Freedom Of Fear

By Jaqueline_1212

57 12 0

Not your typical mystery story. Six best friends have to face their fears in the most frightening and torturi... More



3 1 0
By Jaqueline_1212

—Someone call the police—Olivia orders. She looks like she's about to loose it.
—We need to calm down...—Seth starts to say.
—Calm down? Are you kidding? This is Madison we are talking about! She's our friend, we have to get help. We have to.
—Baby, It's going to be okay. We'll find her—Felix reassures her and she starts to cry in his shoulder.
—It's all my fault, I got distracted. I should've stayed with her at all times—she says, her voice cracking.
—Oh my god what if they do terrible stuff to her—I start to panic.
—We need to go get her guys—Zach says and we all look at him—this person gave us a location, we need to go now before they do anything to her.
We all run to the car but it all seems to move in slow motion. Madison, the girl I've been friends with for as long as I can remember. I just can't believe this.
We all put on our seat belts and Zach stays put as if he is thinking something through.
—Hailee?—I look at him confused—How does this person have your number?
—Madison didn't bring her phone to the party—Olivia adds. She hasn't stopped crying, all her mascara has ran down her cheeks. My mind wonders through my thoughts and it finally hits me, the man.
—There is this guy that's been following us! It must be him—I say.
—Following us?—Seth asks.
—Yes, at the coffee place and to this party. He looked very suspicious—I remember his creepy smile and what he had said back at the party. I am sure he's the one.
We finally decide to go to the location, Zach is driving full speed and no one says a thing. What if we can't find her? What will we do?
Finally after what feels like hours we arrive at this huge beautiful mansion with large trees at the front and lots of big windows. There are flowers of all kind and wide beautiful burgundy doors. Zach parks the car and we all get out as fast as we can. Stopping right in front of the door all of us hesitate to knock. What is this place?
—I'll do it—Seth says and steps forward. He looks back at us and we all look desperate. He finally knocks. There is no response.
—Are we in the right place?—Zach asks.
—This is exactly the location they sent us—I say, pulling out my phone to show them.
Suddenly the door opens with a shriek and a lady pops her head out without opening the door all the way.
—Yes?—she says. Her voice a little rusty as if she were screaming all day.
—We came for our friend—Felix says.
—Where is she?—Olivia in a harsh tone.
—Please, come in—the lady says with a smile. We all enter the place and our jaws instantly drop. This place looks like an asylum for mentally ill people but in the most fancy way. It doesn't look old, it looks decorated and new but it gives out creepy vibes with all the doors with big locks in them and just a tiny window at the top—I'll take you to front desk, follow me.
—Where the hell are we?—Seth says. The lady just smiles the same creepy way the guy that's been following us does. She completely ignores him and keeps walking.
—We're here—the lady says gesturing us to get close to the front desk. There are a lot of chairs at the back of the desk. Many people must work here.
—Hello, welcome to Rutherlouf. How may I help you?—the man behind the desks says in the most polite way.
—We came here for a friend—I say.
—Can you please give me the name of your friend?—he says, looking at his computer screen.
—Madison Gray—Olivia says. The man starts to type her name and finally looks up at us.
—Oh yes,—he starts to write something down—this is the waiting room for your group. We will be right with you.
—Wait, what? Waiting room? Our friend just got kidnapped. Give her back or I'm calling the police—the guy raises an eyebrow.
—She's being analyzed and will be out very soon, and then you all get your turn—he says and hands me the note.
—What? Analyzed? Our turn? What do you mean?—Felix asks, he looks so mad.
—I can't say much, but if you want to see your friend you'll have to wait.
—Guys we should go back, maybe we could go to the police department ourselves—Olivia says completely scared.
—Oh, you guys are not going anywhere—he pushes a button and all the doors and windows instantly close. These guards come down the hall and grab us, taking us down the hall with them. I start hitting and kicking trying to run for my life but the guards are too strong. They finally let go leaving us all alone in this tiny room full of magazines and big posters and the walls. They lock the doors and we start kicking trying to get out.
After a few minutes we give up.
—What are we going to do?—Olivia cries.
—What did he mean with we are all going to wait for our turn? Our turn for what?—Felix asks.
—And why are they "analyzing" Madison?—Seth asks.
—I have no clue—I answer. I honestly don't but I'm scared to find out. I take out my phone in hopes that I could call someone for help. But as I thought, there is no signal here. All the others do the same and we get no luck what so ever. I start walking around looking for something that can explain where we are when something starts to ring making us all jump. We go through all the junk that is in this room and we finally find where the ringing sound is coming from. It's a wired phone.
—Someone answer it—Olivia whispers.
—Hello?—Zach answers the phone. The speaker is loud enough for all of us to hear.
—Zach Jones?—A woman asks.
—Yes...—Zach says with fright in his eyes. Then it sounds like the phone is being passed to someone else.
—Zach?—Madison's voice is shaky and it seems like she's been crying a lot.
—Madison! Where are you? Are you okay? What is going on?—Zach asks frantically.
—Okay, you've got to listen to me. I'll explain everything in a little. Just please, help me—she sobs.
—How can we help?—Zach answers.
—No, not them. You have to help me—she cries even more—they are doing terrible things to me Zach. The only way they'll set me free is if you do something for them. Oh, please do it Zach, please. I am begging you!—he looks confused and starts to breathe a little bit heavier. We all look at each other confused.
—Tell me, Madison.
—If you accept they will take boiling water and you have to put your hands in them. It's nothing really, Zach. You would set me free—Zach's eyes go wide.
—W-what is that for?
—I'll explain everything Zach just please, I am begging you to do it—He looks at us for help.
—Do it!—we all scream. We need to get her out and get the hell out of here.
—Zach, I don't have much time, they...
—I accept—and just like that the call gets cut off and the lock is unlocked at the door. Some guards come barging in with a bucket full of hot steaming water. We all get close to Zach and he looks so scared.
—I can do this—he says and the guards take his hands and dump them in the water. He starts screaming and his veins start to show on his forehead. We try to get in and help him but some guards stand in our way completely blocking us.
—Okay, he's done it. Take them out!—I scream at them.
One of the guards checks the time as if there is a protocol or something. They let us in but they don't let us take his hands out so we just gather around and try to help Zach out with the pain. My heart breaks seeing him cry and scream as his skin gets burned by the steaming water. Why are they doing this?
After about 10 minutes they take his hands out. They are read and swollen. The skin is pealing off and he starts to bleed. The guards leave and lock the door again. Felix grabs a cloth and tears it apart. Then he wraps it around each arm, Zach in torture. When he is done, Zach lays down and we all try to confort him. Which is obviously impossible since he is in terrible pain. He finishes sobbing as time passes and the whole room is quiet. What just happened?
Then we hear the lock unlock again and we all get as far as we can from the door. They push a girl in and close the door behind her. Then we finally realize it's Madison. She looks horrible. Her purple hair all messy, her skin pale and her eyes blood shot. She has circles under her eyes and her face looks like she had stopped breathing for a long time. Her lips are a little blue and she is shivering. She then looks from the floor to us and starts sobbing.

Halloween is over 😢 what did you guys dress up as? I was a zombie surgeon lol. It was fun and now I can't stop eating candy.
Anyways, you guys can finally tell what this story is going to be about! Kinda lol.
I promise it will get so much better. Hope you like it so far! :)

Twitter: @Jackiee_1212
Instagram: @jaquelineduarte1d

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