simply handsome that night. She exhaled a long breathe, feeling her skin going on fire. Yes, she loved casual Finn, but the Finn dressed with that color... was something she could have stared at for all of her life.

With a corner of her eye, she noticed that next to Gaten there was a paper bag from which she could glimpse some pink petals; she smiled bittersweetly. He really followed all of her rules. Millie massaged her forearm in order to calm herself down. She wasn't suppose to think that way or being sad about it, she had no rights whatsoever.

She was just his employee.
She just cleaned his house.

"Yes, Mr. Wolfhard?" Lilia asked, getting close to him.

Finn noticed Millie standing behind her and his nervous expression slightly sweetened; she was wearing one of her usual overalls, a purple one that time, and her hair was so pretty, styled in those perfect ocean's waves. His beautiful teacher.

And the more he stared at that young and silly girl, he felt guilty. Just guilty.

"Prepare the guest room. We will have Grace here tonight and all of tomorrow. As I come back, I want her suitcases in her bedroom, her favorite meals served tomorrow at lunch, and..." Finn suddenly stopped, trying to avoid the look of Millie, "I don't need Millie to bring me breakfast tomorrow. The task will be yours."

Lilia nodded, smiling in the most adorable way possibile, even if she could tell something between the two was terribly off.

"As you wish, Mr. Wolfhard. Good luck for your night with Ms. VanderWaal." Lilia said, nodding and showing off a polite smile.

And then, Millie took all of courage and slowly walked towards him, smiling, trying to avoid that horrible sensation she was feeling on the inside. She knew that day would have come, but what she didn't knew was that it would have been so terribly difficult to accept.

"Rule Z, the last one: don't be rude. Listen to her. Everything will be fine."

Finn nodded, sketching a tiny smile. His eyes were just sparkling as his sight met her figure; she was just adorable, and kind. The opposite of him. And she had that bitter expression he learnt to detest that was driving him mad.

But what could have he done? It was time to get Grace back, and there was no time to lose. It was time to get serious.

"Thank you, brat. See you tomorrow." he winked at her, as he slowly passed a hand on her hip with the clear intention to hug her, or perhaps, even kiss her cheek.

But Mille simply took a step back, holding his fingers gently, stopping him and making him almost lose all of his breathe, "Remember: she is more than ten minutes. Have a good night, Sir."

Finn nodded and with a snap of the head he claimed Gaten and Caleb's attention. They were ready to leave.

"Good night, Millie." he said before gently brushing his lips on her hand and staring sweetly at her.

She showed him an overjoyed smile, not caring of how other people were looking at them. She just loved the little attention he was giving her.

"Dream of me, uh?" he whispered to her ear as his head as bent down just to reach her.

Millie's cheeks went on fire in the moment she felt his lips so close to her ear and her neck; she didn't know what to say. People were looking at them with a weird and know-it-all smile and, God, how she didn't want him to go away.

"Those would be nightmares then!" she replied just to cut off the tension, and the impelling urge to hug him tenderly.

Finn just laughed softly. He pulled her with a gentle touch just to make her step forward and get close to him. He look down at the maid, "Sassy girl. You're lucky I have to go away."

She looked at him and pressed her lips together, trying so hard to not stutter.

"When you talk to her... don't get mad and breathe, okay? I know you can do it." Millie finally admitted, touching with a little bit of fear his cheek, caressing it sweetly.

He nodded, as he felt that lovely contact slowly fading. "I will. See you tomorrow, brat."

He interrupted the contact, taking some steps back and walking towards the corridor which led to the garage.

Millie stood there, at the entrance, with a sense of loneliness hanging over her. It was happening. After almost a month, their pact was about to end. She would have left in a matter of a week or so.

"Honey... do you want to sleep in my room tonight? If it makes you feel better." Lilia broke the uncomfortable silence, holding gently her hand.

The housekeeper didn't know what was happening between them, but... those whispers, those looks, those little contacts were absolutely powerful just looking at them. They just screamed affection and caring in every thing they did.

It was pure. It was there. And they didn't see it, they didn't want to admit it.

"No, I... prefer sleeping alone. I will go now. Thanks Lilia, see you tomorrow."

And after she left the entrance and reached her room, Millie couldn't simply close an eye for all night. She tried her best to not think of him; to not think of him following all of her advice, and it was hard.

So terribly hard.

She imagined him slowly kissing his fiancée's shoulder (just like he did almost two months before), or being nice and smiling at the girl, or him giving her that brunch of splendid and delicate roses.

She sobbed, turning on her side on the mattress. Sleeping was impossibile. He had been out for hours, it was almost midnight and he hadn't come back yet. She was even terrorized to hear sounds because she knew what she would have heard: Finn and Grace probably drunkly kissing, undressing each other and falling on the white sheets of his bed.

The only wish she had was Finn being strong enough to not give in. She prayed to fall asleep with all of her strengths, because she didn't want to hear or see anything.

Millie seriously didn't want to feel that sensation that was jealousy consuming her while he was clearly consuming something else.

The pain she was feeling was something she never experienced and she really wanted it to end. It was like someone took her something from her and abruptly broke it in front of her. Surely, Finn wasn't hers, he was no one's. But at the same time, she felt like she was responsible for him, like she had a duty of care. And that caring thing, so strong, so weird, was something she never felt for someone else.

"This is stupid." she whispered, closing her eyes again and holding her sheets tightly in her hands.

And as she hid her head under her three pillows and relaxed herself a bit, she felt her muscles relaxing, and her breathe getting heavy.

Eventually, fortunately, the eighteen years old fell asleep, dreaming of him, as if he was her favorite happy thought in a sea of sorrow.


On the other side of Vancouver, in a fancy resistant with a fantastic view, one of those with small candles and fresh flowers on every table, the dinner between the two went surprisingly well.

Grace didn't recognize Finn at first; he was acting nice, like a perfect gentleman, and he even got her a bouquet of flowers she completely loved, and they were even in her favorite color — she wondered how he had become so nice in a matter of two months.

Was he really starting to behave like a decent fiancé? She wished so, because that night he was exactly what she wanted and desired.

He was smart; and he could discuss all the night of different things; he didn't even bring up the sexual aspect of their relationship. Yes, Grace was mesmerized by that new Finn who was doing progresses just for her.

"Finn, are you sure you're okay? You never acted this way."

"I'm perfectly fine." he smoothly said, taking a sip of his wine, trying to forget that horrible feeling of guilt he was had been experiencing since he left his house.

Grace played with her emerald earrings, and he knew her well; she was looking at him with lusty eyes. She was ready for getting her dessert and he knew that it would have been difficult to say yes to her.

He wasn't in the mood. And that was weird, because he was every time Millie was near him. So, why it didn't happen with the splendid girl who was sitting in front of him?

Her beauty was something every man would have died for: blue ocean eyes; hair made of gold; thin and fit; a sweet voice, especially when she sang. A dream. Yes, Grace VanderWaal was the dream every man wanted.

Not for Finn Wolfhard, though.

He wanted another dream, who was probably sleeping in that right moment. Finn pictured her, tucked in her blue sheets, with her stupid pajamas on, with her lips partially disclosed, her chocolate hair messy on the pillow and her adorable way of sleeping on her right side, curled up like a baby.

A soft expression appeared on his face, and a little sweet dimple was there too as his gaze was lost in the flame of the candle.

How bad he wanted to be with her.

"I am impressed, you know? The way you are acting tonight. You seem another person. But you don't have to lie anymore, I know who you are and I know you are always the jerk you always are. Not that I don't like it." she said suavely while she slowly held his hand, gently caressing it.

Finn's sweetest thoughts were interrupted by her voice. He finally looked at her, as his cascade of curls was covering his left eye.

"Do you prefer a bastard who treats you bad, then?" he asked ironically.

"Well, perhaps in some circumstances... but yeah, I must say that I love how you really listened to me all night along. I appreciate your effort, Finn. But still, you cheated on me." she remarked again, with the only main intention to see if he really was changed or he was just playing with her.

Because, you see, Grace always thought of it. She always thought of that "Millie". She couldn't even picture her face, but just her name made her insanely angry. Finn Wolfhard, the man every woman in high society desired, was meant to be hers and no girl would have taken him away from her hands.

"I didn't cheat on you. I seriously never kissed or had sex with another woman who wasn't you since I have known you. And I never been more serious in my all God damn life." Finn explained, staring deeply in her blue eyes.

Millie taught her to be sincere, and so, he did. He was trying hard to not yell in front of Grace because of her bitchy attitude, but he needed to get her forgiveness in order to not let papa down.

"And should I trust you, Finn?"

Finn looked at her, reflecting himself in those deep ocean eyes.

"Yes, you should. I have to marry you, Grace. We have to marry. And I know how badly you want me. You told me you wanted a fair partner: here I am." he said, pointing at himself.

Grace finally smiled; yes, he was sincere and he said a lot of right things. Maybe, just maybe, she overreacted the last time they met.

"I don't know who did this to you, but I should thank them. Look at you: acting like a normal person. I hope the animal inside of you is still there, though."

The blonde was sincerely impressed and absolutely fascinated by that whole brand new man who was talking and flirting with her. She seriously couldn't wait to kiss him again, making him hers again.

"It's always there. People just knew how to domesticate it."

And his thought went to her, once again.

"And what if I told you I wanted it right now? How about it? Would you give it to me?"

She is more than just ten minutes.

He remembered her words. He showed a crooked smiled, losing himself in her voice which was still resounding in his head.

"No, I don't think so. I think you are more than sex. We had fun, but it's time for us to act like serious people. You are very welcome to my room anytime you want, even for... sleeping, perhaps."

He wondered if even Grace could make him fall asleep so nicely like Millie always did. If even her caresses and cuddles could be amazing like Millie's.

Millie, the only name which had been running through his mind for all the evening.

"Oh, wow. You..." Grace was incredulous; she didn't recognized him anymore. He was really that good. "You are surprising me in the best way possibile."

"Thank you, Grace." he replied back, kissing her hand sweetly, trying to feel the lust, the desire he always had for her.

But that night, it was impossible. She was wearing a tight black velvet dress, her back was bare and her lips were colored in the usual red lipstick. She could be, aesthetically speaking, a ten out of ten.

But Millie, his little and precious Millie, she was an eleven out of ten.

"How about you take me to our house?" she asked, sketching a smile he recognized.

And he knew the worst was yet to come.


The last thing he remembered was him and Grace kissing slowly, deeply; he could feel how bad she wanted him and how he wasn't very inclined; and then, everything went black. Even if he perfectly knew what happened. Or at least, he thought so.

He checked with a hand the side of his mattress, expecting to feel the warm bare back of Grace, but instead he felt... cold. Finn blinked more, turned on the light — it was still dark outside, and he finally saw the side of his bed perfectly still intact.

She hadn't sleep there. She hadn't. He looked at  himself, and after touching his own body frenetically, he could feel he was still dressed, wearing his dark blue tee and his pj's pants.

They didn't sleep together. That was, by now, blatantly obvious. He quickly ran to the room next to his, opening the door without making any noise, seeing how Grace was peacefully lulling in her own deep slumber, with a sweet smile on her face.

He slowly closed it, and his heart started beating fast; perhaps, it was for the alcohol, but... that was not the reason why he didn't remember something happen.

Because it really didn't happen.

He simply accompanied Grace to her bedroom after their romantic dinner, leaving her confused but genuinely surprised. He respected her. He didn't treat her just a toy, the toys he would love to play.

A suffocating feeling of anxiety raised in him, and he felt completely out of his mind.

He did it. He did exactly what Millie said and everything was... perfect. Yes, everything was exactly how it was supposed to be. But that thing didn't satisfy him a bit, not an inch, not at all.

He ran his hands through his messy curls and his brain commended him to run down stairs; it must have been four a.m. or so, and he just needed to calm himself down with the only person who could relax him. He checked all the doors of his housemaids, until he found Millie's one.

He gulped and with shaky hands, he decided to knock. But she didn't reply. He rolled his eyes, he couldn't wait to touch her.

He knocked once more, hearing some sounds behind the wooden door. He could picture her getting up from her bed, while rubbing her eyes.

And when the wooden door finally opened, revealing exactly what Finn expected: a sleepy Millie with still eyes partially closed, messy hair and... well, maybe he didn't expect to see her just with a blue and white laced night gown just reaching her tights and nothing else underneath.

"Finn? What the hell? It's four." she said, yawning, not really processing what was happening.

"Let me enter before someone sees me." he rushed to say, holding her and pushing her into the room.

"Hey, this is my room—" but he already entered it, closing the door behind him and beginning to walk anxiously back and forth, something he always did when he had bad and anxious thoughts on his mind.

"Hey, what is happened? Where... where is Grace?" she asked before covering her mouth because she was yawning too hard.

"Upstairs. She is sleeping in her room." Finn said quickly. He didn't want to think of her.

"Oh, wow... that's great!" she let out relieved, hiding a little bit of satisfaction. Her worst scenarios didn't happen and he had been strong enough to not give in!

She had seriously worried for nothing.

"And how the dinner went?" Millie inquired more, looking at Finn's eyes getting bitter and filled with irrational anxiety.

"Fucking well. She forgave me. But the problem is that I don't know why I'm not happy about it. I don't fucking know why I am not satisfied!" he muttered with frustration, caressing his forearm.

"It's just a little step close to the marriage. This is why you feel anxious, maybe. Don't overthink, Finn..." she whispered sweetly, trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah, perhaps is that. Fuck me, fuck my life, I hate all of this." he said, grabbing the sheets of her bed and jumping in it, leaving Millie rather confused.

"What are you doing in my bed?!"

"Brat, you are so fucking slow. Come here, and cuddle me. Now." he ordered, and if she didn't come close to him in five seconds, he would have probably dragged her there without any kind of problem.

"Excuse me? No! Absolutely not! Your girlfriend is upstairs." she almost yelled, trying to not panic at his request.

"I don't care."

Millie crossed her arms and pinched her eyebrows together in a very annoyed frown, "Finn, you can't jump in random people's beds and expecting them to cuddle you. You are not eight."

"Please?" he asked with a look he never used, the one with puppy eyes, making Millie's heart softening.

It was hard, so terribly infuriating she couldn't do it because it was wrong. But, at least one of them, had to be strong.

"No. Why don't you go to Grace? I'm sure she will cuddle you. Come on, hold my hand, I will guide you to her room."

As she made her way towards the mattress, she stretched out her hand but Finn didn't look at her very convinced. Instead, he simply snorted and shook his head.

"Finn! Come on, we have to go!"

He shook his head again while his gaze never abandoned her figure. He was challenging her, that was obvious; but she wasn't in the mood for playing, the situation was getting serious.

"I want to stay here. And there's nothing you can do about it." he shrugged, tucking himself even more under the blue sheets impregnated by her scent.

It was like talking to a brat. And the brat wasn't her. It was him all along.

"Stop being so selfish! How would you feel about Grace sleeping in another's man bed?!" Millie asked, resting her hand in her hips and looking at him exactly like a mother would look at her son doing tantrums.

And it was in that right moment Finn lost it.

"Who gives a damn fuck about where she sleeps! I don't fucking love her!" he spit out with rage, staring at Millie deadly.

"Finn, listen," Millie got even closer to him, sitting on the mattress and staring at him, not an inch afraid of his moody reactions.

"You asked me to... help you. And I did. But the cuddle-package was not included. This is the best opportunity to understand if she loves you. She could cuddle you. I mean, you don't love me too and you can sleep. How's that different?"

She basically hit the point. She basically gave him the answer why he was so upset and annoyed about all of that situation. Because she was different; because she wasn't like Grace or any other girl he dated or hanged out with in the past.

Millie was simply Millie.

"It's... different." he just let out in frustration.

Millie smiled tenderly, "It's really not. Give her a chance like you did with me."

He shook his head, looking at her in a challenging  way. He was having fun, she could tell it.

"I want you out of my bed in three seconds or I will carry you into your bedroom by myself."

"Good luck with that shorty." he snorted, hiding under the blankets even more.

Millie slapped her forehead and she could feel the usual grip in her stomach. That marvelous sensation only when she was near him. But... he was really a baby!

"Finn, Jesus, get out of my damn bed!" she said, trying to grab his shoulders in order to push him up.

Finn smiled and in a matter of three seconds, he gently grabbed her hips, making fall her on him and abruptly switching their position. Millie was underneath him now, and he could feel her heart beating faster and faster, while she could breathe his usual jasmine scent. His cascade of black curls was gently caressing her forehead.

"First of all, this bed is technically mine. And second, you are very cute from this perspective." he smiled, pocking her nose.

"Get off of me! Now!" she almost laughed while saying it.

"Nah." he said, finally resting his cheek on her belly and closing his eyes. "Cuddles, please."

"Oh God, you are incredible! If you girlfriend kills me, this will be all of your fault!"

"She will never know." he suavely said, while running his fingers on her bare thigh gently, feeling how that simple touch made her tremble.

She knew what would have happened. And she didn't want to. That was exactly what it wasn't supposed to happen; he had a girlfriend in that house, and, even if she wanted to give in, even if she wanted to do everything he asked her, she couldn't.

She had to protect him.

"Finn, we are doing something immorale right now. I won't accomplish your request." she stated, as his hand stopped abruptly to caress her.

"But I... I thought you like to stay with me... to cuddle me." he said in complete disbelief, closing his eyes slowly, conflicted with his own feelings.

And then, the thought it him: perhaps, she didn't like him as he thought. The weird feelings he was experimenting were just his.

Perhaps, Millie didn't seriously like him.

"I adore cuddling you, Finn. I love staying with you. But this is really a bad idea." she stated once again, looking at him with a sad look.

And when the little prince didn't want what he asked...

Finn's bad temper quickly jumped out. He started at her angrily — but not in the usual anger; it was just a feeling he never experienced before, completely new, and he didn't seriously know how to control it.

"You know what? Fuck it." he snorted, jumping off her bed and quickly walking towards the door.

Millie didn't know what to say; she really wanted, almost desperately, to cuddle him and feeling his skin on hers, or the feeling of running softly her fingers through his curls; God, that was one of the best sensations of the world!

But still, she knew it wasn't right. She just knew it. His future wife was upstairs and she didn't want to be the "other one", if that could make any sense. She didn't want to be the one who comforted and collected the pieces of him while the other woman was having the good life and enjoying the results of her hard work.

If her boss was like that, it was due to her and to him for having found the courage to change for the better.

"Finn, don't get angry! I really wanted to—"

"I'm going to make you pay for this." he cut her off, saying it almost as a threat, pointing at her, and smirking devilish as always.

How could she not cuddle him after everything they have been through those weeks? No, it was completely nonsense to him.

He thought he had a bond with her. He thought she was finally see through him. He thought she was starting to... like him. And he was fucking wrong.

And Millie opened her mouth in an almost disgusted way.

"Oh, here we go again! Now I'm just a maid and you are just the boss, uh? The one who's gonna hurt me! Well, fuck you!" she screamed, throwing at him a pillow, hitting him right on the head.

Finn just grabbed the pillow and threw it at her again. Was she really hitting him with objects?

"Fuck you too! I thought we had fucking something, instead, you don't feel shit. You are just a fucking maid!" he yelled with rage, almost hurting his throat.

His fists already were clenched and the beast who was sleeping inside of him suddenly jumped out.
On the other side of the room, Millie just stared at him badly; if she had super powers, she would have shoved him to the wall with just a look.

"How dare you?! Of course we have bonded! And just because I say "no" to you, you have to act like a spoiled prince?! Nobody owns you anything, Finn Wolfhard! You asked me for cuddles and I refused. Friends can say "no" when someone we care about is doing something stupid! I am trying to protect you!" she went on and on with her heavy words, throwing him pillows and even her slippers as she was growling her words out of her mouth.

Finn just stayed there, allowing her to hit him with her useless objects; he was pissed. He wanted and claimed what he expected.

He wanted her. But she didn't want him. And, good Lord, Heaven knew how had been banged up.

"Protecting me?! How refusing my request to cuddle me is "protecting" me?! You are just scared, yeah; scared as hell to touch me, because if you keep doing it, you know you would start to feel!"

Millie just stopped throwing him things in the moment he said those words. He stared at her, showing him an angered and disappointed look: it was like he was digging inside her body, her heart, her soul.

How did he know? This was the question that Millie thought in the moment she showed him a scared face.

"Oh, don't look at me with those eyes, Millie... I know that you are scared as hell, and guess what? I am too! But I'm still here, not giving a fuck, because I seriously care about... Jesus, whatever the fuck we have. While you keep running the fuck away." he finally admitted, caressing the back of his neck nervously, trying to calm himself down.

Millie frowned. That was wrong.

He was just complicating things with his words, and she couldn't and didn't want to deal with them. She didn't want to listen to them because she would have given in.

And when Millie was scared and angered, she always did the same thing...

She ran away from her problems.

"Get out of my bedroom. Just go." she whispered in rage, walking towards him and trying to open the door.

But Finn grabbed her wrists, getting close to her face, so close he could feel the sound her heartbeat going crazy inside her chest; her heavy breathe; her irises going wide. Every little thing about her body was screaming him to not go. But her words said something else.

"If I quit the room, I am not coming back. You know it right?" he said grudgingly.

Millie nodded, because she expected it, "I want you to hurt me, because just in the moment you will, you will realize how wrong you are. So, go on, take your nasty revenge. I am here for it."

Finn and Millie shared a disappointed and broken look; he simply (reluctantly) shoved her away with his shoulder as he quitted the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

A voice inside his head told him to go back and apologize for his stupid and selfish behavior. But, the other one, was saying to go on with his stupid plan.

Oh, she was going to be so fucked up in the next morning.  And he perfectly knew what to do in order to piss her off.


Millie's eyes opened in the right moment she heard her telephone - the one Finn made install - ringing; she snorted, rubbing her eyes and yawning; she tried to reach the phone with her hand, without looking.

"Hello?" she said, yawning a bit more, and covering her mouth.

"Pancakes, orange juice, a coffee and chocolate cake. And of course, my fucking agenda. You have ten minutes, maid."

Is he fucking serious? she asked to herself, while hanging up the call. She jumped out of the bed quickly — almost falling in the ground because the sheets were still tangled around her hips and legs. After wearing her usual blue uniform, Millie knew she was a disaster, but she didn't have the material time to make look herself presentable or to even brush her hair.

With rush, she ran to the kitchen, grabbing the silver tray full of the food Finn ordered and she walked upstairs, trying to think why he did call her; the day before, she remembered he asked Lilia to do work in her turn...

Her thoughts were so deep, she didn't even notice Finn was staring at her, comfortably sitting on his bed... while caressing Grace's shoulders softly, and the girl's cheek gently pillowing on his chest.

And that was the first time Millie met Grace VanderWaal.

The maid stomach's was in pain; and not only that. Everything about the situation was wrong. She didn't know what she was feeling, but she knew that if they had been alone, she would have punched him in the face, kicked him with a brick, or put the roses's spines in his underwear.

With her head held high, she placed the silver tray on the coffee table. She noticed how beautiful Grace was: splendid short and blonde hair; mesmerizing ocean's eyes; a petite figure and classy, so damn classy.

A princess, something she wasn't.

"Have you finished staring?" Grace snapped, looking at her in pure disgust. That little girl was absolutely inappropriate. And she didn't like how she was staring at her future husband.

Millie, on the other side, felt insignificant, dressed with that stupid blue uniform, with her hair not combed and her dark circles under her eyes because of the crying of frustration she did when Finn left her alone.

"Yes, I'm sorry Miss. Here is your breakfast."

Grace snorted, "Jesus, I didn't know you hired middle schoolers, Finn." she laughed amused while staring at Millie.

But her comment was mostly an envy one; she knew that housemaid was beautiful. She just felt the need to feel prettier than her.

"Yeah. Young, but she is good in cleaning other people's shit. She will stay here for a while, serving us." Finn remarked, showing off his bastard smile at his fiancée, who laughed back.

Millie's stared at him with sad eyes. All of her work, all of his words, all of that man she had seen in those days... was gone, and the beast inside of him was out again. She helped him... to get with that monster.

The brunette clenched her fists behind her back and looked at them, as her voice was slowly trailing down, "Yeah, that was my life's aspiration, apparently. But if my presence bothers you, in a week I will go away, nothing you have to worry about Mr. VanderWaal."

It took just one night with that horrible girl to become like that all over again. Just one night.

Finn's smile began to disappear when he saw Millie's eyes getting dark and after hearing her saying those heavy words; he knew that face. He knew it very well, because it appeared just when he made her feel bad.

His desire of revenge, his plan to make her feel bad just a little bit for having just said "no" last night suddenly was the stupidest idea he had ever done.

I want you to hurt me, because just in the moment you will, you will realize how wrong you are.

She would have gone away in eight days and he was treating her like an idiot just because he couldn't accept a "no" as a response. Was he really that different from Jacob, at that point?

"Can I go now, or do you need something else?" Millie asked, staring at her feet sadly, making Finn feel ever more dumb.

He hurt her. He hurt her feelings. And she was so pretty even in those conditions, and unbelievably polite and kind even when he had insult her. God, he did not deserve a wonder like her. He simply didn't.

"Just go. Me and my husband have something to do." Grace snorted soon after, throwing her a fake sympathetic glance.

Finn's stared at Grace badly. God, he hated what he had just done.

"You heard her. You can go." Finn whispered, trying to not feel like a dumbass he was, understanding he had fucked up.

"Have a good day, Miss VanderWaal. Have a good day, Mr. Wolfhard." she said, doing a little reverence and turning her back.

Millie pressed her lips together bitterly and rapidly made her way outside the room she had slept in for some night; the room where probably he had slept with so many women in; the room where he showed his most fragile side of his troubled personality.

She looked back for a bit: her heart was telling her to go back and spitting out with rage everything she thought of, but she knew very well that it wasn't worth it.

It was simply unnecessary. He didn't deserve a damn thing. She was upset, but she couldn't even cry because the maid still had her work to do, in a way or another.

A week and she would have finally be free.

And she would have gone forever, far away from that monster. Because who could have ever loved a...

"Beast." she whispered with a broken voice before running down the staircase and not looking back.

The response was quite simple: only Millie Bobby Brown could.

Aaaaand you are going to hate me!
Hello gals, I am here, and Merry Christmas to everybody ❤️ hope you have a good one! 🎅🏻

Angsts train has left the station and shit will go down from this moment on. Also, this is legit the last update of 2018. I will be back, stronger as ever (yeah I wish) in the first week of January. Or maybe after 8th or 10th. I just need to study and I currently am in anxiety and so on sigh

Well well, Grace n Millie finally met and they are totally gonna hate each other. But Finn still has to choose one. I wonder what he will do...

Love you all, see ya in 2019! I wish you the best❤️

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